Whether it is a Veritech or a Valkyrie, Robotech or Macross II, Earth is in danger eitherway. Grab your mecha and fight the good fight.

Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones



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Well, I've been toying with historical fiction essays for RT-verse, & posting 'em a while back at RDF-HQ board (currently MIA over there).

Actually, it was Jeffar's Soviet Studies thread & The Artis Formerly's Colonel Taffy Lecture series threads that inspired me to dig back my year-old essays from my ol' trusted hard-disc & perhaps sharing 'em with y'all.

I'll be posting ROBOTECH GENESIS series, covering Global Civil War, 1st RT War, Malcontent Uprisings, 2nd RT War, War of the Flowers (Sentinel) & 3rd RT War.

So in weeks to come, pls sit back & enjoy these RT essays, made by fan for fans.


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Perhaps when one discusses on one of the most turbulent era in humanity history, one can never escape from reviewing the final decade of twentieth century CE, a period known to most as Global Civil War.

Much documentation on this very era has been published prior to this very article, whereby the author wishes for the readers not to rely solely on information contain herein. The purpose of this article is to provide readers with various insights during the much-debated era of humankind prior to the First Robotech War.


Shortly after the devastation following Second World War in 1945 CE, the world is divided into two different ideological Bloc, the democratic states – driven by its capitalistic economy headed by United States of America (USA) & her allies in North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), while the communist states headed by United Soviet Socialists Republic (USSR) & her allies within the Warsaw Pact (in extension, People’s Republic of China).

The Cold War lasts for almost four decades mark by rapid militarization programmes & developments by both parties. The capitalist nations are going through economic success, meanwhile the communist blocs are known for their over-bloated military forces. Several wars are fought indirectly, mainly through proxies, with arms supplied by both parties namely in the incessant Arab-Israeli Wars in 1960s – 1970s. The USA suffers horrendous setback in her military campaign in Vietnam against the Communist North Vietnam that in turn aided with military assistance by USSR. The USSR later suffers the same fate in 1980s during her decade long campaign in Afghanistan at the hands of local resistance fighters, Mujaheddins who are supplied with US weaponry. The rot begins to set in USSR as she struggles to maintain her perilous economy against the ever-demanding military needs in the futile Afghanistan campaign.

In the Middle East, a decade long war of attrition between Iraq (supplied by Western powers) & Iran (supplied by People’s Republic of China) shows no signs of abating as Iraq begins to unleash its chemical arsenals against Iranian forces & citizens – even Iraq’s own dissident Kurds minorities. The situation later is brought under control through United Nations (UN) – an influential world body at that time – brokered peace truce, however after the death tolls climb to more than 1 million lives on both side.

Following the reunification of East & West Germany in 1989 CE, Cold War finally come to end as USSR begin to crumble from within upon which many of its former republics declare independence. The democratic, but much weaker, Republic of Russia (CIS) is no longer viewed by her former nemesis as a threat to the world.


However, new threat emerges in Middle East when an Arab-military regime nation - Iraq, buoyed by misguided nationalism, invades Kuwait in 1990 CE. The hastily assembled international Coalition Forces headed by the powerful USA forces the Iraqis out of occupied territories in what to be known as the First Gulf War. Iraq – the catalyst responsible for decade long Iraq-Iran war & later the Gulf Wars - is later slapped with economic & military sanctions by UN. The victory later cements USA as the sole, most potent military force in world history, much like Roman Empire in ancient times.

While most developed & developing nations of the world continue to reap the benefits of capitalism in early & mid 1990s, perhaps the rise of the sleeping dragon – People’s Republic of China – is nothing short of, some commentators of that era will say, spectacular. It throws away the Marxist-economic system, reforms its economy by adopting laissez-faire system, turning it into the world’s largest consumer market while retaining its communist system of governance. As China begin to accumulate newfound wealth, so begun the first step towards modernizing its military might in earnest with acquisition of the latest in Russian military hardware & key technologies.

The world is horrified with the new scourge – in disguise as nationalism – as it ravages the Balkans & Africa as ‘ethnic-cleansing’ stuns the world. The Serbs in Balkan region slaughter hundreds of thousands Muslim Slavs & Croats in senseless murders during the 1st Balkan conflict, while the same tragedy continue in African continent, the Rwandan Crisis where the death toll numbers in millions in civil war ravaged nation - Rwanda as ethnic Hutus butcher rival Tutsis. The United Nations (UN), the largest grouping of nations throughout the world, is criticized for its inaction over the Balkans & Rwandan issues, thus international peace keeping missions are sent in into the troubled regions. However, the damage is done as group of nations begin to loose faith in the UN. USA – aided by NATO - later assumes the mantle as the world number 1 ‘Policeman’ as it tries to prevent the Serbian’s second round of ethnic cleansing from slaughtering fellow Kosovars in the 2nd Balkan conflict through use of force. During its Balkan campaign, US forces mistakenly bombed China’s Embassy, effectively strangles somewhat favorable relationship between two countries following China’s economic boom.

As ties between two countries continue from bad to worse, China tests US patience through military exercises over Straits of Taiwan, as it begin issuing threats of invading Taiwan by any necessary means. Later in that decade, China’s longtime ally, North Korea – besets with economic failure & starvation – starts a global nuclear crisis as it threatens to restart its nuclear programme. On top of that, crisis between Pakistan (armed by China) & India keep getting worse as both nations trading volleys in disputed border area.

Meanwhile, Russia begins its war campaign over her former USSR republic - Chechnya as her military forces battle Chechens insurgents in incessant insurgency campaign. To beef up her ravaged economy, Russia becomes the world’s top major arms dealer where its military products practically litter the world, especially China. Various terrorists organizations also benefited from Russian new policy – albeit indirectly – through black markets. While on the African fronts, genocide & petty civil wars continue unabated.

Later, as economic crises of late 1990s destabilize & shake up several nations of the world, South East Asian nations (collectively known as ASEAN) are alarmed by China’s claim over Spratlys islets in South China Sea, so much so that ASEAN begin their arms race over perceived China’s threat to the region as naval clashes have begun in the Spratlys isles between China & their South East Asia communist rival, Vietnam. As world economic turn grim, so did humanity fate, as several nations gearing up for war. Korean crisis escalates as North Korea issues war threats to South Korea & Japan – with several border incursions; both Pakistan & India armed their nuclear arsenals from what has been full scale border conflict to become an outright nuclear war. While China, somewhat helpless by actions of both her allies (North Korea & Pakistan) begin to exert her war machines in show of force across the Straits of Taiwan & Spratlys isles. USA, alarmed by these events, send in her naval fleet over the Pacific to contain China, while bolstering USA forces stationed in Japan, South Korea & Singapore. The Five Power Defense Association (FPDA – Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand & United Kingdom) bolsters their presence in South East Asia to contain China’s armed muscle in the region. Even several terrorists groups, armed with biological weapons, are waiting to strike against USA, European Union (EU) & Russia.

As China & her allies intensifying their presence over hotspots across Asian continent, so do USA & its allies. Even UN stand helpless as time of reckoning draws nearer & nearer for humankind.


If not for the catastrophic event on July 1999 CE, humankind will perish by it owns doings. Fortunately, as history will attest, it takes a strange twist of fate that saved humanity where the savior will be a mysterious visitor from the stars.

The visitor folds out from deep space & flies over the east coast of US before crash landing on South Ataria island, one of the many remote South Pacific islands. As a result, hundreds of thousands humans die, ironically not because of war, but rather from geological & atmospheric disturbances, with several nations, such as US, Japan & China suffer one way or another through natural disasters which includes massive tsunamis in the Pacific sector which occurred during the visitor’s entry into Earth orbit to its final resting place.

As nations throughout the world struggle during the aftermath, UN begins to overtake its role as the world protector once more as the world organization begins to pour much needed aid & send in its rescue teams to stricken areas. Meanwhile, leaders of the world sit down to assess the damages in both property & human lives. What begin as an emergency meeting between the heads of US, China & Russia become an assembly of all nations.

During the following months, through joint-task international investigation teams reveal that what is thought earlier as a huge meteorite turns out to be an alien spacecraft. It is later codenamed ASS-1 (Alien Star Ship). Public announcements are made that a colossal meteorite, an asteroid 3 km in diameter, composes of great quantities of metal, impacted with Earth. The matter is treated as top secret until the chaos and confusion following the event is brought under control. Leaders of the world later call for a cease-fire, although the peace terms broker by UN are somewhat unsatisfactory to all parties concern. A precise, accurate, and minute investigation of ASS-1, later christens as Super Dimensional Fortress One (SDF-1) begin in earnest. South Ataria Island is designated under UN sphere of jurisdiction where joint task forces of international research parties under UN banner are brought in from across the world.

In September 1999 CE, from the findings report of the study of the SDF-1, it is discovered that the alien spacecraft is military in nature & its crews are on average of six times the size of humans, with exceptional individuals exceeding fifty feet in height. Terrifies by the all too real prospect of invasion from deep space, a project is begun to unite Earth into one unified nation.


Under UN banner, a unification campaign – known as globalization - is launched, upon implementation, will renders socio-economic barriers obsolete upon which integrates most, if not all, world economies into one cohesive, beneficial economic entity. It is not long; however, for various groups ranging from environmentalists, fundamentalists, extremists, nationalists, economists, even terrorists are up against that very idea, which has been implemented with mixed results. Riots are organized throughout the world against the injustices of globalization – which some are justifiable – but little to no effect to the unification process.

Unfortunately, although peace has been brokered, conflicts begin anew as several nations, such as US & China, continue to remain headlock over several issues, particularly of Taiwan. In Middle East, a new Intifadha – Uprising – in Palestine is launched after an ultra-Orthodox Israeli leader visits a sacred site for Muslims. However, even though peace process between India & Pakistan is successful, several terrorist groups threaten the fragile peace process. In South East Asia, an intricate network of terrorists launches a campaign of terror in southern Phillippines, southern Thailand & Indonesia. Piracy along international waters namely the Malacca Straits & South China Sea increases dramatically, thus threatening the world’s buoyant sea trade. Several nations continue to struggle against domestic insurgencies that threatening their sovereignties.

In June 2000 CE, an official announcement is made in lieu of the framing a unified terrestrial government under UN auspices. Construction of the Super Dimension Fortress-1 (SDF-1) is formally announced to the world, though the true nature of its underlying alien technology is kept "top secret". As plan is under way, an earlier top secret project of military nature are begun months before at the site of SDF-1 where weapons programmes against alien goliaths were carried out. Under UN banner, a new military organization, as oppose to former UN Peacekeeping Force, is established as United Nations Defense Forces (UNDF). Thus, the first of Robotech Defense Forces come into being.

Technology continues to grow faster with many technological wonders gained from deciphering new alien technology aboard SDF-1 paving the way for Robotechnology. Under the new United Nations Robotech Research Centre established by Dr. Emil Lang, a top German scientist, several ambitious projects are carried out, especially military technical advancement in weapons platform (Excalibur Destroid programme), Earth’s first starship project, but perhaps the most ambitious of all, the construction of Mars Base Sara in 2001 CE.


The first real blow to unification campaign occurs in September 2001 CE. Al-Qaeda, an international terrorist group hijacks several passenger planes & launches suicide missions by strategically crashing the planes into World Trade Center in New York & US military nerve center in Pentagon, marking the second successful surgical strike on US soil by foreign aggressor following Pearl Harbor incident in World War II. The American answer is swift, effectively declaring a state of war against global terrorism. Coalition forces, swiftly overrun Afghanistan that long a hotbed for terrorist training centers. Unfortunately, US conveniently ignore the Middle East crisis that undermines the unification process, & situation is fast becoming toxic between Palestinians & Israelis.

However, the war on terrorism is taking a new scope. Under charges of harboring weapons of mass destruction - Iraq – its economy ravaged by decade-long sanctions imposes by UN post 1st Gulf War - (a decade-old nemesis of the USA), is a natural target. US launch its next phase of war on Iraq the following year despite going against international protests & uproars. US & UK go ahead of invading Iraq without UN Security Council approval, effectively alienating their key NATO allies (i.e Germany, France) & incurring the wrath of Muslim nations. Coalition forces, headed by US conquer Iraq with easy victory, but the damage is done as the international community, begin to have doubts over unification movement under UN following US unilateral actions. Ironically, it is US proposal to push for globalization programmes through international consensus, only to be undermined later by its actions.

After less than stellar performance done by US forces in management of post-war Iraq (compounds by lack of sufficient evidence on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction), while turning a blind eye towards Palestinian cause, the situation in Middle East degenerates at frighteningly fast rate as US forces can no longer contain Iraqis insurgencies & US civilians through out Middle East fast becoming tempting targets for terrorist cells. Unable to extricate itself from the mess it creates, the once proud US administration later tries to make amends with its allies & international nations by cooperating with UN in Iraq’s post war management. UNDF units are sent into Iraq & integrate with reduced number of coalition forces stationed there. Follow by ever increased violence between Palestine & Israel, UN later dispatches a large UNDF ground force to Jerusalem, which is later put under the jurisdiction of UN, depriving both Israelis & Palestinian a source over their dispute. Under the guidance of UN, a new democratic Iraq is set-up; follow soon with the independence of Palestine state. UNDF later on oversees the relocation of civilians involve in SDF-1 rebuilding programme, upon which later springs up a local city on the South Ataria island, which has being renamed to Macross island.

However, following US unilateral actions over Iraq, anti-unification movements begin increasingly vocal in their opposition towards unified world governance. This is evident with the setting up of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), a military alliance set up by China, Russia & several former USSR republics. SCO clearly outlining terrorism & new imperialists forces that threatens its member states sovereignty, which thinly veiled against UN, in extension, which includes its NATO allies & US.

Despite US previous action during Iraqi crises, ironically US armed forces later play a big role in UNDF (especially in UN Navy, UN Air Force), eventually all UNDF structures are patterned along its US counterparts. UN General Assembly later that year is dissolved, in its place a new governing body – UN Governing Council – is set up. This body will ultimately provide the blueprint & ultimately evolve into United Earth Government.


As the time for unification of world’s nations draw nearer, as UNDF become the single, most potent military forces establish in four corners of the world, anti-unification movements gain momentum. All across the world, it seems perfect time for the first ever United Earth Government (UEG). Almost, in a reality, everything is far from rosy. All across the world, those who oppose the unification campaign grow in large numbers by organizing protests, violent demonstrations & even outright rebellions. However, by January 2005 CE, UEG is formally established with former US senator, Harlan J. Niven appointed as the first UEG’s Prime Minister.

UEG, through its armed forces – UNDF- acknowledges the threats of anti-unification factions by taking over former US military bases in Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Guam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey & Germany. UEG also forms strategic military alliances with several national armies of nations & international military organization such as, most notably NATO & even cooperating with SCO that support the world government to contain anti-unification factions’ armed threats.

Anti-unification masses are made up by various groups & not restricted to any ideology, apart from the same nemesis they face, namely UEG. However, follow by UEG proclamation, the anti-unification forces banding together with funds supplied by intricate but shadowy network of sympathizers. These forces grow large enough to launch several daring attacks against UEG targets, armed with rigged Russian fighters & weaponries solicited from black markets. The United Earth Government finds itself against relentless & resourceful opponents. Anti-unification forces gain little during the first months of their operations against UEG, however, the assassination of Prime Minister Harlan J. Niven & attempted assassination of UN Navy Admiral Donald Hayes (the car-bomb attack claims the life of the admiral's wife Sara Hayes), become a highlight in their struggle. The second most successful attempt is the hijacking of a newly constructed Oberth class space destroyer, but the famed Russian borne Captain Henry J. Gloval foils it.

