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team combo's

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 1:55 pm
by SoulofThunder
this is really something thats an issue in a HU game. but the PC's are using fighting arts from NSS.

i need a way to allow them to use moves/techniques together or in succession. its not expessly in the rules that this can be done, but i see no reason why they couldnt do it. i just wanna be fair.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:18 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
what do you mean "in sucession?"

you mean use more than one move per attack?

Re: team combo's

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:29 pm
by Sentinel
FefnaGale wrote:this is really something thats an issue in a HU game. but the PC's are using fighting arts from NSS.

i need a way to allow them to use moves/techniques together or in succession. its not expessly in the rules that this can be done, but i see no reason why they couldnt do it. i just wanna be fair.

Use the existing combination moves like Strike/Parry, Parry/Attack, Reverse Turning Kick (dodge/kick), Drop Kick (fall/dodge/kick), and the special moves from the individual styles that possess them like Handhold/ Strike from Wui Wing Chun, or Grab/Headbash from Tang Su, or Grab/Kick from Fong Ngan.
That would probably be the best way to express combinations. Otherwise, the combat structure of Strike/Parry/Counter-strike/Parry doesn't really allow for this.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:35 pm
by SoulofThunder
it ould be something as simple as one player bending over behind the bad guys legs and another player push the poor guy over his buddies back.

or one player grabbing an enemy goin for a suplex while the other player jumps on the guys neck ,"helping " him to the ground.

something along the lines of tag team wrestling double-team moves.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:43 pm
by Sentinel
FefnaGale wrote:it ould be something as simple as one player bending over behind the bad guys legs and another player push the poor guy over his buddies back.

or one player grabbing an enemy goin for a suplex while the other player jumps on the guys neck ,"helping " him to the ground.

something along the lines of tag team wrestling double-team moves.

That's really a matter of timing.
Get the Initiatives, and see who coordinates with whom.
I do it all the time for villain/bad guy teams where one goes high and the other goes low, but their initiatives have to be close enough to keep the hero from spoiling it.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:49 pm
by SoulofThunder
what if a player "holds" his action to till right before or after his/her buddy's move?

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 3:21 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
FefnaGale wrote:what if a player "holds" his action to till right before or after his/her buddy's move?

I've always allowed that in any RPG I run.

no matter what the system...if you and your buddy have inititive over the opponent, you can tag-team 'em