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Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 11:47 pm
by Qev
Umm... I'd put the rules in some kind of sensible order, instead of the dog's-breakfast they currently are. :D

I'd get rid of a LOT of extraneous stuff, like the plethora of different saving-throw types, and the six billion different combat bonuses that may-or-may-not apply, depending on the phase of the Moon. :D Streamlining is good, up to a point.

I'd get rid of MDC and replace it with some sort of damage-reduction system (so unless your weapon can do obscene damage in one shot, it's not going to hurt armor at all).

I'd make the Coalition base everything around a fluffy-bunny motif, instead of the skull thing. No, really! :lol:

Streamline the skill system; there's too many of them, and a lot of them are kinda silly. Also, better skill descriptions, with examples for each and every skill. Percentile is okay, but it would mesh better with the stats/combat/saves system if it was made d20-based instead.

I'd hire Japanese artists to design all of the mecha and whatnot. Nobody does tech artwork like the Japanese do!

No Rune magic in Atlantis. You can probably trip over discarded Greater Rune Weapons, just walking down the street, as it is now. :P

More pie. Mmmm... pie... :cool:

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 12:40 am
by Nxla666
I'd make the Coalition base everything around a fluffy-bunny motif, instead of the skull thing. No, really!

I see the pup needs a reminder who his master is. :thwak:

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 12:46 am
by Mudang
#1. Japan is gone as per the RMB
#2. I get rid of millions of people to bring back the feel that RMB had. Also along the same lines, I reword the books in a fashion which conveys that mdc weaponry and armor do not grow on trees.
#3. I unwrite SoT
#4. I, like Qev, would prefer a damage reduction system over mdc.
#5. I make weapon damages make sense. Tank main cannons will become significantly more powerful than infantry rifles
#6. implement PPE channeling
#7. I switch Rifts from a class based system to a point based system
#8. I give magic users more starting ppe.
#9. I release Australia 2 and 3
#10. I make the Coalition's magic using enemies smarter
#11. I unwrite stupid garbage such as the mdc kangaroo and the giant dwombat

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 1:00 am
by Qev
Nxla666 wrote:
I'd make the Coalition base everything around a fluffy-bunny motif, instead of the skull thing. No, really!

I see the pup needs a reminder who his master is. :thwak:

*yelp!* Master? You mean the Fluffy Bunny, right? :D

Oooh! A point-based character system, that's a great idea, Mindcrime!

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 3:55 pm
by Mudang
CyberPaladin85 wrote:
Mindcrime wrote:
#6. implement PPE channeling

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this.

It's in Rifter #21. Instead of spell attacks per melee, casters are allowed to expend a certain amount of ppe per level per melee attack.

Example: Level 1 LLW can use 5 ppe for every melee attack he has. He has 4 attacks. He can cast one 20 ppe spell or 4 5 ppe spells per round. Or one 40 ppe spell per 2 rounds.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 3:58 pm
by The Galactus Kid
The casting rules have changed as per Ultimate Rifts.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:04 pm
by demos606
For starters, giant robots and tanks would be things to be feared, not the ******** they are now. Magic actually would rival Tech in its effectiveness - if the CS wants to jump at shadows, they have reason to in my world. MDC would pick up something similar to PF armor values and weapons would all be rated for penetration value. Without enough PV, AR simply ignores the weapon - no more killing tanks with handguns tyvfm. Last but not least, SoT never happens in my world.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:22 pm
by Rimmerdal
I'd rework which classes stayed and which got kicked to the curb...Also make a basic class for each catagory:
Men of arms: a generic "warrior" that can be attached to any faction.
Practioners of magic: a apprentice wizard
Scholar and adventurer: research assisant (for scholar) and a adventurer for the adventurer.
Psychics: psychic apprentice

implement the following to make PC's above the normal:
-NPC is NPC, NOT an optional PC.
-PC are PC's and NOT NPC's

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 5:44 pm
by gaby
1)No Xiticix hive land,instead Manitoba is home to a Anti-Magic D-Bees call the Maloza.

