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Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 5:18 pm
by Braden Campbell
i shouldn't think so. Phase teleportation is more akin to "folding space" than anything else. All that is required is that you have line-of-sight to where you are going, and that you travel in a straight line.

Hell, since the Promethian has no need to breathe, he can probably do it in his underwear (no vacuum suit) if he so wished...

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 5:41 pm
by Braden Campbell
I think there are pyramids on the Ultrovian Homeworld. Not built by them, but connecting to some planet deep in the Core.

Only they, as the elect magic users of the Republik, know how to use them.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:19 pm
by Braden Campbell
Not from the books, if that's what you mean.

Just my personal theory.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 4:22 pm
by KLM

Hmmm. They have vast raw talents, but have not got the time
to master it. They are still trying to prove their legitimacy as
magic users.

Did not they have a few millenia to build a society (and magic
traditions)? Or they just redently became magic using species?


Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 5:56 pm
by Braden Campbell
But what I'm saying is... what if the pryamids on their homeworld (Ultrove?) were there long before they were. Maybe the remains of some ancient Atlantean, or Splugorth outpost. But the Ultrovians grow up looking at these things, not knowing who built them, or why.

So they study the Pryamids, and and eventually become magic users. And one day, some bright Ultrovian figures out that if you concentrate REALLLLLY hard, you can "open the stargate" and teleport yourself to a distant world, deep within the Core.

It will take you 20,000 light years from Ultrove... but will it take you home?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:02 pm
by Braden Campbell
There is no canon answer.

As for the thickness of the threshold... The Anvil is 1000 lyrs thick... I'd say the bioshere is only 50 lyrs thick, and the Core about the same across... so the Threshold is about 900 light years "deep".

That makes it about 90% empty space...

Thes numbers are entirely my own.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:48 pm
by Braden Campbell
gadrin wrote:yeah, the numbers supplied in the books for the size of the galaxies are actually pretty small, as well as the fleet numbers.

Read that Article I'm working on for some better fleet numbers.

As for the Anvil Galaxy, it's really a small "companion galaxy" at best, a large globular cluster at worst.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:11 am
by KLM
My guesses about the ultrovians:

1, They evolved (or was deposited?) on a very low magic planet
- therefore they made a society based on technology.

2, After they joined the Republik, and ventured into the stars, their
power awekened, see CE Rise of Magic, on the Nth power - within a
generation they almost abandoned Ultrove (lets call their former
home that), like rats fleeing a sinking ship - for power. It also
resulted the crippling of their technological civilisation (which
eventually endured with Golgan help - resulting in the current
situation, where the Golgans depend on Ultrovian magic, and
Ultrovians (for the time being) depend on Republikan technology.

3, Ultrovians CAN be techno-wizards, but instead of psionics
(object read, telemechanics, etc) the developed spells for the


ps.: Just looked at the Golgans, with their IQ being 3d6+5,
and their foreign relations and politics are... Well, on the level
of a 10 year old human child. And not a very smart or mature one.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 2:37 pm
by KLM
I explain the Tendren Shift as the craft's communication system
tapped into an information network, and downloaded a good deal
of data (history books/programmes, navigational data, etc).

Otherwise, yeah, I have the tendency to rule some "cool idea"
plain stupid and ignore it, thought first I try to rationalise.
I guess we all have to do it.


Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:49 pm
by KLM
gadrin wrote:I also mean that I don't paint all Golgans or Ultrovians with the same brush, so not all Ultrovians are more dangerous than useful, etc.
I think the Anvil Galaxy book is pretty good, and I liked the inclusion of the Golgan Republik.

Of course, Ultrovians would be extinc in a generation, if they
weren't more usefull, than dangerous.

And yeah, I like the Republik too. Even made a 40 page
hardware catalogue for their armed forces (mixed Golgan
and NE hardware, old and new, and even included some
tactics - no pics). Too bad, that I made it in Hungarian,
and translating it is more painfull, than to write is in English
in the first place.

We went a bit out of topic, ain't we? :D
