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archie revisited

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 11:21 am
by DBX
how would you run a scenario where your group of player characters who did the SB 1 scenario return to finish the job properly this time.

anyone done this archie scenario with the same group of player characters.

how would you go about doing this

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 11:32 am
by Shorty Lickens
My current campaign has the PC's taking out the Mechanoids, and probably using ARCHIE and Hagen as allies. At least temporarily.
They could, (someday) go back to wipe him out for some reason. He could come looking for them, god knows why.

It seems to me the smart way is not to take him on with brute force. Maybe some sort of virus to disable his bots. Maybe make ARCHIE go nuts in the process.

Actually, it might be best if the PC's decide to wipe him out after being weakend by the mechanoid war. I'll have to think on this some more.

Re: archie revisited

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:29 pm
by Warwolf
DBX wrote:How would you run a scenario where your group of player characters who did the SB 1 scenario return to finish the job properly this time? Anyone done this archie scenario with the same group of player characters? How would you go about doing this?

I haven't done it... yet. But then again, the characters who were on the first one let ARCHIE live (but extorted the tech to fix James T and a couple other items). So I've been contemplating having them discover the Titan Robotics connection and eventually seeing that ARCHIE is indeed evil. Then they will probably infiltrate the compound and "destroy" ARCHIE this time.

They'll really be ticked when he shows back up for a third time. :lol: :demon:

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 10:02 am
by DBX
a GM has to come with ways to get the group of players who did the archie scenario to go back

i think the best way is the group does the archie scenario and then a while later they do the Mechanoids scenario, and take it from there.

how would you make the rerun a challenge and different to the players, certainly the Mechanoids add a different element to the mix. will certainly make the players head spin if done right

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 10:41 am
by Sureshot
I would like to see Archie and his minions updated. He makes a great recurring villian. They could include that in the upcoming Ultimate sourcebook or maybe in a Rifter article with updated illustrations.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 1:18 pm
by finn69
i dont remember what rifter its in but there is one with an official update on archie and titans robotics

Re: archie revisited

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 2:08 pm
by Killer Cyborg
DBX wrote:how would you run a scenario where your group of player characters who did the SB 1 scenario return to finish the job properly this time.

I wouldn't.
Archie is too good of a character to kill off.

Re: archie revisited

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 3:19 pm
by Kalinda
Killer Cyborg wrote:
DBX wrote:how would you run a scenario where your group of player characters who did the SB 1 scenario return to finish the job properly this time.

I wouldn't.
Archie is too good of a character to kill off.

Well, you're never under any obligation to let the players succeed. Archie has a lot of minions and resources, and will have fixed the holes in his defences that the group exploited the last time. Even if they have a good plan, they're not likely to get all that far into the complex without being discovered. Personally I have a few hundred AA-50 Insectons not only preforming guard duty, but actively searching for weaknesses in the complexes defenses. If you play archie and hagen to their potential, the aberdeen complex is a pretty hard target.

Re: archie revisited

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 4:33 pm
by cornholioprime
DBX wrote:how would you run a scenario where your group of player characters who did the SB 1 scenario return to finish the job properly this time.

anyone done this archie scenario with the same group of player characters.

how would you go about doing this
You'd better write up a pretty good plot to avoid meta-GMing and allowing the Players to find the real ARCHIE.

Remember, NO ONE knows where "he" really is.

Alternately, if these are the SAME Players who fought the SAME A.R.C.H.I.E. 3-OZ last time, then you could have them try to completely raze the Aberdeen Proving Grounds.......though how they'll kill of hundreds of thousands of Archie-Bots to do so will be a GM Epic unto itself...............

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 10:30 pm
by Gomen_Nagai
my pcs killed archie because they investigated the Aberdeen facility in astral form and pretty much played follow the "silver string road" ... although.. it's quite easy to have archie come back.. just have him take over Hagan's body like a witch...... My pcs learned to use the self destruct mechanisms on archie's robots to do their work for them.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 12:05 am
by SkyeFyre
Kill ARCHIE?! :thwak: you leave Archie alone.

As the book suggests taking out the power would be the best way to cripple him but I don't see it being possible by a small player group. Archie and Hagan are way too smart to just be taken out like that. I see Archie as just a deadly foe as the CS or possibly even deadlier.

My pcs learned to use the self destruct mechanisms on archie's robots to do their work for them.
I do hope you don't mean the ones inside his complex near him as those ones do not have self destruct systems.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:15 am
by devillin
When I did my prototype Maryland campaign way back when, my player group discovered Archie in the Aberdeen complex. They subsequently decided to try to blow him up with a whole lot of strategically place explosives. They "succeeded", leaving his control area in ruins. My next group from 7 years ago was also adventuring in Maryland and ran into the after-effects of Archie summoning the Mechanoids. They tried meta-gaming and went to Aberdeen, but found nothing there but the ruins of the throne room. They were mystified, since Archie was "supposed" to be there. What they didn't know was that I had decided that Archie was actually in Philadelphia in the Fort Mifflin Disposal Area, and Aberdeen was actually an auxiliary facility for him. Funny thing is, when the group found the blown up throne room, then didn't look further, or they would have found that there were several areas of the base that were sealed off and still being used by Archie as storage and low level production.

In my campaign, Archie's influence is based more to the north, in New England. Maryland and the Virginia are split between the Baltimore and ARMOR city-states.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 9:21 am
by DBX
taking out archie is upto the GM.

after all we took out archie in SB 1 scenario! didn't we?

but question is how would you run the archie scenario 2?
using the players who did the original scenario in SB1.

books always left this as a possibility and in fact archie has been regularly updated in the books (probably due to his popularity). which has given GM's plenty of opportunity to run such a scenario.

one of the things i would like to see is an official Archie scenario 2. that is one of the reasons why i wouldn't mind seeing Ultimate SB1. not hook,line,sinker but on the scale of SB1 or even larger. something that leaves you referring to that book as Archie book 2. whenever referring to SB1 us lot more than not refer it as the Archie book.

we tried running SB1 scenario with different characters, but it wasn't the same. us players who had done the original scenario didn't enjoy it the second/third time around.