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Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:24 pm
by Defender_X
For the most part , ethnicity is not a concern except in a few places. And in places were civilization stayed around a little bit longer, then the look of the population maybe more diverse. Having humans from other dimensions rifted in didn't help either.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 10:06 pm
by TechnoGothic
mexican still around
Native Americas still around
Blacks still around
Whites still around
asians still around

Lots of "mutts" around too...
mutts = mixed races of any kind/amount.

I'm a "mutt" in real life.
Mom's Full Blooded Native American
Dad's Irish/German

In my games We have alot of characters like VinDesel and Dwayne Johnson "the Rock", Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Clancy Brown, Samuel Jackson, and the like, all over the place...

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 11:01 pm
by AllMightyRCB
I'd say that it matches that there are seperate ethnicities still. There are many people that do not mix with other ethnicities even if they aren't racist. For there being alot of white people in the CS military, well that makes sense. There are more white people by far in the current US military (just look in Time magazine, or another magazine like that and it'll show it). The secone most is blacks in the military. Then after that the rest are far fewer percentage wise. Also the whites are more war-like so more would join the CS military. Just look at all the wars there have been in Europe over the years. As for the NGR, well I think that is self explanitory why there'd be mostly whites there. Any ethnicity can join the militaries, but I think Palladium got it right on this one. Just my opinion.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 11:11 pm
by cornholioprime
AllMightyRCB wrote:I'd say that it matches that there are seperate ethnicities still. There are many people that do not mix with other ethnicities even if they aren't racist. For there being alot of white people in the CS military, well that makes sense. There are more white people by far in the current US military (just look in Time magazine, or another magazine like that and it'll show it). The secone most is blacks in the military. Then after that the rest are far fewer percentage wise. Also the whites are more war-like so more would join the CS military. Just look at all the wars there have been in Europe over the years. As for the NGR, well I think that is self explanitory why there'd be mostly whites there. Any ethnicity can join the militaries, but I think Palladium got it right on this one. Just my opinion.
Hate to sound like a Mod but perhaps you should hold off on the Ethnic Generalizations.

Not only are they incorrect -seeing as how EVERY Ethnic Group has been shown to act pretty much in the same way as every other Ethnic Group when one actually looks at World History and Prehistory -but I'll wager that Statements of the type that you have just made are the type that'll get the Thread Locked and/or earn you a warning from the Moderators.......

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 11:20 pm
by Gomen_Nagai
I Think other minorities are being replaced with alien races..

I bring up the Splugorth in Atlantis.. who seem to have been the Supernatural version of JEWS...

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 11:38 pm
by Dr. Doom III
AllMightyRCB wrote:Also the whites are more war-like


I don't believe I read that correctly. :rolleyes:

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 12:05 am
by jedi078
cornholioprime wrote:
AllMightyRCB wrote:I'd say that it matches that there are seperate ethnicities still. There are many people that do not mix with other ethnicities even if they aren't racist. For there being alot of white people in the CS military, well that makes sense. There are more white people by far in the current US military (just look in Time magazine, or another magazine like that and it'll show it). The secone most is blacks in the military. Then after that the rest are far fewer percentage wise. Also the whites are more war-like so more would join the CS military. Just look at all the wars there have been in Europe over the years. As for the NGR, well I think that is self explanitory why there'd be mostly whites there. Any ethnicity can join the militaries, but I think Palladium got it right on this one. Just my opinion.
Hate to sound like a Mod but perhaps you should hold off on the Ethnic Generalizations.

Not only are they incorrect -seeing as how EVERY Ethnic Group has been shown to act pretty much in the same way as every other Ethnic Group when one actually looks at World History and Prehistory -but I'll wager that Statements of the type that you have just made are the type that'll get the Thread Locked and/or earn you a warning from the Moderators.......

Funny I disagree with you on one thread and agree with you on another cornholioprime.

AllMightyRCB you must have forgotten that Asians, Africans, Native Americans and Hispanics were all war like throughout history.

The fact is mankind as a race has been warlike for thousands (if not millions) of years.

I may be white but I didn't give a damm what race the Marine next to me was. In fact in one of my units the Hispanics were the majority.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:18 am
by gaby
I do not known how things are in 2098,but I known how things are in 2005, The Majorty of Visible Minority live in Big Cities.

The Big Cities on the U.S Coasts were Wipe out in the Great Cataclysm.

The Majorty of the Survivors come from the smaller cities more inland.

All you known of Ethnic groups in C.S is the Npc,s from the Worldbooks.

You can make a Characters of any Ethnic group you want.

I aways thoughts that Karl Prosek look like the main bad guy from James Bond,s Laceson to Kill.

