Magic N&S Classes

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Magic N&S Classes

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Basically I used the HUGMG Spell list to work from, however any S.D.C. spell invocation system (i.e. HU2, BTS1, Nightspawnbane, etc) is easily used for these magic classes. Rifts/MDC setting spells require some conversion.

See Mystic China. It’s noted here to provide a magic class with both magic and martial arts.

See BTS-1 or alternatively, the Sorceror O.C.C. from Nightspawnbane. It’s provided here for a basic magic class.

Battle Mage
Battle Mages are the military’s answer to magic on the battlefield. Battle Mages typically hold Warrant or Commissioned Officer rank in the military force they are serving in.
Magic Abilities of the Battle Mage: These represent the best combat magic abilities I have seen to date.
1. Aura of Power: After receiving intense training at the hands of the military, the young Battle Mage learns to manipulate his personal magical aura for a distinguishing sense of power and respectability. Horror Factor: 10+1 per three levels of experience. This aura does not extend to other Battle Mages and does not affect them.
2. The Principles of Force and Resistance: Throughout the years of magical study, the Battle Mage is inducted into a form of mystical pseudo-religious training as the Principles of Force and Resistance. This magical training allows the mage to cast destructive and defensive spell magic at half the usual P.P.E. cost.
3. See Magic Energy: The Battle Mage is so in tune with the forces of magic, that he can see magic energy radiating from people, creatures, objects and areas, as long as more than forty (40) P.P.E. is present. The sensing ability is so acute that the character can see things made invisible by magic and invisible things that are magic, including supernatural creatures. Range: 500 feet (152.4m).
4. Sense Magic in Use: The expenditure of magic in the form of spells can be felt, if not seen, up to 50 feet (15.24m) per level of experience. The Battle Mage will not know the location or the source, but will be able to feel the energy within his range.
5. Initial Spell Knowledge: The Battle Mages are known to have one of the most dangerous repertoire of spells. They tend to concentrate on regular spell magic because of the amount of time required to cast rituals. A first-level Battle Mage may select three spells from each magic level one through four, for a total of twelve spells (three from each). At each additional level of experience, the Battle Mage may select or learn one spel equal to his own level of experience. Note: Spells selections are based on which game is used for magic selection, i..e. BTS, NB, HU2, PF2, Rifts, etc, only Invocation spells can be selected.
6. Learning New Spells: Additional Spell Magic spells may only be learned from other Battle Mages.
7. Magic Bonuses: +6 to save vs Horror Factor.
8. Battle Mage Combat Table
1st: Can cast TWO spells per melee*
2nd: +1 to save vs spell magic
3rd: Can cast One additional spell per melee*
4th: +2 is added to destructive & defensive magic spell strength**
5th: +1 to save vs spell magic
6th: Can cast One additional spell per melee*
7th: +1 is added to destructive & defensive magic spell strength**
8th: +2 to save vs circle magic
9th: Can cast One additional spell per melee*
10th: +1 to save vs psionics
11th: +1 is added to destructive & defensive magic spell strength**
12th: Can cast One additional spell per melee*
