Which is your favorite Pc you have created?

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Josh Sinsapaugh
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Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

I mostly GM, but m favorite player character is my most recent: A Trimadore Techno-Wizard that goes by the name Voltaire.

When using this character I become the "Monkey Wrench" of the group (the one that the GM does not suspect and who consistently finds super creative ways to do almost anything).

He pretends to be Very sophisticated, he carries around his TW Wing Board but never uses as he finds the device to be "juvenile," even though he loves the damn thing and uses it in secret.
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Unread post by Rimmerdal »

I like my Psi-tech best, my RDF Comm engineer a close second. Cool abilities and I can act like a geek for the Psi-tech and my CE is a bit of one herself..
taalismn wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..

Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.

Unread post by Guest »

I have a Crazy that calls himself "Graze Iest". In his most recent adventure, he was arrested for breaking into a building of Coalition property. He was hired by a man in the Burbs to steal the merchandise in there, and after being arrested and taken to a holding cell, the Lieutenant offered to go easy on me if I help bring in the one who employed me. They released me (though I was being closely followed and supervised), and I (and the other players who were also arrested) climbed into a vehicle that was provided to us. Not 10 seconds in the car, I reached over the seat and put my hands over the drivers eyes, who promptly spun out of control, not 50 feet from the ISS station. I was pulled out and promptly beaten unconscious. I almost died at least twice in that game. The only reason I survived the beating was a lucky roll. Gotta thank Jer on that well ran game. Graze is my favorite character.
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Josh Sinsapaugh
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Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

Res Sin Kai wrote:I have a Crazy that calls himself "Graze Iest". In his most recent adventure, he was arrested for breaking into a building of Coalition property. He was hired by a man in the Burbs to steal the merchandise in there, and after being arrested and taken to a holding cell, the Lieutenant offered to go easy on me if I help bring in the one who employed me. They released me (though I was being closely followed and supervised), and I (and the other players who were also arrested) climbed into a vehicle that was provided to us. Not 10 seconds in the car, I reached over the seat and put my hands over the drivers eyes, who promptly spun out of control, not 50 feet from the ISS station. I was pulled out and promptly beaten unconscious. I almost died at least twice in that game. The only reason I survived the beating was a lucky roll. Gotta thank Jer on that well ran game. Graze is my favorite character.

:lol: ROTFL

Damn, reminds me of one of my players.

Kudos for the good playing in character too.

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Unread post by demos606 »

My personal favorites to play are Icarus and Incognito, my Spliers Archangel and Scarecrow. Icarus is about as fatalistic as they come but he's taking out as many robots as he can in that final blaze of glory; Incognito is a quasi-NPC used as much for plot advancement as group support (Scarecrow can be sooooooooooo much fun to play). In a lot of ways, Carmen actually did for Rifts what CJ tried to do for PF with LotD.
What a cruel thing is war: to separate and destroy families and friends, and mar the purest joys and happiness God has granted us in this world; to fill our hearts with hatred instead of love for our neighbors, and to devastate the fair face of this beautiful world. - R E Lee
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. - G Orwell
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Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Favorite PCs of mine:

Killer Cyborg from Heck
Probably the first Rifts character I ever made, KC is a shifter/summoner who passes himself off as a borg. Currently he has a suit of Borg armor that has been specially converted to fit him and that has been enchanted to be Weightless, Noiseless, to Regenerate, and to have additional damage capacity. He is currently leading his people against the Mechanoids on Rifts Earth, and has established a town of refugees on the east coast called KCville.

A mutant bat longbowman, Basil joined KC & Company during their time on the Palladium world. Basil was born as a normal bat, but he was soon turned into a familiar by an evil (and psychotic) witch named Crusia Kittarn. Crusia (a former summoner) had learned of an ancient circle of power from the Intelligence she was linked to; a circle that could mutate animals. Crusia used the circle to transform her familiar into a tall, stunningly handsome young man with red eyes, fangs, and bat wings.
Basil eventually managed to escape from the witch and traveled the countryside trying to survive.
He was forced to be a loner, because his wings, eyes, and fangs led many ignorant peasants to assume that he was a vampire or demon. Over time, he picked up skill in the longbow and became an assassin for hire.
Basil teeters between his basically good nature, and the bitterness and hatred that was driven into him by the abusive witch. In his time with KC and company, Basil has grown as a person and become more humane, learning that there are some trustworthy people in the world and that not all problems in life should be solved by shooting somebody in the back with a poisoned arrow. Unfortunately, his personal growth has been set back recently because his wings were destroyed in a battle with several mechanoid Wasps. The rage and frustration at losing one of his few true joys in life, the simple pleasure of flight, not to mention the loss of two of his limbs, has set him back severly in his path to redemption.

