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Ghost RCC (updated)

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 9:09 pm
by Beelzebozo
Again, it's something I wrote with Nightbane in mind, but I thought the BtS crowd might enjoy.

I did a little clean-up and added two new spectral abilities and a new limitation to my ghost R.C.C.. For those who don't know, this is a traditional "yes, I'm dead" ghost, as an alternative to Palladium's ghosts-as-entities approach.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 2:40 am
by Mike Taylor
Very cool, Beelzebozo. I had an idea that was about halfway between yours and the Haunting Entity that I had called the True Ghost. Essentially, my explanation was that sometimes a haunting entity would drink too deeply of the PPE of a dying person. What would happen is that the deceased's persona and memories would completely overwrite its own. It would become that person permanently.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 10:59 am
by Beelzebozo
I've just never cared much for the idea of ghostlike entities being something from outside instead of the spirits of someone left over (tectonics and the rest are a different matter). I thought I'd just throw the idea out entirely and try to give ghosts a fairly wide range of abilities. I've got a few examples in mind:

- a "hot steam": mindless and permanently invisible, lies in wait along roads at night to drain life from passersby. Not *quite* completely invisible, appears as a shimmer like heat. Especially vulnerable to exorcism.

-the headless motorcyclist: based on the urban legend of the guy decapitated by sheet metal while riding, this ghost doesn't know he's dead. He rides a certain stretch of road over and over. Has the Enhanced Ghost Object ability (his motorcycle, which fades into nothingness if he is exorcised or destroyed).

I'm trying to think of a few more (preferring to base them on old/traditional folklore or urban legends/"new folklore" instead of Hollywood ghosts). I'll probably append them to the ghost page itself, but a few may end up in my write-up for Nightbane Charleston (which is probably the most ghost-riddled city in the U.S.). The Charleston branch of the Seekers is closer to a traditional BtS investigator group like the Lazlo Agency than the Faction's usual artifact hounds.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 11:04 pm
by Beelzebozo
Oh, I've kept entities in there, too. The weirdness of them can't be denied. I'm...not sure why I typed that "throw it out entirely" thing. I don't think I was thinking straight. That, or I was demonically possessed. Or not demonically possessed, as the case may be (with us demon clowns, it's confusin').

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 12:48 am
by Mike Taylor
Sightblinder and demon clowns in the same thread?

There's gonna be blood here in a minute! :eek: