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If YOU,the reader were "rifted" to P.A. 109 earth.

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 10:00 pm
by dmart11
I'm toying with a side campaign idea and I looked back about 10 pages to see if this topic was already around.
but What if, JUST IF,You the reader were suddenly sucked into rifts earth p.a. 109 in say, ummm colorado.with nothing but the clothes on your back and a note in your pocket saying you'd be returned home if you could survive 5 years on rifts would you cope with this event?
what steps would you take for immediate survival?

The variables in this scenario
1. you KNEW you were now on rifts earth due to clues (familiar "rifts" canon settings,items and vehicles) only have the clothes on your back. have only the old pre rifts 20th century money in your pocket. have your current education, health but no magic.but you do however have P.P.E.'s a hot, summer day around 4:15pm


Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 10:11 pm
by dmart11
Res_Novae wrote:Seriously???

I'd probably die.

have faith grasshopper,if erin tarn could do it so can you.
but you DO have an idea with that verizon,think about it. :)

Zerebus wrote:Then I'd try to secure a container of water and head out in search of civilization.

and remember,it's a summer afternoon in colorado.

Re: If YOU,the reader were "rifted" to P.A. 109 ea

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 10:13 pm
by dmart11
sorry for the double post.

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 10:18 pm
by dmart11
hmmmm ok,let's try this,
there's a pretty mellow tempered horse near you that's pretty friendly.Now you have a horse as well as the clothes on your back and the current possession on you.

and if you'd kill and eat the horse you probably wouldn't survive too long in rifts earth making those kind of choices :lol: .

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 10:59 pm
by Preacher
1st. Knowing it is Rifts Earth I would try to get to a civilized community.

If that worked?

2nd. I would try to hook up with a cyber knight and hopefully get into an apprentiship with him/her after explaining my situation.

Being ex-military I would probably be a second level grunt after all this time. Maybe join a local militia?

Being a hillbilly from the backwoods of KY then I might be a second to third level Wilderness scout.
Maybe hook up with a scout band?

If none of those worked then I would probably be a quick meal for a MDC creature. :lol:

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 11:12 pm
by dmart11
Preacher wrote:1st. Knowing it is Rifts Earth I would try to get to a civilized community.

If that worked?

2nd. I would try to hook up with a cyber knight and hopefully get into an apprentiship with him/her after explaining my situation.

spend your 5 years as a cyberknight apprentice,good.
just remember all things aquired in rifts earth won't go back with you to our world.

Zerebus wrote:Ask the horse for directions.

and would you be shocked if he answered? :lol:

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 11:49 pm
by dmart11
Zerebus wrote:
dmart11 wrote:
Zerebus wrote:Ask the horse for directions.

and would you be shocked if he answered? :lol:

I'm still shocked about being dragged into a five year long poof game. Why would this upset me further? :p

well, jump on mr.ED's back and ride like the wind to new mexico or arizona.

1. once in a town, sell the horse or trade him for a wilks 227 pistol.
2. work as a bar hand or stable hand for about a year while saving up credits.
3.when you have enough,buy a bronco scooter,some ng maverick riding armor and head out east. to the CS....the burbs that is.
4.get a snazzy industry job in ironforge (an older burb) and spend the rest of the time avoiding trouble and blasting d-bees & monsters if you have to.resisting the temptation to go out on juuuuust ONE adventure.and avoiding the people that would try to temp you to go out on one.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 12:22 am
by TechnoGothic
lets see, after i soil my pants when i notice i'm in rifts, and dont get eaten...

I'd make it to a Mining Town...
Since i know i'll be returned to home 5 yrs later, they never said in the first post you cannot augment yourself...

So, i'd volenteer to become a Mining Borg, Full Conversion...
Work in a Silver or Gold mine for the 5 years...return home a kick arse Borg...


I'd learn to be a Cyberdoc...
When the 5 years are over, i take that knowledge back with me...
Invent true Cybernetics / Bionics here in the my home world...

But whatever happened...once home, first thing i'll do is CALL big Kev.S. up himself...yet him i know his secret...he is a Dimension Traveler writting about the worlds he has visited...
I'd know why they are confuseing converstion rules at last...

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 12:45 am
by Pox
Well luckily for me, I would pop up in Southern Free Quebec, but North enough not to be bothered by the Privateers of Montréal.

That being the case, I would find the first FQ patrol and ask for asylum. The only downside is if they get all curious about any PPE level I might have...if not, then I would try to get work in Pre-Rifts history at a FQ University or R&D for the military.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 12:57 am
by dmart11
TechnoGothic wrote:
But whatever happened...once home, first thing i'll do is CALL big Kev.S. up himself...yet him i know his secret...he is a Dimension Traveler writting about the worlds he has visited...
I'd know why they are confuseing converstion rules at last...

then you'd upset the cosmic balance of the universe and bring on the events of ATB. :lol:

Pox wrote:Well luckily for me, I would pop up in Southern Free Quebec, but North enough not to be bothered by the Privateers of Montréal.

That being the case, I would find the first FQ patrol and ask for asylum. The only downside is if they get all curious about any PPE level I might have...if not, then I would try to get work in Pre-Rifts history at a FQ University or R&D for the military.

they'd probably get more curious about your pre rifts earth wear.
I find it cool how you and TG would actually try and make an impact in the rifts earth, or at least try to become active in it.I'm a little foggy about FQ so i'm going to pull up my FQ world book and get back to you on that.

Pox wrote:Well luckily for me, I would pop up in Southern Free Quebec, but North enough not to be bothered by the Privateers of Montréal

and if we're talking about "exact" location to location rifting, being in the sf bay area I 'd find myself underwater, and since I can't swim that would end my little rifts adventure. :(

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 1:02 am
by Pox
dmart11 wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:
But whatever happened...once home, first thing i'll do is CALL big Kev.S. up himself...yet him i know his secret...he is a Dimension Traveler writting about the worlds he has visited...
I'd know why they are confuseing converstion rules at last...

then you'd upset the cosmic balance of the universe and bring on the events of ATB. :lol:

Pox wrote:Well luckily for me, I would pop up in Southern Free Quebec, but North enough not to be bothered by the Privateers of Montréal.

That being the case, I would find the first FQ patrol and ask for asylum. The only downside is if they get all curious about any PPE level I might have...if not, then I would try to get work in Pre-Rifts history at a FQ University or R&D for the military.

they'd probably get more curious about your pre rifts earth wear.
I find it cool how you and TG would actually try and make an impact in the rifts earth, or at least try to become active in it.I'm a little foggy about FQ so i'm going to pull up my FQ world book and get back to you on that.

It's funny that you interpretted my words as trying to make an impact while when I wrote them, I was of the mindset of just getting somewhere safe and fading into obscurity.

You stand out and you might get shot, especially in FQ.

As far as my Pre-Rifts clothing and knowledge...I'd say I scrounged my clothing or traded for it off of a bootlegger in Montreal and my knowledge was from books I had read since FQ is a literate nation as oppossed to the CS which is not.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 1:08 am
by dmart11
Pox wrote:It's funny that you interpretted my words as trying to make an impact while when I wrote them, I was of the mindset of just getting somewhere safe and fading into obscurity.

sorry,that statement was more towards technogothic.

Pox wrote:You stand out and you might get shot, especially in FQ.

well at P.A. 109 FQ would have better things to think about than somebody with an odd (acient) dress style and a pre rifts earth accent. :lol:

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 1:13 am
by Guest
First things first.

1. Run. Better get into shape now, what better time?

2. Hide. More then likely something is already considering eating you.

3. Search. Find a feudal kingdom.

4. Hammer Time. Sell your services to the kingdom for a few years, in return recieving a Crazy O.C.C. augmentation. That way when you tell people where you're from, they'll dismiss it as another insane warrior, rather then locking you up.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 1:15 am
by dmart11
Res Sin Kai wrote:Sell your services to the kingdom for a few years, in return recieving a Crazy O.C.C. augmentation. That way when you tell people where you're from, they'll dismiss it as another insane warrior, rather then locking you up.

in rifts earth,I would assume that the lines of insanity have long since blured :lol: .I like that idea.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 1:27 am
by dmart11
myndreach wrote:Being into education, learning...I'd probably classify as a level 2 or 3 rogue scholar now. I have a lot of college done and am currently pursuing my PhD in literature with a minor in History. I could do the rogue scholar thing, which I would love...exploring and teaching people. I would probably be a level 2 or 3 scholar. I'd love to explore the world and take notes, and study things, spreading knowledge.

but you'd only have 5 years to explore this wild,dangerous but exciting world.I give you kudos for wanting to become the rogue scholar,only thing about that O.C.C. is that imo you'd have to be in chi-town for that o.c.c. to be truely exciting.because other major metropolis in NA are some what you would spend your time in chi town risking execution......nice :-D

I'm getting some really good fodder for this side campaign idea.if things go well in the idea department I might create a rifts campaign message board.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 1:32 am
by Gomen_Nagai
I'd become a Witch or Sea inquisitor or Servitor of the deep, or sold off as a tatoo monster man. well first of all I'd be all alone in an abandoned 10 story building. 2nd, the Ghost in the Apartment would probably materialize and
3. That Dark Lord I always pretended to be offering souls to, Would finally realize what I was doing and come to take coupe.
4. ... The Nearest Rifts hostile is probably a Mutant or a Horune or Splugorth raiding party.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 2:01 am
by cornholioprime
1. SPend my five years learning Magic AND developing any Psionics that I migh have -this assumes, of course, that I'm going to survive long enough to learn from a Mage in the First place.