It is not long before top-secret information of Robotechnology leaks over to anti-unification forces. As UNDF finalizing the VF-X-1 variable experimental fighter (powered by alien energy source – Protoculture – unknown by its original name) programme, the first Robotechnology breakthrough with the usage of new thermonuclear fusion turbine engines are applied to the first breed of prototype Robotech variable mecha, VF-0 Phoenix fighter. The VF-0 programme is developed by UN Research Center as stopgap short-term measure given to the delays of VF-1 Valkyrie’s engine development programme. The technological marvel, code-named Overtechnology, is somehow leaked over to anti-unification forces shortly before its application in UNDF mechas.

Anti-unification forces, operating deep within Ural Mountains, launch their first operational SV-51 variable fighter one month before VF-0 Phoenix fighters (limited production) are rolled out from production lines. In July 2007, a top-secret operation is carried out by UNDF over alien artifacts in the remote Caribbean region, which pits its conventional fighters against the deadly SV-51 fighters with grievous results on the side of UNDF, even though UNDF begins to deploy the VF-0s. Buoyed by their newfound victories, anti-unification forces decide to launch an all out attack to the site where SDF-1 is being rebuild, the Macross Island. The first wave of the assault are repelled as SV-51 fighters are no match for the more advance VF-1 Valkyrie fighters stationed aboard SDF-1, & many anti-unification conventional fighters fall prey to new line of air defense destroids. Later that year, UNDF task forces located the rebel hideouts through out Middle East, Central Asia & former Soviet republics & waging a bloody campaign to wipe out the rebels. By 2008 CE, the anti-unification forces only exist on paper.

It worth mentioning that UEG, through its propaganda arm, use the defunct anti-unification forces as the scapegoat to explain the disappearance of SDF-1 & Macross island following First Robotech War in 2009 CE, plus 4 years earlier in 2005 CE, UEG blames the same group as responsible for destruction of Mars Base Sara, in which the anti-unification forces never actually take part.

By then, UEG & its military arm, UNDF are truly the symbol of unity & defender for mankind, ready to face & defeat challenges from hostile forces, from within or any alien forces foolish enough to trample the people of Earth. Or so they believe.


As readers may note out, humankind history a decade prior to SDF-1 arrival are marked by many incessant warfare that threatening the survival of Homo Sapiens as a species; as old prejudices on racial lines & old-notions of nationalistic pride, religious extremism clouding judgments of political leaders & their followers of that era. An era where ethnic cleansing & outright cold-hearted brutalities are the norm, one must say, humankind has degenerating further beneath its destined evolutionary cycle.

Post arrival of SDF-1 marks the first concerting willingness of human race to forgo racial, religion, nationhood & ideological differences over national unity. Even though there are those whose actions nearly undermine the effort, peace finally prevails upon a planet in which humanity are spawned. Thus, UNDF, the first of the long line of Robotech Defenders is given the very defence of Terra & her citizens against the impending invasion from the Zentraedi. Humanity will prevail, or so they think.

Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:50 pm, edited 6 times in total.


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When one discusses on one of the most important interstellar event in humanity history, one can not escapes from reviewing the oft painful, tragic final years of the 1st decade in twenty-first century CE, a period known to most as First Robotech War.

Much documentation on this very era has been published prior to this very article, whereby the author wishes for the readers not to rely solely on information contain herein. The purpose of this article is to provide readers with various insights during this era of humankind prior to the Malcontent Uprisings & Second Robotech War.


Prior to the arrival of the 30 foot alien goliaths, the Zentraedi, humankind have started to enjoy a decade of peace, despite several crises in a way that do not venture into the era of Global Civil War.

In January 2005, with UEG finally proclaimed & the armed forces under UNDF establish itself through four corners of the world, Earth populations gearing towards global unity, it seems that the fate of humanity is rosy at that time. Despite threats from anti-unification forces, UNDF manages to contain them in isolated areas around the world. Only major achievements gained by the anti-unifications are the assassination of 1st UEG Prime Minister - Harlan J. Niven & the attempted assassination of UN Navy Admiral Donald Hayes (the car-bomb attack claims the life of the admiral's wife Sara Hayes), a hijacking attempt on newly constructed Oberth-space destroyer which later is foiled by the then infamous Captain Henry J Gloval, small but major conflict with UNDF in South Pacific over unknown alien artifact, & several hostile incursions into Macross Island.

Second UEG Prime Minister – Sir Robert A. Rhysling, a former EU (European Union) bureaucrat, with the full support of United Earth Defense Council (UEDC) & military figures in UNDF – mainly from Admiral Donald Hayes of UN Navy (who is later promoted to UNDF Field Marshal in late 2007), launch a bloody campaign to wipe out anti unification forces. The success of the campaign strengthens UNDF – especially UEG standings in the eyes of the world’s public. Unfortunately, certain restrictions are imposed on free media by UEG following a successful lobbying forwarded to UEG by Senator Napoleon Alphonse Russo, a politician cum media magnate in his attempts to monopolise world’s media market.

Robotechnology, the new ‘Holy Grail’, continues to blossom under the guidance & tutelage of UN Robotech Research Center at Macross, headed by its Research Director – Dr. Emil Lang. The by-products of his center, namely “Excalibur” Destroid-series weapons platforms, limited production VF-0 Phoenix prototypes & VF-1 Valkyrie variable fighters (Veritech) programmes, Oberth & Armor (ARMD) series of Earth’s first space-ships, Mars Base Sara, perhaps, last but not least, the rebuilding of Super Dimensional Fortress 1 (formerly of Alien Star Ship 1) on Macross Island, are the stepping stone to mark humanity hallmark achievement within their solar system, even beyond.

Despite the appearance that former enemies & allies working together for the common goals to improve the humanity, UEG in reality has descended into corruptions & power struggles by its ambitious politicians. Money politics become rampant – albeit discreetly, political & financial kickbacks become the norm. However, all these seem minor, compare to what is waiting to greet them from the far corner of the galaxy.


Back in 2005 CE, several months after the assassination of the 1st UEG Prime Minister & shortly before the appointment of the 2nd Prime Minister, an Unidentied Flying Object (UFO) enters Sol-system undetected. The unknown intruder zooms & slips in near Mars, specifically on Sara Base, a UN Research & Development Center. The lone ship later detected the presence of a new technology on the red planet, not unlike its own, but more similar towards their hunted objective – a technology fields by a spaceship that escaped their clutches 6 years earlier, Earth standard. It is by that time, the Research Center scientists are experimenting on a new, reliable method of producing unlimited & clean energy based on technologies gleaned from the fallen SDF-1 – which is known as Reflex Furnace generator (which powered by Protoculture – unknown by its name at that time). Earth based communication center lose contact with Sara Base soon after, shortly after receiving a distress communiqué that all the research center staff are being evacuated.

From surviving records, it is believed that the lone ship has destroyed the escape shuttles, killing all Sara Base personnels & in the process, the ship also perishes by unknown means. UEG never sent any investigation team to Mars following the Sara Base incident, & keep the world public in the dark for months before making an announcement regarding the incident. UEG propaganda arm under Senator Napoleon A Russo quickly put the blame squarely on anti-unification terrorist groups; however the identity of the real perpetrators is never known.

UEG High Command continues to be puzzled with Sara Base Incident, but more pressing matters on Earth put the case on backburner. Never do humanity realize, the first incursion of Sol-system has been put into motion by the visit of the lone ship responsible for Mars Base Sara Incident – alien in origin, known by its given original name; Tou-Redir scout sloop ship. Unbeknownst to humanity too, shortly before the ship’s destruction, it manages to send a coded message to outer space. A message that contains a precise location of Sol-system & of Earth, send through hyperspace to 101st Assault Combined Fleet – Breetai Kridanik Command. The alien fleet slowly changes its course & make its way to Sol-system as it will take the fleet another 4 Earth standard years to complete its journey to hunt for their ultimate objective, the SDF-1.

The Zentraedi are on their way to Earth ……


The 30 foot tall goliaths are bio-genetically engineered solely for the purpose of warfare & conquests, at the behest of their enigmatic overlords, the Robotech Masters. Centuries earlier, the Masters has expand their interstellar Empire to great heights, with help from their most crowning achievement, the Zentraedi. Helmed by Dolza, the Zentraedi Supreme Commander, the Zentraedi forces number in 5.8 million ships, billions of hard-hitting mechas, Masters carve their Empire at the corner of Milky Way.

As wars against dissidents, rebellious Disciples of Zor & with mysterious Invid draw to conclusions, the trigger-happy Zentraedi find themselves bereft of new enemies, apart from the occasional space pirates unlucky enough to cross their path with the vaunted Zentraedi. Earlier, in 1940 CE, the Zentraedi Task Force tracks down & destroy the last Disciple of Zor’s outpost; while in 1947 CE, they deliver a heavy & devastating blow to Invid forces in Tawkhan campaign, effectively drive the Invid out from their military hideout deep within Large Magellanic Cloud. This Imperial Task Force gains its notoriety from the abovesaid campaigns, & lead by its illustrious Fleet Commander, Breetai Kridanik, the 101st Assault Combined Fleet find itself to be the elites of the Zentraedi, second only to their brethrens in Masters own vaunted Tirolian Border Forces.

Zor Derelda, the aging 1st Robotech Master – founder of Robotechnology & creator of Protoculture - disgusted by his colleagues ie. Robotech Masters misuse of his ‘Holy Grail’ especially unnecessary terrible wars caused by Masters greed for power & glory, he secretly plans for the downfall of the Masters. Follow by the ever demanding needs for protoculture to fuel Masters warmachines & industrials needs of its vast Empire, Zor Derelda is tasked by the Masters to reseed Flower of Life to suitable planets within the fourth Quadrant as to produce viable protoculture matrices. Zor Derelda has long duped his tyrannical compatriots by supplying sterile version of Flower of Life to the Empire for centuries while he holds the secrets (& the original fertile species) to himself. In July 1999 CE, in one of his seeding mission on undisclosed location, under the watchful eyes of Zentraedi Borderers (of Tirolian Border Forces), Zor has secretly programmed his ship, a Makross class-battlefortress to fold to parts out of Masters influence – a planet Zor believes is the ancestral home of Tirolian race; Earth. This indeed come to pass, as Zor is later killed during an Invid ambush, & his ship automatically disappears from the far corners of the Empire, carrying within its bowel the last known fertile Flower of Life & the last of viable Protoculture Matrix.

Robotech Masters, fearing the collapse of the Empire cause by protoculture crises, tasks Dolza’s forces to track down the missing battlefortress. Dolza later choose the best of his most trusted fleet commanders, Breetai Kridanik & his vaunted 101st Assault Combined Fleet to search & capture Zor’s wayward battlefortress by any necessary means. Thus begins the 10-Earth standard years voyage of 101st Assault Combined Fleet to Earth, an insignificant small planet in Masters scheme of universal domination.

In late February 2009 CE, on Earth, the launch ceremony for Earth premier space battlefortress - SDF 1 is underway on Macross Island to mark the crowning achievement of UEG. Despite the buoyant & festive moods amongst humanity, a large alien fleet materializes on Earth doorstep. The Zentraedi have arrived.


As 101st Assault Combined Fleet under Breetai Kridanik’s command slowly makes its cautious approach towards Earth, UNDF orbital observation satellites have detected a large anomaly near lunar orbit. As all orbital & space defence platforms go red alert, it will take several hours for UEG High Command & UNDF forces on Terra to receive frantic communiqué on approaching fleet as Zentraedi are jamming the airwaves.

Breetai later dispatches two scout Tou-Redir sloop ships to investigate any possible traps that set up in anticipation of Zor’s battlefortress reclamation by the fleet. Indeed this come to pass, as the onboard systems of SDF-1 detects the approaching scout ships & automatically fires & obliterates the Zentraedi scout cruisers, plus a large chunk of Macross Island land mass. The Zentraedi waste no time by single handedly with ease destroy Earth’s orbital defenders, as UN Space Navy (UN Spacy) assets are no match to Zentraedi fire power. In the initial assault, Zentraedi fleet fire salvoes of pinpoint accuracy laser bombardment on Macross Island while UNDF forces stationed there busily defending the island from probing assault by Zentraedi ground forces. UNDF forces under the command of capable Captain Henry J Gloval & largely inexperienced SDF-1 crews try to launch SDF-1 to orbital positions to rendezvous with UNDF space forces only to discover most their reinforcement has been destroyed. All in all, 4 Oberth class cruisers & 4 ARMD carriers fall prey to Zentraedi guns, including countless number of UNDF personnel back on Macross Island & those in space forces.

In order to escape the Zentraedi clutches, SDF-1 crews make a serious miscalculation in fold navigation (by folding out within planetary orbit, unheard of space tactic amongst the space faring Zentraedi) as the fold maneuver send the SDF-1 & Macross Island land mass to deep space near Pluto (9th planet in Sol-system) instead of lunar orbit as projected. The Zentraedi fleet later in hot pursuit of SDF-1 disappears from Earth’s orbit, leaving behind carnage remains of UNDF space forces & bewildering UEG back on Earth.

During its perilous journey back to Earth, SDF-1 crews execute several miracles that continue to endear us till this day. Chief amongst them is the rescue mission to save Macross City populations trapped in Macross Island’s shelters (who are also transported to Pluto following the misfold) despite overwhelming odds. With technical expertise of SDF-1 technicians, Macross City (& along with its 70 000 civilian refugees) is transferred & rebuild within SDF-1 itself. Super carrier Daedalus & landing ship Prometheus are attached to SDF-1, where they become the main launch pad for VF-1 Valkyries squadrons’ flight operations & Destroid deployment center.

Several clashes between SDF-1 forces & the Zentraedi are underway as the battlefortress make its one-year journey back to Earth. Several discoveries are also made following these combat operations, such as the unique ability of SDF-1 to undergo modular transformation to fire its main Reflex Cannons, & the application of Pinpoint Barrier System plus the ingenious Daedalus Attack Maneuver for the ship’s defense. These new tactics help SDF-1 forces to beat back Zentraedi harassments such as evidence in the Battle of Saturn’s Rings, significantly buoying hopes of the new Robotech Defenders. However, little do they realize, the Zentraedi under Breetai’s command hold back most of their gigantic forces at bay, always prefer to send small token assault forces to test & wear out SDF-1 defenders. However, Breetai’s patience is wearing thin, as Dolza’s order ‘to capture SDF-1 intact’ seem way beyond Breetai & his Zentraedi conditionings, whose preference is to destroy their enemies outright. It is by sheer luck that SDF-1 & its crews headed by Captain Gloval are spared of total destruction, as much as Breetai’s own officers incredulities of Dolza’s order. However, the cat & mouse games play out by Captain Gloval & Commander Breetai begin to change as SDF-1 pay a visit to Mars, where the 1st confrontation between humans & Zentraedi occurs nearly 4 years ago.

However, back on Earth, a different kind of scenario is played out by the UEG High Command, as its propaganda arms release a statement stating that SDF-1 & Macross City is destroyed by a nuclear bomb detonation by anti-unification terrorists. Realising all to well of their predicament, UEG High Command speeds up the construction of humanity’s most destructive weapon, the Grand Cannon deep within the Alaskan region. The lost of SDF-1 together with manufacturing infrastructure for the VF-1 Valkyries & Destroid series, Earth scientists fine tuning Overtechnology (Robotechnology without Protoculture applications) – in which Earth mecha factories produce VF-0 Phoenix & conventional Destroid series in large numbers in anticipation of further Zentraedi incursions. Indeed, there are series of incursions by smaller Zentraedi units into Earth to test Earth’s defenses & harasses Earth’s Robotech forces, but the armed confrontations only occurs in isolated areas, far from human habitation centers. These incursions naturally go unreported, as United Earth Defence Council (UEDC) fears a widespread panic amongst the world’s public especially during aftermath of Macross Island destruction.


