I doing theese right?

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Unread post by bathawk »

Usually just make Heroes UNlimited characters with the odd Rifts character. But decided to try whipping up an ATB character
rolled "academic underground" with an electrician apprinticeship, and walked away with 40 skills....40??? that can't be right can it? I can't recal seeing a HU ever top out any more than 30 skills, and thats in the specail training class

plus if a skill is 30% +5% per level, is that 30% at leavel one and 5% each additional level, or 35% at level one?
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Re: I doing theese right?

Unread post by gordyzx9r »

bathawk wrote:....40?

That sounds about make more sense out of it I'd make the character older than what you'd normally use.
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Unread post by Kalinda »

I don't have my books in front of me, but 40 skills sounds about right for an academic.

You get the skills from your background, plus whatever apprenticeship you chose. Skills start at the base and begin going up at second level.

I've always assumed that the characters have just finished their apprenticeships and are out to make their place in the world, but you could go the other way too, and have the characters being sent on missions by their masters.
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Unread post by gordyzx9r »

Kinthalis Silverbow wrote:I always assumed they would be at the journeyman level. The Dragon Riders of Pern books give good examples of how the system works. If you are including secondary skills in the number, then yes, it works out to 40 skills. This may seem like a lot of skills compared to the other systems, but ATB2 doesn't grant skills at new levels.

Which is silly.
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Unread post by Kalinda »

gordyzx9r wrote:
Kinthalis Silverbow wrote:I always assumed they would be at the journeyman level. The Dragon Riders of Pern books give good examples of how the system works. If you are including secondary skills in the number, then yes, it works out to 40 skills. This may seem like a lot of skills compared to the other systems, but ATB2 doesn't grant skills at new levels.

Which is silly.

True, you should at least be able to gain a few secondary skills as you go up in level.
Personally, I think that we have a duty as role-players to try to anchor each other to reality a bit. To keep other gamers from being complete freaks and weirdos, or even psychopaths, if we can. Killer Cyborg
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Unread post by gordyzx9r »

macksting wrote:I usually just use a modified version of the skills-gaining in HU2. I imagine Cardania has locations of higher edumacation, and I'd think a character skilled in Swimming: Advanced is more than capable of teaching academic-level Basic Swimming courses over the periods listed in HU2's skills section.
Where to draw the line on teaching medical skills is a little harder. Sure, your character can start out with the Medical Doctor skill and its various mutations and requirements, but learning them later? You'd have to go to a place with a school of higher learning, most likely, and those are very rare...

I've kept up with the original Teaching skill that was used with the old (S)(HS)(C)(M) type skills...if you had the teaching school, you could use it to teach someone else any collegiate skill you have.

In regards to medical skills, most of them had prerequisites that you had to have before you could take a certain skill.
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Unread post by gordyzx9r »

macksting wrote:Yes, but at what point have you mastered a skill enough to teach it to others and allow them a proficiency? That was my, admittedly unclear, question.

Ta ma de. Of course! If you're being taught by a person with insufficient mastery to teach well, then simply apply a scholastic penalty to the base skill, just as a highly competent teacher would give you a scholastic bonus!

As long as they have the teaching skill what difference does it make? I hate to sound cliche, but as the saying goes...the student has become the master.
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Unread post by bathawk »

yeah! I'm curious about that too! (and wether or not it's a domestic or technical skill)

I geuss it was omitted to prevent player groups from teaching each other everyone's skills?
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Unread post by gordyzx9r »

Find an older edition of TMNT back with the original skill groups of (HS)(S)(C)(M) and you will find the Teaching skill. It was a collegiate level skill (C) that allowed you to teach your other collegiate skills to others if you rolled successfully, though it didn't go into detail with such things as time and resource requirements.
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Unread post by gordyzx9r »

macksting wrote:Pity. Without further support for the skill or any place for it in the Apprenticeship and Skill Programs sets, it's probably (regretfully) best to let it lie.

I'm keeping it as I don't like AtBs lack thereof.
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Unread post by gordyzx9r »

macksting wrote:*eyebrows raise* Wait, you speak as though other Palladium systems actually have a teaching skill. I always prefer compatible rulesets over house rules or 'winging it,' but I don't ever remembering finding a skill like that in Nightbane, N&SS or Rifts. Care to elaborate?

I know TMNT has it...I'm looking right at it. As for other systems...I'd have to look but all I have are Robotech, BtS, HU/AU, PFRPG, and Recon.
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Unread post by gordyzx9r »

macksting wrote:That's odd. My copy of TMNT uses the Skill Programs system, complete with Scholastic bonus (the rules and standards for which are listed in HU2.) It makes no mention of the Teaching skill. Perhaps we're looking at different editions.

The first few editions of TMNT were simply TMNT&OS...there was an entirely different ranged combat and skill system. The cover on the first few editions were the same with the exception that the title writing was in black, not yellow. Later editions, saw a change in the ranged combat system and introduction of the skills programs, these editions were TMNT&OS Revised, with the familiar yellow lettering.
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