13th: +1 to save vs spell magic
14th: +1 is added to destructive & defensive magic spell strength**
15th: Can cast One additional spell per melee*
*The casting of a spell counts as one action/attack and will take the place of a hand to hand attack. The spell caster can have more magic attacks than hand to hand; it simply means physical combat that melee is out of the question. The mage can mix magic and physical combat with no difficulty.
**Raises the requirement needed to save vs magic. As a spell caster grows in experience and expertise, the strength or power of his spells also increase. This increase is indicated as a spell strength bonus listed in the wizard magic combat table. This bonus is added to the base magic attack strike (saving throw) of 12. Thus, a +2 spell strength makes a magic attack/strike of 14.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 10 and P.E. of 10
Starting Age: 28
Base S.D.C.: 10
Martial Art Styles: Choose either Hand to Hand Martial Arts (Agent) or Hand to Hand Assassin (Agent). At the GM’s option the character can trade the three Military skill programs for one martial art style from the following list: Aikido, An Yin, Ba Gua, Bak Mei, Bok Pai, Ch'a Ch'uan, Chao Ta, Chi Hsuan Men, Chin-Na, Choy-Li-Fut, Gui Long, Han Yu, Hsing-I, Lee Kwan Choo, Li Chia, Liang Hsiung, Mien Chuan, Moo Gi Gong, Pao Pat Mei, Sankukai Karate, Shan Tung, Shih Ba Ban Wu Yi, Snake Style, Tai Chi Chuan, Taido, Tang Su, Te, Tong Lun, Triad Assassin, Yu Sool, and Zanji Shinjinken Ryu. If the GM allows, a non-Exclusive style from the PMAN may be selected.
Educational Level: Military Academy Graduate.
Superspy Modifications Available: None.
Base Minimum Skills: Basic Math, Speak Native Language, Literacy: Native Language.
Character automatically receives the Basic Military Skill Program with the Basic Military Mage Skill Program (new). The character also selects three (3) Military Skill Programs and any one (1) Basic Skill Programs.
Secondary Skills: Select any five (5).
Money: $5,000
Income: Base of $400 a week from an agency.
Level Advancement Bonuses: Receive one new Secondary Skill at 3rd, 5th, 7th and 10th levels.
Social Contacts: The character keeps track of both sides of the magic war, both the magic organizations, and the military and magical forces of the various governments. As a result character can recognize most prominent spell caster along with the major commanders of anti-magic and magic units (30%). Keeping a very low profile, the character has a 2% chance of ever being recognized.
Basic Military Mage Skill Program
Detect Ambush (+15%)
Tactics (+5%)
Select four (4) Lore skills from the following list, with a +10% bonus for each: Demons & Monsters, Entities & Ghosts, Faerie & Creatures of Magic, Geomancy/Lines of Power, Magic, Magic Arcane, Mythology, Paranormal & Psionics, Religion, and Superstitions.
Take two (2) Weapon Proficiencies from the following list: W.P. Knife (for claw attacks and/or staking vampires), W.P. Axe (for decapitating monsters), W.P. Crossbow (for shooting wooden bolts, or silver-tipped quarrels), W.P. Flamethrower (ironically, usually useful against all types of undead), W.P. Grenade (sometimes monsters need a lot of killing), W.P. Black Powder (sometimes older weapons work better), W.P. Energy Rifle , W.P. Energy Pistol (both for miscellaneous weapons that might be used), W.P. Dart Pistol (for those annoying military "capture the monster" missions), and W.P. Shotgun (generally useful).