Frustrated by the lack of progress over his mission to capture the SDF-1, Commander Breetai Kridanik hatches a new scheme with the help of his trusted Domillan (Advisor), Exedore Formo. His plan is almost flawless, however, when Breetai add in another variable in his stratagem despite Exedore’s objections, a whole war scenario begin to change. It all begins when Breetai summons the Zentraedi wild card, the Botoru 7th Mechanised Division – Khyron Kravshera Command. A black sheep, wily, undisciplined unruly Zentraedi outfit in the entire Zentraedi Armada, lead by their illustrious Commander, Khyron Kravshera, the Botoru Divison is known to commit the most brutal, bloody & ruthless war conducts. Even the most experienced Zentraedi troopers fear Khyron, already infamous for his penchant of killing his own troops, alas even Zentraedi Domillans oft warned their Fleet Commanders of Khyron’s unpredictability & over-zealous ambitions despite his successes in every battlefronts. Alas, it is that unpredictability’s that Khyron possesses that piques Breetai’s interest to include him in the confrontations against the new, unpredictable foe, the ‘Micronians’ (derogatory terms to any primitive alien species deem by the Robotech Masters).

In October 2009, SDF-1 receives a distress signal coming from Mars, despite from records stating that Mars Base Sara is an abandoned colony & there are no survivors from earlier conflict. During their brief stopover in Mars to collect supplies from the abandoned base, underground gravity mines trap SDF-1, lay earlier by Khyron troops, & has to fend off Khyron forces ferocious assault. UNDF personnel aboard SDF-1 have never witness such cunning & overdoses of ferocities committed the Zentraedi as based upon their previous encounters. However, SDF-1 manages to break free by detonating the reflex reactor of Sara Base to free itself & emerges victorious in Battle of Mars Base Sara.

Suffers the 1st setback in his illustrious career, Khyron vows to destroy the battlefortress & its occupants. His deep hatred for the humans is further demonstrated by his forces every actions against SDF-1. His most hostile intentions become to be known by Breetai when in January 2010, Khyron’s ship fires a shot to SDF-1 command tower while the battleforess is hiding deep within the asteroid belt to avoid Zentraedi detection, which resulting in the destruction of the ship’s long range radar – despite Breetai’s order of only firing warning shots. Exedore’s warnings regarding Khyron reckless actions begin to ring true in Breetai’s ears. However, Khyron’s action in destroying SDF-1’s radar system has its own long term repercussions, something even Breetai, Supreme Commander Dolza, even Khyron himself, as the repercussions tie together with the fate of his warrior race.

In February 2010, a reconnaissance unit under SDF-1’s First Officer, Lieutenant Commander Lisa Hayes & several pilots (from Vermillon Valkyrie Squadron – 2nd Lt. Richard Hunter, Cpl. Maximillian Sterling & Cpl. Bernard Dixon) are captured by Breetai troops. Upon capture, the team is bring along through hyperspace travel to Dolza’s main Headquarters, where they are subject to rigorous interrogations by the Zentraedi Supreme Commander Dolza, Breetai Kridanik, Exedore Formo & several Zentraedi officers. The team manages to escape Dolza’s clutches through sheer luck, by boarding a troop transport ship back to Sol-system. Upon rescue, through findings bring forward by Lt. Cmdr. Lisa Hayes, SDF-1 command learns the true nature of the Zentraedi society, their intentions to reclaim the battlefortress & their bizarre but yet sickening fascination over human mating ritual. Perhaps more importantly, of ‘Protoculture’ – a power source use to fuel Zentraedi terror mechas & spaceships, & the genetic evolution of the Zentraedi. Humans have long use & apply Protoculture cells & generators following Robotechnology breakthroughs in Robotech mechas & space ships, without ever realizing its true name & in extension, its true potential.


Back in Dolza space fortress, follows by his failure to recapture the micronian captives, Breetai is relieved of the SDF-1 retrieval mission, & Dolza entrusts 502nd Meltran Assault Fleet – Azonia Laplamiz Command & its infamous Meltran Armored Air Assault Division – Miriya Parino Command to link up & taking over command of Breetai’s 101st Assault Combined Fleet & Khyron’s Botoru Division in Sol-system. This latest twist of event infuriates Khyron Kravshera, who long resents Meltrandi (female Zentraedi) supremacy in various armed conflicts Zentraedi have ever faced. Khyron shows his displeasure of perceives Azonia’s usurpation to Breetai’s command by repeatedly ignores her orders not to harm SDF-1. On Azonia part, Khyron open disobedience is a major liability as he continues to undermine her commanding capabilities, clearly as if she is the incompetent leader unfit to command the Zentraedi forces in Sol-system. In one of her direct confrontational bouts with Khyron, SDF-1 manages to punch through the Zentraedi blockade in March 2010 CE & returns to Earth, landing in Pacific Ocean safely.

Realising that Zentraedi troops morale at all time low, Azonia Laplamiz discreetly plans for the elimination of SDF-1 top pilots & asserts her control over Khyron’s unruly Botoru Division (which includes eliminating Khyron if necessary) by using one of her top field commanders, Miriya Parino – the best pilot in the entire Zentraedi Armada. Miriya Parino has experience against the micronian foes during her first mission in inserting several Zentraedi spies aboard SDF-1, is also known for her ignorance to inter-rivalries that oft played out amongst Zentraedi High Command. Azonia feels that it is high time for SDF-1 defenders to feel the Meltrandi stings.

Her plans are put immediately, albeit cautiously & discreet. However, as usual, Khyron the Backstabber has another plan, one that will ultimately bring Azonia Laplamiz downfall, & to get Miriya Parino off his tail as to brush off any potential obstacle of his ultimate objective; the destruction of SDF-1.

As inter-rivalries between Zentraedi top commanders threaten the loyalties of troops in the alien fleet, SDF-1 Captain Henry Gloval accompanying by Lt. Cmdr Lisa Hayes are whisk off to UEDC Command Center in Alaska to present their findings & petition to allow 70 000 Macross City refugees to disembark to the General Staffs. Politic plays it hands as UEDC High Command unanimously rejects Gloval’s petition as the sudden appearances of thousands of Macross City’s citizens long declare as dead will creates a worldwide distrust over UEG credibility, not to mention the panic & chaos if the presence of possible hostile alien fleet hovers above Earth orbit is disclosed. Meanwhile, Khyron foils Azonia’s surprised attack by launching of his own unauthorised assault on SDF-1 in the Pacific. As the assault is later repelled, Captain Gloval fears that another attack by Zentraedi forces will ultimately jeopardize the safety of the refugees aboard SDF-1.

In April 2010, SDF-1 forces suffer a terrible blow as Azonia launches her delayed plan to attack SDF-1. Several top pilots & aces are killed in Miriya’s Quadronos forces first direct assault, including SDF-1’s Commander Air Group, Roy Fokker. Captain Gloval’s own fears come through as Miriya battles her way deep inside SDF-1, into Macross City population center. Despite the fact that 3rd Lt. Maximillian Sterling later bests the Quadrono leader, Miriya’s intrusion shows how vulnerable the safety of the civilians despite the fact they are safely cocooned inside the battlefortress. As SDF-1 mourns the deaths of her top aces, Gloval sets his plan to resettle the refugees into motion.


Fearing that Zentraedi confrontations with SDF-1 forces may spill out wider to other areas, UNDF forces stationed around Pacific region are given strict orders by UEDC High Command not to send reinforcements to the battered SDF-1 valiant troops. As the real story of the actual events regarding SDF-1 & Macross City a year ago begin to leak worldwide, the world populace start to question UEG & UNDF abilities to fend off alien attacks. UEG propaganda arms continue to feed false rumors & inaccurate reports over the incident, but public outcries following UEG decision regarding the fate of the refugees stowed aboard SDF-1 grew much stronger.

In May 2010, in Captain Gloval desperate attempt to force the UEG’s hand regarding the fates of the refugees, SDF-1 begin low flights above North American cities, while broadcasting Gloval’s demand over uncoded frequencies. In that instance, the tight fabricated stories strewn together by UEG political apparats fall apart. Canadian Government later approves & agrees to receive SDF-1’s refugees where the City of Toronto in Ontario Quadrant is the main relocation center for the refugees. Unfortunately, Khyron forces launch another unauthorized assault to SDF-1, where his cruisers pound salvoes towards the battered battlefortress, which results in the overload of the ship’s omni-directional barrier defense system. The aftermath is disastrous as it causes a complete destruction of innocent civilian lives & properties within 25-mile radius. The Canadian Government withdraws its offer following the event.

The world’s public opinions are also changed following the recent carnage in Ontario Quadrant, which swing in favor of UEG. UEDC immediately issues orders to all UNDF military outposts strewn all over the world to shoot down SDF-1 if the battlefortress ever flew over UEG & its affiliated nations’ airspace. Sir Robert A. Rhysling - UEG Prime Minister with the backing of UNDF Field Marshal Commander Donald Hayes & UEDC High Command, immediately issue order & ultimatum that SDF-1 shall sortie away from Earth to keep the Zentraedi forces at bay, shall the SDF-1 refuses to so, it will ultimately faces UNDF guns. The fates of the refugees are also sealed as they alongside SDF-1 crews & personnels are considered as expendable.

As SDF-1 begins loading supplies for her yet another voyage to deep space, a great disturbance occurs in Sol-system, as untold numbers of alien gargantuan ships emerge from massive folds. Breetai Kridanik has return to finish his job.


Follow by Azonia’s inability to capture SDF-1, while precariously holds the loyalties of combined Zentraedi troops under her command in check, Zentraedi High Command decides to put Breetai Kridanik back in charge of SDF-1 reclamation mission, with an added bonus, together with the command of 1 million strong ships of Adoclass Imperial Fleet. Never before in the entire Zentraedi Armada’s history, a force of such magnitude being assembled (apart from the 800,000 ships under Dolza command assembled & bombards a Disciples of Zor’s rebel colony back in 1520 CE), comprising of the elites of the Zentraedi forces. Dolza has finally taken the micronian threats seriously basing from findings bring forward by Breetai Kridanik & Exedore Formo, follows by sporadic reports by Azonia Laplamiz in Sol-system. Thus, in June 2010, the great fleet arrives; whose arrival is closely scrutinized by visibly surprised & frightened UEG back on Earth.

However, fate has something in store waiting for the Imperial Fleet arrival in Sol-system. A group of Zentraedi spies infiltrating Zor’s ship during SDF-1’s successful entry to Earth months earlier, begin their observation of micronian society & culture, while mapping out the vulnerable areas of the vast internal SDF-1 structure. During their brief stay, the motley crew is bewildered & enamors with micronian way of life, even manages to live off & fit in with the displaced Macross City’s refugees. Soon enough, they developed a penchant in collecting (or stealing) micronian artifacts for the purpose of study & observations (oddly enough, a large number of their artifacts features Lynn Minmay, a celebrity in Macross City aboard SDF-1). With their fascination over human culture that differs greatly from the strict, regimental life Zentraedi have known, it worth to mention that the motley crew manages not to carry another important objective of their mission, as saboteurs. If they have carry out several sabotage activities aboard SDF-1, the outcome of the war will be different. The spies return to the Imperial Fleet hovers above Earth with emotional & psychological baggage – things that make us human. A wheel is set in motion soon after the briefing between the spies & Commander Breetai.

The spies, whose action are hail as heroes following by their arguably successful mission within enemy lines, soon create a cult whose idol is a micronian propagandist, a certain Lynn Minmay. Armed with various smuggled audiovisual devices centers solely on Minmay, the cult grow out of proportions, infects the entire vaunted Imperial Fleet within mere weeks. Exaggerated stories of the mysteries surrounding micronian mating rituals, the wonders of micronian way of life, goddess-like stature Minmay possesses are penetrating every Zentraedi ears, albeit veils in secrecy. Perhaps most importantly, the cultural contamination main catalysts have brought a new wonder aboard the Breetai’s flagship, an a/v device known as television. It is not long before every ship within the fleet intercepts & tunes in to MBS (Macross Broadcasting Station) channel, which airs untold number of Minmay appearances & performances, plus a full view of micronian cultures in its glory. Regular broadcast feature reruns of Miss Macross Pageant & romantic soap operas awaken the sensual awareness amongst the opposite sexes within the fleet. All these changes go unnoticed & flourish under the very noses of fleet commanders, even Breetai.

In January 2011, the 1st motion picture produce in space – stars by Lynn Minmay, ‘Zhao Bai Long’ (Small White Dragon) premieres aboard SDF-1. Breetai & his fleet advisor, Exedore view the intercepted movie transmission with keen interest as other fleet commanders within his giant armada, without knowing that lesser Zentraedi troopers also have access to the transmission. That movie cements & elevates Minmay status higher within Zentraedi eyes & ears, as reports of dereliction of duties & lax of disciplines amongst the troops begins to pour in. The cultural contamination within the Imperial Fleet is complete.


In February 2011, follows by several disturbing reports given over to Dolza, he begins to formulate multi-staged plan to deal & eventually destroy the micronians. Determines to counter the micronians threats, perhaps to cover his own undisguised plan to finally thwart the Robotech Masters overlordship of his gigantic race, Dolza orders several Zentraedi fleets guarding within the Empire & its fringes to withdraw & rejoin his burgeoning Gorg BoDolza Fleet (Dolza’s Grand Fleet). All these are done in specific time period as not to arouse Masters suspicions, whom has been having communication breakdowns with their Zentraedi slave warriors.

It is to be believed that after Dolza finally deals with the micronians, he tends to bring his next war over to Master’s territories, to finally subjugate the Masters & bring a new era to Zentraedi race themselves. As his grandiose plan begins to take shape, Dolza knows he has to command loyalty from all Zentraedi Fleet Commanders, especially from Automated Factory Satellite Division, Reno Broger Command. Dolza also issues several outright executions of Zentraedi high-ranking officers who openly oppose his expansionism policies, & secretly orders special Zentraedi assassination squads – Nous-Grandiel units – to infiltrate the Zentraedi High Command ranks & weed out the dissidents or those who has doubts over his plans. Several high ranking Zentraedi officers from elite Zentraedi Divisions such as Commander Zeraal Braedur of Bejeta 5th Mechanised Division & ace pilot Commander Kiyora Tekiva of Meltran Armored Assault Wing pledge their loyalties to Dolza’s cause.

Unbeknownst to Dolza, his plan is leaked over to Zentraedi Border Fleet Command. The Zentraedi Borderers, as they are known, are autonomous units that answers directly to Robotech Masters, have always carry out infiltration activities within Zentraedi Regular Armies to spy for any anomalies or irregularities elements amongst Dolza’s force that may jeopardize the Masters control over their slave warriors. The disturbing reports forwarded by spies regarding Dolza’s scheme, Zentraedi Border Fleet Command issues orders to every Zentraedi Border Fleet Commanders not to give their support to Dolza & to gear up for possible upcoming civil war that may threaten the Robotech Imperium.

While Dolza waits impatiently to complete his ascendancy over Robotech Imperium throne, all he needs is a trigger event that will put his grandiose plan into motion. Indeed, the trigger is provided by series of events in Sol-system, where Breetai’s Imperial Fleet are facing off with their most unpredictable foe, the micronians. With the capture of Zor’s ship & the last of Protoculture matrices stored aboard it, Dolza can be unstoppable. However, the latest twists of events in Sol-system provide several surprises of its own, much against what Dolza have hope for.


As Dolza busily plotting his plan, Breetai Kridanik orders an assault to infiltrate SDF-1 by surprise in March 2011, by taking advantage of Daedalus Attack Maneuver. As the battle rages inside SDF-1 bowels & Zentraedi mechas wreak havoc all over Macross City within, several Zentraedi troopers of the Minmei cult members take the opportunity to defect to micronians side, a surprise move that later tips the battle over to SDF-1 defenders favor. Khyron, who later goes on murderous rampage hunts & kills his own troops he believes are contamined in the botched assault, carries out his own version of purging the micronians influence within his ranks. As reports of wide scale cultural contamination within Imperial Fleet ranks unsettle Breetai Kridanik & his fleet commanders, Azonia Laplamiz secretly files the reports to Supreme Commander Dolza.

