Ninjas & Superspies 1/2

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Ninjas & Superspies 1/2

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I was going through my old archives and came across some topics that looked like they still had some potential for discussion as well as being of possible interest to people who joined the message boards after they originally occured.

Kuseru Satsujin wrote:Mantisking and I have been discussing various ideas for making a Rifter 9 1/2 version of N&S. Including things like McDojo, cheesy super spies, humorous martial arts and martial art powers, etc. What we are polling for are ideas and thoughts to make this as funny as possible. We are looking for things like cheesy martial art spoofs, secret agent gags, a good title, new skills, hillarious weapons (like Nerf weapons), and anything else that would contribute to the general humor. Any thoughts from anyone else?

shotgunlo wrote:OK, this is just some quick ideas off the top of my head. I probably won't develop them, so I give it away for free as inspiration to others. Just make sure you site me as a contributor.

Ticklitsu: The delicate art of tickling victims (to death?). Also some tickling atemi abilities.

Arts of Visibility: Yup, for the characters whose entire mission in life is to be a distraction. Perhaps also a martial art form centered around being an obvious target and taking damage. Penalties to M.A. and such too, like the inverse of the Warrior Spirit Special Kata. Even chi spirits may take a disliking to him. Eventual path to the (Un?-)enlightened Form of Immortality: The Immortal Geezer (as described later). Belching/Farting Martial Art techniques.

Negtative chi powers that can prevent laughter, bring on fits of depression, sensitivity to others. Maybe as a sub-section of Negative Chi Control.

For secret operative types, look to the Super Mario Brothers for inspiration. Plumbing gadgets that can do all sorts of wacky things. Plunger grappling hooks. "Snake" cyber-parts (you know, the little tentacle thing that goes into drains with a little hook for wrenching out hairballs, condoms, massive turds, etc). Toilet brushes, well, that scrub toilets, who would mess with someone weilding one of these? [Moderated]



Chi-powered elemental attacks. So I guess that would be Pos & Neg for Fire, Earth, Water, Wood, & Metal. So you can chuck fireballs and so on. Water might be a super-sweat so you have a bonus to escape holds & locks or something.

Immortal geezer. Immortal, but too old, weak, and senile to be of much help. Just can't die. Probably sick of life and looking for help in dying. Maybe none of the Yama Kings want to accept responsibility for this one so they all avoid him.


Infernal powers: Infernal stench (demon's got one hell of a gas problem. Haha, demon/hell. Oh well, I thought it was witty). Gifted bootlicker (I don't know what exactly you could do for this, but I trust someone could come up with something). Belching expert (maybe combine this with infernal stench).


[Moderated] Anal retention as a martial art technique.

Well, I hope this is a start for somebody other than me. I think some of this could be done fairly well, actually. I may do some things of my own to help out, but these are all the ideas I got right now. Actually, one of the things I'm trying to develop is a martial art form revolving around midget wrestling. I think that would fit in here somewhere.

Jarold wrote:Wu Tang Kung Fu Style

Fight while you rap for your life.

shotgunlo wrote:Either you guys aren't working very hard, or you have no sense of humor. Come on, throw some more ideas out for other people to create because you are lazy. THats what I'm doing. So a couple more ideas:

Geisha O.C.C.

Kabuki skill

Aren't giant robots what half of Japanimation is known for? Shouldn't that be in here somewhere?

Understand VCR directions martial arts techniques. This will be the only person who can set the clock on the VCR.


Ever see the Magnificent Butcher (Chow Yun Fat, I think)? Using paint brushes or chop sticks or other small utensils in combat. Not Moo Gi Gong type stuff of using them as weapons, but using them as they are supposed to be used while engaged in combat.


Positive chi attacks as the antithesis of Neg. chi attacks.

Poor dubbing. The ability to talk far out of sink with mouth movements, body language, and facial expression.

Already got Dim Mak, the touch of Death. How about the poke of Annoyance.

Rules for sepukku. "Sorry, your character failed his sepukku roll and still lives, but talks in a much higher octave."

Info on organ snatching rings. Yes I know this is very real, and not funny if you've ever lost a kidney. But I still got both of mine, so I'm laughing.

Martial art mathematic skills. Yes we all know the stereotype. So that makes it fun to play into. Super calculation as a Martial Art Technique, or even as a Special Kata, I suppose.

Bah, I'm sorry. I got nothin' tonight. Thats why this list mostly sucks. Still, I haven't seen much else listed, so lets see some better work. Chop-chop!

shotgunlo wrote:I wrote this last night/this morning, but my internet connection went down. So here is my next string of additions to this thread:

I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier, considering this is what half my life revolves around. Martial Art drinking skills.

In college, I had a friend and we came up with Tai Chi shots. Basically what happens with it is you do a whole bunch of nifty poses and pseudo-strikes near (but not actually coming into contact) with the other person. Ideally, you should mirror each other. This all culminates in the actual shot which you slam down your throat as hard as possible. However, since you try to mirror each other, you try to fake the other person out ever so slightly that when the other keeps up with you it looks really cool to the rest of the drunken yobos.

We also went out on the softball field and used the pitchers mound for our amateur sumo competitions. Neither one of us know anything about sumo except slap the knees and try to knock the other one out of the ring. Still it was a lot of fun.

I think ESPN had a commercial of those Russian guys who were slapping each other in the face across a table until the other one spit. That might work out as something. There was also the Japanese guy who looked like he was trying to catch a tree. Thats got to be worth something.

Crushing beer cans skill. On your head, in your hands, between the butt cheeks, whatever works. Almost certainly body hardening, although it may be a Martial Art Technique.

Can't forget about opening up beer bottles without an opener and without breaking the glass.

Zen card-cheating skills.

The evil curse of the macarena!

Learning to let the pink elephants take care of you.

Drunken stacking skills. Beeramids, card houses, domino tracks, funnels, louges, the usual stuff.

Well, I'm running low on ideas to throw at you. And mind you I'm not planning on developing these, just inspiring them for others to create. Other board readers, please help!

Mantisking wrote:Martial Art Techniques
Bad Dubbing
: The character can can move his lips out of sync with the words that he is speaking. This will confuse the opponent for 1D6 Melee Rounds if successful. The opponent must make a Saving Throw vs. Psionics or be -3 to all combat rolls. To use this ability the character must make a successful Ventriloquism skill check. Prerequisite: Ventriloquism skill.

Karate Chop: Deathblow on a Natural 16+.

Judo Chop: Knockout/Stun on a Natural 14+

Mantisking wrote:Vato-Ichi, the Homeboy Swordsman.

Kuseru Satsujin wrote:[In response to Vato-Ichi]
OK, that image scares me for some reason. (Katana switch-blades, what will they think of next).

Catsnightmare wrote:Scream Like Bruce Lee (badly)

This Kaijutsu technique is also known in some circles as Anoyance Yell, victims must make a save vs pain or be -2 to strike due to the distracting annoyance of the screaming sqweeks and wails of the attacker. However if the opponent makes his saving throw by 8 or more he gets +1 to damage on his attacks to beat the crap out of the annoying screaming twit.

Mantisking wrote:New Combat Skill

: The attacker sticks a hand under their clothing and rubs it around the "nether regions". The attacker then waves that hand in the defender's face. The defender must make a Saving Throw vs. Non-Lethal Poison or be stunned for 1D4 Melee Rounds. The Stinkfist costs two attacks and the attacker cannot use an Automatic Parry in the same Melee Round.

Kuseru Satsujin wrote:This is a little something I was working, but never had time to finish.

Firearm and Modern Special Kata

Woo Fu: This is a special leaping kata in which the character can perform a leap dodge while simultaneously firing a pistol or revolver. The character has no penalties for the dodge or to strike, but no penalties either (this special kata can be used to dodge bullets/energy blasts without a dodge penalty).

Call the Thunder: This is an area effect attack. Characters must have some form of communications to use this kata. The kata usually involves words like “Bomb Coordinates...” or “Hit this position”. Everyone in the target area typically takes 1D6X1000 damage.

Burning Steel Fist: This kata allows the character to hold and fire machineguns without regard to ammunition consumption, recoil, or barrel overheating. The character can typically fire a machine gun until the barrel melts (usually within four melee rounds, roll 2D4 to determine how long the weapon will fire before its barrel melts). The character ignores all damage caused by the barrel melting.

Breath of the Dragon: A character with this special kata can fire any sort of rocket, rocket propelled grenade, anti tank missile, surface-to-air missile, or other projectile weapon producing a backblast from the interior of a building or vehicle without suffering from the effects of the back blast.

Enlightened Ammunition: This is a zenjoriki power which allows the character to cut and paste those individual segments of time, allowing the character to shoot a firearm without running out of ammunition. The effects of this zenjoriki power typically last 1D6 times longer than the weapon would normally be able to fire before having to reload (i.e. if the weapon normally holds 10 rounds and a three is rolled, the character could shoot 30 rounds before having to reload the weapon).

Dancing Gun Atemi: This is a specialized atemi attack which must be used with a firearm. When the character uses this atemi strike, he can make the target of the attack dance by aiming at his feet. The character must roll to strike for each time the atemi attack is attempted, failure means that the victim has been struck by a bullet, and cannot be made to dance.

Magic Wand: This is a unique martial art technique which involves pointing a firearm at a target and ordering them to perform a task. The victim must roll to save against Magic. Failure means the victim has no choice but to perform the task. Success means the victim does not have to perform the task, however failure to do the task usually results in the death of the victim.

New Arts of Invisibility (Ancient Ninja Secrets)

The Art of Hiding like Wood: Climb a tree and hug it intensely, praying that you aren’t discovered.

The Art of Hiding like Earth: Lay down as flat as possibly can, preferably in a ditch, gully, or near some other object. This technique also works in brush and tall grass.

The Art of Hiding like Water: Jump into the water and make sure your whole body is underwater. This technique only works in natural bodies of water that aren’t very clear.

The Art of Hiding like Fire: By holding a bright directional light at night, your opponent is blinded and cannot see you.

The Art of Hiding like Metal: This ability covers a lot of different techniques, such as lying down in your seat while in a car, climbing metal girders or other objects, or simply pressing yourself up against a telephone or light pole.

New Body Hardening (Buffing Up)

Iron Crotch Kung Fu: Find a large heavy rock. Place rock on a near by wall. Tie a leather thong (rope) securely around the rock. Tie the other end of the rope around your scrotum. Assume a horse riding stance and walk backwards pulling the rock off the wall and let swing.
--Believe it or not this is an actual technique.

New Chi Mastery Abilities

He-Man Chi: A biophysical energy generated through breathing techniques, which in defying the laws of physics and the basic scientific common sense, allows the user to develop super human strength.

New Special Kata (Secret Kata): A series of prearranged maneuvers practiced in many of the Oriental martial arts in order to avoid free sparring or anything else that may involve pain.

Mantisking wrote:Tickle Fu
Entrance Requirements: None.
Skill Cost: 4 Years (Primary), 2 Years (Secondary)
An ancient martial art handed down from father to son since time immemorial.
Costume: Normal Clothing.
Stance: Feet a shoulder width apart, strong side a half step forward. Hands are up and out, held in fists with the index finger sticking out.
Add 4 to M.E.
Add 2 to P.P.
Attacks per Melee: Three (3)
Escape Moves: Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Leap
Attack Moves: Leap
Basic Defense Moves: Dodge, Parry, Automatic Parry
Advanced Defense Moves: Multiple Dodge, Circular Parry
Hand Attacks: Fingertip Attack
Basic Foot Attacks: None
Jumping Foot Attacks: None
Special Attacks: Paralysis Attack
Holds/Locks: Finger Lock, Wrist Lock
Weapon Kata: W.P. Feather
Modifiers to Attacks: Pull Punch, Knock-Out/Stun, Knockout/Stun from Behind
Martial Art Powers: Automatically receive Body Hardening Exercise: Hand Speed.
Languages: None
Cultural: Tickling
Physical: Prowl
Survival: None
Temple: None
Weapon Proficiencies: W.P. Feather
Philosophical Training: None
If this is your Primary Martial Art then the following other styles can be learned in a shorter time:
1st: +1 to Strike, +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Knockout/Stun from Behind, Knockout/Stun on a Natural 20
2nd: +1 to Parry/Dodge
3rd: +1 Attack per Melee
4th: +1 to Strike, Knockout/Stun on a Natural 18+
5th: +1 Attack per Melee
6th: +1 to Parry/Dodge, +1 to Holds/Locks
7th: +1 to Strike
8th: +1 to Parry/Dodge, +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
9th: +1 Attack per Melee
10th: +1 to Strike, +1 to Holds/Locks
11th: +1 Attack per Melee
12th: +1 to Parry/Dodge, +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
13th: +1 to Strike
14th: +1 Attack per Melee
15th: +1 to Parry/Dodge
Why Study TICKLE FU?
Because you like tickling people until they're laughing so hard they can't breath.