To combat the presence of magic and the supernatural, several police forces have recruited their own spell casters to help maintain law and order. These cops hunt down law breaking spell casters and thus earn the title of Magestalker.
Magic Abilities of the Magestalker:
1. Determining P.P.E.: Use P.E. as the base and add 1D6x10. The character gains an additional 1D6 P.P.E. per level of experience. P.P.E. can be restored at the rate of five points per hour of meditation or sleep.
2. Understanding the Principles of Magic: Magestalkers know and understand the main principles of magic and sorcery, including rituals, symbols, incantations and paraphernalia. This allows them to distinguish between fake "occult" materials from the real thing, as well as determine the general purpose of specific items and even which supernatural forces are involved. Base Skill: 70%+2% per level of experience. A failed roll means the character does not realize or misunderstands the significance of the evidence, dismissing it as fake, or maybe thinking a forgery or charlatan's scribblings are authentic.
3. Read Magic: The ability to read a magic scroll or perform a mystic ritual is not as simple as it may sound. Under the right circumstances and frame of mind, anyone can read a spell with mystic results. However, this is pure chance. The Magestalker understands the practical principles of magic. The weaving of a spell is more than reading or reciting mere words, just as the invocation of a circle is more than chalk. The use of any magic requires a practice of mental exercises akin to Oriental meditation. The magestalker knows how to relax, clear his mind, focus by using the spell’s words like a mantra, draw on his P.P.E., know exactly how much will be needed and what effect the magic will have. He can manipulate mystic energies with an ease and speed that belies the years of study, practice and concentration it took to master the mystic arts. Base Skill: 80%+3% per level of experience.
4. Sense Magic: Magestalkers are attuned to the forces of magic. Most magic, magical items, or magic forces can be detected. Range: 120 feet plus 10 feet per level of experience.
5. Recognize Magic & Enchantment:
Recognize enchantment: Just as a doctor can recognize flu symptoms and disease, the wizard can recognize the influence of magic that charms, hypnotizes, or otherwise causes mind control (including trances, domination, compulsion, quest, etc.). This ability also includes identifying magic sickness, curses, the effects of faerie food and faerie magic, and supernatural or magic possession. Illusions, metamorphosis, and psionic powers do not count as enchantment. Base Skill: 35%+5% per level of experience.
Recognize magic: The wizard has a certain percentage chance to recognize a magic item by shape, inscription, magic symbols or intuition (gut feeling). It's important to understand that while the character may know something has magical properties, he does not know what powers the item may have or how to use it. Base Skill: 20%+5% per level of experience.
6. Initial Spell Knowledge: Because the Magestalkers studies magic used to police spell casting, they learn how to cast spells certain spells. At first level the magestalker starts off with See The Invisible, See Aura, Sense Evil, Detect Concealment, Extinguish Fire, Fear, Armor of Ithan, Negate Poison/Toxin, Paralysis: Lesser, Carpet of Adhesion, Magic Net and Seal. At each new additional level of experience, roll on the Shortcut to Gaining New Spells table on page 151 of HU2.
7. Read/Acquire Magic: Through intense study of scrolls or books of magic lore, Magestalkers can attempt to learn a new spell or ritual. Once the spell has been deciphered, the Magestalker can attempt to cast it. Casting a new spell in this fashion requires and additional roll against the caster’s skill. Base Skill: 30%+5% per level of experience.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. and P.S. 10
Starting Age: 22
Base S.D.C.: 15
Martial Art Forms: None. Choose either Hand to Hand Basic or trade one secondary skill for the Hand to Hand Expert or trade two secondary skills for Hand to Hand Martial Arts.
Educational Level: Two Years of College or equivalent.
Superspy Modifications Available: None.
Base Minimum Skills: Basic Math, Speak Native Language, Literacy: Native Language.
Available Skill Programs: Automatically receives the Magestalker skill program (New). In addition, select three (3) Police skill programs. Also, select two (2) Basic skill programs.
Secondary Skills: Select any six (6)
Money: $5000
Income: Base pay as a Magestalker is $650 per week.
Level Advancement Bonuses: Receive one new Secondary skill at 2nd, 4th, 6th, 9th, and 13th levels.
Social Contacts: Magestalkers are usually well connected to other police agencies,. The character has a 33% chance of locating a former friend, acquaintance, or Magestalker in one of these groups. In addition most cops have dealt with criminals and crime organizations and can find an informant, major criminal spell casters or former convicted felon (25% chance). Major police or other law enforcement agencies have a 20% chance of identifying the character and spell casters have a 15% chance of identifying the character.
Magestalker Skill Program
Crime Scene Investigation or Investigation (+15%)
Tracking or Stalk & Capture (+15%)
Select two (2) Lore skills from the following list, with a +10% bonus for each: Demons & Monsters, Entities & Ghosts, Faerie & Creatures of Magic, Geomancy/Lines of Power, Magic, Magic Arcane, Mythology, Paranormal & Psionics, Religion, and Superstitions.
Take one (1) Weapon Proficiency from the following list: W.P. Knife (for claw attacks and/or staking vampires), W.P. Axe (for decapitating monsters), W.P. Crossbow (for shooting wooden bolts, or silver-tipped quarrels), W.P. Flamethrower (ironically, usually useful against all types of undead), W.P. Grenade (sometimes monsters need a lot of killing), W.P. Black Powder (sometimes older weapons work better), W.P. Energy Rifle , W.P. Energy Pistol (both for miscellaneous weapons that might be used), W.P. Dart Pistol (for those annoying "capture the monster" missions), and W.P. Shotgun (generally useful).