On SDF-1, after an initial research carry out to the Zentraedi defectors, it is found that the Zentraedi cell structure is indistinguishable from human & SDF-1 Command concludes that Zentraedi are not aliens, but perhaps an off-shoot of humanity. Even more surprisingly, from information divulged by the defectors, nearly all Zentraedi within the vast Imperial Armada are enamored by human culture. SDF-1 sends its 1st Officer, Lt. Cmmdr. Lisa Hayes back Earth-side to persuade & convince UEG High Command to pursue negotiation with the Zentraedi. But most importantly, another event take both humans & Zentraedi by surprise is of a love story between star-crossed lovers. Zentraedi top ace, Miriya Paarino has infiltrated SDF-1 months before during Ontario Incident – with a mission to hunt down her micronian nemesis. This leads her to 1st Lt. Maximillian Sterling, a top Valkyrie Veritech pilot, as unlikely legendary romance between them blossoms. Captain Henry Gloval orders the broadcast of lovers wedding transmit to both Earth & the Imperial Armada in April 2011, a calculated tactical move which mean as a psychological assault to Zentraedi forces, & serves as a reminder to UEG High Command that the alien is indeed capable of embracing humanity.

Catch off-guard by the current event, Commander Breetai launches one last major assault to destroy SDF-1 under orders of distraught Dolza. During the battle, SDF-1 pilots take great care to disable their Zentraedi opponents rather than destroying them, a move that are noticed by Zentraedi field commanders. Apart from that, several fleet commanders report to Breetai of the threats of mutiny by Zentraedi soldiers who refuse to fight & kill their defected comrades aboard SDF-1. Facing with widespread mutinies within the Imperial Fleet, Breetai orders a unilateral cease-fire with SDF-1 & sends his Domillian, Exedore Formo as Zentraedi emissary to the battered ship to pursue negotiations with the Micronians.


As Exedore pursues negotiations aboard SDF-1, Azonia Laplamiz, worries by the growing disaffections of Zentraedi way of life amongst her own 502nd Meltran Assault Fleet troops, reports in detail to Dolza of current events transpiring on Earth. Even Khyron Kravshera senses an impending doom as he secretly begins plans to rejoin his Botoru 7th Mechanized Division with Gorg BoDolza Fleet currently reassemble under Dolza’s order. Azonia notifies Breetai of her reports over to Dolza & gloats over the fact that Dolza has amasses a Grand Fleet. Breetai Kridanik knows the situation has spiral out of his control as he is well aware of Dolza grandiose ambitions, which means that Adoclass Imperial Fleet & the humans will be expendable as SDF-1 factor become increasingly unreliable in Dolza’s quest for glory.

On Earth, UEG is notifies of SDF-1 successful peace truce with the Zentraedi, remains skeptical & has begins to prepare for the worst-case scenario, a perceive invasion of Earth by the Zentraedi. UNDF intensifies their presence through out Earth as conventional Destroids roar within cities, VF-0 Phoenix Veritechs patrol over Earth airspace & new Armors flotilla being commission to Earth orbital positions. As alliance are forge between SDF-1 & Adoclass Imperial Fleet, news of impending arrival of Dolza’s 4.8 million strong ships of Grand Fleet in Sol-system leave the defenders with less time to plan for their escape. Exedore Formo with the assistance of SDF-1 intels formulate last ditch defence plan as time of reckoning draw nearer.

Meanwhile, Dolza assembles the entire Grand Fleet to destroy the contaminated Adoclass Imperial Fleet along with their micronian patrons. As preparation speeds up for the ultimate destruction of the rebellious factions lead by Breetai, virtually all of Robotech Imperium vast territories are left undefended as Zentraedi Regular Armies forces disappear from Masters corner of the galaxy. All over Robotech Imperium are having communication breakdown as Masters vassals lose contact with their Zentraedi slaves. Zentraedi Borderers units in far flung of Robotech Empire are recalled back to defend the Empire from possible assault by Dolza’s forces & Tirolian Border Fleet crack units are ordered to track down & destroy Dolza Headquarters together with his treacherous Zentraedi. Commander Reno of the Automated Robotech Factory Satellite Division is notified of Dolza’s action & ordered to track the wayward Zentraedi Supreme Commander by all necessary means.

In 19th April 2011, Gorg BoDolza Fleet appears in Sol-system & begins heavy bombardment of Earth mere moments later. The appalling genocide stuns the SDF-1 defenders as destruction are heaped on vast majority of Earth surfaces, including major population centers. This traumatic event in humanity history will be forever known as “Rain Of Death”. Fortunately, before Dolza’s Grand Fleet can begin their second round of bombardment, the Grand Cannon based in Alaska fires its first & final salvo of humanity revenge & destroy Dolza’s trump cards, hundreds of thousands of Rinenadou Lojmeuan Monitor ships. As the Grand Cannon later malfunctioned irrepairably, the SDF-1 launches Operation ‘Lynn Minmay’ by disrupting the Grand Fleet commo-waves with Minmay song as psychological assault to demoralize & distract Zentraedi forces under Dolza.

The combined Allied Fleet led by SDF-1 & Breetai ship drive a wedge through the bewildered Grand Fleet. Dolza’s Headquarter - which also serves as his flagship - is later destroyed as SDF-1 manages to infiltrate & destroy his base from within through internal bombardment & Pin-Point Barrier overload. The shockwave of Dolza’s destruction later taken along a large chunk of his Grand Fleet as battle continues to rage on both side. As the combined Allied Fleet pounds the battered & diminishing foe, 1st Robotech War come to an abrupt end as the damaged SDF-1 later lands & rests on top of crater of blasted Earth in the war final hours. Dolza’s factions later surrender unconditionally & absorb under Breetai’s command or are hunted down.

But the Pyrrhic victory comes at a much higher price, of sacrifices of higher magnitude unimaginable by both humanity & the Zentraedi. As both race have to atone of past sins, only time will tell of their willingness to work together to face a brave new, devastated world ahead of them.


As both humanity & Zentraedi sit down following the bitter aftermaths, the results are disastrous on both sides. In the official census released later by United Earth Interim Government in early 2012, nearly over 75% of humanity perish by the time of ‘Rain Of Death’ & soon thereafter, leaving behind only around an estimated 900 million to 1.5 billion of beleaguered survivors the following months after the conclusion of the war. Apart from that, nearly 95% of social & civil centers, manufacturing facilities, supporting infrastructures (ie hospitals, water plants, etc) along with major population centers are destroyed. As the level of destruction leveled towards Earth’s native populations & surface seem unimaginable, the same can be said of the Zentraedi. Of all their once proud mighty race & 5.8 million armada, only 1 million ships survive & operable while the race dramatically reduce to mere 70 million survivors suffering the same fate as the rest of humanity.

The effects of the holocaust reverberate for years to come. Acts of brutalities & outright cruelties towards refugees done by human outlaws & Zentraedi rogues spread like wildfires. With no socio-politico systems remain intact, the conditions worsens & continue unabated. By May 2011, United Earth Interim Government is established & immediately issues the state of marshal law all over Earth devastated landscape. Massive rescue & relief missions are carried out & Atmospheric Purification Initiative has begins in earnest to repair Earth atmosphere. Many areas remain & render inhabitable due to Reflex radiations & become wastelands, mostly in North America, South & East Asia, Western Europe, Russian regions & West Africa sectors. In addition, remains of Zentraedi ships jut out the landscape, with unpredictable catastrophic weather changes through out the world. Fortunately, major forests & tropics belts are spared as lush jungles of Amazons, South East Asia, Southern India, Middle Africa, Siberian & Canadian regions breath life back to devastated Earth.

With the reestablishment of UEG in January 2012 with New Macross as its capital, major reconstructions & resettlements efforts are carried out for the next 5 years. Breetai’s allied fleet are tasked to clear Earth orbit of wreckages & debris, plus forming joint-ventures with Earth-based forces to salvage protoculture supplies from dead hulks floating in space or those crash on Earth. As Earth supplies of protoculture grow, so do humanity hopes in rebuilding the war-ravaged Earth. Together with the Zentraedi survivors, reconstructions continue smoothly. Unfortunately, as the current UEG are military in nature & dominated by xenophobic prejudiced officials, several injustices policies against the Zentraedi such as forced assimilation with human societies & social mistreatments are carried out. These, couple with disaffections amongst Zentraedi of micronian way of life, later draw small numbers of Zentraedi to leave human habitation centers & disappear into the irradiated wastelands.


Follow shortly after the establishment of militaristic UEG in 2012, the new Earth Government resurrects the armed forces to defend Earth. Effectively United Earth Force is born, with many former UNDF units are absorb into its folds. Admiral Henry J Gloval, now the Supreme Commander of United Earth Force, takes a heavy-handed approach in matters of security & defence. The infant UEF also make strategic alliances with various defunct national armies & militias to safeguard UEG global interests in four corners of Terra while the surviving Zentraedi armada forms the core of UEF space force. As new recruitment centers spring out to draft new breeds of Robotech Defenders, old enemies begin to resurface, & Zentraedi begin to rise from their slumber to fulfill their Imperative.

UEG later decrees all giant Zentraedi must undergo micronisation as prerequisite before being fully assimilated into human society. As some Zentraedi already become outcasts willingly, while small others disaffected by the perceive UEG discriminatory policies towards them, several violent riots crop out in every major Zentraedi relocation centers. The alien rioters & their human collaborators often find themselves mistreated during confrontations against local authorities with grievous results. Disaffections continue, before long, growing reports of missing Zentraedi from relocation centers flow on daily basis. UEG High Command notices the current trends decides to spent its meager resources by establishing several small UEF outposts all over lawless North & South America wastelands in anticipation of possible armed revolts by the rogue Zentraedi. To curb the growing social problems, UEG begins to set up several reeducation centers & technical schools especially for the Zentraedi who’re ill equip to live peacefully amongst humanity.

Hiding deep in Arctic region, Khyron Kravshera roars back as his legions of troops grow large in numbers with Azonia Laplamiz by his side. From there his forces relocate undetected to be firmly entrench in South America, while his agents continue to draft new recruits of disenchant Zentraedi & carry out acts of sabotages in major resettlement & reconstruction centers. Meanwhile, Zeraal Braedur & Kiyora Tekiva command the entire Zentraedi resistance units all over North America. Armed resistance breaks out all over American continent in 2013 CE, effectively sandwiches vulnerable civilian centers & isolated UEF outposts between the savageries of Khyron & Zeraal forces. However, while both Zeraal & Khyron acknowledge each other forces, they are loath to share their resources & serve only for their own personal interests, which later prove to be a blessing in disguise to embattle UEF ground forces.

Zeraal & Khyron forces, in order to replenish their dwindling protoculture supplies & to harass UEF units strewn in isolated outposts, are beginning to carry out several raids. Their raids grow more violent in nature as their forces increase their raids to human settlements. As casualties amongst innocent civilians grow, Admiral Gloval strategically counters back by stationing UEF Valkyrie Veritech squadrons in all potential hotspots across the Americas & to cut supplies from the alien insurgents. His tactics work out as both Zeraal & Khyron units finally feel the pain as supplies have run out & starvations set in.


In June 2013, UEF Fleet under command of Breetai intercepts Robotech Automated Factory Satellite Division – Reno Broger Command in nearby star system 27 light years away from Earth. The Zentraedi Division is tracking down Dolza & his missing massive fleet has detected a massive protoculture discharge of large magnitude. All the findings are being relay back by Reno to Masters who has concludes Dolza & his fleet may fall prey to micronians. Allied Fleet returns victoriously to Earthspace with the massive Robotech Automated Factory Satellite in tow - which affectionately nicknamed ‘Little Luna’ – after destroying Reno & his division units. However, upon arrival, the Factory suffers severe malfunctions & several manufacturing facilities aboard soon shut down because of protoculture depletion. It will take several years after extensive repairs for ‘Little Luna’ can even partially function again.

It is within this period that Admiral Gloval begins planning efforts to pave the way of humanity ultimate next objective; colonization missions to deep space. Admiral Gloval, with the Zentraedi Minister of Affairs, Exedore Formo formulate the next course of action to realize humanity mark in Milky Way. Recruitment centers mushrooming all over Earth to draw in applications of would-be colonists, which draws in overwhelmingly positive response. As applications are scrutinized, surprisingly a large number come from micronised Zentraedi, & majority of the applications from human faction come from former SDF-1 Macross City residents.

The new UEG High Command approves funds to several projects under Robotech Research Group, chief amongst them are developmental next generation Veritech & Destroid programmes, mecha manufacturing & assembly factories, perhaps more importantly; for refitting efforts to be done to the Robotech Automated Factory Satellite which is vital not only for the development & production of new combat spacecrafts, but to become major habitation center for would be colonists. With SDF-2 construction nears its completion, & UEF forces grow larger, the only thing that remains hindered the ambitious programme is the rebel Zentraedi both on Terra & outer space. As Breetai’s fleet hunts down errant Zentraedi flotillas hiding within Sol-system, the UEF ground forces intensify their presence to contain the rebel Zentraedi in the Americas.


In the course of next few months, malcontent Zentraedi threats are contain & dwindle after the formation of Southern Cross Task Force, a major UEF elite surface operation task force whose sole purpose to combat the alien insurgents. As Zentraedi Control Zone perimeters are established around Amazons basins in South America & Zen City in Northern sector, the insurgents threats have lowered considerably especially with the elimination of rebel elite Quadrono commander, Kiyora Tekiva. However, several setbacks suffer by UEF as several incidents such as the capture of a sizing chamber in New Detroit & perhaps most bloodiest of all, the Zentraedi terrorist bombings of New Macross City to capture a Protoculture generator in December 2013 attributable to the cunning Khyron Kravshera. The wily Zentraedi Commander later formulates his long unfulfilled dream, to destroy the idle SDF-1 while New Macross residents still reeling from his ‘Christmas Gift’. His rival, Zeraal who has suffers under constants harassments from UEF force stationed at Base 6 & defections of his trusted lieutenants, also has personal score to settle - the elimination of every single micronian military bases & population centers in North America.

In January 2014, a lone Rinenadou Lojmeuan Monitor ship that lay dormant in the Amazon wilderness roars back to life after months of repairs done by Khyron troops. As the ship plots its way undetected to New Macross City, several Zentraedi mecha squadrons ally to Khyron launch all out attack on the hapless city. As all UEF units in American continent race against time to save the UEG capital, the newly reconstructed SDF-2 is disabled & damaged beyond repair by a kamikaze attack of lone Tou-Redir scout ship loads with explosive in Earth orbit, above Tokyo. Zeraal also takes the opportunity from the confusion as his forces spring forth from Zen City to destroy UEF military outposts through out Northern Sector, especially UEF Base 6. Despite overwhelming odds, the Robotech Defenders beaten the Khyron & Zeraal’s forces, but with severe losses to the victors. SDF-1 perishes alongside the said Zentraedi monitor ship as it defends humanity for one last time before disabling the enemy ship. Khyron Kravshera & Azonia Laplamiz meet their fiery end as the alien ship rams through SDF-1 in suicide maneuver. Admiral Henry J. Gloval & several SDF-1 bridge crews last stand against Zentraedi onslaught continues to be remembered for their ultimate sacrifice to save humanity for aeons to come.

As New Macross City reduces to rubble, deep within North American sector, Zeraal forces suffer tremendous losses as UEF Base 6 & other UEF units successfully defending their positions from his onslaughts. Victorious UEF forces launch a siege around Zen City, which later is destroyed as Zeraal activates fold maneuver from his grounded flagship in his desperate bid to escape. With the destruction of Zen City (which is transported near Saturn orbit) & death of both Zeraal & Khyron, the attacks by rebel Zentraedi wane & falter as UEF flushes out remaining alien rebels throughout American continent.