2)Area51 and Las Vegas was Rifted in time reappear in 87,P.A.

3)No Siege on Tolkeen,Tolkeen is in a Cold War with the C.S.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:07 pm
by Killer Cyborg

Killer Cyborg wrote:In my dreams, I'd see the following changes....

1. Come up with and stick with a coherent set of rules. Ones that are well thought out, clearly phrased, and that don't conflict with each other.
2. Stop saying "all rules are optional". I have already ranted my reasons, but I'd like to add here that if all rules are optional why do they keep adding "optional rules"? Makes no sense.
3. Revamp and streamline the magic system. Really, all they would have to do is to go back to the old TMNT style spellcasting skills in Transdimensional. Or to work out any bugs in the PPE-Channeling rules and to officially impliment them.
4. Republish the main book, sourcebook 1, vampire kingdoms, atlantis, Underseas, Sourcebook 2, Conversion book one, Mercenaries, CS War Campaign, Triax & The NGR, Juicer Uprising, and Africa with some drastic changes showing the changes in the system and without the blatant power creep.
5. Come up with a specific standard of damage and stick to it. If the Boom Gun is supposed to be top dog, it should stay that way. TW swords shouldn't be more powerful than runeswords. And so on.
6. Fix the burst and spray rules and stick with them. Defining the term "Standard rate of fire" would be a good start.
7. get rid of the new CS gear with the puffy white crap on it. Also ditch any skelebots that don't look like human skeletons.
8. Focuse more books on low end tech gear and low powered adventures adventures. The Chipwell gear in Mercenaries was much more interesting than the Naruni stuff.
9. Flesh out the gameworld. Specifically, flesh out North America. I don't mean "fill every square mile with people or DBs", I mean "describe more about the large variety of cultures and tech levels of the average North American town or kingdom". Writing a complete book on the Burbs, complete with maps, along the lines of the stuff in Vampire Kingdoms would be a great start. Then write a book on the lower levels of Chi-town. Then write a book on the upper levels of Chi-Town. Then write a book on a single city of the Federation of Magic, Dweomer perhaps. Flesh stuff out! Let us know what it would be like to be in one of those places. Give us the details of everyday life. The good stuff.
10. Keep the face of Rifts Earth as it was portrayed in the first few books; a mosly unpopulated wilderness where humanity is struggling to "rise up from the ashes". Ditch most of the cliches that Rifts has fallen into where every land is just a Rifts version of whatever stereotypes we have about that place. The main book gave us:
-Vampires in Mexico
-Killer insects in Canada
-Big squishy aliens in Atlantis
-Dinosaurs in Florida and Georgia

Later books gave us crap like:
-A new version of the King Arthur legend in England. Oh, and tea...
-MDC Mounties in Canada.
-MDC cowboys and Indians (complete with LASER BOWS!!!) in the New West
-MDC Aborigines and Koalas in Australia
-MDC Ninjas and Samurai in Japan
-MDC Dolphins & whalses, and an MDC Captain Nemo in the oceans.
-MDC Conquistadors in South America
-MDC Amazons on the Amazon River

Give me a feakin' break already!!
What I liked about the main book was that the world was under siege by alien forces, not under siege by cliches and stereotypes. It was like they actually thought about what might actually happen, right or wrong, and went with it.... Vampires in Mexico because it is dry and they don't like running water. Dinosaurs in the swamps of Florida and Georgia because many dinosaurs liked swampy areas. Killer bugs to the north because weird stuff happens with interdimensional portals.
If they redid those areas today, we'd have MDC Mexican Jumping Beans, MDC pinatas, and MDC Taco Bells in Mexico. We'd have MDC Retirement Homes and MDC Beach Parties in Florida. We'd have MDC Mounties to the north... (wait, they DID that one)...
Get the picture?
What's worse is that things would have actually been BETTER if many of these places were never really filled in. Before the New West came out, there were supposed to be "less than 1 human or humanoid DB per 300 square miles".... which I liked a heck of a low more than the MDC version of True Grit that they came up with.
An MDC version of Oregon Trail or The Lewis & Clark expedition would have been much better. Give the player some actual frontiers to explore, places without large pre-rifts civilizations or large post-rifts cities.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 10:14 pm
by Qev
gaby wrote:1)No Xiticix hive land,instead Manitoba is home to a Anti-Magic D-Bees call the Maloza.