2. Learn the Spell "Dimensional Teleport," learn how to determine what's on the other side of a Dimensional Rift before going through a Portal (environmental conditions and what-not; it IS a Magical or Psionic Power detailed in one of the Rifts Books somewhere though I don't remember where right now), how to craft P.P.E. Batteries and Talsimans, and how to create Magic Scrolls.

3. Upon my five year Anniversary whereby I am Rifted back to my Earth...... gather up tons of 20th-21st Century Artifacts, and take them back through the Rifts to sell (by reading one of my aforementioned, pre-pared Dimensional Teleport Scrolls); preferably, I can sell this stuff in Merctown or even better, in Lazlo. Sold strictly for Gems and Precious Metals, of course.

4. Locate/steal/buy one of Rifts Earth's' mystical, magical 20-year Nuclear Batteries. Teleport back to my Earth and sell it to the Highest Bidder for a fortune.

5. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

6. Several Hundred Billions or even trillions of Credits later, I go buy an Absurr Life Node from Atlantis, get a few Bio-Wizardry Upgrades while I'm at it, purchase enough Stock to get on the Board of Shareolders at Naruni Enterprises, then rent myself one of the Manors in Center, and kick it with Thraxus.

Life is good.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 2:18 am
by Qev
Well, let's see. Middle-of-Nowhere, Colorado, during a hot summer day. No survival equipment, just clothing and a horse.

Well, you have no more than three days to find a source of drinking water, or you're dead.

If you encounter anything supernatural and hostile (even if it's the size of a bug), you're dead.

If you do somehow manage to survive and find other humans... what makes you think they'd even care to help you?

Realistically, I'd probably be a corpse within the first couple of days. :(

With any luck, however, I'd discover that I was a shapeshifted dragon, who had somehow been stranded on our Earth and had lost my memory. :lol:

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 9:40 am
by cornholioprime
Kreuzritter Puuh wrote:If we are talking where you live being where you are transported from then I am out of luck. My house in Hamburg would be in the NGR, but the NGR map has Hamburg 30 miles north of where it should be, and listed as Ruins! :( so some bad mojo must have gone down there.

My current location is Portland, I'd be underwater.

Middle of colorado, be looking for water so me and Mr. Ed(that friendly horse that was mentioned in the modified colorado scenario)can live long enough to get to town. Hopefully get enough credits together to buy some credits and get some basic gear. Go on a mission and end up dead, again. :o

I'm similarly screwed.

I live in Arizona (as indicated in my Profile).

According to Rifts I'm just a Stone's Throw away from the Crater that was once Glendale and my own area is overgrown with Alien Vegetation -and a few thousand Predatory Dinosaurs (in large packs) of both Earthly and extraterrestrial origin.

And then there are the Worm Wraiths...Alien Intelligence Fragments that who give new meaning to the Phrase, "Shoot first and ask Questions later...."

Better go find me some Lyn-Srial in a hurry.........

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 10:54 am
by Kalinda
Qev wrote:Well, let's see. Middle-of-Nowhere, Colorado, during a hot summer day. No survival equipment, just clothing and a horse.

Well, you have no more than three days to find a source of drinking water, or you're dead.

If you encounter anything supernatural and hostile (even if it's the size of a bug), you're dead.

If you do somehow manage to survive and find other humans... what makes you think they'd even care to help you?

Realistically, I'd probably be a corpse within the first couple of days. :(

With any luck, however, I'd discover that I was a shapeshifted dragon, who had somehow been stranded on our Earth and had lost my memory. :lol:

True dat. :lol:
If I were transported into Rifts earth at my current location I'd be OK. My house is on the outskirts of tokeen according to the books. (matter of fact I can pretty much pinpoint where my house is on the map in SoT 6.) I have a fair amount of knowledge of history and am trained in library work and book preservation, so I'd hook up with a rogue scholar and help out until I got sent back.

If I was rifted to colorado I'd most likely adopt the OCC: Corpse in short order, followed by dual classing into OCC: lunch...

heheheheh...oh boy that's gonna suck.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 1:22 pm
by DhAkael
Here's a problem.
Scenario #1:
Any of you read 'Gaurdians of the flame'? Knowing my luck, I'd be split into several of my NPC's which would all simultaneously shout out "Oh sheep!" (censored by the PBooks Gestapo) and then scatter to the four winds (their respective stomping grounds). To get back to "reality" I'd have to gather together all the "core" personalities. At least I'd have SOME iknkling of where to go and who to talk to.