MindWake wrote:[In response to Tickle Fu]
Very funny, Mantis! Literally!

I think it needs a combo attack, like: Combo Grab/Tickle, the Gracie Tickle(holding down the opponent while tickling), and the Tickle Claw(Hand Attack)...


PS: Needs a special attack; The Wet Willie

Slag wrote:Don't forget the ancient art of Stoogitsu. Includes Weapon Kata: Pie, Two-finger Blinding Atemi (kaiyai "Nyuk!"), and Distracting Fist: thrust you fist out in an upright position; your Chi influence will force the opponent to slap your fist downward causing your fist to swing over your head hitting them on top of their head with a coconut-like "bonk" sound.

It is taught only by the three ancient masters of Stoogitsu: Cur Lee, Lair Rhee, and Mo.

Mantisking wrote:New Combat Skill
: The character can dodge any and all attacks that are directed at him, even ones he can't see. All dodge bonuses (P.P., Dodge, Auto-Dodge, etc.) are applicable to this combat skill.

Mantisking wrote:Sneeze Kiai: To use this Kiai the character must have a cold. This must be the first and only attack of the Melee Round. The character sneezes loudly on his opponent. The opponent must make a Saving Throw vs. Insanity or be -2 on all combat rolls for the next minute. The opponent must also make a Saving Throw vs. Non-lethal Poison or become sick in 1D6+1 days.

Gozar wrote:Zenjorike:

"The Glow" This special technique mastered only by two inner city martial artists of the 80's allows for some very impressive abilities. The character may catch bullets in their teeth after feigning death. Their hands spark upon all contact made by them. Though best of all, a bizzare warping of time and space allows music to be played while you fight. "You've got the glow, your the one, with the glow"

Must have a cool name like: Bruce Leroy, or Shonuff Shogun of da Hood

Tigger DeCat wrote:De-Ja-Fu (the fealing that you have been beaten like this before)

Using Time as a weapon

Mantisking wrote:Special Kata
Whickity Whackety Kata
: When using this kata, the character rapidly opens and closes a Balisong in front of an opponent's face for an entire Melee Round, never attacking. The opponent must make a Saving Throw vs. Insanity or be at -3 to Strike for the next 1D4 Melee Rounds. Pre-requisites: W.P. Balisong.

DevastationBob wrote:[In response to Slag's post]
I actually wrote this up a while ago, though we called it Stooge-Fu. W.P. Improvised (2x4, pliers, etc.) Curly Kata which involved spinning around on the floor on your side woo-wooing (like a kiai only funnier) There was also the lost Shemp Kata.

Mantisking wrote:Martial Arts Technique
Personal Theme Music
: Whenever the character engages in a fight, his personal theme music starts playing from an undeterminable source. The character gains +1 to all combat rolls (Initiative, Parry, Dodge, Strike, Damage).

GeneralChaos wrote:Exploding flesh atemi:the character now has the ability to inflict grievious amounts of exploding damage to anything he comes in contact, and causes them to explode in a gory mess, and holding much more gore then they should be able to.
Wau!: whenever the character makes annoying wau sounds every time he attampts to strike he gains a +100 to strike on his roll

Kuseru Satsujin wrote:Two new Martial Art Powers for your enjoyment:

Body Hardening Exercise

Brute Force and Ignorance (BFI): This is a specialized form of exercise where the practitioner utilizes strength building exercises, hormone and steroid treatments, as well as repeated striking techniques with all parts of the body. This regimen is so rigorous that few people complete it. Bonuses: +20 to P.S., +2 to P.E., -5 to I.Q., with a maximum I.Q. of 9 (if the penalty does not reduce the character's I.Q. below nine, make that the person's I.Q.).

Special Kata

Darin's Dance Grooves (DDG) Kata: Now you can learn the exact same dance moves you see in your favorite videos on MTV. This video features Henson with a select group of professional dancers. You'll learn to dance like your favorite stars in their videos, step-by-step! Darrin's Dance Grooves features hot dance moves from today's hottest hits, including: "Bye Bye Bye" by N Sync, "Crazy" by Britney Spears, and "Give It To You" by Jordan Knight (has anyone heard of this guy? I sure haven't). Bonuses: +25% to Charm/Impress Teenage Girls, -25% to Charm/Impress anyone else, +1 to P.E.