I mis-read that as "Mazola" and thought, "D-Bees based on MW (Margerine-Wizardry) technology? OMG!" Oh well... :D

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 3:08 pm
by Uncle Servo
Alright, a lot of the changes I would make are already given, but that's never stopped me before...

1.) Do away with the mega-plot railroad that is "The Seige Of Tolkeen." As a GM, I want to run my own plots and not KevSim's... and how many of us older gamers have been part of a rag-tag group of adventurers that have saved Tolkeen from certain doom at the hands of the CS?

Nope, the whole SoT crapapalooza would be condensed down into ONE sourcebook detailing the opposing forces, deployment maps, key NPC characters, unique weapons/vehicles/gear/monsters the PCs are likely to encounter, and some likely courses of action if/when it all hits the fan. The actual seige storyline would then be played out in a paperback novel that uses information in the sourcebook.

2.) Give the whole concept of Mega-Damage a one-way ticket to the trash can. I like the idea of modern/energy weapons being more powerful than other types, but better/more consistent rules dealing with armor rating/piercing would be put in its place instead.

3.) Balance out 'Power Creep' with 'Power Crap' -- also known as "The Chipwell Effect." Let's face it, even in our world today quality items are lost in a sea of crappy ones. Throw in a few hundred years of post-apocalyptic chaos, and that's bound to intensify. Just because something is introduced in a later book doesn't automatically mean it's an improvement over stuff you've already seen.

4.) Curb the geometric rate of population growth. Rifts is supposed to be a sparsely populated wilderness, with only a few densely-populated pockets of civilization as we know it today. Small villages are okay though.

5.) Fewer restrictions on mages. There's no real reason in my mind why a mage can't wear environmental armor. Heavy armor and powered armor I can see, however. Also the PPE Channeling rules (in one form or another) would have been part of things from day one.

6.) A slightly less genocidal Coalition. Hatred of D-Bees or not, a good strategist should know better than creating more enemies than necessary. Deal out draconian punishment to those who would strike out against the CS, and make them a grisly warning to others. They'll either get the point or be dealt with themselves.

7.) Use a bit more imagination when dealing with different areas. I like a lot of the OCCs in Rifts: New West, but quite frankly I could do without all the stereotypical 'cowboy culture' that seems to saturate the book. Atlantis would be the new standard by which other areas would be measured.

8.) Dimension Books would be given a bit more integration into the mainstream. If Rifts is supposedly one of the biggest dimensional equivalents of Grand Central Station, then more Wormwood/Phase World/Mechanoids/etc. should be featured.

9.) Writers/designers would be constantly reminded that the whole point is not to see who can out-do the other. It's not a question of who does the better job, as they're all creating different pieces of the same jigsaw puzzle.

10.) All writers/designers will be required to have intimate knowledge of the works that came before their projects... and will be required to adhere to precedents established in said works unless a clear improvement is made. If something works one way in book one, then it should still work that way in book 27. The only exception to this is if that something is universally proven to NOT work.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 12:44 pm
by Guest
Am I the only one that would rework the OCCs so you don't have thousands of OCCs taking up space for little differences (you know, like all the Police OCC variants, or the Headhunter variants, or the...)?

Don't get me wrong, I love having tons of options, but three different complete OCCs for something like Police, just because they were done in different books, which is ridiculous. Why not do one, and then note the differences, or better yet, switch to skill programs for even more customization options?

