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Musings of a wanna-be writer

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 3:56 pm
by DhAkael
Having a pet writers block is a pain .
Having a pet writers block which is crushing the everliving snot outa you, while you have over a dozen ideas that are just screaming to be let out is a MOTRIN pain! :x :frust: :x :frust: :x :frust: :nuke:
But I digress...

Here's a question though; would people be interested in a hyper-tech power in the Phase-world universe?
I,m not talking the CCW or TGE, or heck even the Altess Freehold. I'm talking (allegedly; Beaux still hasn't finished the manuscript) Attorian stylee hypertech! Not so much a galaxy spanning empire, but more a closed-border protectorate of about 3 or 4 solar systems, but which has the potential to deffend against, or even defeat, most threats...
Also, this power-bloc would have an aggenda, a 'manifest destiny' that would have it become a key player in the megaversal stage.

Before anyone starts squalling like a stuck wombat about "Powercreep" (I am getting so sick of THAT complaint...take a look at White Wolf games if you want to have an example of 'creep in power'), hear me out.
The tech that would be described would be an order of magnitude about 2 to 3 x's that as described in the PW books, but much 'barouque' and subtle than just out-&-out "guns guns & more guns". Also, What I envision is an 'elightend self interest' for these people; they do NOT want domination, but they do want order, and are willing to "make cosmic sacrifices" for it.

As the title suggests, this is just musing and brain storming right now, but any commentary that is constructiveis welcome :D :ok:

Also, as my other post viewtopic.php?t=44178 states, I'm also working on a couple of 'Fics' to submit as well. Those on the other hand are not open for debate/pre-publication flame-warring :D

Anyhoo, keep it surreal folks.

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 4:11 pm
by Rimmerdal
Then go Senate or enlightened Monarch/Fuedalism. Allow the politics and ineraction of character to take a higher importance then the tech.

A power sturcture like the Minbari like Gadrin mentions would be good for such a setting. it allows intrigue but ensures the governing body does something.

as for tech I can't give advice there..I haven't read my Phase world yet.

Hmmm..disturbing trend...

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 4:59 pm
by DhAkael
Looks like there are far too many who worship that false god 'Heinlien'.
You do know he was a "close" personal friend of Mr. Hubbard yes?
Not to mention a rabid Republican libertarian who was one of a small few that convinced Ronald Regan that the SDI was "A really really good idea"?
No? Well, good morning and smell the cuppacino :P :P :P :P :P :thwak:
But I digress.
Millitary autocracies are something NOT to be striven for, and mark an evolutionary step back from enlightenment. Even that egotistical hack Heinlien admitted that 'Starship Troopers' was a realy bad idea for a world political model, although it would force anyone with political goals to serve on the front-lines; thus ensuring they would know exactly what they'd be sending their boys & girls out into when the war drums call
:nuke: :demon: :nuke: :demon:
Hmmm..maybe I've contradicted m'self here...seeing as how if GW Bush HAD served in a front-line battle unit I am pretty sure he would have gone a much different route.

Oh well, n'er mind...long and short of it is, I know exactly where my hypothetical PW power will be Gvmnt. wise; I am just too lazy & distracted right now to type away.

((P.S. Nice edit of the post title...I see the manifesto is alive and well despite Maryanns' absence. Ah well...)) :P


Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 10:37 pm
by DhAkael
What to do what to do?
:frust: :frust: :frust: :frust: :badbad: :frust: :thwak: :badbad: :frust: :nuke: :ok:

Time for me to drag-out my copy of 3-galaxies and the AU:GG and start crackin' pencils, keyboards, etc...
Beats waiting for the dang phone to ring... :x :frust: :x :frust: :x :frust: :thwak: :thwak: :x :frust: :ok: :nuke:

Anyone want to adopt a used pet writers block?

