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Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 10:03 pm
by Marrowlight
Black Cross wrote:I was going over my Wormwood book again and have found some questions I had written down and never found an answer to. If they have been answered before, I would appreciate it fi someone could point me in the right direction.

1. Do wormwood characters continue to gain MDC or are they capped at starting MDC? For example, in the Knight of the Hospital O.C.C. Bonus section it states they receive 1d4x10+30MDC. Is that it or is it a bonus to their base and they then get additional as they gain experience? Do physical skills increase the MDC levels when they add SDC to a non Wormwood character?


should be a bonus to their base. They should get 1D6 per level, just like an SDC human would get for their hit points.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 10:42 pm
by cornholioprime
Black Cross wrote:1. Do wormwood characters continue to gain MDC or are they capped at starting MDC? For example, in the Knight of the Hospital O.C.C. Bonus section it states they receive 1d4x10+30MDC. Is that it or is it a bonus to their base and they then get additional as they gain experience? Do physical skills increase the MDC levels when they add SDC to a non Wormwood character?
In the Rifts: Wormwood Book, the various OCCs get a bonus to their already existing MDC -and that is S.D.C. and Hit Points of a normal Human added together and converted, IIRC.

2. It says that when a Knight of the Hospital is forced out of the order they lose all Healing powers. What powers? Am I missing something or has it just been left out. This one has bothered me for a long time.
Also IIRC, the Powers that the Knights of the Hospital are reputed to have just may be similar to the healing powers of the Priest OCC. Not near the Books, so I can't tell you for sure.

3. Do Wormwood melee weapons do their SDC equivalent in damage or are they special in some way.
If made of Wormwood Resin and specially treated (read: enchanted), they do MDC Damage; otherwise, just regular SDC Damage if wielded by one with ordinary Strength. However, keep in mind that Wormwood Resin creates MDC Structures.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:29 pm
by Jesterzzn
Black Cross wrote:I was going over my Wormwood book again and have found some questions I had written down and never found an answer to. If they have been answered before, I would appreciate it fi someone could point me in the right direction.

1. Do wormwood characters continue to gain MDC or are they capped at starting MDC? For example, in the Knight of the Hospital O.C.C. Bonus section it states they receive 1d4x10+30MDC. Is that it or is it a bonus to their base and they then get additional as they gain experience? Do physical skills increase the MDC levels when they add SDC to a non Wormwood character?

2. It says that when a Knight of the Hospital is forced out of the order they lose all Healing powers. What powers? Am I missing something or has it just been left out. This one has bothered me for a long time.

3. Do Wormwood melee weapons do their SDC equivalent in damage or are they special in some way.

Any help or ideas will be appreciated.


1. I do not believe they get more MDC for leveling, but I can't find anything either way so I would say its GMs call. Physical skills do increase their MDC.

2. It's an editing error. They have no healing powers other than their paramedic skill. This was apparently confirmed by Kevin S. although I do not have confirmation of the confirmation. :-? :-P
I would house rule that they get to select a prayer or two.

3. Normal Damage, unless enchanted.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 11:14 pm
by Braden Campbell
Thing about the weapons is that, if you have to enchant that resin sword or ielse t does SDC damage, then there is no way any Joe Citizen can come to your rescue. He has no way in hell to hurt monsters.

And all the humans would be dead.

Just make everything SDC. It's so much cleaner.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 4:28 pm
by Steve Conan Trustrum
Jesterzzn wrote:2. It's an editing error. They have no healing powers other than their paramedic skill. This was apparently confirmed by Kevin S. although I do not have confirmation of the confirmation. :-? :-P
I would house rule that they get to select a prayer or two.
"It's an editing oversight" was told to me directly by Kevin waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day when there were talks of turning my (now defunct) Wormwood Netbook into an official book. If you can find anyone who managed to download the netbook before I took it down, you'll find a FAQ section with a lot of official answers to many of the questions people have about the errors in the Wormwood book.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 8:34 pm
by Jesterzzn
Steve Conan Trustrum wrote:
Jesterzzn wrote:2. It's an editing error. They have no healing powers other than their paramedic skill. This was apparently confirmed by Kevin S. although I do not have confirmation of the confirmation. :-? :-P
I would house rule that they get to select a prayer or two.
"It's an editing oversight" was told to me directly by Kevin waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day when there were talks of turning my (now defunct) Wormwood Netbook into an official book. If you can find anyone who managed to download the netbook before I took it down, you'll find a FAQ section with a lot of official answers to many of the questions people have about the errors in the Wormwood book.
You were actualy the person that I was referencing in the first place. I just tend to err on the side of caution, and since I didn't hear Kevin say it, I was just making it known that I could not confirm the report.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 12:25 am
by Marrowlight
Steve Conan Trustrum wrote:
Jesterzzn wrote:2. It's an editing error. They have no healing powers other than their paramedic skill. This was apparently confirmed by Kevin S. although I do not have confirmation of the confirmation. :-? :-P
I would house rule that they get to select a prayer or two.
"It's an editing oversight" was told to me directly by Kevin waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day when there were talks of turning my (now defunct) Wormwood Netbook into an official book. If you can find anyone who managed to download the netbook before I took it down, you'll find a FAQ section with a lot of official answers to many of the questions people have about the errors in the Wormwood book.