Oh, and I'd rewrite all the books so you wouldn't have to flip through a million books to find one thing, have the same material cut and pasted into three or four different books, etc. While I understand that each new book out is going to add things, a periodic rewrite to consolidate all the material should be done to keep things comprehensive.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 12:52 pm
by Rimmerdal
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:Am I the only one that would rework the OCCs so you don't have thousands of OCCs taking up space for little differences (you know, like all the Police OCC variants, or the Headhunter variants, or the...)?

Don't get me wrong, I love having tons of options, but three different complete OCCs for something like Police, just because they were done in different books, which is ridiculous. Why not do one, and then note the differences, or better yet, switch to skill programs for even more customization options?

Oh, and I'd rewrite all the books so you wouldn't have to flip through a million books to find one thing, have the same material cut and pasted into three or four different books, etc. While I understand that each new book out is going to add things, a periodic rewrite to consolidate all the material should be done to keep things comprehensive.

Nope, I would get rid of them all and start over..

Man of Arms, Practioner of Magic, Psychic, Scholar, Adventurer, Crazy and Borg would be initial.

I'd make the OCC's so they we're adeptible to a variety of settings via a system similar to an "MOS" system. also Dragons and D-bee's would be a race and part of the MOS style system.

total OCC's
7 basic with MOS style custamizing, UNLIMITED potential... :P

Edit: forgot the Psychic...

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 2:00 pm
by Gabriel_V
I'd do a new system with a similar feel. I'd keep the general flow of combat, because the combat system is the best thing the Palladium system has going for it.

In terms of setting and plot, I'd definitely downgrade the Coalition States back down to the petty dictator bananna republic they were presented as back in the original Rifts corebook back in 1990 before any of the sourcebooks. They'd no longer have GMPC status under my watch.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 6:02 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:Am I the only one that would rework the OCCs so you don't have thousands of OCCs taking up space for little differences (you know, like all the Police OCC variants, or the Headhunter variants, or the...)?

Don't get me wrong, I love having tons of options, but three different complete OCCs for something like Police, just because they were done in different books, which is ridiculous. Why not do one, and then note the differences, or better yet, switch to skill programs for even more customization options?

110% agreed.
The OCCs in the main book pretty much covered everything that needed to be covered.

Personally, I'd have official rules for OCC generation and let players/GMs make their own.

Oh, and I'd rewrite all the books so you wouldn't have to flip through a million books to find one thing, have the same material cut and pasted into three or four different books, etc. While I understand that each new book out is going to add things, a periodic rewrite to consolidate all the material should be done to keep things comprehensive.


Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 6:17 pm
by Rimmerdal
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:Am I the only one that would rework the OCCs so you don't have thousands of OCCs taking up space for little differences (you know, like all the Police OCC variants, or the Headhunter variants, or the...)?

Don't get me wrong, I love having tons of options, but three different complete OCCs for something like Police, just because they were done in different books, which is ridiculous. Why not do one, and then note the differences, or better yet, switch to skill programs for even more customization options?

110% agreed.
The OCCs in the main book pretty much covered everything that needed to be covered.

Personally, I'd have official rules for OCC generation and let players/GMs make their own.

Oh, and I'd rewrite all the books so you wouldn't have to flip through a million books to find one thing, have the same material cut and pasted into three or four different books, etc. While I understand that each new book out is going to add things, a periodic rewrite to consolidate all the material should be done to keep things comprehensive.


My vote goes here. Make your own OCC..

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:20 am
by Uncle Servo
Rimmerdal wrote:
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:Am I the only one that would rework the OCCs so you don't have thousands of OCCs taking up space for little differences (you know, like all the Police OCC variants, or the Headhunter variants, or the...)?

Don't get me wrong, I love having tons of options, but three different complete OCCs for something like Police, just because they were done in different books, which is ridiculous. Why not do one, and then note the differences, or better yet, switch to skill programs for even more customization options?

Oh, and I'd rewrite all the books so you wouldn't have to flip through a million books to find one thing, have the same material cut and pasted into three or four different books, etc. While I understand that each new book out is going to add things, a periodic rewrite to consolidate all the material should be done to keep things comprehensive.

