What do the AtB,s said about the Seas?

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What do the AtB,s said about the Seas?

Unread post by gaby »

What do the AtB,s said about the Seas?

I am thinking about making some Underseas,s Kingdoms.

Is ther any thing I can Wokr with?
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Unread post by Jefffar »

Yeah, 2 things

1) Reports of ships with black sails

2) Most who go out of sight of land don't come back.
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Unread post by gordyzx9r »

Road Hogs has mutant animal templates for aquatic animals. And the new AtB has references to certain European entities having a substantial Navy. Didn't the black sails ships appear in another Palladium product as well?
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Unread post by Nowhere65 »

I've had ideas of colonies out on the old oil and gas platforms, namely after seeing the Modern Marvels show about the huge Troll gas platform off the Norwegian (SP!) cost. The thing is set on the sea bed with giant hollow supports.

Maybe inhabited but mutant rats and mice as well as mutant birds. Trade oil, gas and fish for wood and metals.

You could even go so far as merpeople (various fish-man) living on the sea floor. Though it'd be a bit difficult for them to be tech societies.

I tend to think that the aquatic life, like insect life, was less likely to change toward the human look. Rather they became monsterous in size and ability, but not real intelegent...
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Unread post by gaby »

I think some Humans underseas Atlantic colonies could have survives in the AtB,s World.

I say They will stay in Isolation for 250 years and are Exploring what changed in the World.

Any one have any ideas?
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Unread post by gordyzx9r »

I had thought about using the idea of resorts, and undersea universities in AtB. Typical stuff would ensue, they'd have algea farms, and be exceptional salvagers. Never got the chance to pursue it. Wasn't there a really old movie about a man and his daughter who lived in a sunken Cruise Liner and survived for years and years until oceanographers stumbled across them? I've also used the off shore oil rig theme in my campaigns. [/url]
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Unread post by Jefffar »

The ATB setting is close enough to the apocolypse that a few elders remember the pre-apocolypse, not 250 years down the line.
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Unread post by gordyzx9r »

Jefffar wrote:The ATB setting is close enough to the apocolypse that a few elders remember the pre-apocolypse, not 250 years down the line.

I think that depends on which setting your using, the original AtB or AtB2.
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Unread post by Jefffar »

gordyzx9r wrote:
Jefffar wrote:The ATB setting is close enough to the apocolypse that a few elders remember the pre-apocolypse, not 250 years down the line.

I think that depends on which setting your using, the original AtB or AtB2.

I have seen references to elders who witnessed the cataclysm stilla live in the ATB main book and in Mutants Down Under
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Unread post by gordyzx9r »

Jefffar wrote:
gordyzx9r wrote:
Jefffar wrote:The ATB setting is close enough to the apocolypse that a few elders remember the pre-apocolypse, not 250 years down the line.

I think that depends on which setting your using, the original AtB or AtB2.

I have seen references to elders who witnessed the cataclysm stilla live in the ATB main book and in Mutants Down Under

Alot of people try to focus on the comic in Road Hogs that insinuates one of the Turtles is still alive, albeit he's obviously much older. In my campaigns where I had individuals who were present for the Death I would use a multitude of scenarios to justify their continued existence...everything from methuselahism, cryogenics, genetics, chemistry, etc.
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Unread post by gaby »

What is the number between the AtB,s Big Death and it,s Current time?

I need to known the number of years have pass so the Population of my undersea colony is not to big.

It have a pop of 520 at the time of the Big Death.

A Sister ship of the Uss Ticonderoga (from Rifts underseas) will join them.
it,s call U.S.S Bunker Hill.
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Unread post by abtex »

It does not have anything about AtB in the Sea. But the cover of The Rifter® #15

http://www.palladiumbooks.com/Merchant2 ... _Code=R100

has always made me wonder about Mutants at Sea. A floating city or super platform just off shore. It could also be the upper floors of an old city being used as a new city with underwater habitats.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
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Unread post by Rali »

gaby wrote:What is the number between the AtB,s Big Death and it,s Current time?

I need to known the number of years have pass so the Population of my undersea colony is not to big.

It have a pop of 520 at the time of the Big Death.

A Sister ship of the Uss Ticonderoga (from Rifts underseas) will join them.
it,s call U.S.S Bunker Hill.

I once had the aproximate number of years calculated out from the time of the "Crash" / "Big Death" and the time insinuated by certain NPC descriptions in the book, but I can't find it right now. If I were to wager a guess, I'd say that it worked out to be 60 years or so. Most assuradly less than century.

I don't have the book with me (am at work) but there are at least three NPC's to note when trying to determine the time:

#1 - Emperor Christian: he was around before the "Crash", and it took him a while to find the fusion reactor(?) where he laid the foundation for Technoville and the Human Empire. I can't remember if his true age is listed in his Bio, but you can figure that he was somewhere in his twenties when the "Crash" happened.

#2 - The Elder Horse (can't remember his name) in the Plains of the Free Cattle. He was also from the time before the "Crash".

#3 - The mad scientist from the game scenario in the original AtB book (was that included in the 2nd Edition? Can't remember...). I'm sure he was alive before the "Crash", and his age may be listed as well.