Any chance of putting the FAQ back up then, or letting someone else do so?

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:56 am
by Steve Conan Trustrum
Marrowlight wrote:Any chance of putting the FAQ back up then, or letting someone else do so?

Anyone wanting to can post this on their site, so long as they give me credits and post a link to

Wormwood FAQ and Errata
Several errors and alterations that snuck past the editors of the original Wormwood ™ Dimension Book have created a good deal of confusion amongst Wormwood fans over the years. Add to this book’s small size and the result is a lot of questions. Here are some answers.

The Living Planet
Q: Where is Wormwood located in the Megaverse?
A: Wormwood exists in an entirely alternate dimension. Technically, this means that it is possible for alien races, foreign to the planet but native to the dimension, to visit Wormwood (possible campaign idea?).

Q: After a body is absorbed by the Living Planet, how long until it decomposes?
A: Wormwood lacks the usual agents of decomposition, such as maggots, earthworms and microbes, which help the process along on planets such as Earth. Thus, the only factor is the speed of the planet's recycling process and the state of the body when it is buried. Based on the extent of Wormwood's control over its environment, 1D4+1 days might be a good estimate for a severely wounded body and double that for a corpse that was undamaged.

Q: What are the chances of Wormwood making new Battle Saints or Battle Saint Orbs?
A: Though both are Wormwood symbiotes, no new Battle Saints or Orbs have been made in recorded history; they have just always been there. It is unknown if the symbiotes were made by the planet itself or, as one theory suggests, its “creators”. If you absolutely, positively, just HAVE to have an answer, I would say yes, but I would add that such a process would cause drastic effects on the area surrounding the symbiotes birth (such as no Communion powers working within 500 miles/800 km of that spot for several centuries) due to the drain on the planet's energies at that spot.

Q: Does Wormwood have magnetic poles?
A: No, which explains why the Navigation skill cannot be chosen by natives. If someone tries using a compass on Wormwood, it is not affected by any naturally occurring magnetic fields. Some off-worlders (and some emulating natives) have taken to calling the direction that appears as "north" (towards the top of the page) on the maps in the Dimension Book as "True North" for the sake of simplicity. However, for the most part, the inhabitants of the planet have no idea what you are talking about if you use any of the magnetic directions. Instead, the natives use landmarks, settlements, and the Locate Home Town prayer of communion as points of navigational reference.

Q: Does the Dimension Book actually say what the planet looks like?
A: Yes. The surface of Wormwood (its skin) ranges in color from a range of tans to pastel pinks and is hard and smooth. The sky is yellow with tints of blue during the day, a mix of soft pinks and orange at dusk with the night being a star-filled black. The only vegetation to be found is that which has managed to find purchase (and water) within that rare dirt that has gathered in some areas like a second skin of dust. The most likely places for these plants to grow are areas where this dirt, which has been brought to the planet through eons of random dimensional portals, has been blown and gathered by the planet's light winds.

Q: How is time counted on Wormwood?
A: The day is 12 hours and the night 13 hours long. This "day" is based upon the rising and setting of the sun. Due to a lack of any seasonal change, the natives of the Living Planet have adopted Earth’s system of 365 days to a year. The years are told with the suffix “A.D.” for “After the Darkness”, with Year 1 A.D. marking the arrival of the Unholy to Wormwood.

Q: Does the Wormwood sky have stars?
A: Yes, it has its own constellations.

Q: What other celestial bodies can be seen in the Wormwood sky?
A: There is a sun and two orange moons. As for the rest of the Living Planet's solar system, who can say (yet another campaign idea)?