As the Battle of New Macross City marks the end the period known as First Robotech War, it shows humanity tenacity & their epic struggle to defend their home planet from threats of large alien armada, especially of the ultimate sacrifice humanity had to pay for their culture & civilization. Despite near extinction on both side, human & Zentraedi - whose glorious past come to an abrupt & tragic end - brave their way to rebuild the devastated Earth, renew their fragile vows for peace & freedom. Humanity struggle to rebuild their civilization, plot their way for space colonization & definitely to flourish outside their homeworld as per Gloval Iniative 2014 Plan.

The oft fragile relationship between two indistinguishable races are tested again & again in several years to come. Despite the death of key rebel leaders in American sector - Khyron Kravshera, Azonia Laplamiz, Zeraal Braedur & Kiyora Tekiva have awaken the Imperative that lay dormant within Zentraedi all over the world. As Zentraedi begin their armed struggle worldwide to fulfill their Imperative, the era of Malcontent Uprisings has begin.

Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:59 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Unread post by Jefffar »

Uh Professor, do you have any relation to that fellow who governed the Palestinian Authority briefly?

OOC: Not bad, not too far off the back story I included in my EBSIS stuff. The catch is making the real world history mesh well eough with the alternate world history yet still diverge in logical paths.
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Wow! I have not read it. Just glanced through it, and it looks good. I am always looking for new Robotech info of any kind. Hope to see the rest of the history of Robotech soon.
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Unread post by Kagashi »

Word of advice.

If you want people to actually read your hard work, make it more brief.
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Unread post by jedi078 »

Kagashi wrote:Word of advice.

If you want people to actually read your hard work, make it more brief.

I read it just fine, it's an essay, not a short blurb.
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Be nice or do better Kag
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Dead Boy wrote:All hail Jefffar... King of the Mods

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jedi078 wrote:
Kagashi wrote:Word of advice.

If you want people to actually read your hard work, make it more brief.

I read it just fine, it's an essay, not a short blurb.

I agree. I love a lot of info!
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Unread post by BookWyrm »

NIce work. Can't wait for the rest!
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Unread post by Protoculture »

Kagashi wrote:Word of advice.

If you want people to actually read your hard work, make it more brief.

To make your life easier, follow this simple procedure:

1. Highlight the articles ....

2. The right hand click of the mouse, choose Copy.

3. Open a Word Document file, then right hand click again, choose Paste.

4. Save the word document as Genesis: Robotech Wars.

5. Read it at your leisure or print it. Don't forget to distribute it via email to your fellow RT RPG'ers.

Unread post by Protoculture »

Jefffar wrote:Uh Professor, do you have any relation to that fellow who governed the Palestinian Authority briefly?

OOC: Not bad, not too far off the back story I included in my EBSIS stuff. The catch is making the real world history mesh well eough with the alternate world history yet still diverge in logical paths.

Well, not actually. My father a Muslim Malay from SEA region, & my mom a Bosnian-Muslim. Sufficed to say, my late father named me after my mother's late grandpa, who by chance was an Iranian.

Above is fictional o'course. BTW, most of my references comes various RT resources, McKinney's - RT Comics (WS or Comico) - uRRG - Dave Deitrich .... plus, current happenings in today's world; thus its by far non-canon whatsoever. I might be a bloody purist, but given my past history as McKinniyists, I choose the Universalist approach. Besides, being a purist can be a bore too, restricting various possibilities in RT-verse
Last edited by Protoculture on Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

Unread post by Protoculture »

BookWyrm wrote:NIce work. Can't wait for the rest!

Genesis - Malcontent Uprisings will be up next week. I've the original draft file, but with amazing infos from Jeffar's Soviet Studies, I've currently editing & adding new info, especially the rise of EBSIS.

For such lengthy posting, its intentional. Yes, I could just posted section via section of Genesis - 1st RT War for example, which means I could racked more posting points. But I'm not accumulating points here, basically providing RT fans, especially RT RPG'ers with RT info background for uses in their RPG campaign scenarios, for example, Global Civil War (largely unexplored).

Thanks for the support though.

Unread post by Protoculture »



Due to recent hostilies between UEEF - Sentinel Confederation against Haydon IV Trade Consortium following the conclusion of 3rd Robotech War over Earth, publication of RFS Digest is suspended for 2 months Earth Standard Time, following 'media blackout' directive by UEEF shortly after the destruction of Space Station Liberty.

For all esteemed readers information, RFS Publishing House HQ is currently temporarily relocated aboard the SDF 'Ark Angel' Colonisation vessel after our previous HQ aboard SSL was destroyed by Haydonite fleet.

Currently all of our staffs survived & many of our field correspondents are currently to be relocated to our branch office at Robotech Repair Factory (Space Sation Equality) & our new HQ slated to be at Moon Base ALuCE, Earth orbit.

Robotech Wars Genesis series authored by Col (ret) Mahmoud Abbas are expected to resume in our (hopefully) October edition. At the moment, Col (ret) Mahmoud Abbas is reported to have being reactivated by EF High Command to Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence Kommandatura Section as a consultant, so due to his current employment, he will not be available to answers future correspondences with the readers. Fortunately, his works on Robotech Genesis: Malcontent Uprisings, 2nd Robotech War & Sentinels Conflict are already being submitted to our Chief Editor shortly before the countdown of final Earth liberation mission.

In upcoming months, a new Robotecha Encyclopedia section will be introduced, with all the information & history regarding Robotechnology. This section are co-sponsored by New Macross University Press, Tyrol National Antiquity Hall & Praxis Solnoid Gall Magazine.

Thank you for your support to RFS Digest! Our new edition will be available to all newsstand all over 4th Quadrant & Sol-System, & downloadable online version on Ultra-Net exactly 2 months from now!


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Unread post by Snuffy »

Wow - Awesome!!!! Haven't made it through all the way yet.

Thank you for posting your hard work!

Diwgadras’U: Dueling Motion - The Zentradi Martial Art

Unread post by Protoculture »


History of Diwgadras’U: Dueling Motion - The Zentradi Martial Art

By late Supreme Commander Zentraedi EF Battalion Breetai Kridanik (deceased 2042 AD)

Updated & Edited By Commander Kazianna Hesh-Kridanik, current CO of Tyrolian Republican Guard - Zentraedi Command
Taken from UEEF Officer Manual 2041 Ed. for Robotecha Enyclopaedia - RFS Digest, October 2044 Edition


Just over five thousand (Earth Standard) years ago, on a world where a great Robotech Imperium will be borne - Tyrol, an ancient Tyrolian civilization known as Dev'er Empire was undergoing a renaissance. The first year of the Aeon Lanack Calendar roughly corresponds with the year 5970 B.C.E., was a critical one for the entire galaxy. The Dev'erians, a race whose very name means “Ancient Masters ”, would eventually spread their influence across the globe of Tyrolian world, whose ancient civilization inspired great Tyrolian literature works such Lanack Estdo're and Zor'deroma, and even to this day their contribution towards Tyrolian ancient history & civilization continue to carry on in ancient ruin & instrumental in influencing various succesive Tyrolian Classical Era Empires & Dynasties.

It is believed that the during 1st Aeon Lanack Calendar marks the end of a long period of divisive and terrible internecine barbaric warfare among the pre-historic Tyrolian-Dev'erian society. It is almost certain that one of the key elements of the Dev'erian cultural renaissance was the rise of proxy warfare, where duels between slaves decided disputes that might in the past have been solved by open warfare. These gladiators apparently first fought in pairs, unarmed, and to the death; herein almost certainly lies the origins of Diwgadras’U which was written down in the epic scripture Lanack Estdo're .

A detailed examination of Diwgadras’U would seem to confirm this interpretation – the style concentrates on brutal, killing or disabling blows and lacks the “deterrent” or “soft” components found in some comparable terran styles. In proxy combat – differentiated from gladiatorial combat by the lack of an entertainment element – there is no reason to prolong the fight any longer than necessary; to do so invites defeat at the hands of unexpected complications. It is doubtful, of course, that Diwgadras’U originally had all the qualities and refinements of its current form; indeed, this art probably started out as several competing styles that gradually converged into a single “optimized” form.

The optimization of Diwgadras’U may have indirectly started & influenced the escalation that lead to the state of Classical Era proxy warfare by the time Dev'er civilisation collapsed & later successive Classical Age civilisations such as competing Tonvella Empire & Relav dynasty , even northern barbaric invasions in that resulted incessant inter-tribal warfares (believed to be that of Tettelian tribes) that later characterized the Dark Classical Age. Diwgadras'U would later simply redefined & fine-tuned during pre Industrial Age of Forasi & rival Einliba nation-states. The tradition would later on inherited by Su'tonean based rising city-state, Tiresia that would later began its agressive colonial expansion toward one third of Tyrolian surface.

As Tyrol entered Industrial Age, the agressive expansion of several Tyrolian modern nations culminated in 1st - 3rd Tyrol World Wars. Diwgadras'U taken a backseat as modern weapons ultimately replaced this art as mere self-defence art practiced by the Tyrolian nobility as some sort of personal & recreational hobby. However by the time the first Tyrolian nation - Rylac achieved spaceflight, Diwgadras'U was popularised again in Tiresia as a sport entertainment industry, characterising rambunctious pre-Robotech Imperium culture . Through mass media, Diwgadras'U become institutionalised in many major Tyrolian super-power militaries. Hundreds of years before this milestone in Tyrolian history, Diwgadras’U had reached an impressive degree of refinement, to the point that a Diwgadras’U could defeat almost without doubt any lesser opponent.

To counter this, younger patrons began issuing armor and weapons to their T’sendiel (gladiator warrior) – a step that eventually lead to greater and greater divergence from the original ideal of proxy combat. Soon, individual T’sendiel were replaced with armies of well-armed “house troops,” fully equipped with the most advanced weapons of the day, a direct effect of integration of this deadly ancient martial art with modern militaries.


Tyrolian culture was anything but stagnant in terms of science; indeed, most Robotechnology can trace its roots to the Stellar Age tech-inventors nearly 2000 thousands of years (Earth Standard) ago. By the second millennium of the Aeon Lanack Calendar, the basic concept of the Tyrolian nation-state culture in particular Tiresia - in having ownership over life (a concept reinforced by their caste-based civilization - in particular, slave warrior mentality prevalent during pre-Industrial Age), made biotechnology in general, and genetic manipulation in particular, quite appealing. Germ Warfare was looked upon with revulsion due to its potential for collateral damage, but creating super-slaves allowed the more scientifically minded military regimes to eschew artillery and armored vehicles – disliked for their creation of collateral damage – in favor of armies of living weapons.

By the time the first Tyrolian spacecraft ventured beyond the home world in 816 AD (1200 AL) , most proxy battles were clashes between conventional military hardwares & with the integration of energy based & even nuclear weaponry. Some anachronistic patricians maintained armies of “genetically-enhanced” soldiers, but these nobles were the exception to the rule. Generally speaking, other than specially trained overseers and commanders, the average Tyrolian proxy weaponry still did not affect the use of Diwgadras'U in unarmed combat.

As common Tyrolians united under Stellar Republic, whose civilization later expanded into thousands of off-world colonies, the art of dueling motion was taken to the stars, used extensively within Stellar Republican vast colonial military. It was during this time, the later period of the Golden Age of Stellar Republic, that Zor Derelda had returned to Tyrol with greatest reward - the Holy Robo-Grail, Protoculture in 1343 AD (1293 AL). After undergoing a period of integration of Robotechnology within every strata of Tyrolian civilisation known as the Great Transition, the giant-slave Zentraedi was created from cloning chambers to serve as off- world miners in robust monopole-ore industry.

While the increase in body size in giant macronised slaves achieved its intended goal of providing cheap, living construction and mining equipment for the colonies in late Stellar Republic Era to the early Imperium Era of Zentraedi all male goliaths warrior slaves, it created a conundrum- Robotech Masters lacked military hardware to equip their new giant warriors with.

The rise of Robotech Imperium in 1361 AD (1296 AL) that toppled Stellar Republic & the usage of giant Zentreadi as warrior slave infantry troopers, Diwgadras'U art was made exclusive only to the warlike culture of the giant warriors. The basic training began as template program within all Zentraedi implanted memories, however, the medium & advance training only available & exlusive for Zentraedi officers clones. Unbeknownst to Robotech Masters, some of these officers actually trained the art in it full form to the lower-echelon troops under their command, so much so began the iniation rites that later pervaded Zentraedi culture. Archaic weapon training with Zentreadi halberd was also introduced, a carry-over of Diwgadras'U ancient weapon training.

Because the Zentraedi had the same body morphology as natural Tyrolian, and because they were intelligent enough to learn complex skills, Diwgadras’U enjoyed a strong revival in proxy warfare circles. Very early on, rifles and other weaponry were created for the Zentraedi, but these weapons proved to be of dubious reliability, and Diwgadras’U remained the favored self-defence art of the early Zentraedi period.

Several problems began to develop with the warrior slaves of the Robotech Masters, however. The first and most extreme was that of escaped Zentreadi (who were perhaps culturally contaminated); before the widespread introduction of Zentreadi, an insubordinate previous Stellar Republic troop could rarely cause any havoc on his or her own, despite their combat training . The Zentraedi on the other hand were specifically bred to be merciless, feral killing machines. More than one colony was laid to waste after mass escapes of culturally contaminated Zentreadi (attributed to influences of Disciple of Zor) that eventually lead to hand-to hand slaughter of Zentraedi on both side (the Zentraedi loyalists vs Zentraedi rebels) using Diwgadras'U.

The second problem was over-specialization; Zentraedi by their nature were optimized creatures, best suited to fighting in any specific environment under harsh conditions. The Zentraedi were far more effective on the offensive, than the defensive, since on the offense they could maximize damages & ferocity on tactics and how they fought. As the Early Robotech Imperium Era progressed and the Robotech Masters began to expand further the fringes of the Empire & establish far-flung colonies on new & strange nearby worlds, so did the need of Zentreadi clone production with tenacity to combat menace must be increased tenfold. It became clear to the Robotech Masters that perhaps making basic Diwgadras'U as standard training within all Zentreadi ranks were a


None of the Robotech Masters scientists advocated a return to the days of rifle-toting, goliath ground-pounders; it was acknowledged that the Zentreadi were no longer suited to the micronised environment, but it was also acknowledged that the advances that lead to the Zentreadi development should not be discarded. Ultimately, the leading minds of Robotech Master bioscience unveiled a new proxy slave – the Meltrandi (female Zentran). The new slaves possessed all the mental faculties of a sentient female humanoid, but were conditioned with subliminal commands that prevented them from intermixing with the male Zentran. Also, as an attempt to add functionality to these new female giant Amazons, DNA templates from colonised Praxis inhabitants (female micronian society with warlike tendency & agressive culture) were engineered into new Meltran bodies approximately five times the size of a normal micronian individual. Not surprisingly, Diwgadras'U also pre-programmed to the new breed of Zentreadi female warriors.

When the first fully automated factory satellites were created for the military forces of the Robotech Imperium, they included massive production lines for cloned Zentreadi; the factories also included fully automated education and training facilities for these warrior-slaves, and one of the core subjects taught was Diwgadras’U. Even after the development of armored vehicles and combat pods, this skill was still taught for use when dismounted, but a full mastery-level education was only given to those students who showed the greatest degree of talent, while less-talented soldiers were moved on to other subjects.