Saitou Hajime wrote: [Moderated]

Stupid Gaijin haymaker this punch come from a wide swinging arch and is easly parried by anyone who take martail arts for more than a week.

Throat thrust strieght punch to the throat often done with the half closed fist. on a natuarl 19 or 20 cause the partial colaps of the voice box causing oppeint to drop to the ground a fight to breath.

Hibik wrote:Specialty Kata: Point Blank Kata: A +3 to strike any opponent that spends a melee doing a kata for the sheer purpose of intimidation, such as with Broadswords. You must have a pistol or other firearm, and you must be point blank.

Martial Art Technique: Ninja Multiplication: Turning the light off on an opponent, and then flipping it back on, to have 3D6 of your ninja buddies there, weapons drawn and ready. Faster then breeding rabbits, everytime the light is flipped on and off, 3D6 more ninja appear. By making your opponent say "Ninjas", the number of ninja increases to 1D4X10, and there's a 40% chance he's automatically decapitated upon flipping the light back on. All ninjas are Lv. 7+2D6, and are invincible to normal weapons, unless decapitated. Upon your opponent's dishonorable defeat, the ninja will all disappear, leaving no trace of their presence there...except the dead body, of course, usually with the head pinned against the wall with a tanto or ninjato.

Martial Art Technique: Call Henchmen: Providing you are a villain that either A: Has a cool set of sunglasses and long hair, B: Has White Eyebrows and a Beard, C: Is Bald and Rich, D: Warlord of a small village, and/or E: Is always left legged when kicking, you can call upon 4D6 henchmen. All at Lv. 1, and equipped with various weapons. Also, all cannot fight worn a darn. If attacking a player character or group of player characters, increase the number to 1D6X10. Upon being defeated, their bodies disappear in the next scene... I mean, magically disappear.

Art of Invisbility: Imitate Lamp: By putting a lamp shade on his/head, the ninja can imitate a lamp, and successfully pass off as such, at 40%+4% per level proficency.

Martial Art Technique: Magical Pockets: The ability to pull out excessively large objects out of any type of clothing, typically robes and gi. Usually this would be polearms, hammers, or very large groups of shuriken, and can be done in something as small as a black censor plate.

Martial Art Technique: Combination of Gaming Freak/Otaku: Part Body Hardening, part Power, part Kata. By spending endless powers doing nothing but drinking booze, eating ramen, and playing video games, along with watching violent anime, and reading violent manga, the character, when thrown into a life or death situation, suddenly has the instinctive combat abilities of the gods. Usually this coinsides with him/her (usually him) shouting "Up Up A B!", or "Half Circle Down Square Triangle!", and performing energy shots from his palms (or at least, trying to). Bonuses: +3D6 to PS, PP, PE, and Spd. Can also jump also normally high (Add 6ft to your normal jumping distances). Also, this person feels no pain, and is +20 SDC. Granted, when NOT in combat, your PS, PE, and Spd cannot be any higher then 9 ("Ugh...had to jog up a hill today!"). Also, -3 to IQ. However, you do develop the skill Lore: Video Games at 98%, and Lore: Anime/Manga at 80%+5%, as well as the ability to identity any type of cheap beer and ramen by taste and smell, at 70%+5%. None of this helps your social standing, though.

Adv. Atemi: Sympathy Pain Atemi: By striking a man in the groin with an extremely hard punch, kick, or weapon, all males in the area must save vs. pain or instinctively close their legs and hold their groins, in sympathy for the recently struck victim, whether they are an enemy or not.

Body Hardening Exercise: Brisk Master: By consuming a can of a big name brand Ice Tea, you immediately regain 4D6 SDC/HP, and now have a +3 to PS and PE, +5 to PS, and another +20 SDC. Also, your chances of a critical strike are reduced by 5, if you say a catchy slogan before every punch you roll on.

Hibik wrote:Based on actual in game events (or just amusing concepts, whichever)...

Art of Invisibility: Ninja in the Toilet: The ability to lie in wait within any lavatory piece, until an unsuspecting user comes too close, at which time, the ninja will lash out of the bowl, or push the cover off and slit the opponent's throat. Survivors or witnesses of this attack suffer from a fear of toilets, and/or bathroom sin general, from this point on.

Art of Invisibility: Ninja in the Closet: The ability to ambush an opponent as he opens his closet, even if he's just taking a peak. Also, the ability to make spooky noises, as so little Billy gets scared, and calls Daddy to open his closet...whoops. Survivors or witnesses of Ninja in the Closet typically end up with a strong fear of closets.