Q: Don't you think that the Unholy, and Wormwood as a whole, is underpowered when compared to the rest of the Rifts game setting?
A: This is because Wormwood is one of the earliest Rifts products. Also, though the Unholy is no match for most of the major villains in other sourcebooks, his power level is in proportion to the Wormwood environment as a stand alone campaign setting. Besides, the Unholy’s might is not to be found in his sword arm or mystic knowledge, but in the formidable evil of its Host and the broad span of its machinations.

Q: Just who are these mysterious people that keep bringing these alien objects and substances to Wormwood?
A: There are several gates to other dimensions and worlds on Wormwood, most notably in the city of Worldgate. By using these portals the humans of Wormwood travel to these other realms and trade for what they need. Dimensional expeditions are usually conducted by powerful nobles or the Cathedral, though independent shifters can open up their own portals, or use one of the temporary ones, and do what they wish.
Of the four permanent Rifts to Earth, one is controlled by the Unholy (The Lalibela Rift), Two by the Cathedral (the Calgary and Romania Rift) and one is in constant contention because it lies in no man’s land (the Old Detroit rift).

Q: Where does all that wood you see in the dimension book’s artwork come from?
A: It is all brought in from off-world. Seeing as how it is abundant and easy to get a hold of in most other dimensions, it is fairly common to see raw wood in the cities. However, it is more rare in a refined form, such as planks and furniture, which is why those items are symbolic of the owner’s station and class. Much of the imported wood is reserved by the Cathedral for the crafting of gunstocks.

Q: I sometimes see a reference to a group called "confessors" in the original dimension book, but isn't that the name of an NPC Apok?
A: Yes it is. What happened is that the Apok O.C.C. was originally meant to be called the "Confessor O.C.C." but was later changed and the name, which was too cool to go to waste, was used on the NPC. At some points in the text this was not revised and so where it should say "Apok", it instead says "confessor".

Q: Why can't any of the Wormwood dimension book O.C.C.s take the Navigation skill?
A: Navigation and cartography was developed using a mix of astronomy, mathematics and knowledge of polar direction. Because Wormwood lacks magnetic poles and because of its shifting nature, the Living Planet’s inhabitants have never been able to refine the science of proper navigation.

Q: The Hospitaller Knight O.C.C. has an alignment restriction which states that if the character is not of better alignment than anarchist by third level, he loses his healing powers? What healing powers?
A: This is an error that managed to get past the editor; the Hospitaller has no healing abilities beyond his paramedic skill.

Q: If there are no native psionics on Wormwood, why is there such a thing as a Psi-Booster Stone?
A: Many scholars believe that the Living Planet has evolved the stones it offers in answer to the countless dimensional travelers that have trod its surface (perhaps even the minions of the Host), many of which do have psionics. This hypothesis lends support to the belief that Wormwood is constantly evolving.

Flora and Fauna:
Q: Can animals and plants from other worlds survive on Wormwood?
A: Plants can only survive on Wormwood if soil is also transplanted and someone must water them as Wormwood has very little natural rain. As for the animals, sure they can eat from food caves and fountains found in the wilderness, but is that all they need for survival and is the climate ideal for their species? See also the following question.

Q: Under the Monk O.C.C. it says that monks help by "working in the fields". As Wormwood has no topsoil (or earth for that matter), just what fields is the writer talking about?
A: Soil is perhaps the easiest thing to get from another dimension and over the course of centuries dimensional travelers have brought loads of topsoil to Wormwood for the express purpose of creating farms which grow alien foods (such as corn and, wheat). Rain, being as rare as it is, is not depended upon to feed the fields and thus the humans create fountains whose waters can be made to flow into the fields. "Fields" is also a general term which enshrouds not only the afore mentioned soil farms, but also the food caves from which the populace draws the majority of its sustenance.

Q: Do animals and other species that are born on Wormwood, though not native, become M.D.C. creatures in further generations?
A: While their may be exceptions (it is up to the GM really), no would be the most accurate answer. Only humans who are born on the Living Planet, even if their parents are from a S.D.C. world, become M.D.C. beings.

Q: Because the humans of Wormwood are M.D.C. creatures, does this mean they also have supernatural strength and endurance?
A: No, unless gained from an O.C.C. or other such means.

Q: Do Wormwood humans do Mega-Damage when they punch and kick?
A:. Yes, but only under certain circumstances. See the updated combat rules elsewhere for more details.

Q: If Wormwood humans do Mega-Damage with a punch what happens if they try punching a non-Wormwood, S.D.C. human?
A: See the updated combat rules.