Today, five thousand years (Earth Standard) later after the introduction of the dueling motion art, where upon the Robotech Imperium came to a crushing & bitter end in which the destruction of Zentreadi Grand Armada on Earth in 2011 AD. This event followed by Invid relentless crusade into crumbling stagnant Imperium territories. aAfter the assimilation & integration of micronised Zentreadi into humanity social strata, whose their 2nd & 3rd generation full & mixed offsprings were born and educated in the Terran cultures still carry on this martial art, and some Zentreadi Diwgadras’U practitioners living under the UEG & later in Sol-system (Mars) have started to pass on the art to the first and second generation of free Zentraedi. Additionally, several Earth-born martial arts masters have undertaken to study this practice in order to augment their own skills.

While it is highly unlikely that Diwgadras’U will ever achieve the popularity it possessed at the beginning of the Robotech Masters, there is little doubt that this art will not die out any time in the immediate future as current Tyrolian Republican Guard has adopted Diwgadras'U syllabus as compulsory unarmed combat training to all recruits.



Welcome to the Institute!
The New Macross Defense Institute is a civilian organization dedicated to providing the most accurate defense-related information possible to the citizens of the United Earth Goverment. You can access our data library; we are currently in the process of converting all of our hardcopy documents into a form suitable for viewing electronically downloable from NMDI Public Research Library.

Look out for more list of data files & various print articles; in addition to our mechanical information, we will be gradually converting most of our documents for electronic viewing, published in cooperation with RFS Digest in monthly installments.

For more generalized information about the NMDI and recent history, please consult & forward your correspondence to RFS Digest editorial team.

P/S : (Editor's Note - Heavily edited, revised version from the old article in defunct online site of New Macross Defense Institute. Originally an article intended for SDF: Macross Universe, converted by me for usage in Robotech-verse. A tribute to the original author - whomever he is).
Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:01 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Unread post by Protoculture »

darkmax wrote:you should post that over at the NSS forum.

No need for that.

This thread served my purpose to publish fan-made RT materials, strictly by fan for fans.

RT-verse are rich in history, glimpsed & hinted by several resources. As such, these fan-made infos, mostly taken from primary & secondary source material, real-world parallels, logical extrapolations & perhaps an active imagination can help RPGers enjoying RT-verse gameplay to the fullest.

Unread post by Protoculture »



Following 'media blackout' directive by UEEF shortly after the destruction of Space Station Liberty due to recent hostilies between UEEF - Sentinel Confederation against Haydon IV Trade Consortium, publication of RFS Digest was suspended for 2 months Earth Standard Time. But now, as all of our staffs & many of our field correspondents are currently relocated to our branch office at Robotech Repair Factory (Space Sation Equality) & our new HQ at Moon Base ALuCE, Earth orbit, WE ARE BACK IN BUSINESS.

For all esteemed readers information, RFS Publishing House HQ currently has resumed publication of RFS Digest for October Edition. It will featured the long-running Robotech Wars Genesis series authored by Col (ret) Mahmoud Abbas which will resume with Robotech Genesis: Malcontent Uprisings, while Robotech Genesis: 2nd Robotech War & Robotech Genesis: Conflict are respectively will be published in November & December editions.

We will also featuring Robotecha Encyclopedia section co-sponsored by New Macross University Press, Tyrol National Antiquity Hall & Praxis Solnoid Gall Magazine.

Thank you for your support to RFS Digest! Our new edition are available to all newsstand all over 4th Quadrant & Sol-System, & downloadable online version on Ultra-Net now!


Editorial Team - RFS Digest.
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::pokes Protoculture::

Ahem...Global War, not Global Civil War. :D
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Unread post by taalismn »

Cute...."Praxian Solnoid Gall Magazine"---"The Journal for Fighting Women"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling

Unread post by Protoculture »

Rabid Southern Cross Fan wrote:::pokes Protoculture::

Ahem...Global War, not Global Civil War. :D

Ahh, that's definitely intentional on my part. I'm reserving the term Global War for the EBSIS aggression in mid 2031AD against UEG which followed shortly after the conclusion of SCA+REF surface operations against remaining Masters forces.

Unread post by Protoculture »

Quester wrote:
Could not find your site when I googled it. A little assistance please.

I do not have any site online. All my future fan-works will only appear on Palladium RT RPG forum & RDF-HQ Board.

Unread post by Protoculture »

taalismn wrote:Cute...."Praxian Solnoid Gall Magazine"---"The Journal for Fighting Women"

Ah well, I've always imagined Praxian not as featured by McKinney & Waltrip whose attributes jarred greatly with RT-verse. I mean, flying robo horses with warrior women armed with swords, crossbows & halberds ... what the heck?

I'm of the opinion that Praxians are the original progenitor of Zent females, whose Praxian DNA imprints were collected by Tyrolian colonial masters to create as template for agressive female Zents.

I'm also of the opinion that Praxians may once be great space faring society with advance technology, which later fallen into the Dark Ages following a great catastrophe (possibly space conflicts). This corresponds with Praxian's birthing centers, which is known as Whaashi, which are possibly advanced cloning centers.

If you noticed, I drew my inspiration of Praxians from GallForce, an ARTMIC production that produced Mospeada & MEGAZONE. The Galforce, consisted of all-female warrior space-faring society was in disastrous inter-stellar war with mysterious Paranoid (Inbit-like aliens).


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BY: COLONEL (ret) MAHMOUD ABBAS (CONSULTANT- UEEF Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence Kommandatura Section)



When one looks back to the tragic events of First Robotech War era, one cannot simply ignores the direct consequences of the post-SDF-1 destruction by rogue Zentraedi warlord Khyron Kravshera & Azonia Laplamiz, whose after effects culminate in which humanity has to begin once more bear arms against hostile Zentraedi, this time on Terra itself. This often-describe hostile intervening period is known as Malcontent Uprisings & its subsequent feudalistic UEG reconstruction era.

Much documentation on this very era has been published prior to this very article, whereby the author wishes for the readers not to rely solely on information contained herein. The purpose of this article is to provide readers with various insights during this era of humankind between the periods of the Malcontent Uprisings up to Second Robotech War.


As destruction is heaped to New Macross City in early 2014, UEG realizes the severity of possible worldwide Zentraedi-led insurgencies. Draw from previous experience of being mauled between Zeraal’s forces in North America & Khyron’s forces in South America, UEG begin to relocate its capital to Scandinavia Quadrant, far from possible rogue Zentraedi threat & expanding Southern Cross Task Force mission to far corner of American theatre of operation.

Hostile Zentraedi, long has remained dormant, are reinvigorated with the exploits of the late Khyron the Destroyer, & begin their armed struggle shortly thereafter. Their early attempts of armed struggle are hampered because of lack of unity & cohesion, together with different mission objectives, apart from to randomly lash out at isolated human population centers or UEF outposts at southern American hemisphere. Southern Cross Task Force contains these threats as soon as they flared, & mop-up operations are frequently successful. By late 2014, the only disturbances that definitely of Zentraedi origins are mostly disorganize & sometimes-violent anti-UEG riots confining to majority Zentraedi habitation centers.

However, unbeknownst to UEG High Command, the Zentraedi insurgents have become localize & adapting to their adopted environment successfully. No longer a disorganized irregulars, the alien insurgents develop a strong network & even local distribution, at one point even learning to exploit underworld criminal activities. To fund their shadowy & growing complex terrorist network, a number of Zentraedi warlords with their private armies pose as mercenaries are hired by human druglord barons in South America & Indochina under the pretext to protect their illicit drug trade from UEG scrutiny. It is not long before their supposedly alien bodyguards dispose the human druglords, & by that time, Zentraedi overlords monopolize the world’s drug trade market.

With established bases & newfound wealth from drug-trade, the insurgents are ready to strike back with a vengeance at humanity. No longer restrain by the Imperative which has been an outdated ideology, the rogue Zentraedi has a new objective, to become the master of their destiny, a new master of Earth & humanity!


During this period, Southern Cross Task Force, forms from UEF elite terrestrial units, begin to forge alliance with several regional armies & militias ally to UEG to combat Zentraedi insurgents spread across the globe. Within this short period, UEG expands its territorial assets by absorbing former ally nations & at the same time, integrating ally national armed forces & militias as part of larger UEF terrestrial forces under the Southern Cross Task Mission. These actions are part of UEG long-term objective to unify fragmented post-Rain of Death nations under its tutelage.

However, this expansionist action by UEG has been perceived by many new emerging nations as an attempt to asserts its sovereignty over the entire world. Under UEG motto, “One Voice of Earth”, emerging states are urge to unite under one unifying world governance, which assumes the guardian mantle to protect Earth from external & internal threats. Unfortunately, many new emerging nations post Rain of Death are reluctant to join UEG, most notably Arkansas Protectorate, Free Quebec & a number of newly independent South American baronies.

In late 2014 to 2019 AD, UEG defines its border by controlling the entire North American sector, with Free Quebec & Arkansas Protectorate join up as client states as regard of close economic & trade partnership with UEG. In South America, only Brasilia joins as UEG Protectorate, with a number of smaller Caribbean & Middle American nations become UEG provinces. On European front, European Union, is now a single unified entity (encompassing Ireland, UK, France, Belgium, Holland, Spain, Italy & Greece) a traditional powerbase of UEG, - minus New German Republic & Poland - alongside Scandinavia Quadrant which is the new UEG administrative center in 2019AD. In Australasia & Far East Quadrant, Japan & South Korea are part of UEG Protectorate, with former ASEAN states of Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Brunei & Philippines isles become UEG provinces while Australia & New Zealand are UEG member states. In South Asia, both rival Pakistan & India are close UEG allies & in Middle East, Emirates of Unified Arab States (based on Arab Peninsular & Kingdom of Jordan) & Turkey are UEG Protectorates. In the African Quadrant, only Kingdom of Morocco & South Africa Republic join up as UEG provinces, & Egypt signs up as UEG ally.

At first glance, UEG provincial borders seem impressive, but still nearly 2/3rd of the world’s nations refuse to even become UEG signatories, especially Independent Baronies in South Americas, Russo-Sino & Central Asian nations, Eastern Europe & the Balkans, upper Middle Eastern & Persian-Afghan region, Indochina Quadrant & the vast Indonesian isles. Furthermore, a new superpower capable of challenging UEG has make a steady progress to expand aggressively from the first day of its inception, carried with it the symbol of neo-Marxist empire that stretches from East Asia to Eastern Europe. UEG finally has a rival nemesis, not of alien origin, but inarguably of Terran origin.


In the ashes of CIS (formerly of USSR) post Rain of Death, from the heartland of Mother Russia, a social upheaval sweeps phenomenally where Neo-Marxists forces taken root after the failure of UEG in sending relief missions in Russia, Central Asia & Eastern Europe during the first two devastating years shortly after Rain of Death. From 2011 to early 2013AD, nearly 300 million refugees of mostly Russian & Eastern European origins die of famine, some perish at the doorstep of UEG-controlled Scandinavia Quadrant after they have been refused safe haven by UEG proletariats because of overstraining dwindling resources.

New Marxist Socialist Republic which springs from Mother Russia, alongside former WARSAW member, Poland band together & pool resources to restore agrarian based industries in order to feed the starving population. Meanwhile a former EU signatory, Germany is aghast at the indifferent Euro-centric UEG attitude towards its Eastern European cousins. In a reverse twists, the disillusioned Germans turn towards socialist-elected government, rename their nation as New German Republic & with its extensive industrial capacity join the massive relief efforts with NMSR & Poland. From this union, a new entity comprises of NMSR, NGR & Poland unify & forming Eastern Bloc Soviet Independent States (EBSIS) in 2014.

In its proclamation of independence, EBSIS propagates support to any seceding nations that needs,” Protection of Sovereignty Against Alien or Human Despots & Tyrants.” This act indeed is indirect propaganda assault against the UEG legitimacy as the sole guardian of Earth & a direct challenge against UEG hegemony on Earth. Shortly after the restoration of agrarian & industrial bases, with the overabundant of Zentraedi nutrient paste produce on board intact Zentraedi cruisers that littered the EBSIS territories finally relieve the massive famine crises amongst its citizens. It is not long after stability returns, EBSIS finally turns toward expansion.

EBSIS troops which come mainly from NMSR steamroll into Balkan regions & Eastern Europe almost virtually unopposed, while at the same time wage a costly campaign to reclaim its former Central Asian ex-Soviet republics. Not content by reclaiming old territories, soon enough in 2015, the Red Soviets help forming & ultimately allying itself with the Islamic Republic that form a ‘Shiite Crescent’ from former Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon nation-states. In 2016, EBSIS even manages to coax Egypt, a UEG ally to award lucrative & strategic long-term contract & lease in restoring the Aswan dam (which has been neglected by local government) to an NGR-based firm. By establishing a foothold in North Africa, EBSIS begin to plan an African Campaign. However, on its Eastern Front, EBSIS has begins their aggressive expansion towards Sino border.


In the East, EBSIS takes advantage of rival Marxist China PRC that has been busy dealing with domestic disturbances & later on EBSIS forces grab Outer Mongolia region & trespass over Manchuria to take over Sino-allied but grievously stricken North Korea. The sudden militaristic venture by EBSIS catches UEG off-guard, more so of rival China PRC. The Chinese Marxists, plagues by internal disturbances, appeals to UEG to send forces to repel Soviet incursions into Manchuria.

Unable to help the Chinese in terms of manpower, UEG sends UEF military advisors or consultants to China PRC. Sino-Russo border clashes intensify as Red Chinese army has begins to strike back to reclaim Manchuria. Unlike the Soviets, despite internal disturbances from aftereffects of post-Rain of Death, China PRC still retains its massive industrial & agricultural capacity, with a sound capitalist economy despite its Marxists ideology. The bloody conflict lasts 4 months with substantial casualties on both sides, but the Chinese are bless with numerical superiority in terms of manpower & war machines over EBSIS forces that are thinly stretch. Facing a determine Sino opposition, the Soviet line in Manchuria is broken, & significant Soviet forces are divided in North Korea & the other driven back to Outer Mongolia steppes.

EBSIS forces trapped in North Korea are to face annihilation by Sino forces as they can not retreat into UEG-held South Korea which will ultimately require UEG military involvement. In August 2016, a cease-fire & a peace treaty is ultimately worked out by both Marxists politico apparats, in which EBSIS will have to relinquishes Manchuria back to China PRC & retains Outer Mongolia as EBSIS territory while North Korea will be jointly administered by Sino-Russo Politburo apparats. Later on, mutually beneficial treaties will follow through in terms of economic, trade & development. Soon, props by China PRC massive economy & gains the largest trading partner, EBSIS is on the path of economic recovery as Chinese products lessen the hardships of EBSIS citizens. China PRC in return becomes the largest importer of EBSIS military equipments.

In military cooperation defense between the two Marxists nations, Sino-Russo campaigns in Siberia & Xinjiang-Kazakhstan borders against rogue Zentraedi yield excellent results. This later cements China PRC alliance with EBSIS proper in 2018AD. With the inclusion of an Asian economic powerhouse that rivals UEG Protectorates of Japan & South Korea, EBSIS can now competes with UEG economically. Despite the alliances, China PRC still maintains cordial ties with UEG, who continues to be its largest trading partner & vice versa. China PRC is the main channel for UEG diplomats in maintaining diplomatic contacts with EBSIS officials. The only strain part of UEG-Sino relations will be limited to China PRC involvement with North Korea administration, & a slight furor over Taiwan occupation* by Red Sino forces in 2017AD.

*Taiwan was reoccupied by Chinese PRC, but it was granted autonomous status alongside SAR Hong Kong & SAR Macau.


As mention earlier, during early period following the destruction of New Macross City in 2014, Zentraedi hostile forces are nothing more than disorganize & clandestine rebel groups fighting a lost cause. However, as rogue Zentraedis begin to become more localize & have adapting well to their environment, these aliens has begin to see Earth in a new light. These former warrior soldiers have seen Earth as their new home, & aspire to lord over its inferior species, the micronians.