Kuseru Satsujin wrote:[In response to Hibik's last post]
I'd like to state for the record that I've never hidden IN a toilet....under a toilet maybe, but never in one.

Hibik wrote:Ninja in the Portopotty: The rarely seen, rarely practiced, yet almost obvious variation fo Ninja in the Toilet. The ninja lays in wait inside a porto potty... note that this is an excredible show of willpower, and lung capacity. I mean, for gods sake, s/he's hiding in a place that reeks of human waste, in hot and cold, waiting for someone to pop in there and use it (which only happens rarely), or at the worst, tip it over. Note that the ninja gains +2 to PE, +4 save. vs. HF, +10 Save vs. Disease and lethal gas, and the ability to hold their breath for an additional 5 minutes. Oh... and a 50% chance of having a fear of portopottys. Victim's of the Ninja in the Portopotty may also suffer from a fear of portopottys, which many may feel is rightfully justified, and should have been instilled from birth.

Kuseru Satsujin wrote:You need a bonus to save vs disease for Ninja in the Toilet and Ninja in the Portopotty...a pretty hefty one.

Specter wrote:Zenjoriki power
Kickass Call-sign
Once a day you can use your call-sign which strikes fear in your opponents, and allows you to survive things you shouldn't be allowed to survive. +5 too all combat rolls and a 60% chance to survive things like being trapped inside an exploding building. (example: "Turtle power!" "You're now entering the Zander Zone!" "I'm married!")

Fade to Black
Faced with odds you can't possibly beat a character might decide to fade to black. Where in the character will wake up the next day (either being held prisoner, in a hospital, in jail, at home) but with all of the sdc and hp he had when he faded to black. This is a useful technique when confronting mafia hitmen, a nuclear bomb with only 10 seconds left on the timer, and ex wives.

Mantisking wrote:Specter wrote "Kickass Call-sign: Once a day you can use your call-sign which strikes fear in your opponents, and allows you to survive things you shouldn't be allowed to survive. +5 too all combat rolls and a 60% chance to survive things like being trapped inside an exploding building. (example: "Turtle power!" "You're now entering the Zander Zone!" "I'm married!")"

I think you may mean "Catch Phrase". It might also interact fairly well with Personal Theme Music (see above). Here's something new.

Combat Skill: Hair Whip: This technique can only be used if the character has a pony-tail or braid that is 12 inches or longer. This move is accomplished by the character whipping his head around quickly, usually while in a clich, and slapping the opponent across the face with his or her hair. Sometimes this move is aided with the addition of a small weight to the end of the pony-tail or braid. Damage: 1 point (S.D.C. only), the opponent must make a Saving Throw versus Pain or be blinded for 2D4 Melee Rounds.

Tinker Dragoon wrote:Once in a blue moon there comes down from the mountains (or out of the fields) an unkempt stranger, craving adventure, romance, or sometimes just food, whose might and prowess rival the greatest martial arts masters, and whose innocence, compassion, and sheer stupidity are the stuff of legends.

Legends of...


Entrance Requirements: Good or Unprincipled Alignment only. I.Q. less than 10, P.S. 14, P.P. 12, P.E. 13. Must be illiterate or semi-literate, and cannot be educated.
Skill Cost: 18 Years

Hillbilly Kung Fu cannot be taught. A lifetime of toiling in fields, chopping wood, fending off predators, etc., forge the human body into a mighty juggernaut. A Hillbilly Kung Fu Master will happily wade right into the center of a battle (he's usually unaware there is a battle...)
and often finds himself getting unintentionally drawn into local conflicts.

Costume: Either animal skins or typical peasant garb for one's locale (perhaps a little shabbier than what normal peasants wear...). If in a town, will usually be seen carrying around (and often eating from) a large shank of meat.
Stance: What's a stance?

