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Attack Moves & Escape Moves

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 7:06 pm
by Guest
A chat discussion on that oh-so-fun "How far can a character move in one melee action" topic reminded me that, with the exception of Leap, none of the Attack Moves or Escape Moves really say how far they let the character travel (in actual distance). Viva la Back Flip, Cartwheel, Handstand, Roll and Somersault!

Re: Attack Moves & Escape Moves

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 7:16 pm
by Sentinel
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:A chat discussion on that oh-so-fun "How far can a character move in one melee action" topic reminded me that, with the exception of Leap, none of the Attack Moves or Escape Moves really say how far they let the character travel (in actual distance). Viva la Back Flip, Cartwheel, Handstand, Roll and Somersault!

I always used the leap distance from acrobatics or gymnastics.

Re: Attack Moves & Escape Moves

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 12:41 pm
by Guest
Sentinel wrote:
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:A chat discussion on that oh-so-fun "How far can a character move in one melee action" topic reminded me that, with the exception of Leap, none of the Attack Moves or Escape Moves really say how far they let the character travel (in actual distance). Viva la Back Flip, Cartwheel, Handstand, Roll and Somersault!

I always used the leap distance from acrobatics or gymnastics.

I suppose I could see that for Back Flips and Handstands (maybe), but Rolls, Cartwheels and Somersaults aren't really "leaping" abilities. Of course, it DOES provide a quick number to use with relative ease (though N&S would be better served by having the basic leap distances provided by some of the other books, preferably the HUGMG version).

Re: Attack Moves & Escape Moves

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 2:37 pm
by Sentinel
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:
Sentinel wrote:
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:A chat discussion on that oh-so-fun "How far can a character move in one melee action" topic reminded me that, with the exception of Leap, none of the Attack Moves or Escape Moves really say how far they let the character travel (in actual distance). Viva la Back Flip, Cartwheel, Handstand, Roll and Somersault!

I always used the leap distance from acrobatics or gymnastics.

I suppose I could see that for Back Flips and Handstands (maybe), but Rolls, Cartwheels and Somersaults aren't really "leaping" abilities.
True enough, but with a cartwheel, I could generally cover about a meter and a half at least. I never measured somersaults or rolls, but I'm pretty sure I could cover 4-6 feet.

Of course, it DOES provide a quick number to use with relative ease (though N&S would be better served by having the basic leap distances provided by some of the other books, preferably the HUGMG version).

True that.