Scenario #2:
Okay, I'm D-ported into Rifts Earth but my geographic location is the same.
Great! Lazlo library, here I come! After figuring out how to adress the council, I'd ask "Big Green" (aka; Plato) how the heck I managed to get D-ported into his neck o' da woods. Lastly, take an apprecticeship with a grizzled Glitterboy Pilot and/or Operator and learn the fine art of Pwr.suit piloting or 'Bot piloting.
I may not survive my first battle, but at least I wouldn't mess around with "Kalttu verrata nnnnn....necktie,nickle....n-word, definately an n-word...".
Magic is NOT somethiong to mess around with; I respect it, but wouldn't want to chance muffing-up my first cantrip and having an 'Akira' effect happen :D :nuke: :ok:

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 1:47 pm
by dmart11
the last three posters had me in stitches :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

it would probably also depend on where you are at the time,which will determine your survival.but it could be worse,you could be unlucky enough to be sailboating off the atlantic and end up on atlantis in the heart of splynn.or you could be unlucky enough to be in northeast africa (pheonix empire turf).or if you were trueeeely unluckly in the ultimate worse case you could be on a frat trip in mexico when you got rifted :(
but if you were lucky enough to have a garlic supreme subway sandwich on you you may make it.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 2:06 pm
by lonewolfm
Well first I would probably cry because my life just got a lot shorter. However, I was suprised no one mentioned going into the information business, provided you made it out of colorado alive. We have read or own most of the rifts books!!!!! Empires would bow and crumble to our wills!!!!muh hahahahahahahahahahaahahah

PS: and yes, if anyone is looking at my join date and my one post, I am a lurker.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 4:16 pm
by Astral_Explorer
Well in Colorado I would try to make it to the Colorado Baronies and get a job as a teacher, teaching literacy, reading for people who are illeterate and generally just trying to get by.

I wouldn't go out of my way to do anything that I would normally do because if I lived five years I would get sent home and lose anything
I had gained anyway.

Hell I would be more pissed after making something of my life on Rifts earth and then arrive home with a note that says "congradulations you lived but now no longer have anything you worked, clawed and fought your way to having."

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 5:43 pm
by dmart11
Astral_Explorer wrote:Hell I would be more pissed after making something of my life on Rifts earth and then arrive home with a note that says "congradulations you lived but now no longer have anything you worked, clawed and fought your way to having."

yeah,that would be a bad reward for surviving, the only reason why I said you couldn't return with anything is because even the most minor of items would give you a tech advantage over the world.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 7:37 pm
by cornholioprime
dmart11 wrote:
Astral_Explorer wrote:Hell I would be more pissed after making something of my life on Rifts earth and then arrive home with a note that says "congradulations you lived but now no longer have anything you worked, clawed and fought your way to having."

yeah,that would be a bad reward for surviving, the only reason why I said you couldn't return with anything is because even the most minor of items would give you a tech advantage over the world.
That's why I spent MY five years studying Teleportation Magic!!

You say that I can't take anything back NOW, but as soon as I pop back here, I'll just cast a Spell and go right back!!!

Infinite Wealth awaits me, espcially as soon as I come back to this Earth with a Trenchcoat that has more protection than a Real World Tank and sell it for BILLIONS!!!

I'm rich, *****!!!!



Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 7:52 pm
by Vrykolas2k
I was special forces, so I'd survive.
Especially if I were allowed my bug-out bag and weapons.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 8:09 pm
by cornholioprime
Vrykolas2k wrote:Hmmm...
I was special forces, so I'd survive.
Especially if I were allowed my bug-out bag and weapons.
Maybe not.

Virtually nothing on Rifts Earth is SDC except the Humans and a handful of D-Bees..who often have MDC-dealing Powers to compensate.

So have fun with those awesome, SDC Knives and Rifles of yours.

Of course, if the (MDC Skinned-or-armored) Enemy sees you pull out those Weps, and recognizes them as Pre-Golden Age, he just might start laughing hard enough for you to use those Woodcraft Skills of yours to sneak away....


Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 10:50 pm
by Qev
Kalinda wrote:True dat. :lol:
If I were transported into Rifts earth at my current location I'd be OK. My house is on the outskirts of tokeen according to the books. (matter of fact I can pretty much pinpoint where my house is on the map in SoT 6.) I have a fair amount of knowledge of history and am trained in library work and book preservation, so I'd hook up with a rogue scholar and help out until I got sent back.

If I was rifted to colorado I'd most likely adopt the OCC: Corpse in short order, followed by dual classing into OCC: lunch...