Now Religion that is Different!
I think the Majorty of it is lost.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:41 am
by Vrykolas2k
I think there's still diversity.
And if you read the descriptions, there are no black psi-stalkers, though there could be some with negroid rather than caucasoid or mongoloid features.
Most of the minorities live in the big cities, along the coasts. Those got wiped out in the Cataclysm. For a relatively mild example just look at what's going on now after a hurricane. The Cataclysm would have been much, much worse... and would have had much less warning.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 2:56 pm
by Proseksword
Well, the greatest living hero of the Coalition States, General Jericho Holmes, is black, if that matters.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:31 pm
by TechnoGothic
DAGOTs from SeaQuest are the majority ??

cool look, but nah... ;)

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 4:23 pm
by Marrowlight
Gomen_Nagai wrote:I Think other minorities are being replaced with alien races..

I bring up the Splugorth in Atlantis.. who seem to have been the Supernatural version of JEWS...

Speaking of things that will get a thread locked.....whee :-(

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 8:21 pm
by AllMightyRCB
I think even racism alone would make it so that there would still be the seperate ethnicities. Humans have been around for thousands of years and are still racist today, so there's no reason to think that a relatively small amount of additional time would suddenly fix that. It's good that some people want to mix races, and some don't. I'd hate to live in a world where everyone mixed so much that we all looked the same. It'd suck and be boring. I like variety better. Whether it's people looking different, or if it's people driving different types of cars. It'd be too plain and boring if everything was the same with little or no variety. For the percentage of the ethnicities in the military, does anyone care to look it up on a US military site, or in some of the news magazines, like I did, or whatever you happen to see in one military group account for the entire military? The most minorities are in the Army and Marines, and the most whites in the Navy and Airforce in case anyone was wondering. There are also far more females in the Navy than any other branch of the military.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 8:33 pm
by Rimmerdal
I like a little cultural variety. makes poeple interesting. ALLMightyRCB is right. If we all looked the same life would be dull.

I tend see Racism as caused by differences. so long as two people are different in ANY way it will always exsist to some degree. That includes humans to humans, Humans to D-bees and D-bee's to D-Bee's

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 10:52 pm
by Gomen_Nagai
C'mon now, The splugorth control the world! they own the banks! they enslave All the non Sploogs! they bring about Prosperity at the cost of the Slaved population!

they wear funny Curls on their high lord's heads!

they preach every saturday evening from Splugorthinical law!

they demand blood Sacrifices!

they have the global stranglehold on Lox and bagels!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:00 am
by Prince Artemis
even if you're making a joke with that i suggest you stop it now, it's in horrible taste and is just downright disgraceful

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:07 am
by cornholioprime
Vrykolas2k wrote:Hmmm...
I think there's still diversity.
And if you read the descriptions, there are no black psi-stalkers, though there could be some with negroid rather than caucasoid or mongoloid features.
Most of the minorities live in the big cities, along the coasts. Those got wiped out in the Cataclysm. For a relatively mild example just look at what's going on now after a hurricane. The Cataclysm would have been much, much worse... and would have had much less warning.
ALL Psi-Stalkers are effectively hairless Albinos -Albinos, by the way, usually looking pretty much the same across the Races in Real Life (with the possible exception of Secondary Visible Characteristics that may be present in a given group, such as the pronounced Eye Folds in most humans of Asian descent).

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 3:19 am
by grandmaster z0b
I think it would take well over 300 years to nullify the appearance of race. Humans have been interbreeding for our entire existance and in the last hundred years we have seen a lot more racial interbreeding due to a global economy and a big increase in immigration.
After the Cataclysm communities would become more isolated and therefore the chances of interbreeding would become less, not more.

I think racism is born of the fear of the unknown, so in a place like Chi-Town which would have had members of virtually every major race within it, I think that fear would be replaced by the fear of d-bees and demons.

However some backwater kingdom in the middle of the southern wilderness may see an asian looking man as inhuman as an elf or a dwarf but would be more than familiar with hispanic and african american people, they could still carry the old bigotry or it could all be forgotten in the face of inhuman invaders.

Considering spanish is the second most spoken language in North America on Rifts Earth one would assume there are still a lot of hispanic communities around.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:00 am
by Nxla666
Speaking as a White Anglo Saxon Pagan I find the Anti-Semitic comment vulgar, the crack about whites being more violent sure seems a tad bitter.

ON TOPIC, the only time race matters is when the PC picks a specific race or its a non-human.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 1:57 pm
by Rimmerdal
grandmaster z0b wrote:I think it would take well over 300 years to nullify the appearance of race. Humans have been interbreeding for our entire existance and in the last hundred years we have seen a lot more racial interbreeding due to a global economy and a big increase in immigration.
After the Cataclysm communities would become more isolated and therefore the chances of interbreeding would become less, not more.

