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What Other Countries do you want to see in ATB?
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 2:27 pm
by gaby
What other countries do you want to see in AtB?
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:00 pm
by Gomen_Nagai
I'm still waiting for all the New countries EW decided to add in 2nd edition more formally.
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 5:52 pm
by Kalinda
I'd like to see more on the rest of the USA. Canada would be nice and India could be interesting. beyond that, maybe Russia and China.
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 6:06 pm
by Kalinda
Lynx8882 wrote:i'd want to see an underground country, theres way too many mutant animals out there with digging and tunneling abilities for there not to be one
That's a damn fine idea,
particulary considering lingering radiation and such.
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 8:30 pm
by gordyzx9r
I'm not all that happy with the way the powers were laid out in AtB2...the EoH is no longer the toughest kid on the block (Skandia & Lakenveld are leaps and bounds better off than the EoH minus a nuclear power plant) and with the armies of the Ganesh numbering in the millions coupled with their suggested psionic abilities (and ability to just appear on the scene in North America) the climate seems lopsided.
I'm not so sure I want another supplement that deals with the world powers. If there is one, then make it a big one and try to knock out the world in one shot giving just enough information for us to run with. Don't go into too much detail and stifle the imagination of the GM...we don't need a
riftsdiculous amount of world books.
I'd rather have a mutant animal compendium book that takes all the animals from all of the books and updates well as generic universal table so that we can take animals and make our own templates for animals that aren't covered.
Myself, I love the city-state type I guess I would like to see a decent description to Hong Kong (since all we get is a really brief statement about indestructible Hong Kong dollars as a generally accepted currency on the pacific rim).
And as far as the Asian descriptions go...don't go nuts with the martial arts and stereotypical asian stuff that seems to get written into RPGs...
And not everybody was kung-fu fighting...
Lynx8882 wrote:i'd want to see an underground country, theres way too many mutant animals out there with digging and tunneling abilities for there not to be one
There are a couple of underground communities...
The mutant Mole Metropolis (page 121 AtB2), complete with huge underground roadways, subways with trains, and complex 3 dimensional communities.
There is also Talichiland (SW Africa), a completely undergound community of Naked Mole Rats (page 167 AtB2).
Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 9:37 pm
by gordyzx9r
macksting wrote:Don't forget the Prairie Dog Imperium! Okay, so they're rustic, but they're large in number, and kinda fascinating.
I always seem to envision them as a cult of religous fanatics.
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 5:24 pm
by Grey Death
I would like to see more info on the African countries, India, and more info on Aisa in genral. Obviously besides Jakarta.
Oh ya. A specific book on Europe.
Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:48 am
by Snowtiger
Well, I'd be more than happy to see a book on europe and scandinavia, so I could run games set in the northern wastelands of Finland. I'm thinking there would be lots of canines(dogs and wolves), ursoids(bears, badgers and wolverines) and ungulates(deer, moose, cattle and horses) roaming the country, along with a small contingent of felines too(mostly wildcats, domestic cats and lynxes, as Finland doesn't have many large cats around, unless the siberian tigers migrate in from the east).
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 1:10 pm
by Grey Death
As far as underground goes. If I remember ATB2 correctly. Their is a country in africa of blind mole rats that live in a underground country. In one of my adventures I had the players find an undergroud colony of rats. Full hands, biped, speech. No looks and their size level was the same as normal rats. The colony was lead by a sentient (or close enough) computer.
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 8:24 pm
by gordyzx9r
macksting wrote:We know almost nothing about Canada! Even the maps stop short.
Perhaps the Wolf Barbarians, coastal to the northeast US, also run straight into Canada... but that's a very small stretch of land.
As for Canada, the book makes it sound as if though there is an ice age coming and there is a mass migration moving south.
Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:15 am
by gordyzx9r
macksting wrote:Oh dear. Do you suppose that's part of why SAECSN is moving out, expanding? Because they're being frozen out in Europe? Good reason to try to push into Africa. There are 18,400,000 reasons that have formed into three large armies that are causing the SAECSN to relocate to England. At least that's what AtB2 says.
Betcha this is effecting Tazzy, too.
I don't rightly know...but if I had to take a gander at it I'd say the aboriginees are making things right with nature.
Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:39 am
by gordyzx9r
macksting wrote:Mrrf.
I n33dz t3h n3w b00k.
Did you do the X-Mas grab bag this year?
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:12 am
by BookWyrm
Update the info from the previous "Mutants In..." books & Road Hogs.
Bring in countries like Japan, Asia, South America, Africa, The Arctic & Antarctic, maybe even the Great Oceans.
Also, more about what's going on in the Free Plains of Cattle.
Reprint/Update the rules about having Magic in ATB2.
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 3:15 am
by Library Ogre
BookWyrm wrote:Update the info from the previous "Mutants In..." books & Road Hogs.
Bring in countries like Japan, Asia, South America, Africa, The Arctic & Antarctic, maybe even the Great Oceans.
Also, more about what's going on in the Free Plains of Cattle.
Reprint/Update the rules about having Magic in ATB2.
Actually, many moons ago I came up with a "Magician" apprenticeship for After the Bomb, based on BTS1's Arcanists. It was somewhat based on the idea that the Crash resulted in a small-scale Coming of the Rifts. I'd have to see if I could dig it up, though, if it's not archived here.
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 8:12 am
by gordyzx9r
AtB isn't Rifts-Lite, and there is always Chaos Earth. Aside from the druid magic in Avalon, I've brought magic into AtB using some PFRPG stuff...just wasn't too fond of it.
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 1:24 pm
by Library Ogre
gordyzx9r wrote:AtB isn't Rifts-Lite, and there is always Chaos Earth. Aside from the druid magic in Avalon, I've brought magic into AtB using some PFRPG stuff...just wasn't too fond of it.
Truthfully, I wanted more of a Chaos Earth-feel to it; more post-apocolyptic, rather than Rifts post-post-apocolyptic. I like how ATB handled giant robots and power armor, the lack of MDC, and some of how skills and careers were handled, instead of the more rigid OCC system. Making human mutations is easy, and so I wanted to see what could be done with the idea... but the first step was to introduce magic on a limited scale.