So... what are the experience tables like for the Corpse OCC, anyway? :D

Now, if we're talking about appearing at the location corresponding to our current position on Earth, then I'd be happily set, as I'd show up in down-town Lazlo. Unless, of course, the apartment building I live in is no longer standing, in which case I would promptly plummet 23 storeys to my (messy, chunky-salsa) death. :lol:

Assuming I survive, I'd probably try to take up some sort of magic OCC as a career, and if that worked out, screw returning to Earth after five years. :)

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 11:03 pm
by cornholioprime
Qev wrote:
Kalinda wrote:True dat. :lol:
If I were transported into Rifts earth at my current location I'd be OK. My house is on the outskirts of tokeen according to the books. (matter of fact I can pretty much pinpoint where my house is on the map in SoT 6.) I have a fair amount of knowledge of history and am trained in library work and book preservation, so I'd hook up with a rogue scholar and help out until I got sent back.

If I was rifted to colorado I'd most likely adopt the OCC: Corpse in short order, followed by dual classing into OCC: lunch...

So... what are the experience tables like for the Corpse OCC, anyway? :D

Now, if we're talking about appearing at the location corresponding to our current position on Earth, then I'd be happily set, as I'd show up in down-town Lazlo. Unless, of course, the apartment building I live in is no longer standing, in which case I would promptly plummet 23 storeys to my (messy, chunky-salsa) death. :lol:

Assuming I survive, I'd probably try to take up some sort of magic OCC as a career, and if that worked out, screw returning to Earth after five years. :)
Ya damn skippy!!

I wouldn't come back here (willingly), either!!!!

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 11:07 pm
by Gomen_Nagai
i live in NYC. the odds of the Lord of the deep reaching out are high, if I survive, I become a sea inquisitor. I'd say I'd have already some latent powers, except they all relate to evil. ... otherwise me being an ecto hunter, sea inquisitor, Witch, or some sort is going to be possible. I also know some Santeria rituals so I might just end up summoning way too many spirits and I'd just be pooched...

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 12:51 am
by TechnoGothic
cornholioprime wrote:1. SPend my five years learning Magic AND developing any Psionics that I migh have -this assumes, of course, that I'm going to survive long enough to learn from a Mage in the First place.

2. Learn the Spell "Dimensional Teleport," learn how to determine what's on the other side of a Dimensional Rift before going through a Portal (environmental conditions and what-not; it IS a Magical or Psionic Power detailed in one of the Rifts Books somewhere though I don't remember where right now), how to craft P.P.E. Batteries and Talsimans, and how to create Magic Scrolls.

3. Upon my five year Anniversary whereby I am Rifted back to my Earth...... gather up tons of 20th-21st Century Artifacts, and take them back through the Rifts to sell (by reading one of my aforementioned, pre-pared Dimensional Teleport Scrolls); preferably, I can sell this stuff in Merctown or even better, in Lazlo. Sold strictly for Gems and Precious Metals, of course.

4. Locate/steal/buy one of Rifts Earth's' mystical, magical 20-year Nuclear Batteries. Teleport back to my Earth and sell it to the Highest Bidder for a fortune.

5. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

6. Several Hundred Billions or even trillions of Credits later, I go buy an Absurr Life Node from Atlantis, get a few Bio-Wizardry Upgrades while I'm at it, purchase enough Stock to get on the Board of Shareolders at Naruni Enterprises, then rent myself one of the Manors in Center, and kick it with Thraxus.

Life is good.

dont forget your Rune Weapon...its a must.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 1:04 am
by TechnoGothic
Zerebus wrote:Dude. Quester. At least you'd have real potential for surviving a few weeks there. Me, I'd end up in Dinosaur Swamp! I'd get eaten!

Same here...just a few dozen miles south of me would be ocean...
I'm north of Tampa, so i'd be ok...
Those Dinos though would be a problem...

Since we would find ourselves in RIFTS after all...maybe we could run into someone from HU2's world to help us out ;)
Get ourselves some "superpowers" (Mutant, Experiment, SuperSoldier, Eugenics, whatever...)
We Might end up as DINO-Men even :lol:
Hey that would be cool actually...

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 1:53 am
by TechnoGothic
skippythebox wrote:
dmart11 wrote:
Res_Novae wrote:Seriously???

I'd probably die.

have faith grasshopper,if erin tarn could do it so can you.
but you DO have an idea with that verizon,think about it. :)

Zerebus wrote:Then I'd try to secure a container of water and head out in search of civilization.

and remember,it's a summer afternoon in colorado.

Erin Tarn? She packs a cyberknight to keep her alive.

You could pack one too... :lol:
Wait, that doesnt sound right :?