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 4:15 pm
by DhAkael
Anyone interested in a pet writers block?
I gladly trade this ill temperd beast for my old muse back. :P
Just can't seem to get my fingers to hit those keys in an interesting pattern, or make that pencil create 'wonderful things'.
:frust: :frust: :frust: :frust: :frust: :frust: :frust: :frust: :frust: :frust:
Maybe a pint or 2 of Guiness or Strongbow might work...
Pity absinthe is illegal still (true absinth that is); that seemed to work for the Shelly's and Mr. Stoker :demon: :bandit: :fl: :nuke: :ok:

How's THIS for a kick to the three-piece?

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 1:31 pm
by DhAkael
-Grandfather dies last night.
-IMAX pictures loses the contract that I was going to be hired on to work on.
A great one-two punch to the ole' cerebellum.
At least it'll make my 'Fic' a lot more poingant...nothing like Karma taking a massive swat at you to get the "ANGST" going :( :x

Now, did I carry the two...?

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 3:49 pm
by DhAkael
Number crunching and converting from AU:GG to Phaseworld, plus using a few systems I've cobbled together from scratch...oi-vey I say! :P
Should be good though; something to make a Kreeghor Doombringer sit up and take notice :D
Now, where did I leave that Anti-matter containment system...? :? :nuke:

Goody goody goody!

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 4:21 pm
by DhAkael
Well, I feel better.
After having a few peeps proof-read and review my 'fic'-in-progress, I can truly say I am confident it is "good".
Thus I shall continue writing it and when possible submit it to Rifter land.
Me am happy with this :D :D :D :fl: :ok:

Re: Hmmm..disturbing trend...

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:05 am
by DhAkael
hukilau wrote: And what's wrong with Republicans?


Um, I'm Canadian...and a Liberal;which, in Canuckle-ville is a viable political party, and not as in the USA, synonomous with "Baby Eating Devil Worshper Pinko Commie"

Liberals in Canada are just as money grubbing, duplicitous and backstabbing as any other poltical party, but they do it with style and a smile on their face! :demon:
Case in point: Piere Elliot Trudeau...a bastard, steel hearted, womanizing and arrogant, but damn...he had brains, style...and HUMANITY :D :ok:

Cross-over mania!!!!

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:27 pm
by DhAkael
Hmmm...despite KS's aversion to cross contamination,
(RE: viewtopic.php?t=44388 )
my fic has 2 main characters comming from the Tri-Galactic system to Rifts Earth.
Not saying how...that's all part of the story. Just wondering if I'll be stonewalled due to KS's "Metaplotting" or if I'll have a fair chance?... and Protector class cap-ships or Cosmo-Kniggits taking over Chi-Town.
Much as I'd smile at that scenario, I'm not that lame to try and get something with that plot twist published :P
Just a nice story of boy meets girl, girl meets boy, and a running fire fight ensues while they "try and talk things over" :P :lol:

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 10:41 am
by Syndicate
Ah, well, perhaps you should try something a bit unorthodox. An administrative body composed of individuals chosen from all supporting worlds. Each of these "electoriates" represents a universal form of executive influence for these prospective worlds (i.e. the representative from planet Gion is the chief of operatings for the military component, the representative from planet Jur'dermix is Head enforcement official for domestic disputes...and so forth). Once gathered for a collective purpose (trade with another world, war erupting within their system, lethal pathogen breakout) each acts as extension of their representation which is in turn influenced by majority decision. Thus giving almost complete power to only the most experienced of people (or aliens).

Or just consider a counsel.... :o

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 9:56 am
by Sir_Spirit
I like the idea of the Vorlons.
A mysterious powerful race that Nobody screws with.
The have their own agenda but only "own" a few systems.
As for the Gov't why assume the have one at all?
Maybe they've evolved beyond needing leaders.

If you insist on them having a gov't. Then what if the equivalent of congress wasn't voted in, but was randomly chosen like we choose Juries for jury duty?

Then the "psuedoCongress" chooses a "Council of Sovereigns" that is the equivalent of our president's Cabinet, but without a president. IF need be they have randomly rotating Chairperson who only has authority over/during the meetings of the group.