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PW: 3 Galaxies Timeline?

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 6:23 pm
by Braden Campbell
I am beginning to compile one, but it is such a pain that I thought I would ask if has been done before.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 6:58 pm
by Carl Gleba
I've been contemplating one. But I don't have anything written down yet.


Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 8:58 pm
by DhAkael
GABA HEY! :shock:
Now here's the question; time-line from the "great hiccup" when the Cosmic forge destroyed the "First" and then the "Other", or from the founding of the CWW UWW and TGE? :D

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 8:59 pm
by Braden Campbell
I've got about two pages so far, but a lot of it is going to be conjecture. The writers sure liked turns of phrase such as "several cetnutires ago", and "for over 100 years..."

I'll post it when its get a bit clearer.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 11:38 pm
by DhAkael
Is their going to be any refference to the advent of Humanity (homo-sapiens sapiens) ariving in the Tri-Galactic cluster? :D

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 9:09 am
by Braden Campbell
Here's what I've compiled so far. The negitives are the number of years ago.

Three Galaxies Timeline

-5 million Center, on Phase World, is thought to have been constructed. As to who the builders are, not even the native Prometheans know.

-1 million Ruins are left on Monro-Tet by an unknown race.

-50,000 The war against the Dominators. In the fighting most of the Elder Races are wiped out. A Black Hole Projector destroys the Dominator homeworld.

? The Vaast, a race of evil xenophobes, rules most of the Anvil Galaxy. They are so cruel, that their neighbours band together to destroy them. The war lasts 400 years. In a last-ditch effort to save their homeworld, they build and launch the Meganaught.

-10,000 The Kreeghor overthrow their Splugorthian masters and begin the foundations of the Trans-Galactic Empire.
Humans arrive in the Three Galaxies when several ships crash on Terra Prime.

-9000 The mad General Jurgo Kilter begins the Altess Holocaust. Millions of Altess die to fuel his insane dream. The fight to stop him rages across half the Anvil Galaxy.

-8982 After an 18 year pause in the slaughter, Jurgo Kilter begins again. He is finally defeated.

-6000 The Star Hunters destroy the Machinist civilization in the Anvil Galaxy. The few surviving Machinists build the Machine Men, who then turn against them. The Star Hunters are themselves hunted almost to extinction by the CosmoKnights.

-5000 The Pilgrims leave the Terran Home System.
The Human Alliance begins as the first, non-FTL “sleeper ships” head out into the Corkscrew Galaxy.
Center begins keeping a record of all its citizens.

-4000 The so-called Xodian Collective comes out of the galactic core, and establishes several large outposts. About 100 years later, they return to the Core. (conjecture: assumes an Altess generation is 500 years long, and this event happened eight generations ago in the 3rd Dynasty)

The Way of the Star, a cult, converts 40% of the Anvil Galaxy to its cause.

-3996 The mysterious Way of the Star cult vanishes. There are almost no records of this entire four-year period. Has someone wiped the galaxy’s memories?

-3000 An un-named enemy destroys all but one of the Machine People’s planets. The robots respond by bombing their attackers back to the Stone Age.

-1000 After suffering several invasions by their interstellar neighbors, the Golgan change their society into one made for war, and begin building a massive buffer zone around the Golgan Core Worlds.
The worlds of the Human Alliance are suddenly conquered by “Network”: a massive, interplanetary AI who enslaves mankind with robotic hordes. The Outer Colonies organize a rebellion to liberate Terra Prime and destroy Network. Thus begins the Automaton Wars. (campaign note)
he goddess Ameratsu teaches the Oni the secrets of technology, then leaves them, apparently forever.

-900 The Kreeghor colonize Beta-3, a nondescript world in the Corkscrew Galaxy.

-890 Beta-3 vanishes taking all TGE colonists with it. It is discovered that Ghostworld disappears every ten years for no more than three days.

-800 The Automaton Wars come to a close when Network’s main core is destroyed on Terra Prime. Mankind pledges to never again let thinking machines rise to power anywhere. (campaign note)

-700 The Human Alliance meets with, and allies itself to, the Noro. This marks the beginning of the Consortium of Civilized Worlds. The new alliance is soon tested by a full-on invasion from the Trans-Galactic Empire. (conjecture:“several centuries ago”)
The Golgan Republik is at its height, with 2000 star systems, including the worlds in the galactic north-east, and a population of over 5 trillion.