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 3:13 am
by The Beast
TechnoGothic wrote:But whatever happened...once home, first thing i'll do is CALL big Kev.S. up himself...yet him i know his secret...he is a Dimension Traveler writting about the worlds he has visited...
I'd know why they are confuseing converstion rules at last...

:lol: :lol: :lol: ROFLMAO! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think the best chance for everyone would be:

1 = Join the CS. I know what you're thinking, "This guy's nuts!" (I hope). They do look out for other humans ,at least the ones that think like them. Joining anyone else is most likely suicide.
2 = Let them know you're from the past, and offer your knowledge of things from our time, and from Rifts to them in exchange for living in Chi-Town (or other walled MDC city) and a nice pay. Things like where Archie, NORAD, Area 51, the vampire kingdoms, Nxla, Lord Dunscon, and the like are located.
3 = Do as TechnoGothic says, but be sure to include some sort of implants to help "learn" how to build/create high technology stuff. I would try to make it look less obvious though. Stick with hidden stuff, and avoid metal detectors, CAT scans, MRI, and X-Ray machines as much as possible.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 3:28 am
by grandmaster z0b
MaddogMatarese wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:But whatever happened...once home, first thing i'll do is CALL big Kev.S. up himself...yet him i know his secret...he is a Dimension Traveler writting about the worlds he has visited...
I'd know why they are confuseing converstion rules at last...

:lol: :lol: :lol: ROFLMAO! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think the best chance for everyone would be:

1 = Join the CS. I know what you're thinking, "This guy's nuts!" (I hope). They do look out for other humans ,at least the ones that think like them. Joining anyone else is most likely suicide.
2 = Let them know you're from the past, and offer your knowledge of things from our time, and from Rifts to them in exchange for living in Chi-Town (or other walled MDC city) and a nice pay. Things like where Archie, NORAD, Area 51, the vampire kingdoms, Nxla, Lord Dunscon, and the like are located.
3 = Do as TechnoGothic says, but be sure to include some sort of implants to help "learn" how to build/create high technology stuff. I would try to make it look less obvious though. Stick with hidden stuff, and avoid metal detectors, CAT scans, MRI, and X-Ray machines as much as possible.

The CS wouldn't take you, in fact as soon as you told them "I'm from the past" you would be shot as you are ;
a) a d-bee from a rift and
b) contradicting the CS version of history

Although you do have a good point in that our knowledge of the Rifts world is actually very complete. We know a huge amount of secrets that even some of the greatest powers of Rifts earth don't know about. If you could get somewhere safe then you could trade your in depth knowledge of the world for big credits. Although convincing people what you know is true would be difficult.

As for me I'd love to be able to use my sword, spear and shield techniques with MD weapons. Also as I'm very used to wearing armour I wouldn't have a problem with wearing EBA.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 3:38 am
by dmart11
grandmaster z0b wrote:
The CS wouldn't take you, in fact as soon as you told them "I'm from the past" you would be shot as you are ;
a) a d-bee from a rift and
b) contradicting the CS version of history

Or end up on a table under the knife at could very well spend the next five years getting poked and proded by the creepy dr.cunningham,the even spookier dr santiago or ever nut bradford himself.

and plus,that'd be one heL'L of a horse ride from colorado to chi town,because I'm you'd want to run that horse non stop with haste.

Re: If YOU,the reader were "rifted" to P.A. 109 ea

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:21 am
by Mech-Viper Prime
dmart11 wrote:I'm toying with a side campaign idea and I looked back about 10 pages to see if this topic was already around.
but What if, JUST IF,You the reader were suddenly sucked into rifts earth p.a. 109 in say, ummm colorado.with nothing but the clothes on your back and a note in your pocket saying you'd be returned home if you could survive 5 years on rifts would you cope with this event?
what steps would you take for immediate survival?

The variables in this scenario
1. you KNEW you were now on rifts earth due to clues (familiar "rifts" canon settings,items and vehicles) only have the clothes on your back. have only the old pre rifts 20th century money in your pocket. have your current education, health but no magic.but you do however have P.P.E.'s a hot, summer day around 4:15pm

hmmm use the GPS on my cell phone and head towards the nearest town

Re: If YOU,the reader were "rifted" to P.A. 109 ea

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 7:36 am
by TechnoGothic
Mech-Viper wrote:
dmart11 wrote:I'm toying with a side campaign idea and I looked back about 10 pages to see if this topic was already around.
but What if, JUST IF,You the reader were suddenly sucked into rifts earth p.a. 109 in say, ummm colorado.with nothing but the clothes on your back and a note in your pocket saying you'd be returned home if you could survive 5 years on rifts would you cope with this event?
what steps would you take for immediate survival?