Nope, I would get rid of them all and start over..

Man of Arms, Practioner of Magic, Psychic, Scholar, Adventurer, Crazy and Borg would be initial.

I'd make the OCC's so they we're adeptible to a variety of settings via a system similar to an "MOS" system. also Dragons and D-bee's would be a race and part of the MOS style system.

total OCC's
7 basic with MOS style custamizing, UNLIMITED potential... :P.

I do like that one... modular in nature... standardized, but with a great degree of potential variety... I don't know that I'd narrow things down THAT much, but the idea of a basic core grouping isn't bad.

Didn't the old Robotech Southern Cross use MOS a lot in their OCCs?

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:31 am
by Gabriel_V
I too once thought classes should be broader.and more generic. I too thought of modular systems for such a thing. But since then, I've seen D20 Modern, and other systems with similarly generic classes.

They're incredibly bland and uninteresting.

Yes, it does somewhat suck to see basically the same human class repeated again and again in every book with a different name and marginally different skill selections. There is an element which gets forgotten, however. It is a tangible thing and it is important to play.

Having a class named Headhunter with a slightly narrower focus is much better and much more entertaining than having a class named Generic Combat Guy. If you're going to have classes, they should jump out at the reader and seem interesting. Otherwise, don't have classes at all.

So, I'd keep the vast array of classes. One of the things I think Rifts Ultimate has done well is to define the classes a bit better and provide them with a niche, or a hook in the minds of players. While I don't agree with some of the revamps (the Cyber Knight), I'm glad it was at least attempted.

However, I wouldn't be so restrictive on what skills a character could pick as their options. I suppose my OCCs would look like CJ Carella's. There would be a cool, attention grabbing, overarching concept, but lots of customizablility.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:41 am
by Guest
I'd like to state, for the record, that I agree with Gabriel_V. There doesn't need to be a few generic classes, and D20 Modern's generic classes did suck.

I disagree with Killer Cyborg that, "The OCCs in the main book pretty much covered everything that needed to be covered. "

No, they didn't, not even close. Can I live without the massive stereotypical classes that showed up in later Rifts books, certainly. But some OCCs, like Police, Mercs, and other classes that showed up in later books (where they weren't redone with little details several times) are quite necessary and useful, covering things that Main Book didn't. Even the expanded military classes in Triax were better than the CS military classes in the main book.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:49 am
by Rimmerdal
Uncle Servo wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:Am I the only one that would rework the OCCs so you don't have thousands of OCCs taking up space for little differences (you know, like all the Police OCC variants, or the Headhunter variants, or the...)?

Don't get me wrong, I love having tons of options, but three different complete OCCs for something like Police, just because they were done in different books, which is ridiculous. Why not do one, and then note the differences, or better yet, switch to skill programs for even more customization options?

Oh, and I'd rewrite all the books so you wouldn't have to flip through a million books to find one thing, have the same material cut and pasted into three or four different books, etc. While I understand that each new book out is going to add things, a periodic rewrite to consolidate all the material should be done to keep things comprehensive.

Nope, I would get rid of them all and start over..

Man of Arms, Practioner of Magic, Psychic, Scholar, Adventurer, Crazy and Borg would be initial.

I'd make the OCC's so they we're adeptible to a variety of settings via a system similar to an "MOS" system. also Dragons and D-bee's would be a race and part of the MOS style system.

total OCC's
7 basic with MOS style custamizing, UNLIMITED potential... :P.

I do like that one... modular in nature... standardized, but with a great degree of potential variety... I don't know that I'd narrow things down THAT much, but the idea of a basic core grouping isn't bad.

Didn't the old Robotech Southern Cross use MOS a lot in their OCCs?

The SC did, THe RDF or REF didn't. Again that was rough so don't think its finished. As for the D20 System...

I like one aspect of it...It's balanced and the rules make sense..Feats I still sort of like. But honestly it would be nice to play a game not need to redo50-70% rules before you play..