-500 The first Great War between the CCW and the TGE ends with a treaty signing in the Thundercloud Galaxy.

-550 The Koreda Matrix is discovered.

-350 The Goruvian Atrocity.

-333 333 people have the Forge Dream. This trend continues every year until the present day.

-300 The planet Ulmore decides to break away from the Golgan Republik. The Republikan Guard responds in force. The planet is all but decimated, and the Golgan fear to unleash their military again on member worlds.

Tired of being crapped on by haughty Golgan, several Larmac worlds break away from the Golgan Republik. They will eventually become the Central Alliance.

-250 The Union of Thought, a collaboration of crazed and evil scientists, begins the Voidmaker Project. It is believed that they are trying to build a black hole projector similar to the one that destroyed the Dominator’s homeworld.

-200 The Koreda Matrix vanishes.

-100 On planet Good Hope, a revolution begins in the TGE, spreading like wildfire. A Doombringer-class super carrier is captured.
The T’Zee are granted probationary CCW member status in exchange for their advanced nanotechnolgy. (conjecture:“over a century ago”)

-88 The Randal’s Star incident.

-75 The fighting on Axis-5, a world between the Free World Council and the TGE, begins. It drags on to this day.

-66 The Golgan planet of Mekanik is completely evacuated, leaving it run entirely by machines. The Council Scientifik is curious to see what will happen when the computers are left to make their own decisions.

-50 Pirate leader Jelka Ghensi tries to crash land on the planet Soribu. In trying to clean up the mess, and keep contamination of the indigenes to a minimum, they discover the Great Complexity.
The Rrynncrall Kingdom goes on an expansionary blitz, but is easily beaten back by both the TGE and the CCW. The war ends when hostilities threaten to break out between the two superpowers – they decide it’s not worth it and go home, leaving a few shattered Splugorth worlds.
The existence of the Doombringer-class ships is confirmed. CCW scientists begin to design their own “super carrier”.

-30 The Bushi Federation joins the CCW.

-24 A war breaks out between the CCW and the TGE.
The Consortium completes the Balanced Hammond Drive, and begins building the Emancipation-class Dreadnoughts. These ships are built exclusively within the Human Alliance, at the shipyards orbiting Goldielox. This causes some distress among CCW members.
(campaign note)

-20 The First Emancipation-class Dreadnought, CSS Emancipation, enters service.
The CCW/TGE war ends with victory for the Consortium. Several new worlds are liberated from the Kreeghor.

-17 The Meganaught, launched so many thousands of years previous, returns in orbit of the old Vaast home world (now in TGE space). It vaporizes some Kreeghor interceptors, then disappears again.

-10 Kotus Point, a familiar black hole, is discovered to have become a white hole. People start studying the emissions pouring out of it, looking for some kind of pattern.
The Pilgrims launch a full-scale invasion of the planet Isben. The Planetary Defense Force is wiped out within 9 hours. The CAF responds quickly, but the fighting is harsh and bloody. After 97 days, the Pilgrims evacuate, returning to the Core of the Anvil Galaxy. The reason for their attack remains unknown. (campaign note)

Obviously there is a lot more, and some serious questions to be answered. Foremost is that the humans have been acitve in space for 5000 years... but the CCW is arguably less than 1000 years old. So did the humans have "warp drive" before then, or were they just crawling around the Corkscrew until they met the Noro, then got the drive, and then exploded onto the scene...? (which is my pet theory)

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 9:18 pm
by Braden Campbell
After giving it a quick once over, my first question is how much of it is cannon, and how much is derived from your gaming campagins?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 1:25 pm
by DBX
not sure of this, but in this timeline, there appears to be no mention of the UWW, and the Splugorth in the 3 galaxies.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 9:14 pm
by Braden Campbell
so... although there is no official answer, what do we all think of human development in teh 3 Galaxies?

Terrans have been moving out into space for 5000 years...hell of a long time. And they only met the Noro a few centuries ago (read. several). Before that, there is only the Human Alliance, no Consortium.

But, from the sounds of it, the Noro were already putting a "Consortium of Civilized Worlds" when the humans joined. Which makes me think the humans were sucking kind of badly until then... maybe no FTL capability.

Do we think they developed CG drive on their own, or learned it from the Noro?

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 12:10 pm
by Braden Campbell
I have updated the Timeline...found a few more things in the books that should be included.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 12:03 pm
by Braden Campbell
Updated the timeline to include the Human fight against Network, and the development of CCW dreadnoughts.