The variables in this scenario
1. you KNEW you were now on rifts earth due to clues (familiar "rifts" canon settings,items and vehicles) only have the clothes on your back. have only the old pre rifts 20th century money in your pocket. have your current education, health but no magic.but you do however have P.P.E.'s a hot, summer day around 4:15pm

hmmm use the GPS on my cell phone and head towards the nearest town

Umm, your GPS would not satillites to help you out...sorry. CS/NGR, etc dont have GPS, so you wont either...
Archie3 has military codes which gives him acess to the Moon base Archie's network...special case ;)

Re: If YOU,the reader were "rifted" to P.A. 109 ea

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 8:21 am
by Mech-Viper Prime
TechnoGothic wrote:
Mech-Viper wrote:
dmart11 wrote:I'm toying with a side campaign idea and I looked back about 10 pages to see if this topic was already around.
but What if, JUST IF,You the reader were suddenly sucked into rifts earth p.a. 109 in say, ummm colorado.with nothing but the clothes on your back and a note in your pocket saying you'd be returned home if you could survive 5 years on rifts would you cope with this event?
what steps would you take for immediate survival?

The variables in this scenario
1. you KNEW you were now on rifts earth due to clues (familiar "rifts" canon settings,items and vehicles) only have the clothes on your back. have only the old pre rifts 20th century money in your pocket. have your current education, health but no magic.but you do however have P.P.E.'s a hot, summer day around 4:15pm

hmmm use the GPS on my cell phone and head towards the nearest town

Umm, your GPS would not satillites to help you out...sorry. CS/NGR, etc dont have GPS, so you wont either...
Archie3 has military codes which gives him acess to the Moon base Archie's network...special case ;)
says who you ha dont make me laugh ha
then i would use a sextent then hahaha take that then ha, how does it feel ha :lol:

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 10:51 am
by GaredBattlespike
I live in Massachusetts, so at least there aren't too many 'civilized' enemies to deal with at first(if I remain in the same geographical region). I also have decent horsemanship due to all my time all on the local horse-farms(I lost count how many there are around here-and I was BORN here!). If I can get a horse(even bareback) I stand a chance.

1st) I'd try to find my barings, then head NW towards Lazlo. If any is going to accept a refugee, it'd be Lazlo. I would try to find out what my best O.C.C./P.C.C. options are and go for it.

2nd)If I can have my Psionic Potential unlocked, I'd do it in a heart-beat. If a Mage Apprentitce-ship is available, then I may do that. Failing all the above, I'd probably go for either Rogue Scholar(I nearly qualify from skills anyway) or Headhunter(Techno-Warrior; so augment me,baby!)

3rd)Ask to accompany Erin Tarn on her adventures. At least she has a knack for surviving, and that may rub-off! If nothing else, I would not be bored! :lol:

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:29 pm
by The Beast
grandmaster z0b wrote:The CS wouldn't take you, in fact as soon as you told them "I'm from the past" you would be shot as you are ;
a) a d-bee from a rift and
b) contradicting the CS version of history

Not necessarily. You would be under more scrutiny, but the CS doesn't kill humans from the past outright. Now if I started mouthing off about the real history vs CS version, yeah, I would be shot. But knowing how the CS operates I wouldn't do that.

If you could get somewhere safe then you could trade your in depth knowledge of the world for big credits. Although convincing people what you know is true would be difficult.

Which is why I would have them use a psychic on me to see if I'm lying.


and plus,that'd be one heL'L of a horse ride from colorado to chi town,because I'm you'd want to run that horse non stop with haste.

Good point, I forgot I appear in Colorado.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 4:46 pm
by Rimmerdal
My nearest point would I'd likely be lunch..but if I did make it to what was once TO I'd be okay (I can work as a I got skills!!)

as I worked I could save up or join a mage college...and take those skills with me home as Shifter....

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 9:59 pm
by Riftmaker
Hope that I'd have my laten psionic powers activated by the increased PPE on rifts earth and go adventuring.

If not psionic id probly die. :?

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 10:38 pm
by grandmaster z0b
MaddogMatarese wrote:
grandmaster z0b wrote:The CS wouldn't take you, in fact as soon as you told them "I'm from the past" you would be shot as you are ;
a) a d-bee from a rift and
b) contradicting the CS version of history

Not necessarily. You would be under more scrutiny, but the CS doesn't kill humans from the past outright. Now if I started mouthing off about the real history vs CS version, yeah, I would be shot. But knowing how the CS operates I wouldn't do that.