But batck to the "Make your own Class idea" it would be a great optional rule..One I'd use. Not sure how I'd make it though. (but I will figure something.. 8) )

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 1:18 pm
by Damian Magecraft
Rimmerdal wrote:The SC did, THe RDF or REF didn't. Again that was rough so don't think its finished. As for the D20 System...

I like one aspect of it...It's balanced and the rules make sense..Feats I still sort of like. But honestly it would be nice to play a game not need to redo50-70% rules before you play..

But batck to the "Make your own Class idea" it would be a great optional rule..One I'd use. Not sure how I'd make it though. (but I will figure something.. 8) )

the problem with claiming a system is balanced is no one can agree what balance is...

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:04 pm
by Rimmerdal
Damian Magecraft wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:The SC did, THe RDF or REF didn't. Again that was rough so don't think its finished. As for the D20 System...

I like one aspect of it...It's balanced and the rules make sense..Feats I still sort of like. But honestly it would be nice to play a game not need to redo50-70% rules before you play..

But batck to the "Make your own Class idea" it would be a great optional rule..One I'd use. Not sure how I'd make it though. (but I will figure something.. 8) )

the problem with claiming a system is balanced is no one can agree what balance is...

No system is perfect or completely..but the D20 system is closer to balance than most, Sadly.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:22 pm
by Benito Pulatso
Vampires and werecreatures would not have their unique invulnerabilities and would be standard MD creatures with weakness the same as before. However, to keep consistant with popular myth, they remain MD (or at least have their invulnerabilites) when they are in an SDC world. I'd also change it so they would be fully vulnerable to magic, psionics, supernatural creatures, and creatures of magic.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 4:13 pm
by Damian Magecraft
Rimmerdal wrote:
Damian Magecraft wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:The SC did, THe RDF or REF didn't. Again that was rough so don't think its finished. As for the D20 System...

I like one aspect of it...It's balanced and the rules make sense..Feats I still sort of like. But honestly it would be nice to play a game not need to redo50-70% rules before you play..

But batck to the "Make your own Class idea" it would be a great optional rule..One I'd use. Not sure how I'd make it though. (but I will figure something.. 8) )

the problem with claiming a system is balanced is no one can agree what balance is...

No system is perfect or completely..but the D20 system is closer to balance than most, Sadly.

balance does not mean equality...
Rifts is balanced each character has its strengths and weeknesses but those are all dependant on the situation...
KS even put in an aside as to what he felt balance means in the Rifts Ultimate book (pg 73).

Re: Rifts In Your Own Image

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 11:06 am
by maasenstodt
Arcanus wrote:The first thing I'd axe is the -10 nonsense and everything Phaseworld related. Japan and the new west would be heavily revised.

The -10 rule has thankfully been revised. And I'd agree with you that several world books could use some serious revisions to tone them down.

But scrap Phase World?!? Blasphemy! Asides from the need (as with Rifts) to introduce more lower tech (SDC and minor MDC) equipment, the Three Galaxies are a great place to game in. C.J. established a terrific setting, Bill expanded upon its mythos and depth, and Carl has provided a bunch of great adventuring material.

I suppose the closest I might come to agreeing with you is that Phase World could be made its own game instead of being tied to Rifts. My take is that a fair number of people nowadays see the Rifts moniker on the cover and give the books a pass without understanding that the setting really stands alone.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:17 am
by Killer Cyborg
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:I disagree with Killer Cyborg that, "The OCCs in the main book pretty much covered everything that needed to be covered. "

No, they didn't, not even close. Can I live without the massive stereotypical classes that showed up in later Rifts books, certainly. But some OCCs, like Police, Mercs, and other classes that showed up in later books (where they weren't redone with little details several times) are quite necessary and useful, covering things that Main Book didn't. Even the expanded military classes in Triax were better than the CS military classes in the main book.

