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Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:29 pm
by grandmaster z0b
mini-torpedeos that can be fitted in the place of an ordinary mini-missile without any modification, but of course can only be fired underwater.

it's not quite a mini-missile but a TW in our game once invented a TW box that had carpet of adhesion and telekinesis built into it. The box could have either explosives or a laser drill inside. By pumping PPE into it the box would be covered by a CoA and then could be thrown against a target using TK. The Shifter used to use it really effectively by casting time slip first.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:43 pm
by RoadWarriorFWaNK
I once assaulted the group with demons who had rocket launchers. The rockets they fired had laughing skulls on the front of them. Like those wind-up chattering skull lapel pins. It was pretty funny at the time.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:56 pm
by grandmaster z0b
RoadWarriorFWaNK wrote:I once assaulted the group with demons who had rocket launchers. The rockets they fired had laughing skulls on the front of them. Like those wind-up chattering skull lapel pins. It was pretty funny at the time.

Sounds Doomish (I mean Doom 3 the computer game not the poster) those flaming skulls that scream and charge into you.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:02 pm
by finn69
i like the botteled demon missiles from phase world :D

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:12 pm
by Rimmer
I had a group of CS PC's, that macgyvered up a mini missile with bright red paint. Set for impact or lacation detonation it would explode in a fine red mist, which was heavier than air. A great way of finding all of the invisable monsters i used to throw at them.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:56 pm
by Braden Campbell
In Phase World, I have several kinds of differing torpedos...

the Wolfen have Magneton Warheads which have a cumlitive chance of overloading a ships shields.

The Kreeghor have DrillDrone torpedos that punch into a ship (shields must be defeated first) and drill through the hull. They then drop a nuclear charge inside the ship.

The Golgan build a 2000' long missile called an Ilsungan, which has a top speed of 8 light years per hour and has a warhead big enough to destroy a hemisphere.

The Altess use heavy quantum torpedeos which release twice the damage of a antimatter warhead.

The CCW rarely use their Hyper-K missiles...(antimatter warheads that travel faster than light) because there is no chance to shoot them down. They are seen as being "unfair" and "unsprotsman-like".

So there are a few...

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:13 pm
by Jefffar
I've been toying with systematic missile design rules

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:26 pm
by grandmaster z0b
Braden, GMPhD wrote:In Phase World, I have several kinds of differing torpedos...

the Wolfen have Magneton Warheads which have a cumlitive chance of overloading a ships shields.

The Kreeghor have DrillDrone torpedos that punch into a ship (shields must be defeated first) and drill through the hull. They then drop a nuclear charge inside the ship.

The Golgan build a 2000' long missile called an Ilsungan, which has a top speed of 8 light years per hour and has a warhead big enough to destroy a hemisphere.

The Altess use heavy quantum torpedeos which release twice the damage of a antimatter warhead.

The CCW rarely use their Hyper-K missiles...(antimatter warheads that travel faster than light) because there is no chance to shoot them down. They are seen as being "unfair" and "unsprotsman-like".

So there are a few...

Cool, I like.:-D
What does a quantum torpedeo do, turn the victim theoretical?

Although I don't think any army would use a weapon because it was unsportsman like, the object of war is to win as quickly and cleanly as possible whilst trying to minimise damage to yourself. Being able to take out an enemy quickly without giving them a chance to defend or retaliate is a dream come true for any commander, if you don't want to include it for game balance reasons, say that it is unstable or has some severe disadvantage or just doesn't exist. It's like saying the US wouldn't use guided missiles because the enemy has no anti-air capabilities.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:39 pm
by Braden Campbell
In reality, Hyper-K's would cost a horiffic ammount to build. I mean, a torpedo with a built in warp drive...

Also, you couldn't use them within 200,000 miles of a planet, which limits their use to deep space. I drafted a specialised CCW ship that carries them, kind of like a Consortium version of the the TGE Berseker.

And I'm sure only the Noro think they're unfair. The Terrans would have no problem with them, becasue humans suck. :ok:

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 12:47 am
by Qev
Missiles with OP-Fields would be annoying; you could shoot through a planet at a target. Or if the target's shields were down, you could shoot directly at their power plant, crew section, whatever, bypassing the armored hull. :lol:

Those TW missiles with CoA (or high-tech missiles with some sort of super-adhesive payload) would be deadly effective against RPA troops. Open up with a volley of those, glue the RPA in place, then pound it to pieces. :D

Another amusing 'TW' missile could be one equipped with a limited Rift drive. Instead of transporting itself, however, it dumps the target into the Rift. If the target isn't equipped with a Rift drive themselves... well... they end up stuck in the Flux Dimension, now don't they. :lol:

I've always liked the idea of ACVs (autonomous combat vehicles), basically AI missiles that carry their own weapons payload. They can engage their target at long range using beams or submunitions, dodge incoming counter-attacks, then impact their target directly (usually without a warhead... considering the speeds space combat occurs under, they'd be superfluous).