This belief stems from previously Imperative engrams. Many rogue Zentraedi later begin to review Dolza’s true objective, for Zentraedi to become Master of their own destiny, rather than subject as Masters slaves to their bidding. So much so, old adage Imperative which compells most rebel Zentraedi to fight & die under Masters order & the glory of the Imperium, are consider as an anathema to the success of the new breed of ‘liberated’ Zentraedi. The new dogma, which is the revision of the age-old Imperative, reinvigorates the Zentraedi to fight & die as free Zentraedi, to achieve supremacy above the detested micronians, if it means to enslave humanity or obliterate them for the greater good of Zentraedi race.

This fascist ideology has spread like wildfire amongst every hostile Zentraedi, now mostly have reorganize into capable guerrilla forces. Not only that, with ample funds that come from the illegal Southlands drug trades & Indochina’s poppy fields (where the Zentraedi have become the overlords of the drug trade by deposing the micronian drug barons), the Zentraedi are gear up to strike at humanity yet again. This time around, these neo-Zentraedi, or Malcontents are far more capable, & enterprising from their old selves.

It is not long in late 2014AD, the rogue Zentraedi has begun planting their successfully assimilated spies & contacts their sympathizers within UEG & other local Terran establishments for sensitive information. As UEG is more concern with the rise of EBSIS & has erroneously believes that Zentraedi armed movements has been successfully contained or eradicated in mop-up operations carry out by Southern Cross Task Force, the sudden lapse in security in UEG’s micronised Zentraedi population centers have given the loophole for rogue Zentraedis to infiltrate & successfully assimilate themselves among the UEG’s allied Zentraedi populace. Slowly but surely, these moles begin to create distrust & doubts amongst UEG’s Zentraedi peaceful subjects, & follow later by social instability. Nothing, not even UEG nor EBSIS can stand in their way to the top chain of Earth’ as its new master & overlord!

From this point forward, the Malcontent Uprisings begin in earnest.

Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.


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MALCONTENT UPRISINGS Part I (Indochina Quadrant)


The 1st crisis attributes to the top level Malcontent infiltration into UEF military establishment come in a form of Lt. Zaria Kiyora, a micronised Zentraedi who has been in charge of UEF reconnaissance mission in Indochina Quadrant. Affiliating with UEF Zentraedi Recon Regiment, she has lead several successful scouting missions in locating hostile Zentraedi bases in the Southlands.

As her recon units establish foothold in lawless Vietnam in mid 2014, a coastal UEF military base is set up, & in part, her job in supervising the base logistics & supplies procurements places her in strategic position in assessing the actual UEF unit capabilities in the region. Not long after that, several break-ins occurred at the protoculture storage depot in the base are reported to Lt. Zaria. Her findings are reported back to UEF-Pacific HQ, which reasons that lax security as main reason of such incidents. As she begins falsifying records on the actual number of protoculture cells & ammunitions supplies storage at the base, Lt. Zaria & several of her units often end up missing on unauthorized missions from the base, in which she claims are routine recon missions into uncharted Indochina tropics in search of malcontents.

Curious staffs at the base begin thumbing around with procurement records, & find several inconsistencies regarding the actual number protoculture cells, & discover that a large amounts of missing protoculture supplies & ammunitions from the base supply depot. Their action are later leaked to Lt. Zaria, who imposes Emergency Law in the base, in which she termed as attempted mutiny by disloyal UEF military personnels, who by then she accuses as EBSIS agents. Her loyal units waste no time in rounding up the base personnels, & later destroy the base commo center. The UEF-Pacific HQ, acts upon sudden communication lost with the Indochina base, send commando troops aboard Prometheus class-super carrier CVS Phoebe in fear of the Indochina coastal base is under siege or occupied by hostile forces (either Zentraedi rebels or EBSIS crack team).

This naval task force enters South China Sea, & the UEF commandoes raid the Indochina’s UEF coastal military base, only to find it utterly destroy & abandon while the entire base’s personnels, sans Lt. Zaria Kiyora & her loyalists, safe & sound, albeit in the base detention center. The UEF-Pacific Theatre Commander launches massive ai
r campaign to flush out the traitorous Zaria, & her assumed Zentraedi allies. However, the campaign is short-lived, & in order to cover up the possible scandal that a malcontent mole has infiltrate UEF, the carrier group is recall back to join the Pacific Fleet, & UEG propaganda arm trumpets news of malcontent successful surgical strike against UEF Base in Indochina. Lt. Zaria is considered KIA alongside the rest of her units in defending the base, as reported by UEG news agencies, but she & her cohorts’ true whereabouts remained unknown.

Her treachery later set the more xenophobic elements in UEG to doubt the loyalties of its micronised Zentraedi citizens. In 2015AD, as a direct result following this covered up event, the UEG begin what most term as the discriminatory policies against micronised Zentraedi. Little do UEG politico apparats know; they have provided the very excuse to Zentraedi rebel groups to recruit more disenchanted Zentraedi.


In early 2015AD, Global Military Police, a new intelligentsia agency under UEG, uncovers shadowy plot between the new drug cartels & their relationship with the Zentraedi malcontents. UEF, under direct orders from the Prime Minister, send a Southern Cross Task Force to contain Zentraedi elements in Indochina Quadrant. In order not to repeat the Indochina incident from the previous Zaria & her cohorts’ treacheries, the Zentraedi UEF personnels are excluded from the mission alongside with human officers who are suspected as Zentraedi sympathizers. Many ally Zentraedi officers, who’re ordered to transfer under UEF space forces, notice this political move.

The plan to contain Indochina Quadrant is carried forward in the Operation Formosa, where UEF terrestrial naval assets in the Pacific sector carry aerial carpet-bombing operations even deeper into Indochina. The Southern Cross Task Force attempts a beachhead at Indochina coastal area, pushes ahead with ground offensive. However, the local populace, who resents the UEG ‘invasion’ retaliates back, thus UEF finds itself fighting the local Vietnamese, who have violent history against foreign Terran invaders. The conflict turns messier as Zentraedi rebels take the opportunity in the confusion to move deeper into Indochina wilderness & innermost remote region, in their stronghold that is the site known as the Golden Triangle.

The Zentraedi warlord cum Indochina drug baron, Lord Raijan Cyran of former 25th Cyran Armored Infantry Division with support from even local populace that depending their livelihood from the poppy fields - consolidated his base of power. Armed with his Zentraedi rebels (now known as Armies of Cyran) & enslaving the humans as slaves in his occuppied region, he establishes his fiefdom in the Golden Triangle. The warlord, who submits to the new fascist Imperative Dogma, is fanatical in his beliefs as most of his followers. His forces, entrench deep in the region, are well equip with mechas, & even more, well verse in jungle combat.

Lord Raijan’s forces defend their position well from the UEF aerial onslaughts, which claim many VF-1s & advanced UEF fighters through effective AA defence system salvage from down Zentraedi vessels. His forces also conduct hit & run guerilla raids against Southern Cross Task Force military outposts in Indochina. Not only that, another mysterious Zentraedi outfit, make up by all Meltrandi force, even manages to strike against UEF naval assets in South China Sea. Zaria, with her former Zentraedi force - known as 3rd Intara Armored Recon Wing Division – strike a crippling blow to UEG maritime trade in South China Sea as her Intara commandoes board UEG affliated cargo ships & loot precious protoculture supplies destine to UEG territories in East Asia.

Meanwhile, catch between both Zaria & Raijan forces; UEF High Command decides to scale back its operation in Indochina. Unwilling to commit to bloody tropical campaign against Raijan’s Armies of Cyran, UEF has to simply protect UEG economic interests in South China Sea. By late 2015, Operation Formosa is over, & UEF limited terrestrial naval assets in the Pacific are tasked to escort duties to protect maritime trade route in China Seas.

It is not long, however, a new powerbroker arrive in Indochina, EBSIS to muscle its way there. Hampers beforehand in Sino-Russo conflict, EBSIS decides that it too wants a bigger slice of the Indochina pie. Having begun their offensive against Zentraedi malcontents in protracted guerilla Siberian campaign, EBSIS is far more confident in clearing UEG mess in the Quadrant.

Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Berated for its failure to contain the Zentraedi threat in Indochina, the militaristic United Earth Interim Government finds its authority challenged. Several riots in Zentraedi population centers grow more violent, & reports of growing Malcontent movements unsettle the UEG. The policy against free movement for the naturalised Zentraedi citizens & force relocation of micronised Zentraedi away from the suspected rebel hideouts only worsen the matter. Many loyal UEG Zentraedi citizens feel their rights are taken away, & no thanks to malcontent provocateur agents, the assimilated Zentraedi grow more restless with UEG discriminatory policies.

The matters come ugly in the UEG Protectorate of Brasilia. Under orders from UEG Central Government in Monument City, a sizable Southern Cross Task Force garrison is ordered to pull back to North America following the threat of a new Zentraedi rebel group known as the Stingers. This led to worsening civil situation in the Protectorate; as large number of Zentraedi is discontent & openly defy the orders from the provincial government. The Brasillian Governor, Anatole Eli Leonard – a former UNDF military ground commander pre-Rain of Death era – is hard pressed to find a solution to ever increasing social unrest in his province. He has to fill the gap by pressing former militias & contracted armed mercenaries as stopgap measure to ensure security in Brasilia. He tries to make amends with loyal Zentraedi by appointing a Zentraedi, Captain Seloy Deparra as Head of Security in Brasilia. Along the way the two are engaged in romantic liaison, which helps to reduce tension in Southlands.

However, unknowingly to the Governor’s knowledge, Seloy Deparra is actually a high level Zentraedi mole that is responsible in instigating riots to destabilize the region & to steal access to top-level provincial government files. She has access to those files, especially UEG troop deployment in Southlands & most notably, the capability of the Southern Cross Task Force that is removed to North America to track & destroy her group active in that region, the Stingers. However, the time to execute her most daring plan has presented itself in the form of her former comrade, Miriya Paarino-Sterling.

The infamous Zentraedi ace comes to Brasilia alongside many Zentraedi & human right activists to engage in massive peaceful rally in Zentraedi occupied Federale district against the injustice of UEG anti Zentraedi policies. As head of security, Seloy Deparra orders the security forces, to break the rally & deal with the protesters with extreme prejudice. It is during this heighten tension in July 2015, the rally turns violent as the security forces deal harshly with the protesters, & such encounters turn bloody as from full blown riot becoming ethnic blood bath as both human & micronised Zentraedi practically prey on each other. In its aftermath, nearly 1100 Zentraedi lay dead alongside 79 humans. This also includes severely injured Miriya Paarino, who accuses Leonard’s administration as incompetent in failing to protect the local Zentraedi citizens.

The incident attracts a lot of media attention & broadcasts all over UEG territories. However, the fall out of the incident, no thanks to the enterprising Global News Network, is that Leonard’s lover is actually a leader of a malcontent group, & even the previous Zaria cover-up by UEG in Indochina is exposed. Both scandals rocked the UEG, & forced the UEG Cabinet to resign en-masse follow by a 2017 election. Even Anatole Eli Leonard & the upper civilian provincial Southlands government tender their resignation following what is then later known as ‘The Brasillian Massacre’. It is, in August 2015, the Emergency is formally declared in the Southlands & UEG civilian Government is suspended. The Malcontent Uprising has intensifies by this time.


Seloy Deparra who escaped during the Brasillian Incident, met with disgruntles micronised Zentraedi in the Amazons & makes alliances with Zentraedi drug warlords controlling the American cartels. Under fruitful deals, Seloy Deparra supplies the vaunted rebuilt recondition Quadrono Armors, known as Stingers, to Zentraedi rebels & provides security to the Zentraedi drug bosses, & her Stingers gain a monopoly to market drugs in North America. Concluding the agreement, soon after, she disappears into anonymity.

The Zentraedi radicalism increases tenfold after Brasilian Massacre. Terrorism is rife, claiming both loyal Zentraedi & humans alike, where security situation go down into the gutter. Mechanised Zentraedi units remain active again in the Amazons, & raids to protoculture supply depots increase. The situation in the Southlands has turned desperate as social stability & security are deeply compromised. The infamous Skull Squadron, lead by Lt. Cmmdr Maximillian Sterling is stationed in Southlands temporarily to deal with the situation there, while a crack UEF Centaur Hovertank units under Major Jonathan Wolfe is responsible for ground offensive. However, most importantly will be the appointment of former Brasillia’s Governor - Anatole Eli Leonard as the Commander for UEF-Southern Cross Task Force, South American Theatre. This time around, Leonard is adamant to correct his past mistakes during his short-term civilian stint, & he is a good & relentless Commander for the Task Force.

The Commander uses all resources he can muster up to combat the Zentraedi menace, so in 2016, as the insurgency intensifies, Leonard’s relentless assaults, using the armored Centaurs & recruits local militias to driven the Malcontents back into Amazonian jungle. The Southern Cross proved so effective under his tutelage (which is much better during the dismal operation in Indochina) - eventhough Sterling’s Skull Squadron later recalled back to head a space operation against Zentraedi space pirates - the operation against the Zentraedi gains him fame. Anatole Eli Leonard never shows mercy towards rogue Zentraedi, thus his ruthless tactics against hostile malcontents earn him the name ‘Little Dolza’ amongst his critics.

Meanwhile Seloy Deparra, relocates with her Stinger units in South America as UEF Task Force in North America has stepped up security surveillance to her clandestine missions. At this point, her rebel outfit becomes the de-facto leader within Southlands Zentraedi Malcontents. Under her tutelage, the Zentraedi even prove to be more cunning. This time around, they collaborate with EBSIS agents posing as mecha pirates to provide them with information of UEF troop movement in the Southland. In turn, the EBSIS ‘consultants’ will be rewarded with UEG’s captured or stolen mechas & the malcontents willingness to acquire EBSIS weapons. GMP, arms with the information, launches covert operation to stop such dealings but fell short of their objectives.

Leonard, believes he is running out of time, launches a massive aerial assaults carpet bombing to the poppy fields in the Americas, even if it meant violating Southern American Baronies airspaces. His bull headed approaches lead to significant head through in the campaign, & by forcing South American leaders to simply allow him to use their territories for UEF units to launch offensive against malcontents power bases. The 2 years long operation will later exhaust the Zentraedi malcontents, which is follow by military alliance between EBSIS, UEF & South American Independent baronies into SASTRAC Alliance in 2017AD. During these periods, Zentraedi Control Zone is identified in Amazon ZCZ, Borneo ZCZ, Congo ZCZ & Indochina ZCZ. However, it is the Amazon ZCZ where the fighting are more ferocious & bloody which the campaign given a long lasting images of humanity tenacity to combat Zentraedi aggression.

In late 2017, GMP operatives with the help of Miriya Paarino Sterling, locates the Stingers base in Southlands in which the Zentraedi druglords & Zentraedi rebel commanders are attending a secret meeting, & this tip leads to the infamous ‘Leonard’s Ambush’ to the rebel’s HQ by Leonard & his forces. The entire Amazonian ZCZ malcontent leaders are killed during this mission, alongside Seloy Deparra herself. This final offensive marks the success of Commander Anatole Eli Leonard & the Southern Cross Task Force based in South American Sector to halt the Zentraedi aggression in the region.

Finally in 2019AD, the entire ZCZ Amazon is declared free of hostile Zentraedi insurgents.

Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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EBSIS begin flirting with the Zentraedi shortly after the Zentraedi Uprisings. As more loyal Zentraedi UEG subjects become disenchanted with UEG heavy handedness in carrying out injustices against assimilated Zentraedi, EBSIS on the other hand offers stability & fair status quo to them. In the long running ‘Military Service for Citizenship’ campaign by EBSIS, has lead to mass exodus of micronised Zentraedi to EBSIS territories. Many Zentraedi crave to fight again & live the Zentraedi way, find such offer irresistible.