I haven't found a use for them yet, although I can see that they would have some place in the NGR and maybe a couple other places.
Still, I think that the original CS OCCs covered things pretty well. A mercenary would have pretty much the same skills as a CS soldier, and most police would be CS military personell.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:47 am
by Qev
THW wrote:And in response to what Qev said about having all mech's Japanese Style. I say no way I like the simple effective designs of stuff like Mech Warrior. It don't need 15 spiny useless thing sticking off the back of my PA.

Spiny things are nice, tho! :lol:

But no, I'm not talking about Mobile Suit Gundam style stuff (I despise that series)... just, they seem to have a much better grasp of technical art and design than a lot of North American artists (though that's changing). The mecha in Robotech, I feel, are wonderful designs. A lot of the stuff (but not all) in Rifts either makes me groan or burst out giggling. :)

rifts changes

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:01 pm
by bigwhitehound
1: I would completely change the vampires.
2: I would get rid of japan, as per RMB.
3: Magic spells would be changed to have multiple casting stlyes, instead of always having to be spoken.
4: I would drop everying in south america 2, not mentioned in SA 1
5: I would use Kitsune's rules for Phase World ships, weapons, ect...
6:I would make a complete atlas of rifts earth, and a basic one for the Three Galaxies.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:06 pm
by Rimmerdal
Damian Magecraft wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:
Damian Magecraft wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:The SC did, THe RDF or REF didn't. Again that was rough so don't think its finished. As for the D20 System...

I like one aspect of it...It's balanced and the rules make sense..Feats I still sort of like. But honestly it would be nice to play a game not need to redo50-70% rules before you play..

But batck to the "Make your own Class idea" it would be a great optional rule..One I'd use. Not sure how I'd make it though. (but I will figure something.. 8) )

the problem with claiming a system is balanced is no one can agree what balance is...

No system is perfect or completely..but the D20 system is closer to balance than most, Sadly.

balance does not mean equality...
Rifts is balanced each character has its strengths and weeknesses but those are all dependant on the situation...
KS even put in an aside as to what he felt balance means in the Rifts Ultimate book (pg 73).

I was talking about rule balance..not class balance. I know some classes WILL be tough..some not so. It's all in how you use something.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 2:56 pm
by Proseksword
Not much, actually, I bizarrely like RIFTs pretty much as is. The following are the things I would change:

1 - Eliminate the new Ultimate Rifts "The last bit of MDC armor always absorbs one full blast, no matter how big it is" rule. really, I just see a bunch of low-level enemies running around in their birthday suits from this one.

2 - Eliminate the -10 to dodge rule against modern weapons firing at point-blank range. Realistically, it's actually easier to dodge a weapon at point blank range than at a distance slightly further out. I'd keep the -5 for distances slightly further out.

3 - Add a rule where you have to roll % of missiles in a volley that hit. It's way too easy as is since you cannot dodge a volley of more than four mini-missiles to just get hit with a hailstorm of them and be destroyed.

4 - increase to hit number with mini-missiles to over 8. probably an oversight, but in RIFTs Ultimate edition it looks like it's still a 5+ just like guided missiles.

5 - Provide construction rules for Iron Juggernaughts

6 - Balance out the totally random dodge, to strike, and other bonuses that seem to follow no rhyme or reason.

7 - Extend the duration of some spells, so that they become more useful.

that's about it.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 5:06 pm
by Rimmerdal
gaby wrote:1)No Xiticix hive land,instead Manitoba is home to a Anti-Magic D-Bees call the Maloza.

2)Area51 and Las Vegas was Rifted in time reappear in 87,P.A.

3)No Siege on Tolkeen,Tolkeen is in a Cold War with the C.S.

1) Agreed, Humanity has enough D-bees trying to conquer the world..

2) Neat idea, some of the Night Bane classes could ewasily be used..Team
Epsilon troopers, PAB, Pandora researcher and PAB Psychic agent..

3) The cold war certainly allows for better adventures and a chance for the CS to start a fight with the federation of magic..Dunscon in paticular..