Spy Gadget Contest

Mysticism, spies, cybernetic implants, & cool vehicles. Discuss these two great classics here.

Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones


Spy Gadget Contest

Unread post by Guest »

How we've never had one of these I'll never know. This particular contest covers spy gadgets. It's simple, Conatinment Fabrication. Putting electronics inside watches & cigarette packs, putting explosives inside pop cans and flowerpots, putting weapons inside books and briefcases-all these things are "fabrications." Basically take an ordinary item and give a good espionage boost. N&S has a few examples as well as the various gimmicks available in Hardware Unlimited.

Rules & Guidelines

1. Name your gadget.

2. Provide the description, details, abilities, and cost of your gadget.

3. There are three classes of entry, make sure to list which class your gadget(s) falls under:
A. Fantasy Gadget (magic can be used to make the gadget).
B. Contemporary Gadget (must be technological and plausible by contemporary standards).
C. Futuristic Gadget (go wild, this can be magic, super science, you name it, keep it playable however).

4. Contestants can enter as many gadgets as they want.

5. No conversions of gadgets from movies, TV, anime, video games, other RPGs, or comic books. Please follow this rule. Remember, "Do not post any conversions of intellectual properties belonging to other people."

6. These entries should look professional and well done. That means use spell check to check the spellings of your words, do not use non-Palladium standard abbreviations, use correct punctuation, make your grammar understandable (I don't care if it's perfect grammar, but if no one can understand your statement, that's not good).

The Categories
Each class of entry will have the following award categories:
Most Humorous Gadget
Most Useful
Coolest Name
Best In Class

Best Overall Gadget will be awarded based on a composite result of the scoring from the award categories in each class. If a tie occurs, final voting will be handled by a poll.

Each category will have a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner.

Judging will be handled by a voting system. After the contest is complete, each entry will be reposted, grouping the gadgets entered for each class of entry as a group and everyone picks their favorite gadget for each award category. Voting will run at least two weeks.

The Time Limit
The contest will start Friday, August 12th, 2005 and run until Friday, September 23th, 2005.
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Unread post by Mantisking »

Contemporary Gadget
Sonar Beacon Limpet Mine:
This device emits a sonar pulse so that it can be tracked underwater by a passive sonar system. Each device must be custom tuned so that it may be heard above the operating noise of the vehicle it is attached to. Weight: 5 pounds (2.29 kilograms). Cost: $1,000
"I know twenty-six different points on your body I could hit and release enzymes into your brain to compel you to tell the truth -- Talk!"
Barry Ween, The Adventures of Barry Ween Boy Genius, Monkey Tales #3
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Location: Lowell, MA, U.S.A.

Unread post by Mantisking »

Contemporary Gadget
Insulated Clothing:
This modification adds a non-conductive layer to a selected piece of clothing. Bonuses: The character is immune to the effects of tasers and stun-guns unless hit on bare skin. Cost: $100 per piece of clothing.
"I know twenty-six different points on your body I could hit and release enzymes into your brain to compel you to tell the truth -- Talk!"
Barry Ween, The Adventures of Barry Ween Boy Genius, Monkey Tales #3
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