Q: Does Wormwood have Faeries?
A: No, other than any who may have been brought from other worlds. Though alive, in perhaps a greater sense than planets such as Earth, even the most evil of Faeries finds the lack of nature disconcerting to say the least. Also, it seems that a planet that is alive in the sense that Wormwood is awes, frightens and captivates them all at the same time, making them feel very uncomfortable to the point where they become jittery and paranoid.

Q: In the dimension book’s comic, the Battle Saint needs a "soul battery" (life force batteries?) in order to become active and yet no mention of this is made under its statistics. All that is mentioned is a need to rest after 24 hours of use. What is the story with this?
A: This is just another instance where the conception created by the comic strip contradicts the conception presented in the role-playing material. In this case, use the rpg method of resting after 24 hours of use and disregard the "soul battery" approach.

Q: The Apok mask seems to be disconnected from Wormwood, or at least not connected to it in the same way as the other symbiotes; does it die if removed from Wormwood?
A: An Apok's Demon Mask would either lose all of its power or retain a portion of them (GM's discretion). The Apok, however, would retain his supernatural strength and remain a Mega-Damage being.

Q: If a wounded person uses a Battle Saint or Orb does the M.D.C. of the symbiote use the pilot’s current M.D.C. or their maximum amount? Similarly, what if the person is wearing or using a symbiote or worm that boosts the pilot’s M.D.C.?
A: The Battle Saint/Orb/Knight/Angel uses the pilot’s current M.D.C. or hit points as a base. An apok’s demon mask increases the amount of M.D.C. that the war machine uses but no other symbtioes or worms will; in all other instances only the pilot’s natural M.D.C or hit points are used.

Weapons, Armor and Equipment:
Q: Do Wormwood TW black powder weapons require gunpowder?
A: No. Wormwood TW black powder pistols and rifles are fueled with P.P.E. although they do fire balls of resin instead of magical force as per most TW weapons from other worlds. See elsewhere in this book for further details.

Q: What are Wormwood’s guns, swords and other weapons made of?
A: The barrels of the guns, the blades and hilts of the swords and other melee weapons are made of poured resin. Because resin is a liquid in its primary state, it does not have to be heated to be shaped and therefore it is actually easier to make these items from resin than it is from metal. Note that the nature of resin also causes melee weapons made from it to inflict M.D. rather than S.D. Most stocks and the rest of the musket or pistol is also made from resin, but as a separate piece, and is fashioned to appear like wood. Only the most well-to-do warriors can afford weapons that incorporate real wood.

Q: Where do they get that leather to make their armor, saddles, boots, etc.?
A: Again, ”leather” is something which can be gained fairly cheaply by dimensional raids, bartering or even from creatures which have migrated to Wormwood and whose skin, when treated, is basically identical to leather. This latter explanation is why it is possible for the leather armor to be an M.D.C. object.

Q: Do weapons made from resin counts as magical for the purpose of determining whether or not they can harm supernatural creatures harmed only by magic?
A: No, they do not.


Hand-to-Hand Damage
One of the most often asked questions concerning Wormwood is just what happens when a human from Wormwood (a M.D.C. creature) punches a human from Earth or a similar world (a S.D.C. creature), and vise versa. Except for the Apok and any other human who somehow gains the benefit of a supernatural P.S. and therefore causes M.D. with all hand-to-hand strikes, use the following outlines for determining the outcome of such attacks.

S.D.C. Human attacking M.D.C. Human: The S.D. attack causes no harm.
M.D.C. Human attacking S.D.C. Human: The attack causes the usual amount of damage, except that it is S.D. instead of M.D.
M.D.C. Human attacking M.D.C. Human: The attack causes damage as normal, except that it is M.D.
M.D.C. Human vs M.D.C. Creature/Monster: The attack causes damage as normal so long as magical weapons are not required to cause harm. M.D. is caused instead of S.D.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 6:04 pm
by Steve Conan Trustrum
Should note there are some things in the FAQ that allude to other things in the netbook (such as the parts pertaining to TW blackpowder weapons) and not just the core book. Simply disregard such things unless you've also got a copy of the netbook to use.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:49 pm
by Braden Campbell
Thanks, Steve.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 4:46 am
by Rallan
This is a bit late, but hey, I never read the FAQ's section on Wormwood before. Two points though.