Add 3 to P.S.
Add 2 to P.E.
Add 1 to P.P.
Add 25 to S.D.C.
Attacks per Melee: 4
Escape Moves: Stand There and Take It Like a Man (Special! Similar to Maintain Balance, except that the character cannot actually be knocked down. If the roll fails the character is still standing, but takes an additional 1D6 damage from bruising)
Attack Moves: Leap
Basic Defense Moves: Dodge, Parry, Automatic Parry
Advanced Defenses: Multiple Dodge, Circular Parry, Disarm, Combination Parry/Attack, Power Block/Parry
Hand Attacks: Strike (Punch), Backhand, Palm Strike, Power Punch, Double Knuckle Fist
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack, Snap Kick, Roundhouse Kick, Crescent Kick,
Backward Sweep, Tripping/Leg Hook, Reverse Turning Kick
[b]Jumping Foot Attacks
: Jump Kick, Flying Jump Kick, Flying Reverse Turning Kick
Special Attacks: Body Block/Tackle, Crush/Squeeze, Knee, Elbow, Forearm, Combination Grab/Head Bash (same as the Tang Su ability), Have Some Chicken! (Special! A clubbing attack with a large leg of chicken, beef, mutton, or even fresh fish. Inflicts 2D6 damage, and knocks opponent a number of feet away equal to 1D6+P.S. bonus)
Weapon Katas: W.P. Blunt (includes large cuts of meat)
Modifier to Attack: Pull Punch, Knockout/Stun, Critical Strike, Critical Strike or K.O. from rear.

Martial Art Powers: Select a total of 2 powers from the categories of Body Hardening (excluding Demon Hunter. That stuff's creepy...), and Martial Art Techniques. Also begins with the Stone Ox exercise automatically. These powers cannot be traded for skill programs.
Cultural: Fishing, Gardening
Physical: Athletics, Body Building, Running
Philosophical Training: What does fill-a-soff-ical mean?

1st +3 to Stand There, +2 to Damage, +2 to Parry/Dodge
2nd +2 to Strike, +1 to Disarm, Knockout/Stun on natural 18+
3rd Select one power from Body Hardening or Techniques
4th One additional Attack per Melee, +1 to Leap
5th +2 to Parry/Dodge, +1 to Disarm, Critical Strike on natural 18+
6th Select one power from Body Hardening or Techniques
7th +2 to Strike, +2 to Damage, +2 to Stand There
8th One additional Attack per Melee, +1 to Leap, Knockout/Stun on natural 16+
9th Select one power from Body Hardening or Techniques
10th +2 to Strike, +2 to Parry/Dodge, +1 to Disarm
11th One additional Attack per Melee, +1 to Stand There
12th +2 to Damage, +1 to Leap, +1 to Parry/Dodge
13th Select one power from Body Hardening or Techniques
14th +2 to Strike, +1 to Parry/Dodge, +1 to Disarm
15th One additonal Attack per Melee, Critical Strike on natural 16+

Saitou Hajime wrote:Make the Gaijin/Gwilou Scared
Martial Art Ability/special kata

This kata allows an Asian person [yes it must be asian since it not believible from anyone else] to preform a number of move and stance Changes that makes the Person look like a Fearsome Martial Artist from Every Stereotypical martial art movie. the produces a Horror factor (or Awe factor for women against men) of 12 + 1 per 3,5,7,9,11,13,15. it can be taken by any martial artist regardless of style as a matrial Art ability even it Special katas are not allowed. any Gaijin/gwilou with Hand to hand Martial arts or a full style in unaffected.

Mantisking wrote:From the Big Book of Martial Arts Definitions.

Yammer-Bushi: a Japanese warrior that talks his opponent to death.

Slag wrote:New Idea, just to keep the thread alive: Doggie-Style Kung Fu! (Not to be confused with Dog Boxing)


Kuseru Satsujin wrote:Don't ask where this came from.

S&M Body Hardening Excersize: Through repeated beatings and various binding methods, the character is much more able to handle pain and being tied up. Bonuses: +5 to save vs Pain, +5 to S.D.C., +1 to P.E., +1 to M.E. +8%, +2% per level of experience to intimidate when demonstrating resistance to pain and suffereing.

Mantisking wrote:Paper Clip Chain Whip: Used by office ninjas the world over, in the never ending battle for cubicle space. Weight: 0.45 kilograms/1 pound, Length: 1.53 meters/5 feet, Damage: 1 S.D.C. Point, Cost: Swipe 'em from the supply closet you moron!

Hibik wrote:Adv. Atemi: Papercut Dim Mak: Considered a lesser (very much so) form of Dim Mak, Papercut Dim Mak allows an artist to give someone (using a piece of paper) a very nasty papercut. While it only does 1 damage, it doesn't heal very well, so the victim will inevitably be ripping it back open again, constantly, never allowing it to heal. While it isn't particularally lethal, it is annoying as gnats... Chi Healing can fix this really really easily.

