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Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:18 pm
by Braden Campbell
A small bunker for up to 10 men (1 platoon), with a satelite array and MLMS on the top. The bunker is square, with a 400 MDC blast door on each side. There are railgun pilboxes on each corner.

How much MDC should the bunker have? D6x1000 too much?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 3:38 am
by Braden Campbell
I'll just grab the spaceship design rules from the back section of Phase World and ... oh, wait. There are none.


Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 4:19 am
by KLM
Hi there!

I would use a Super Can from the Three Galaxies book, equip it
with a force field (cca. 2000 MDC, only usable when the box is
in position), a rather weak CG propulsion (can hover about 3
meters high, and travel at 30 mph).
It has a crew of four, plus a squad of infantryman, about two
Warlord Mk II flying PA (for reload and repair).

For weapons, it would have 2 point defense turrets (from
the berserker) plus a long-range missile launcher - like the
one from the Arcane MK II.

Add in sensors (when "in position", it uses several dishes set up
near the firing position about 300 feet from the can).
Another version might be 3 "dark Slayer" tanks, one is outfitted
with sensors, the other two is with LRMs (remove some weapons,
thought) for a more mobile SAM unit.


Re: TGE SAM Site

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 4:39 am
by KLM
Braden, GMPhD wrote:A small bunker for up to 10 men (1 platoon), with a satelite array and MLMS on the top. The bunker is square, with a 400 MDC blast door on each side. There are railgun pilboxes on each corner.

How much MDC should the bunker have? D6x1000 too much?

Well, reading again...

1, 10 men is a squad, usually. At least two of them should
have PA, for repairs and reload, IMO.

2, d6*1000 MD is just too random. I guess as it is made from
(probably) prefabricated modules, assign it a given stat, like
3000 MD. Also, I think it needs a point defense (the four railguns
should do the job), plus a force field - a simple one, maybe with
2000 MD.

3, Add some decoys - ie. some active scanners in the vicinity,
activated if the base it fired upon, in the hope they draw away
missiles, plus they act as secondary sensors, too.


Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 11:15 am
by Braden Campbell
yeah. it's a ground-based instalation.

My players have them as a secondary objective...meaning they can by pass the whole thing on their way to their real mission... but if they ever want to be evac-ed out, they might have to take it down.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 5:19 pm
by RockJock
I actually like the captured hulks idea. Very IDF ish.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 11:03 am
by Jack Daniels
I'm curious why it needs to have a door on each side. With only 10 folks that's a lot of entry/exit capacity, and doors reduce the defendability of a bunker. I'd suggest only one or two, and about 3000-4000 MDC for the whole thing, but the launcher itself maybe only in the high hundreds.