Remington Swift, AKA "The Amazing Remington"
Remington was a promising stage magician from HU Earth, who was on the verge of getting his own TV special. Unfortunatly, his last performance was made at the wrong place (the Bermuda Triangle), the wrong time (The equinox at midnight), and using the wrong bit of flavor (reciting an old Latin scroll he found in a library, in an attempt to give the show a "realistic feel"), and he vanished from the face of HU Earth forever, ending up on Rifts Earth.
Once there, he quickly discovered that the supersticious population of this post-apocalyptic world believed in magic. He hired himself out as a mage, passing off bits of modern knowledge and sleight of hand tricks as magic.
After a while, he learned that there really IS magic on Rifts Earth as well as demons, monsters, etc. He is extremely curious about learning real magic, but does not understand its workings.
When he finds himself in actual combat he uses his "magic wand" (a disguised ion rod), as well as "fireballs" (plasma grenades produced from his sleeves and rigged to burst into flame when thrown). He prides himself on his wit and intelligence and avoids combat when he can, trying to think or talk his way through problems rather than fight.
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"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

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Unread post by SkyeFyre »

Well, I've got 2-3.

Elizabeth "Ice" Crowley
Civilized Psi-Stalker (Ex-Mercenary)
Alignment: Principled
Has the insanity of hating violence and will become violent in order to stop any acts of violence. She got this from one mission where she accidentally killed an innocent. Forgetful, will be in the middle of doing something intense (Escaping from a base, making it to a control terminal and needing to punch in the password and then freezing up and going... uhhh... what was it again?) Over the course of the game she learned the arts of magic because it's a lot easier to resolve situations peacefully with magic. Has a great interest in pre-rifts artifacts and actually loves old clothing. She has tailoring and often times is the one who designs and repairs the party's clothes.

Still working on the name... but I'm thinking something like... Steph Ascope, or something doctor related
Body Fixer
Alignment: Scrupulous
He's a regular traveling doctor who just wants to help. Often gets depressed so he smokes and drinks to try and escape from his problems. However when things get too intense, when something threatens him, anything around him, something bothers him he has a split personality that is Diabolical that will stop at nothing to make sure that the other personality is happy. (Sort of a big brother kinda thing, just evil... and likes to use scalpels). Since he drinks and smokes so much he's learned how to make his own and tends to be intoxicated half of the time.
"Hey doc... what're you doing? I'm fine, get that knife away from me"
"Tiiiimme... fer yooor... che*hic*up"

Gabriel Matthews
Ex Coalition Military Specialist
Alignment: Was Aberrant, now I'm not sure what it's moved up to
In a nutshell. Old character who had a heroic death when involved in a time traveling game. Makes a deal with a Vampire Intelligence, becomes a master vampire, manages to somehow turn around on it (I have it all worked out... just too long to write up here) with some friends (Ancient Dragon, being one... along with many others... so they're not weak friends) Seal the intelligence away so that Gabriel may live (Can't kill it or he dies *again* too). Now he's trying to redeem his past actions (Was a heartless coalition soldier who in his last moments of life realized the wrong of his ways). Thinking of making him a really high alignment like Principled. It would make things interesting.

My 3 only, and favorite.
"If your party is doing anything but running like hell trying not to get vaporized, the GM is not running the Mechanoids correctly." -Geronimo 2.0
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Unread post by TechnoGothic »

my favorite was a Power Armor Pilot ( Nazca PA ).
Over the course of 3 years our time, i worked up resources to get "hard MDC" and made a custom Nazca PA with it.
It had 600 MDC before the force field came on, and 1,800 MDC with the force field strengthening on.

ohh the normal "hard" mdc nazca had 400 mdc no force field, 1200 mdc with force field...

the GB-Nazca had the 600 mdc/1800 mdc
Last edited by TechnoGothic on Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:04 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Unread post by Larsen »

favorite character was a headhunter that went by the name Si. He was a gruff man in need of a constant shave that lost his left arm and right eye to an explosion. He said what he meant and meant what he said. A man of few words, others around him learned to pay attention when he did speak. His best friend was murdered by a glitterboy's boom gun. He spent the next three years tracking down the murderer. The glitterboy pilot and si faced off three times before he avenged his comrade. The final battle took place in the middle of a gangland war zone in the ruins of an old city. Si threw his opponent out of the remains of a 4 story building onto a pit of gravel and rocks. Sadly si died shortly afterwards from excessive blood loss and fatigue.......or did he?
Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear. -Thomas Jefferson
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Unread post by Qev »

I think my favorite Rifts character was probably Mad Molly, my strange Dog Boy (er... Dog Girl) renegade. She had some almost suicidal habits (one of which was that she generally travelled about on her motorcycle without wearing any sort of MD armor, figuring a red leather jacket (with tassles!) was good enough...), made jewelry out of spent shells, and tended to collapse to the ground in a heap unexpectedly, as she often forgot to warn her companions before using Astral Projection.

Oh, and she called everyone "Bruce". Absolutely everyone. :)
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