One: their entire ruling on the Navigation skill is UTTERLY RETARDED. The setting has a sun, two moons, several constellations, and a good flat horizon. It also has distinctive landmarks like mountains, towns, spires etc that can be used as points of reference for working out the distance and direction of various places. What sort of high-school-geometry-failing wunderkind decided that it's impossible for Wormwood natives to figure out how to navigate?

Two: mega-damage vs SDC in Wormwood. The decision to make Wormwood an all-MDC setting was clearly idiotic and unbalanced, and I'd recommend players in general ignore the advice in the FAQ. It's the best fix that can be made without flat-out saying "hey the book was stupid about mega-damage", but it's still a half-assed fix. The only way to make Wormwood work is to either run it as a standalone SDC setting and create new HP/SDC stats for everything, or run it as a mixed SDC/MDC Rifts setting and assume Wormwood armor and weapons are naturally enchanted to damage mega-damage foes. This ridiculous crap about Wormwood humans with non-supernatural strength being able to do MDC by using non-supernatural weapons on mega-damage opponents is just plain silly.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 7:51 am
by Braden Campbell
Rallan wrote: The only way to make Wormwood work is to either run it as a standalone SDC setting and create new HP/SDC stats for everything, or run it as a mixed SDC/MDC Rifts setting and assume Wormwood...

I've been saying this for years...

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 6:27 pm
by Steve Conan Trustrum
Rallan wrote:One: their entire ruling on the Navigation skill is UTTERLY RETARDED. The setting has a sun, two moons, several constellations, and a good flat horizon. It also has distinctive landmarks like mountains, towns, spires etc that can be used as points of reference for working out the distance and direction of various places. What sort of high-school-geometry-failing wunderkind decided that it's impossible for Wormwood natives to figure out how to navigate?

Here's the problem with this, though.

Who made sure the Navigation skill couldn't be taken by characters, me who wrote the FAQ or Palladium? Palladium. They did, however, leave Land Navigation open.

What does Navigation cover? Mostly navigation by chart and map, with cross-over into land navigation. What does Land Navigation cover? Using landmarks and night-navigation techniques (that is, stars and constellations.)

This isn't why I left Navigation out of the game, because I didn't do that. Palladium did. The FAQ explanation is me taking the info at hand (no magnetic points), the primary uses of the game's two navigation skills, and coming up with a best fitting excuse as to why none of the characters are able to take Navigation. Obviously there isn't some kind of chip in their heads preventing them from this, so we're left with the assumption that Land Navigation covers all of the points you bring up above. So, yes, you CAN use the stars, landmarks, etc. to get around on Wormwood, but you just have to use Land Navigation rather than Navigate to do so.

Why this hasn't developed into a chart reading skill I couldn't say other than to guess. While Wormwood has a sun and stars, they are barely touched upon. One of the things I used in my games to help explain why Navigation didn't evolve into chart reading sans magnetic poles was that the planet spun on more than one axis as it circled its sun (how I dealt with the fact there are no seasons), which wasn't itself set in position, meaning that while the days remained on a constant cycle to match this spin and orbits the stars in the sky weren't always the same.

So no, it most certainly isn't "utterly retarded" -- it's making the best of a situation that is full of restrictions without canonical facts to provide reasons.

If you don't like the reason given you're welcome to use the information provided to arrive at one of your own, although the remaining excuses pretty much rely upon "ummmm... because Wormwood inhabitants have some kind of disability that doesn't allow them to use Navigation, as outlined to the letter in that skill's description." I also suggest you first go to the book and read the skill descriptions so you understand that there is a Land Navigation skill that remains available and covers all the points you addressed as being "utterly retarded" for their supposed absence.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 1:18 am
by Rallan
You could've saved a lot of time by saying "I'm not utterly retarded, I'm trying my best to work around an utterly retarded rule without contradicting canon" :)

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 5:23 pm
by Steve Conan Trustrum
Rallan wrote:You could've saved a lot of time by saying "I'm not utterly retarded, I'm trying my best to work around an utterly retarded rule without contradicting canon" :)
Just as you could have saved a lot of time to begin with by looking up the Land Navigation skill.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 11:26 pm
by Metathiax
that Line Walker dude who needs armour to survive.

Funny thing is he is the only npc in the book who doesn't have armor. just the armor of ithan spell.

Good enough I guess but I would still give him at least a chain shirt. or maybe a talisman of armor. Something

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 5:23 pm
by Devjannz
Justin Time the 4D Man wrote:For all trade? There are probably not enough people for that given their situation. I'm just not keen on the idea that if you have a Wormwood character, they can never go anywhere or they'll lose their symbiotes and crystals, and crystals would be a good trade commodity.