I thought anyone from a Rift is considered a d-bee by the CS. You may be "from the past" but which past? Anyone from HU is considered a d-bee, and I think that the CS wouldn't take chances. You'd be better off just telling them you from some small kingdom in the wilderness.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:52 am
by The Beast
grandmaster z0b wrote:I thought anyone from a Rift is considered a d-bee by the CS. You may be "from the past" but which past? Anyone from HU is considered a d-bee, and I think that the CS wouldn't take chances. You'd be better off just telling them you from some small kingdom in the wilderness.

My understanding of what I read from the first conversion book was if you are a regular human (meaning no mutant, psychic, magic, or other powers) they for the most part treat you as a unfortunate victim of the rifts. You would probably be under a closer watch, just to make sure you #1: are telling the truth; #2: don't try to educate everyone on the errors of the CS; and #3: don't try to change peoples' view on aliens/d-bees/magic. It is possible that this was changed in later Palladium books, but I don't know for sure. So, just in case I'm wrong, find out what their views are first about people from our time period, but maybe not the same dimension. If I'm wrong, go join Archie. At least he's keeping a better low profile than most other groups against the CS.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 6:02 am
by Mech-Viper Prime
just for you wannable johnny tough boys out there

if i were transported to Rifts Earth

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 2:35 pm
by Leprechaunspawn
Well, as for me, I live about 30 miles from Bisbee, AZ....bisbee is listed in New West as being the stronghold of some vampires:(
fortunately, my town is on the other side of the San Pedro river(no immediate vamp probs) and we have a small, yet IMPORANT military base here (Fort Huachuca, pronounced: hwah-choo-kuh) which oddly enough isnt listed in new west.....probly for reasons similar to the fort being completely different on Google Earth maps than it is in person....but it would most likely have either left over military weaponry/supplies or it would be a radioactive crater(in which case i would die of cancer/radiation poisoning). :x
if the former, i could probly arm myself pretty well, supply me n the horse, and head for either El Paso or Lone Star:) If the base was gone, id head for Bisbee to be turned into a vampire; 5 yrs as a Secondary Vamp before returning home? OK! and i dont go out in the daytime already......hmmmmm.........

Re: If YOU,the reader were "rifted" to P.A. 109 ea

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 2:56 pm
by Kagashi
dmart11 wrote:I'm toying with a side campaign idea and I looked back about 10 pages to see if this topic was already around.
but What if, JUST IF,You the reader were suddenly sucked into rifts earth p.a. 109 in say, ummm colorado.with nothing but the clothes on your back and a note in your pocket saying you'd be returned home if you could survive 5 years on rifts would you cope with this event?
what steps would you take for immediate survival?

The variables in this scenario
1. you KNEW you were now on rifts earth due to clues (familiar "rifts" canon settings,items and vehicles) only have the clothes on your back. have only the old pre rifts 20th century money in your pocket. have your current education, health but no magic.but you do however have P.P.E.'s a hot, summer day around 4:15pm


hmm, ive done this before, but lets see...

First, I would wonder what the heck just happened. Second I would try to get some shoes cause right now Im barefoot. Third, I would try to get food and water, or at least try to find a source of each. I would assume after a while I would figure out that I was not on the Earth that I once knew. my guess would be that I would spot a dinosaur or some kind of alien being. If I recognized that being from Rifts, I would start to put 2 and 2 together. If I realized what dimention I was in, I would prolly start to freak out. Other than that, I would start to look for a human of some kind. Hopefully I would find a Cyber Knight.... If I ran across an Indian, I would hope he would not want to kill me for being a white dude. If I ran into a Simvan, I would hope I had something of value to trade with the dude for a ride. I guess I could challange him to a fight and hope my fighting skills are as good as I think they are. Other than that, I would try to get to Northern Gun where I can use my skills as a professional officer and not be shot by the CS as being a D-bee.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 5:41 pm
by Raymann
1st I would start Screaming like a raving luatic that i dont have to pay my student loans anymore!

2nd I would try and find my way to a town or something with other people

3rd I would start stealing left right and center every Mega damage weapon and E-Clips i could going to the next town over and selling them and that would be how i move around

4th As soon as i had the money i would get juiced! if i had enough i would be mega-Juice!seeing as it would probly have been 5 months i would be traviling stealing selling things and such i would have my face changed

5th I would then go looking for a adventuring band or a crazy to become friends with(you can always trust a crazy to be crazy) and then o join a merc band, i would also make friends with some D-bee's and Magic users
and Psichics but i would tell the psicics not to look into my mind for there own safty due to if they look they will probly end up like my crazy friend,then after having a little tiff with the crazy about what i ment by that i will say pie and it will be all over(P.S I did say pie not die)

6th i would start working for the merc band and on the side i will learn how to pilot Power armors and robots,i will also learn the schematics as to take home with me when i return

7th i will live out my mega days doing justice to make up for the stealing to survive!