I think racism is born of the fear of the unknown, so in a place like Chi-Town which would have had members of virtually every major race within it, I think that fear would be replaced by the fear of d-bees and demons.

However some backwater kingdom in the middle of the southern wilderness may see an asian looking man as inhuman as an elf or a dwarf but would be more than familiar with hispanic and african american people, they could still carry the old bigotry or it could all be forgotten in the face of inhuman invaders.

Considering spanish is the second most spoken language in North America on Rifts Earth one would assume there are still a lot of hispanic communities around.

Not all racist live in backward southern communities. I can see a mage community being as equally racist to non-mages. So racial bias is not exclusive to the south.

as an RPG element, racial bias has a lot of possibility. the key isto stay objective.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 2:54 pm
Marrowlight wrote:
Gomen_Nagai wrote:I Think other minorities are being replaced with alien races..

I bring up the Splugorth in Atlantis.. who seem to have been the Supernatural version of JEWS...

Speaking of things that will get a thread locked.....whee :-(


Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 3:08 pm
by Vrykolas2k
Misfit KotLD wrote:For the record folks, my teaching diverse populations class is saying by the next century, the country will be shades of brown by a vast majority. We'll see if it comes out that way, but it's being projected by some.

I somehow doubt that, unless there's a lot of rapine between now and then.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 3:41 pm
by Daniel Stoker
Prince Artemis wrote:even if you're making a joke with that i suggest you stop it now, it's in horrible taste and is just downright disgraceful

Let's see here... No blood sacrifices especially since the temple was destroyed, it's actually Friday Evening from sundown that our sabbath starts. It would be over by Saturday evening, only a few orthodox sects have their hair with the side curls, we freely share the lox and bagels (you can have my Lox <shudders>) and who is enslaved now?

But besides that... wow dead on comparison! :p

Daniel Stoker

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 4:28 pm
by Proseksword
In truth, it means little more than blonde hair, or auburn hair, or green eyes or blue eyes. It is only because we continue to make cultural associations with appearances that we perpetuate race as an issue.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 5:20 pm
by Daniel Stoker
Misfit KotLD wrote:Dude, we're gonna fight over that bagel then. :P

You can have my mish-mosh bagel when you pry it from my cold dead hands!

Daniel Stoker

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 5:54 pm
by Daniel Stoker
Misfit KotLD wrote:Your terms are acceptable. *Kills Dan, takes his bagel*

Ha ha! I had TK force field up. :p

Daniel Stoker

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:16 pm
by Gomen_Nagai
Misfit KotLD wrote:
Daniel Stoker wrote:
Prince Artemis wrote:even if you're making a joke with that i suggest you stop it now, it's in horrible taste and is just downright disgraceful

Let's see here... No blood sacrifices especially since the temple was destroyed, it's actually Friday Evening from sundown that our sabbath starts. It would be over by Saturday evening, only a few orthodox sects have their hair with the side curls, we freely share the lox and bagels (you can have my Lox <shudders>) and who is enslaved now?

But besides that... wow dead on comparison! :p

Daniel Stoker

Dude, we're gonna fight over that bagel then. :P

I'm now stuck imaginging Hava Nagilah being the theme Song for Atlantis and Woody Allen's Voice coming out of the Splugorthian high lords in Atlantis..

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:18 pm
by Larsen
My human characters are usually white simply because I am and it saves time.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:54 pm
by grandmaster z0b
Rimmerdal wrote:
grandmaster z0b wrote:I think it would take well over 300 years to nullify the appearance of race. Humans have been interbreeding for our entire existance and in the last hundred years we have seen a lot more racial interbreeding due to a global economy and a big increase in immigration.
After the Cataclysm communities would become more isolated and therefore the chances of interbreeding would become less, not more.

I think racism is born of the fear of the unknown, so in a place like Chi-Town which would have had members of virtually every major race within it, I think that fear would be replaced by the fear of d-bees and demons.

However some backwater kingdom in the middle of the southern wilderness may see an asian looking man as inhuman as an elf or a dwarf but would be more than familiar with hispanic and african american people, they could still carry the old bigotry or it could all be forgotten in the face of inhuman invaders.

Considering spanish is the second most spoken language in North America on Rifts Earth one would assume there are still a lot of hispanic communities around.

Not all racist live in backward southern communities. I can see a mage community being as equally racist to non-mages. So racial bias is not exclusive to the south.

as an RPG element, racial bias has a lot of possibility. the key isto stay objective.

I'm sorry if I offended you but I never said that all racists live in the south, it was just an example. In the world of Rifts, the north (Chi-town and FQ) is a lot more civilsed and that is why I used that example, I wasn't trying to make a comment about the real world.
Oh and I re-bolded that entire paragraph because I think it shows more what I meant.