Hey, this is just my house rule. Seems to make more sense to me, but then again, I can't make heads or tails of the reason for the popularity of reality TV, so what do I know?

I came up with this rule for my group: Wormwood symbiotes can be taken to other dimensions but must be fed PPE every 24 hours to keep them alive. If they are not fed then they go into a state of hybernation and offer no bonuses to the character. If they go another 24 hours without being fed, then they will die. The amount of PPE is as follows: 5 for small parasites, 10 for larger ones.

It has worked pretty good for us.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:01 pm
by exiled_snow
im doing an apok atm, and my gm runs it so that wormwood- made items only go dormant when removed from "magic rich enviroments" ie no lay lines, little ambient ppe... he has the items draw off ambient energy. however- for the wormwood preistly powers to work you have to have a connection to the planet- ie a open rift near you or soomething that you can pass through and be on planet. he uses this rule for all classes of wormwood.

in my apok case, a god awok a sword made of wormwood resin, amaking it an intellgient item with 2 abilities- greater damage againts the unclean of wormwood, and the abiltiy to use some preistly powers off wormwood.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 11:15 pm
by Lenwen
What would happen if... For instance a player character tried to tackle a Host threw a 20 foot circlular Rift . The book says straight up that they once summoned to a certain plane are thus trapped in that plane of existance so my question then becomes .. what happens if they get tackled or pushed threw the rift .. are they torn into nuthingness ? are they thrown back into thier Abyss prison .. (thus having to wait for another summoner ?) or does the rift act like a force field against that Host ? I am asking this as it happened about a week ago to the player grp as a rifts wizard opened a rift an another pc tried to simply ride WormWood of one more host by tackling that being threw the rift (which totally caught me off guard as the GM :oops: ) so I simply said the rift acted like a force field against the Host Demon . But any clerification on this subject would greatly be appreciated .


Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 7:17 pm
by Jmur
Lenwen wrote:What would happen if... For instance a player character tried to tackle a Host threw a 20 foot circlular Rift . The book says straight up that they once summoned to a certain plane are thus trapped in that plane of existance so my question then becomes .. what happens if they get tackled or pushed threw the rift .. are they torn into nuthingness ? are they thrown back into thier Abyss prison .. (thus having to wait for another summoner ?) or does the rift act like a force field against that Host ? I am asking this as it happened about a week ago to the player grp as a rifts wizard opened a rift an another pc tried to simply ride WormWood of one more host by tackling that being threw the rift (which totally caught me off guard as the GM :oops: ) so I simply said the rift acted like a force field against the Host Demon . But any clerification on this subject would greatly be appreciated .


Once they leave the abyss and establish themselves on a planet.(Lets say wormwood.) They are a part of that world. Leaving it for any reason causes their life to end. So once they enter that Rift they die. At least thats how I see it. They cannot go back to the Abyss prison once they escape it. As a matter of fact no one can enter this Abyss prison.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 7:37 am
by Braden Campbell
I would say that as the Apok has been transformed into an supernatural instrument of Wormwood's holy wrath that he cannot, in fact, become a Juicer.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:46 am
by Braden Campbell
That would be up to your GM, but if you were in my game I would have you roll versus coma/death due to the toxic overload. Save and you fall into a coma with 1 Hit Point/MDC left and must then heal normally. Fail and you die from heart failure and drug overdose.

Yeah, that sounds fair.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:57 am
by LunarYoma
an apok wanting to get juiced & living less than a decade? got to have some serious back story there.

doing 5 years or so of damage against evil vs several decades of damage against evil? a dumb decision.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 1:18 am
by Aramanthus
Braden's has a lot of ideas when it comes to Wormwood! There are some netcast where he is the guest. I'd recommend listening to them.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:20 am
by Marcethus
apokmalice wrote:i have questions about the apok.

my gm he would let me get the mega juicer augmentation but only that one. the other ones i would heal to fast and the needle would not penetrate my skin. he also let me roll for random psi. when i made my character, i think he fudged that to. but it was my idea to get the augmentation

According to the book No Wormwood Human has psionics. Some symbiotes and crystals/stones have psionic like powers. But on the whole psionics themselves are not native to Wormwood. So yes your Gm did fudge that.
Its something I too might allow if a player really wanted and had a good story idea for the chara.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 7:06 am
by Marcethus
Robert wrote:I heard something weird from My friend a few years back. He said that Wormwood was the dormant bodies of the Old Ones and that he had three lines from the book that could prove it. Now I am 99.9999999999999999999999999999% certain he is incorrect about this (BTW He and I had a falling out before he told Me what the three lines from the book were so I have no idea) but on the tiny chance he may be right... I have to ask. Is Wormwood the Sleeping bodies of the Old ones or some of the old ones?

