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Biotics ? What have your been like so far ??

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 5:52 pm
by TechnoGothic
I've based a couble of Biotics after Zoalords from the guyver anime for their Looks only.
Guyot, Murikomi's Proto-zoalord Form, Imokirum's Full Zoalord form. A few others were also based off stuff from the guyver anime/manga. Liberus and Griselda, both Proto-zoalords made by Guyver3.

One of my Players even based one off of Ultimate Spiderman's Rhino but no cyberness, but Bio-tech goodness ;)

The group has only made 2 Host Armors so far. but thats another topic ;)

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 6:07 pm
by RockJock
Walking tanks at this point. I've had one player run was as a crazy, the other as a stoic soldier.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 3:33 am
by TechnoGothic
RockJock wrote:Walking tanks at this point. I've had one player run was as a crazy, the other as a stoic soldier.

So the first player played up his insanity in a zanny way ?
So the second player played it serious ?

The roughneck in my group became a biotic. Scarry mo'fo'. Thinks he is an Alien Superhero to save the humans danger...
Big, four arms, lots of defenive spikes, tons of armor. He is actually more badarse than his old roughneck armor. Only distance weapon is flame breath though...