Some spell casters put their abilities to work for personal gain. Commonly known as Prestidigitators, they are feared and reviled.
Magic Abilities of the Prestidigitator:
1. Determining P.P.E.: Use P.E. as the base and add 1D6x10. The character gains an additional 1D6 P.P.E. per level of experience. P.P.E. can be restored at the rate of five points per hour of meditation or sleep.
2. Understanding the Principles of Magic: Prestidigitators know and understand the main principles of magic and sorcery, including rituals, symbols, incantations and paraphernalia. This allows them to distinguish between fake "occult" materials from the real thing, as well as determine the general purpose of specific items and even which supernatural forces are involved. Base Skill: 60%+2% per level of experience. A failed roll means the character does not realize or misunderstands the significance of the evidence, dismissing it as fake, or maybe thinking a forgery or charlatan's scribblings are authentic.
3. Sense Magic: Prestidigitators are attuned to the forces of magic. Most magic, magical items, or magic forces can be detected. Range: 120 feet plus 10 feet per level of experience.
4. Recognize Magic & Enchantment:
Recognize enchantment: Just as a doctor can recognize flu symptoms and disease, the prestidigitator can recognize the influence of magic that charms, hypnotizes, or otherwise causes mind control (including trances, domination, compulsion, quest, etc.). This ability also includes identifying magic sickness, curses, the effects of faerie food and faerie magic, and supernatural or magic possession. Illusions, metamorphosis, and psionic powers do not count as enchantment. Base Skill: 35%+5% per level of experience.
Recognize magic: The prestidigitator has a certain percentage chance to recognize a magic item by shape, inscription, magic symbols or intuition (gut feeling). It's important to understand that while the character may know something has magical properties, he does not know what powers the item may have or how to use it. Base Skill: 20%+5% per level of experience.
5. Initial Spell Knowledge: Because the prestidigitator studies magic used for personal gain, they learn how to cast spells certain spells. At first level the prestidigitator starts off with Cloud of Smoke, Decipher Magic, See the Invisible, Befuddle, Chameleon, Darkness, Breathe Without Air, Invisibility: Simple, Sense Traps, Charismatic Aura, Shadow Meld and Swim as a Fish.. At each new additional level of experience, roll on the Shortcut to Gaining New Spells table on page 151 of HU2.
6. Read/Acquire Magic: Through intense study of scrolls or books of magic lore, prestidigitators can attempt to learn a new spell or ritual. Once the spell has been deciphered, the prestidigitator can attempt to cast it. Casting a new spell in this fashion requires and additional roll against the caster’s skill. Base Skill: 35%+5% per level of experience.
Attribute Requirements: A high P.E. is recommended but not necessary.
Starting Age: 16
Base S.D.C.: 10
Martial Art Forms: None. Choose either Hand to Hand Basic or trade one secondary skill for the Hand to Hand Expert or trade two secondary skills for Hand to Hand Martial Arts.
Educational Level: Special Training
Superspy Modifications Available: None.
Base Minimum Skills: Basic Math, Speak Native Language, Literacy: Native Language.
Available Skill Programs: Automatically receives the Prestidigitator skill program (New). In addition, select any three (3) Rogue/Criminal skill programs. Also, select two (2) Basic skill programs.
Secondary Skills: Select any eight (8).
Money: $8000
Income: Base pay is $400 a week when working for a crime group.
Level Advancement Bonuses: Receive one new Secondary Skill at 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 13th levels.
Social Contacts: The character has served time in prison. Roll for country and roll 1D20 for number of years (and add to age). Character can also easily pass for an underworld criminal (60%+5% per level). The prestidigitator has a chance of finding a former friend, accomplice; or acquaintance in most criminal hang-outs or organizations (20% in country of origin, 31% in country where the character was jailed, and 7% everywhere else). This cuts both ways, since other criminals have a 7% chance of recognizing the character.
Prestidigitator Skill Program
Streetwise or Yarrow Stick Counting (+10%)
Streetwise: Wierd (+15%)
Select two (2) Lore skills from the following list, with a +5% bonus for each: Demons & Monsters, Entities & Ghosts, Faerie & Creatures of Magic, Geomancy/Lines of Power, Magic, Magic Arcane, Mythology, Paranormal & Psionics, Religion, and Superstitions.
Take two (2) Weapon Proficiencies from the following list: W.P. Knife, W.P. Axe, W.P. Crossbow, W.P. Flamethrower, W.P. Black Powder, W.P. Dart Pistol, and W.P. Shotgun.
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