NO!!!! Wormwood does not contain the old ones nor does it have anything to do with them. The only possible mention that might be in the book, might be a reference that the Host could be related to the Old Ones. But they do that in alot of places when talking about Alien Intelligences.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:01 am
by Aramanthus
It is a living world of some sort. But it is not an old one.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 3:27 am
by Aramanthus
The way it treats the people that should be a clue to us players and GMs. It tries to keep them safe, healthy and provides shelter. Everything they need to survive.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:04 am
by Aramanthus
I'm not sure if that is cannon. BUt it is the final judgment of each GM as to how he world is going to run and function. You can do it. Non of my group even uses that book. I'm one of the two who has it. I've used it in the past. I'm looking forward to seeing everything Braden has set for it!

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:19 am
by Marcethus
Shazam wrote:am I evil for running wormwold humans as supernatural strength and the symbiotes can leave and still survive?

Does anyone else here allow holy terrors in other games seeing as they are not Wormworld natives?

No you are well within your rights as GM to do that. I do however do the symbiotes and stones can leave wormwood. Stones have to be turned into a permanent magic item to not crumble to dust. Symbiotes must be fed PPE to survive.

Holy Terrors yes I have had one player play one off of wormwood.

As to the PS thing. That's completely your choice. What I do is allow them to deal MD but at the same normal Human damages. Except for those that explicitly state they have SNPS.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:10 pm
by Marcethus
Shazam wrote:good ideas. One of the problems I had with the setting is rifts you get the felling of everything travelling and everything coming together on earth etc.... Wormwood pretty much was anti-that an acted as a weird destination.

Well Rifts Earth is the garbage dump of the Megaverse.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 3:36 am
by Aramanthus
Well I wouldn't call it a garbage dump. More like a stew pot of the universe. Sometime you get a good bite and sometimes a bad bite.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 4:06 am
by Marcethus
Aramanthus wrote:Well I wouldn't call it a garbage dump. More like a stew pot of the universe. Sometime you get a good bite and sometimes a bad bite.

Not implying I don't like the setting as I do its fun and always a blast. But every dimension dumps its trash onto Rifts earth. How else would all the other strange alien beings get to Earth lol.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 4:16 am
by Aramanthus
Still I would not consider it a dump. A receptacle maybe, but not a garbage dump. Consider Rift's earth the classic version of the United States during the height of incoming immigrants. (Last century just before WW2 is the era I'm referring too.)

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:58 am
by Aramanthus
That is a great analogy too! Too bad I was too tired to think that one up.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 1:07 am
by Lenwen
Steve Conan Trustrum wrote:
Jesterzzn wrote:2. It's an editing error. They have no healing powers other than their paramedic skill. This was apparently confirmed by Kevin S. although I do not have confirmation of the confirmation. :-? :-P
I would house rule that they get to select a prayer or two.
"It's an editing oversight" was told to me directly by Kevin waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day when there were talks of turning my (now defunct) Wormwood Netbook into an official book. If you can find anyone who managed to download the netbook before I took it down, you'll find a FAQ section with a lot of official answers to many of the questions people have about the errors in the Wormwood book.

Question for you about Wormwood if you do not mind that is .

Was wormwood complete or was it not complete for the original book setting ?

What is the overall total population of Wormwood ?

I have to say that Wormwood has been and always WILL be 1 of my favorite settings .. regaurdless of what anyone else thinks about it haha

I've used it for soo long as "One" of the planer dimensions of Hell because well it fits so aptly .. as one haha and if Your the one who created the "Host" all I can say is even now .. they are hugly mosterously .. powerfull after how many years of powercreep haha You created a TRUE monster my friend VERY much so ..

As always ..


Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 2:00 am
by Aramanthus
Hopefully Braden can get back to you on this one quickly.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 8:53 am
by Braden Campbell
Lenwen wrote:
Was wormwood complete or was it not complete for the original book setting ?

What is the overall total population of Wormwood ?


