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Atemi Abilities

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 1:13 am
by Mantisking
Atemi Abilities
Erh Ch'iao An Hsi Tien Hsueh (Two Strike Knockout Atemi):
This is exactly what the name says, a two-part atemi strike that produces unconsciousness in the target. To use this attack the character must make 2 consecutive strikes within the same melee round, each roll to strike must be a Natural 9 or better. If successful the unconsciousness lasts 2d6 melees.

Koe Joumae Atemi (Voice Lock Vital Point): A precise strike to the neck that prevents a person from speaking. For this to be successful a Strike roll of Natural 12 or better must be made. If successful, the target loses their voice until Healing Atemi is used to reverse the effect. If the target manages to successfully Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact then they only lose their voice for 3D6 Melee Rounds.

Opening Strike: This attack causes impulses to flow better along the nerve pathways of the body. It facilitates the use of other atemi strikes. Bonuses: If successful, the Natural numbers for Atemi or Advanced Atemi Abilities used against this opponent are lowered by 1. The effects of this strike last for 2D4 Melee Rounds, and it cannot be used again until the effects wear off.

Ullu Varman (Muscle Vital Spot): When struck this atemi causes a sharp, painful contraction in a muscle. To use this attack the character must declare that a limb is being struck. If successful the opponent loses use of the target limb for one (1) Melee Round.

P'ing Heng Sui Hai Ho (Balance Break Vital Point): This subtle attack disrupts the functioning of the inner ear. It leaves the opponent helpless, barely able to walk, unable to properly defend themselves. The attacker must make a Strike roll of 16 or better. If successful the opponent is at a -4 to Strike, Parry, Dodge, Initiative, and Maintain Balance, and the opponent is -20% to all skills. These effects last for 3D6 Melee Rounds. The defender may Dodge or Parry this attack. If the defender is unsuccessful in Parrying or Dodging this attack, then they may try to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact. If this is successful then the duration of the attack is reduced to three (3) Melee Rounds.

Thodu Varman (Minor Deadly Spot): When this atemi is struck it produces a short shock to the central nervous system. If the attack is successful the opponent must make a Saving Throw vs. Pain or lose their next action. The roll to strike for this ability is a Natural 11 or better.

Wan Chu (Ten Thousand Spiders): This ability, when used successfully, causes an uncontrollable itching sensation all over the opponent's body. This itching is so intense it will break the concentration of even the most disciplined martial artists. The itching caused by Wan Chu is so intense it is almost painful and nearly maddening. Even those with enough discipline to not scratch the itches will not be able to concentrate and will wiggle and jerk almost uncontrollably. Chi Relaxation will counter the effects of Wan Chu automatically. The character must strike the opponent once, rolling a Natural 15 or better to Strike. The opponent must then make a Saving Throw of 15 or better, -- M.E. bonuses apply -- or spend 1D4 minutes scratching. While scratching, the opponent cannot attack or use skills and the only defense possible is dodging. The opponent does receive a +1 to Dodge while under the effects of the atemi strike, due to the unpredictable twisting and turning of the scratching.

Yin Yuan Tien Hsueh (Cause Fatigue Atemi): This atemi point, when activated, causes fatigue poisons to be released into the body. It's a slow process, so this ability isn't really effective during combat. The attacker must make a Strike roll of Natural 13 or better. If successful, the effects then take 1D10 minutes to begin. For 1D4 hours, target is -2 (-10%) to all actions due to fatigue.

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 11:44 pm
by Mantisking
Abhyasa Marmmam (Practice Vital Spot): This Atemi Ability is used as a training method. It is sometimes used as a "warning shot" by more experienced martial artists. Strike Roll: 10 or better. Damage: Tingling sensation and a small, red welt at point of impact. Duration: 1D4 Melee Rounds.