Kuseru Satsujin wrote:Martial Art Technique

Projectile Vomitting: The name says it all, targets of a successful attack must save vs pain, or become nauseated (Attacks per Melee reduced by one, -15% on all skills, -1 to strike, dodge, and parry) plus, there's a chance of them becoming physically ill as well (20%+5% for each target in area of affect hit or splashed by the attack, 10% for each person who can visibly see the attack of regurgitating). Range of this ability is 5 feet+2 feet per level of experience.

Kuseru Satsujin wrote:New Combat Move

Chuck Norris' Flying Judo Chop: This is a Leap Attack directly at an opponent's unprotected back. Must be used with a Knife Hand. Damage as standard, but a Knockout/Stun occurs on a Natural 12+. Counts as two melee attacks.

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At long last, I found where it was hiding, here it is folks, the mudra you've been waiting for:

Mudra of Evocation
Mudra for Inciting Anger In Others

This is the most widely known (and widely used) Mudra in the world. This Mudra works on any creature with more than animal intelligence. Targets who see this Mudra directed at them must successfully save vs magic or be reduced to quivering fury for the duration of the mudra. Failure means the victim can no longer perform the functions associated with the Hun (Speech becomes incoherent; analytical thought, deductive reasoning, cunning, compassion, mathematics, map reading and direction finding, all thinking skills, and Chi manipulation can no longer be performed). The character is limited to the abilities and Inabilities of the Po spirit (see Two Minds Zenjoriki in Mystic China).
Meditation Time Required: None!
Duration: 3D6 Melee rounds.
Description of Hand Positions: The character’s primary hand is formed into a clenched fist, with the middle finger extended.
Chi Required: One
Range: Line-of-Sight
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Kuseru Satsujin wrote:Martial Art Technique

Projectile Vomitting: The name says it all, targets of a successful attack must save vs pain, or become nauseated (Attacks per Melee reduced by one, -15% on all skills, -1 to strike, dodge, and parry) plus, there's a chance of them becoming physically ill as well (20%+5% for each target in area of affect hit or splashed by the attack, 10% for each person who can visibly see the attack of regurgitating). Range of this ability is 5 feet+2 feet per level of experience.

Well, it beats the Rifts China version in one respect: longer range. :D
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Dude, do you save everything we post to these boards?
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Mantisking wrote:Dude, do you save everything we post to these boards?

Nope. I wish I had started archiving topics earlier though.
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Chi-powered elemental attacks. So I guess that would be Pos & Neg for Fire, Earth, Water, Wood, & Metal. So you can chuck fireballs and so on.

that would be cool actually.

Aren't giant robots what half of Japanimation is known for? Shouldn't that be in here somewhere?

a section on building robotic vehicles and powered armor might be good. plenty of anime's have stuff that would be a good insperation as to type. (like GASARAKI)

Karate Chop: Deathblow on a Natural 16+.

Judo Chop: Knockout/Stun on a Natural 14+

available to superspies only. :)

New Arts of Invisibility (Ancient Ninja Secrets)

The Art of Hiding like Wood: Climb a tree and hug it intensely, praying that you aren’t discovered.

The Art of Hiding like Earth: Lay down as flat as possibly can, preferably in a ditch, gully, or near some other object. This technique also works in brush and tall grass.

The Art of Hiding like Water: Jump into the water and make sure your whole body is underwater. This technique only works in natural bodies of water that aren’t very clear.

The Art of Hiding like Fire: By holding a bright directional light at night, your opponent is blinded and cannot see you.

The Art of Hiding like Metal: This ability covers a lot of different techniques, such as lying down in your seat while in a car, climbing metal girders or other objects, or simply pressing yourself up against a telephone or light pole.

these could actually be useful.

Body Hardening Exercise

Brute Force and Ignorance (BFI): This is a specialized form of exercise where the practitioner utilizes strength building exercises, hormone and steroid treatments, as well as repeated striking techniques with all parts of the body. This regimen is so rigorous that few people complete it. Bonuses: +20 to P.S., +2 to P.E., -5 to I.Q., with a maximum I.Q. of 9 (if the penalty does not reduce the character's I.Q. below nine, make that the person's I.Q.).

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I actully remembered some of those. Thanks for a fun Blast from the past KS.
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