1. Yes, Wormwood was about as complete as it could be at the time. It suffers however from being the first of the Dimension Books... in that it waffles between being its own setting and being an expansion for Rifts. As a result, certain game mechanics are either incomplete, missing, or broken entirely (ex. everyone on Wormwood is MDC, but almost no one has supernatural strength). Also, it only featured two major powers, the Demons and the Cathedral... which got boring after a while.

2. I have no idea what the actual population is. I remember though that I once said the Humans were outnumbered 5 -1 by the demons.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 2:11 am
by Aramanthus
So won't your articles for the Rifter help correct some of these problems for the setting? Thank you for responding so quickly Braden.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:49 pm
by Braden Campbell
I use the Palladium Fantasy RPG as the catch-all Wormwood companion... so a typical magic weapon could have 1D3 powers from the list in the Alchemist section.

Also, if you haven't done so, you should at the very least get a copy of Rifter #46 which contains not only a full description of Worldgate, but rules on Wormwood flintlocks.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 1:53 am
by Aramanthus
Now that makes sense using the PFRPG as a source book. I understand and totally agree that those would make an excellent source for gear.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:57 pm
by cornholioprime
Robert wrote:I heard something weird from My friend a few years back. He said that Wormwood was the dormant bodies of the Old Ones and that he had three lines from the book that could prove it. Now I am 99.9999999999999999999999999999% certain he is incorrect about this (BTW He and I had a falling out before he told Me what the three lines from the book were so I have no idea) but on the tiny chance he may be right... I have to ask. Is Wormwood the Sleeping bodies of the Old ones or some of the old ones?

The bodies of the Old Ones -perhaps 'physical remains' is a more apt phrase -are RUMORED to be somewhere on the Palladium World.

But the REALLY powerful parts of them -their Powers, Astral Essences, "Souls," etc. -are in a Dimensional Labyrinth that cannot be accessed by normal means (it is somewhere between dimensions and for all practical purposes, doesn't actually 'exist' as we understand the term), and is a prison maintained around the clock by Megaversal super-powerhouses like Brahma and Zurvan (Rifts: Pantheons of the Megaverse).

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:53 am
by azazel1024
*sigh*, yeah another Wormwood book would be lovely. If I had to prioritize I guess I'd go down on the side of more PW stuff and Triax 2...but its a close call :) . I love the Rifter articles btw.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:03 am
by Aramanthus
Well at least to hold us over until that is done. Braden has added several articles in the recent Rifters.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:53 pm
by azazel1024
Aramanthus wrote:Well at least to hold us over until that is done. Braden has added several articles in the recent Rifters.

Speaking of, I heard him mention what The 3rd article was (Worldgate and Flintlock TW guns), but what was in the first 2? I have a rather lapsed Rifter subscribtion, which I need to take care of now that I have bit more financial means, but I also need to track down a couple of back issues with particularly interesting stuff in them.


*edit* never mind. I just learned of the handy feature called "Search" and found all of the info I was looking for. So I guess that makes at least 3 back issues of the Rifter I am going to have to get.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:18 am
by Aramanthus
Pick up all of the Rifters from 40 to the present and you'll have his articles plus some other great ones.

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:52 pm
by beatobur
Is the Wormwood book still the only resource or is there Rifter material for Wormwood? And if so in which Rifters?

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 1:21 am
by Saitou Hajime
Did no one want to put Up Steve's FAQ?

I have it up on my At the moment empty Site But I hope to change that soon!

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:34 pm
by azazel1024
Hey Braden, out of curiousity did you use something to create the maps for Worldgate? Or were they freehand? I am refering to the ones you link to in the Rifter #46 thread.

I am doing things a little bass ackwards by getting Rifter 46 first and the other two with the Wormwood articles later.

I know your working primarily on Phase World right now, which PS I LOVE...the setting and your work, but I am really hoping that some day you'll feel inspired and be allowed to write a full on Wormwood book. That or at the very least maybe an expanded and revised DB1 Wormwood. Collect in the stuff you've written, fix some of the niggling errors in the original, bring it in line with RUE and maybe add a touch more material. A 220 odd page Wormwood revised book is something that would most deffinitely be on my must have list (or a Wormwood expansion book). Heck, even a 'mini' Wormwood book would be. Megaverse builder is small but really good, the DR sourcebooks and merc adventures as well. Just saying a 64-96pg expansion book could probably be really great (or a 224pg expansion book, I mean whatever).

Re: Wormwood questions.

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 8:12 pm
by Braden Campbell
None officially. I wanted to stat her up a few years ago as one of the Rifter Swimsuit babes, but was told I could not.