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Rhinox Host Armor

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 2:55 am
by TechnoGothic
Made a Rhino-based Host Armor today...heres it is...
I used up the whole budget plus +20%
you can Nix the Super-regeneration to be just under budget....
i was impressed with this build. It was Hard to pick enhanments that fit the concept...
This guy is Muscle and durability

RHINOX Host Armor

Features of the Host Armor:
Running : 60 mph + 1d6 x 10 mph = (70 mph)
Leaping : 20 Feet ­ High , 40 Feet « across from a Standing Position.
Digging : 20 mph through Sand and Dirt, but ¼ as fast through Rock or Concrete. To dig down to adequately Hide from enemies on the surface takes 3d6 melee rounds.
Swimming : 30 mph
Underwater Depth : 700 Feet down ¯
Flying : Must be bought.
Height : Adds three Feet to the Pilot’s Height *Pilot is 5’7” Tall. Host Armor is 8’7” tall
Weight : Adds 1d4 x 100+200 Pounds to the weight of the Pilot.**Rhinox weights in over 930 Pounds + Pilots weight = around 2,000 !!
Physical Strength : 4d6+10 = Splicer PS is equal to Robotic Strength (Superhuman PS)**Rhinox has 34 +5+2 PS = 41
Operational Lifetime : 2d10+40 years = *rolled* 50 years
Bio-Regeneration *Basic*: 2d6 MDC per HOUR for the Main Body and 1d4 MDC per HOUR for all other locations is a Free feature.
Ä Bought Super-regeneration, see Powers…
Horror Factor : 7 for Humans
Senses & Features : ALL Host Armors have the Following for Free…
*Advanced Sight equal to that of a Eagle
*Passive Night Vision : 2000 ft
*Polarization Vision : reduces Glare
*Sound Amplifying Hearing
*Sense of Taste and Smell Twice as acute as that of a human
*Sense Magnetic North at all times
*Project the Pilot’s voice at 80 decibels (loudspeaker)
*Shielded from High Intensity Sound, Radiation, and Normal Fire, Heat, and Cold
*The Host Armor purifies the AIR before it is passed on to the Pilot removing all toxins, poisons and impurities before it is breathed
*The Host Armor Also has a built in system of Gills
Special Communications : Bio-Comms built in the Host Armor, 6 Mile range.

MDC By Location :
Main Body “300”: “600” : +440 = 1240 MDC
*Head “140” : “280” : +77 = 497 MDC
Legs “190” : : +77 = 267 MDC
*Feet “90” : : +77 = 167 MDC
Arms “130” : : +77 = 207 MDC
*Hands “70” : : +77 = 147 MDC

Host Armor Metabolism :
Herbivore +20 bio-e
Feeding : 30-50 pounds of plants
Color : grayish green
Special senses : Enhanced Hearing
Able to hear a whisper 900 ft away
Bonuses: +4 initiative +2 Parry, Roll, +3 Dodge.
Skills : Land Navigation 70%, Identify plants and fruits 90%, Wilderness Survival 60%

Bio-E Enhancements :::::

Large HORN (1) :
+3 Parry with Horn
+3d6 MD Head Butt damage
Fire Breath :
3d12 MD Damage
30 feet range
+3 Strike, Counts as Two Attacks
Elongated Arms :
+5 PS, +4 feet reach
Increased MDC : 10 pts per increase
+40 MDC per increase to Main Body
+7 MDC to all locations per increase
-05% To Acrobatic, Gymnastics, Prowl, & Swimming per increase.
+ 30 pounds per increase
**+440 MDC main body**
**+77 MDC to all locations
** -55% to swimming, & skills noted
** + 330 pounds to Host Armor Weight
Reinforced Main Body “shoulders” & Head
Double “base” MDC of the Location
+1d6 MD to Head Butts, Body Blocks/Tackles
Resistance to Lasers :
½ damage from lasers - all lasers
Resistance to Heat
½ damage from MDC heat/fires
Tolerate Extreme Heat. Temperatures
As hot as 140° degrees have no effect.
Resistance to Cold
Magic & Super cold ½ damage
Tolerate up to 0° degrees no effect.
Armored Eyes
MDC of eye : 10 per eye
Underwater Eyes
See underwater perfect
Anti-glare oils
See at dim depths up to 600 feet
Floating Air Bladder
Control one’s depth.¯
Up to 3000 ft underwater
Float on surface unlimited number of days…
Will not contract the Bends ever…
ÄEnhanced Regeneration
Heals 2d6+3 MDC per Melee round !!
Will regrow pilots limbs if severed while inside the armor in 4d6+12 days.
Will regrow Fingers, toes, ears, nose in 4d6+12 hours. Hand Feet in 6d6+40 hours. Cannot regenerate a brain or heart, will regenerate a sick or diseased heart or brain though.
Increased Strength
+2 Splicer PS

Host Armor Melee PS 41 Damages ::
*Restrained Punch : 1d6 MD
*Full Strength Punch : 3d6 MD
*Power Punch : 1d6x10 MD *2 attacks*
*Kick : 5d8 MD
*Leap Kick : 1d8x10 MD *2 attacks*

Body Block / Tackle : “1d4” +1d6 MD
Crush / Squeeze : “1d4” + 1d6 MD
Pin / Incapacitate : on rolls of 18, 19, 20...
Victims are held in a way as they cannot attack or move
Head Butt : “3d6” +1d6+3d6 MD = 7d6 MD in armor


Future enhancements i want :
Resistance Physical
Resistance Kinetic
2 Omega-blasters
More Strength up to 60 PS...

these fit the concept i have for him...

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 6:06 pm
by cornholioprime
I'm telling Hasbro on you!!!

You stole their "Beast Wars" Maximal Name!!!


Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 11:05 pm
by TechnoGothic
cornholioprime wrote:I'm telling Hasbro on you!!!

You stole their "Beast Wars" Maximal Name!!!


i forgot they used that name

Rhinox became Tankor, a Vehicon anyways ;)

What did you think of the Host Armor btw ??

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 11:21 pm
by NMI
definately a tank.
but what did you use to double location MDC?

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 2:12 am
by TechnoGothic
The Deific NMI wrote:definately a tank.
but what did you use to double location MDC?

Reinforced Body Parts....doubles the "base" MDC of the location bought for.

its a great enhancement to buy for the cost...

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 12:13 pm
by Vinny
If you feel like submitting some work to The NEXUS POINT, we'd love to have it.

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 7:57 am
by TechnoGothic
WorldofRifts wrote:If you feel like submitting some work to The NEXUS POINT, we'd love to have it.

Feel free to post it Worlds ;)
I post 'em to share for everyone for free :D