On a similar vein, how about smart missiles that (once the target's shields are down), attach themselves to the hull, and then proceed to attempt to hack the target's computer systems, reducing their effectiveness or even incapacitating them. Be useful for pirates and robot/ship-jackers. :)

Edit: Oh wait... everyone should have to say "MISSILES!!!" just like the villains in Star Blazers (first season) say it. Kind of screamy and psychotic sounding. :)

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 1:10 am
by rem1093
disruptor missiles- explodes before contact punching a hole in force fields, and has a nasty side effect on energy beings.
gel napalm- plasma heat with slow burn
MMMWL-mini missile multi warhead launcher (oras my one friend calls it, the missile that makes the hulls bubble). its a longe range missile that fires multiple mini missiles in between the inner and outer hulls of ships
and for the truly crazy, an mutated invid flower of life mini missile
does 1D6x10000 to a 3 mile radius

Re: Missiles... or should I say Myssyles?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:36 am
by Dead Boy
Krytykyll Hytt wrote:What about others? What other kinds of missiles do you use in your game? I'm talking mostly about mini-missiles here. What kinds of warheads have been developed?

AIM-180B ASRAPMM Missile: Like the Shrike Interceptor's, these advanced sub-munition launching misiles have enhanced targeting systems and have had their ordnance upgraded to make use of the more advanced explosives now in the C.S. inventory. After the medium-ranged Advanced Short-Range All Purpose Multiple Missile travels half way to, or closes within three miles of its target, the rocket breaks up into a volley of four fragmentation short-range missiles that streak out to finish the job. This makes it much harder for the target to evade or counter the attack. The missile uses an optical image recognition system that its sub-missiles use to home in on their target in addition to their thermal heat-seeking systems. In a pinch normal medium-range missiles can be loaded in their stead.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Magic.
Mega Damage: Each missile’s sub-munitions of four short-range fragmentation missiles inflict 2D4X10 MD each, or 5D6X10+20 MD per volley of four with an explosive radius of 20 feet (6 m).
Effective Range: A slightly improved 25 miles (40 km).
Reminder: Fragmentation explosives do their damage by means of hard hitting shrapnel and not the blast itself. Therefore all such attacks can bypass the defensive spell Impervious to Energy.

I also have a mean Cluster Bomb. :)

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 8:35 am
by Zer0 Kay
rem1093 wrote:disruptor missiles- explodes before contact punching a hole in force fields, and has a nasty side effect on energy beings.
gel napalm- plasma heat with slow burn
MMMWL-mini missile multi warhead launcher (oras my one friend calls it, the missile that makes the hulls bubble). its a longe range missile that fires multiple mini missiles in between the inner and outer hulls of ships
and for the truly crazy, an mutated invid flower of life mini missile
does 1D6x10000 to a 3 mile radius

Remember that that 1D6x10000 is only if it is used as a power source and even Zor couldn't get that powersource as small as a mini-missile.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 11:33 pm
by rem1093
I thought the gallent was proto-powered, with an eclip type cell. use that as the warhead. it should be good and small, or just use it as a long range ship killer.

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 9:01 am
by Display-Name-Alpha
They are not actual missiles per say... but ballistic Fire swarm rocket systems.

It is like a pillbox, where it there is a 5x5 set of missile bays... and it can hold a charge of (take your pick 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 200, 400, and 1000) mafimum volley=20 and maximum damage is 2d6x10.

To keep it "balanced" the swarm rockets dont all automatically hit... but are +4 to strike on top of other bonuses for firing missiles.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 1:20 am
by Jefffar
I got more involved than that.

Way too much more involved.

But dayum those rules can yield real coolness.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:33 pm
by finn69

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:45 am
by Zer0 Kay
rem1093 wrote:I thought the gallent was proto-powered, with an eclip type cell. use that as the warhead. it should be good and small, or just use it as a long range ship killer.

Unless your suggesting that Zor is an idiot, since all his proto/fusion reactors are large, then the Gallant H-90 and any other proto canister would be running of the same fluid that the Invid sit in, in their cockpits a protoculture charged nutrient, that apparently not only holds energy but also imparts the benifits of protoculture upon the machine and user.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:53 am
by Zer0 Kay
Only mods I had were all TW
Invisible missiles, which would only become visible before they exploded.
Teleporting missile or a launcher that teleports the missile, which makes way for a few possibilities. First the missile doesn't need an engine anymore, so either they remain the same size and increase damage capacity or reduce the size and increase payload. There is also either a reduced dodge or none at all. If your on the side of you can teleport into/out of a vehicle then the missile hatch wouldn't even have to be opened to launch, other wise you would and the target (if they see you) would have some idea your attacking. Of course the targeting computer would also have to be TW to give the missiles their coordinates.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:35 pm
by Zer0 Kay
AdeptPaladin wrote:Millenium Tree Warhead Missiles.


Essentially a fragmentation warhead that instead of using metal uses Millienium Tree wood to form the casing. When the warhead detonates, fragments the cover the area and do damage that way. For most targets, the warhead does 1/2 damage as SDC, not MDC. (5d6 * 1/2). But against supernatural threats, it does normal damage times their multiplier and as straight mega damage; full MD against vampires, x10 for supernatural horrors, etc..

The wood could also be used for rail gun rounds too, with a similar reduction in damages.

This came to mind after reading up on the Four Horseman and wonder how could one do the most damage against them without utterly destroying the landscape.

Water Elemental missile that has pre-scored fragmentation head with summon Greater Water Elemental on Each one. When they hit it's summoned... what happens to a vampire who is suddenly engulfed in a water elemental?