Working all that together I'm sure only 60-or-so years have passed since the "Crash".
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Unread post by Rali »

gordyzx9r wrote:I had thought about using the idea of resorts, and undersea universities in AtB. Typical stuff would ensue, they'd have algea farms, and be exceptional salvagers. Never got the chance to pursue it. Wasn't there a really old movie about a man and his daughter who lived in a sunken Cruise Liner and survived for years and years until oceanographers stumbled across them? I've also used the off shore oil rig theme in my campaigns. [/url]

Wow! That's given me quite a few ideas. Sweet link, thanks. :)

For other ideas, I would recommend checking out some of the episodes from the old(?) TV series, Sea Quest. If you can find anyone who taped the series. It's full of underwater adventure ideas, not to mention the most kick&## submarine. :D
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Unread post by gordyzx9r »

AtB and AtB2 both talk about the Crash (or the Death, as I prefer it to be called) happening a few years after the beginning of the 21st century (circa 2003?), and Mutants In Avalon even specifically states that the Mutants in Avalon scenario/campaign is occuring 150 years after the Crash. Also, you can't use the year 1999 as that is the date that the EHS Joesph McCarthy was built and I'd highly doubt that people are going to be too awfully concerned with building an eco friendly aircraft carrier during a war.

Also, Transdimensional TMNT states that "After the Bomb" as described in the original supplements occurs 2113 AD (page 77). 2113 being the state of affairs as depicted in the supplements, not the time of the cataclysm itself.

But there are discrepancies...the Emperor is 96 years old, and it does state that he was leading a renegade a militaty unit at the time of the apocalypse and "liberated" the nuclear reactor from a peaceful scientific community. If he was military, and he was the leader of a military unit prior to the Death, I would feel more comfortable putting him in his late twenties to early thirties; but it depends on what rank he was (I'd be conservative and use Captain). That gives an approximate current setting date of somewhere around 2063.

Wilbur is listed at being 136 years old, and again, he is from the time of the apocalypse. He's a 14th level post graduate Doctor, I'd say he was early 40's at the time of the Death. That gives an approximate current setting date of somewhere around 2099.

Weschek, leader of the Plains of the Free Cattle is 84 and his description also states that he was born before the cataclysm. He's a horse, so it really doesn't matter too much what age he was at the time of the Death since we don't have a background to go off of like Wilbur's education level.

Mutants of the Yucatan makes reference to an elderly Dr. Ralph Flemes whom teaches Yum Nacom Itzcoli (Paco) about a Quantum Device; as well as some other stuff. Anyways, we don't get an age on the good doctor but we could interpolate it if we really wanted too given that we know Paco is 40, and that Paco killed the doctor when he was 13.

Using Christian, Wilbur, and Weschek's ages make the 150 year mark and 2113 hard to swallow. But, there are references to all nonetheless. The arguement could be made that Transdimensional TMNT isn't an AtB supplement, and the 2113 is listed as a twist, so some rules lawyers may be able to get that tossed out. But, Mutants in Avalon specifically states that it's scenario is occuring 150 years after the Death occurs. So between Emperor Christian and Mutants in Avalon, we've lost somewhere in the neighborhood of 80 to 90 years.

I prefer the 2113 date myself.
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Unread post by gordyzx9r »

gaby wrote:A Sister ship of the Uss Ticonderoga (from Rifts underseas) will join them. it,s call U.S.S Bunker Hill.

IMO something like the Ticonderoga would be too much boat for AtB, it's riftsdiculously huge. That, and the EHS Joseph McCarthy is insinuated as being the current naval technological wonder of it's time (circa 1999).

I kinda like the missing u-boat and Nazi Antarctica stronghold resurfacing (do a search on missing u-boats, there are alot missing; and there are some good conspiracy sites about the Antarctica stronghold). I wouldn't use Nazi's in the sense of the goose stepping humans of the '40s...but you could make it tongue in cheek and make them the genetic offspring of the third reich who use upgraded '40s technology (ie u-boats, halftracks, tiger tanks, etc).
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Unread post by gaby »

O.K it,s too big!

Here is My idea the Atlantic republic.
Pop:22500(98% prue Humans and 2% psionic human)
splt in between 9 undersea,s Stations.

Capital Neptune city.

Government,Executive Leader is Elected every 4 years,a sente every 6 years.the Leader is Call Grand Admiral.

Any one that have seved or is seving in the Navy are eligible to vote.

Education is high.100% literacy in English,98% in Basic Matn and Computer operation.

I will give more info later.
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Unread post by Rali »

gordyzx9r wrote:AtB and AtB2 both talk about the Crash (or the Death, as I prefer it to be called) happening a few years after the beginning of the 21st century (circa 2003?)...

This discussion is beyond the scope of the original topic, so I've started a new thread to hold it: After The Bomb: A question of chronology.
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Unread post by gordyzx9r »

Pride of America is a new Cruise Liner that is just huge. I could see this getting turned into a floating city in AtB. 920' long with an occupancy of 2,146. It has 10 bars, 8 restaurants, 3 outdoor pools, health spa, gym, disco, theatre, casino, tennis courts, etc.
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Unread post by Rali »

gordyzx9r wrote:Pride of America is a new Cruise Liner that is just huge. I could see this getting turned into a floating city in AtB. 920' long with an occupancy of 2,146. It has 10 bars, 8 restaurants, 3 outdoor pools, health spa, gym, disco, theatre, casino, tennis courts, etc.

Only problem with these big boats is what to do when they break down? Replacement parts would be hard to come by.

*sniff, sniff* I smell an adventure. :lol:
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Unread post by gordyzx9r »

Geronimo 2.0 wrote:
Rali wrote:
gordyzx9r wrote:Pride of America is a new Cruise Liner that is just huge. I could see this getting turned into a floating city in AtB. 920' long with an occupancy of 2,146. It has 10 bars, 8 restaurants, 3 outdoor pools, health spa, gym, disco, theatre, casino, tennis courts, etc.

Only problem with these big boats is what to do when they break down? Replacement parts would be hard to come by.

*sniff, sniff* I smell an adventure. :lol:
Beach it on a nice big, but isolated, island and scavenge all you can to build a tropical paradise.

Or you could go the Water World route (c'mon...I know you've watched it) and have a horde of slaves with oars.
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