In 2017AD, not surprisingly, every 7 to 10 micronised Zentraedi are of EBSIS citizenry. EBSIS allows Zentraedi communities to spring in their expansive territories, & free to continue practicing with their alien Spartan-like culture. EBSIS armed forces swell with professional Zentraedi troops well verse in the art of warfare, thus reducing EBSIS reliance towards poor quality conscripts soldiers. The Zentraedi in EBSIS Armed Forces are allowed to keep their original Zentraedi military structure & units. This lead to undying loyalty amongst the Zentraedi to EBSIS political higher ups - match only by those formerly under Dolza Command. EBSIS on the other hand, now has in their disposal a ready made, indoctrinated Zentraedi troops that hate UEG plus together with Zentraedi mecha supplies which serve as a leverage against more powerful robotechnology-equipped United Earth Forces.

Surely enough, those Zentraedi enroll into EBSIS military find combat to their liking. In Siberian Front, fighting against fellow Zentraedi rebels only whet the appetite of these ‘Red Zents’ as they are later known. Their exploits in Siberia earn them respects amongst their human EBSIS peers, & as Siberian campaign drawing to a close, the casualties also pile up as most of these Red Zents fight with the barest of equipments, often fighting fanatically charge only with automated rifles. The EBSIS High Command decides not to risk more of these loyal Red Zents, & later excludes them from the upcoming Indochina Campaign. However, in the 2020s, the Red Zents will be recalled in the bloodiest fighting in the African Campaign, while others are chosen to establish the first ever EBSIS space forces in mid 2020s.

The EBSIS takes advantages of the current events transpire in the Southlands, which Zentraedi Uprisings differs than that in other parts of the world. Many EBSIS covert units pose as mercenaries, or mech-pirates, contact local Zentraedi Southland warlords & provide the rebels with intelligences & technical assistances. These make the hostile Zentraedi in the Southland as proxies of EBSIS, however, in 2017 as situation in South America worsens, EBSIS cut ties proper with the malcontents & help forming SASTRAC Alliance with UEG & provides military assistance & hardwares to South American Independent Baronies against the Malcontents. Not surprisingly too, after the Southlands Uprisings concludes, many former Zentraedi malcontent guerillas are recruited into EBSIS payroll & offered safe sanctuaries into EBSIS territories.


As UEF forces pull their forces out of Indochina in 2016AD, EBSIS, already flushes with the currently concluded peace agreement with China PRC & possible ally, find Indochina Quadrant simply irresistible. Thus plans to contact the rebel Zentraedi that foils UEF forces a year earlier in hope of converting them to EBSIS cause become paramount, or at very least, become EBSIS proxies in the region. Unfortunately, Indochina Quadrant situation differs than that of Southlands Uprisings, as such, EBSIS is in for a shock.

EBSIS first contact with Armies of Cyran proves disastrous as the Zentraedi fascists kill the envoys on sight while Intara Meltran rebels under Zaria’s command prove too cunning to be sway by sweet promises (even EBSIS is aware of Zaria’s treacherous nature). EBSIS, more determine than ever to add Indochina to its plate, find the support of local Indochina’s populace as a popular cause to be win, whose has past long history with Marxism. EBSIS forces readily move into Vietnam proper, unopposed by local population, & steps are made in establishing EBSIS puppet regime. Meanwhile, EBSIS military assets & personnels begin their forays into impenetrable jungle of Indochina.

The Armies of Cyran prove their mettle yet again against the micronian foes. Unwilling to let the EBSIS to encroach into their fiefdoms, EBSIS forces are bogged down in guerilla warfare, which wear down its forces. EBSIS aerial campaign also prove naught, as Armies of Cyran deploys effective AA laser defence system which prove their mettle against previous UEF Veritech squadrons a year earlier. Dispirited, EBSIS High Command begins plan to re-scale their operations in Indochina, but EBSIS is there to stay. As African campaign looms, in 2018, after 2 years of vicious tropical jungle war in Indochina, EBSIS, with the new ally China PRC, begin to cooperate in Indochina campaign.

Both Sino-Russo troops have earlier conclude successfully joint operations in mountainous Kazakhstan-Xinjiang border against clandestine hostile Zentraedi. With China PRC become proper ally of EBSIS, Sino troops begin their push towards northern Indochina borders to open a new front while Russo troops continually push from Eastern side. Armies of Cyran, find themselves boxed in, fight with such ferocity so much so that despite Sino-Russo alliance, casualties begin to pile up. Taking advantage of the tropical & jungle terrains, the Cyrans under Lord Raijan forcing the EBSIS operations to come to a stalemate in 2020AD, thus limiting EBSIS operation into irregular COIN missions. Along the way, Zaria & her Intaras continue to plunder both UEG & EBSIS affiliated cargo ships & ply her trade to supply the Cyrans. She also from time to time manages to become double agent to both EBSIS & the Cyrans, thus later designating her as the most wanted Zentraedi leader in the world’s intel communities.

Locked into a stalemate with the rogue Zentraedis in Indochina, EBSIS, from their Aswan base, begin their African Campaign. Many units from Vietnam front are recalled to attempt the largest EBSIS expansion in the African continent. This time around, EBSIS soldiers in the campaign are not exclusively from New Marxist Socialist Republic, but drawing from New German Republic & Polish descents, together with Arab & Persian troops supply by the Islamic Republic, alongside Sino & Korean personnels. These coalitions of EBSIS forces are known as International Liberation Armies (ILA), push deeper into Africa, meeting little resistance. However, the ILA find themselves face to face with Zentraedi entrenched in Congo ZCZ, & fight a bitter & bloody war reminiscent of Indochina campaign.

Unwilling to lose yet another war, EBSIS pool resources to defeat the insurgents lodged in Congo. Mechanised units are being fly directly straight from EBSIS mecha production centers in EBSIS territories into African continent. New advances in the latest military technology are developed following EBSIS war machines performances against Zentraedi rebels. New military doctrines & tactics evolved, follow by ever-effective coordination between ILA multinational forces. Even UEG chips in by sending Southern Cross Task Force from South Africa to assists EBSIS overly stretch force in the continent. The situation in Africa unfortunately degenerated at a fast rate as casualties mounted on both sides for the conflict in 4-5 more years, & finally, EBSIS ‘released’ its precious Red Zents to stomp the yard in Congo. Unrestrained, the Red Zents push suicidally into the heart of Congo ZCZ, & the African Campaign pull nearly to a stop as the EBSIS High Command lobs a strategic nuclear warhead at the final location of rebel Zentraedi HQ upon request of Supreme Commander Dhyron Broger, EBSIS-Zentraedi Command. The incident, occurs 1st May 2025, is forever known as ‘Dhyron’s Burn’ shocked most of the world that Earth has not one but TWO superpowers capable of dealing against hostile aliens.

The effect of Dhyron’s Burn marks the ability of EBSIS that stun even UEG. The world’s political climate will never be the same again.

Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:07 pm, edited 4 times in total.


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The effects are immediate. The success of Southern Cross Task Force in the Southlands will catapult UEG standings in the eyes of its subjects, so much so UEF renaming its field army in 2020 proper as Armies of Southern Cross, reflecting the courage of the Southern Cross Task Force combatants. In the same year, Anatole Eli Leonard, after such success is appointed as the Supreme Commander of UEF by UEG High Command eventhough there is limited opposition to his exploits during the Malcontent era. Following the militaristic Interim UEG and its blunders & scandals back in the 2010s, follow by delayed popular election scheduled in 2017 well into 2020AD, a civilian government under Prime Minister Wyatt Patterson Moran wins more than 2/3rd majority in UEG Senate put the trust of UEG back to its citizens.

Meanwhile, during the tenuous years of mid 2010s when Malcontent Uprisings rages, many nations declared independence from UEG, however, UEG manages to rein these nations, at the price of awarding them with autonomous concessions. The debacle in Brasilia Protectorate forces UEG to make concessions to its provincial governments, where local UEG Governors have the right to create a standing reserve army (Territorial Armies) in time of crisis where SCA may not be available. These mark the lasting effect of feudal mindset prevalent in UEG until up to final closure of 2nd Robotech War in 2031. Also in 2020AD, with the setting up of the new UEG cabinet, United Earth Forces (UEF) – the UEG’s military arm – also undergo internal restructuring, with the UEF terrestrial elements & UEF space force responsible for Earth & Sol-System defence are grouped together & renamed as United Earth Defence Force. UEDF, alongside Expeditionary Force (EF) are the main sword & shield for the new era of humankind.

Dhyron’s Burn Incident in Congo ZCZ (1st May 2025) marks the Soviet capabilities that shock even the UEG. Eversince EBSIS relentless expansion in every major continent, UEG has been wary of its intention. The Dhyron’s Burn also leaves lasting effects to most Zentraedi insurgents still active in other parts of the world of their futile insurgencies. EBSIS, which has lost 2/3rd of its Red Zents in Congo ZCZ military campaign, will acquires new Zentraedi recruits, with both Intara rebels & Armies of Cyran finally accepting EBSIS overlordship in Indochina. Both Zentraedi groups, will later amongst remnants of the Red Zents, form the 1st ever EBSIS space force, which astounded UEG in 2026AD. The infamous Zaria will go on to become the 1st Zentraedi Fleet Admiral in serve of EBSIS space fleet. Of Lord Raijan, he will later become the Chief of Communist Party in EBSIS-hold Indochina, & maintains his fiefdom. EBSIS also by this point fields a highly experienced armed forces, & gains technological advantage in a decade of combating hostile Zentraedi by developing Robotech mecha of their own.

The effects of Malcontent Uprisings also leave a lasting mark to many micronised Zentraedi. After two-thirds of their race renounce UEG citizenship to EBSIS in mid 2010s, the remaining UEG Zentraedi loyalists have packed up to resettle off-world colonies under Gloval’s Initiative Plan, which begin in earnest in 2015 to 2023 onwards. Many enlist into Expeditionary Force, while others begin life anew in many Terran colonies both in & out of Sol System. Away from the horrors of Malcontent Crises on Earth, the micronised Zentraedi alongside their human brethrens find common cause to strive on hostile alien frontiers, & become more assimilated & integrated with human colonists. By 2040AD, many 2nd generation Zentraedi colonists regard themselves as part of humanity, as do most human colonists, so much so these colonists develop a distinct culture of their own, with social ideals that set them apart from those humans still remains on Earth.

The Expeditionary Force that lead humanity to colonize deep space to pave the way for humanity, as SDF-3 in December 2022 launches & marks the Pioneer Mission to search for Robotech Masters homeworld. Many former Malcontent Uprisings outstanding personnels, are transferred over EF along many Destroids formerly in reserves. This policy severely impedes UEF terrestrial forces for the early part of 2020s, as many capable officers have to be trained. However, due to joint operation with EBSIS forces in African Campaign & fast track officer programmes offered by Robotech Academy, SCA is able to replace the brain drain losses during the culling of their staffs to the EF mission.


Many historians will put the era of Malcontent Uprisings from 2014 – 2019 AD, but this is erroneous in nature given the fact that these particular historians will simply gloss over the abortive early UEF campaign in Indochina & put more emphasis of UEF exploits against Malcontents in the Southlands. So much so, other Malcontent Crises along the way will be forgotten much like Korean War in Earth mid 20th era. Furthermore, radical Zentraedi armed movements will significantly change the entire post-Rain of Death on Earth’s social landscape, from international borders to social-economic relations to international politics.

The only belligerent Zentraedi on Earth, specifically the tattered remnants of hostile malcontents in Congo ZCZ will lay their arms proper in 2028AD, leaving only both UEG & EBSIS to decide the Earth’s fate. But never do both super powers realized, a powerful fleet under Robotech Masters has inched closer to Sol-system. Both UEG & EBSIS will have to rally humankind to defend its homeworld for the second time against alien invasion!

Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread post by Arnie100 »

:D You have a nasty...nasty mind there, I love it! Keep 'em coming! I''m ready...
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

I agree! That is very cool and very nasty! I like it! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

As documents of the Robotech Wars, these are required reading for Earth natives and alien visitors (and aliens-in-residence) alike!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

That is a great point Taalismn! Very good one indeed. These should be read by the masses.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."


Unread post by Protoculture »

I'll be posting Genesis: 2nd RT War before end of October. I currently busy reediting the essay, which consumed a lot of my free time.

The above Genesis: Malcontent Uprisings had to be rewritten atleast 3 times until I personally satisfied with the outcome. Thanks to Jeffar's previous EBSIS essays which provides significant insights regarding neo-Soviets, I finally able to summarize their campaigns in Indochina & Africa against Malcontents.

Next month, under Robotecha Encyclopaedia section, I'll be posting Zentraedi language appendix, & essays regarding Sentinels aliens.

By December, Genesis: Sentinels Campaign will be posted.

Stay tuned!
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Sounds good to me I can wait for it! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."



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BY: COLONEL (ret) MAHMOUD ABBAS (CONSULTANT- UEEF Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence Kommandatura Section)


When one reviews on the final two decades shortly after “Rain of Death” in 2011AD, that includes subsequent turbulent period of Malcontent Uprisings during Reconstruction era, one simply has to address the humanity struggle against a second impending alien invasion of Terra & Sol system, this time by the Zentraedi former overlords, the enigmatic Robotech Masters. This chapter of humanity interstellar history, in which humankind has to once again defend its homeworld from alien invasion, known to most as Second Robotech War.

Much documentation on this very era has been published prior to this very article, whereby the author wishes for the readers not to rely solely on information contain herein. The purpose of this article is to provide readers with various insights during this era of humankind prior to the Invid Invasion & Third Robotech War.


With the destruction of Gorg BoDolza Fleet (Dolza’s Grand Fleet) in Sol System during 2011AD & subsequent capture of Zentraedi Factory Satellite by UEF space force in 2013AD effectively crippled the Robotech Imperium defence capacity from hostile forces. The entire 4th Quadrant & the vast Robotech Masters Empire, instability & lawlessness slowly prevail as result of deteriorating security situation & most notably protoculture crises that hit the Empire from 2012 – 2018AD.

To fill the vacuum leaves behind by Zentraedi Regular Armies that perished alongside Dolza in Sol-system, the vaunted far-flung Zentraedi Borderers (of Tyrolian Border Forces) are recall back to defend the Empire. But the Robotech Masters citizens in its Imperial colonies, even Tyrol & many other alien species whose homeworlds are part of Imperium colonial assets, never actually realized the severity of the security & protoculture crises that are going to jeopardize the Empire’s future into the gutter. As for Robotech Masters, preparation has begun to finish the job that Dolza & his Zentraedi have never been able to finish, the retrieval of the last protoculture matrix aboard SDF-1.

Robotech Elders, the triumvirate figureheads on the Empire throne, decree that for the sake of the Empire, the protoculture matrix retrieval mission is critical & paramount. Robotech Masters are given free hand to use all readily available resources that the Empire has, including limited protoculture supplies still available at their disposal to organize the mission. However, the Tyrolian Border Forces (whose 2/3rd of its personnels are comprised by Zentraedi Borderers) are held back to defend the Empire from external threat, in order not to repeat the same debacle that befallen the Zentraedi Regular Armies, a possible widespread cultural contamination. This time around, only the emotionless Robotech Masters artificial triumvirate clones will be the ones to reclaim the lost Robo-Grail half a galaxy away.

The mobilization of the best triumvirate clones are organized throughout the Empire, with the elite Imperial Bioroid Forces taking the lead in matter of future conflict with the accursed micronians. Robotech Masters mobilize atleast 12 Azashar class flagships, alongside hundreds of Assault Cruisers & even Taul-Detrel System Destroyers in tow. As the best & finest of the Empire military machines, with the last protoculture supplies that the Empire still has & crewed by the Masters own clones assemble near their homeworld, the Masters Imperial Armada disappears from the Imperium in 2014AD & travel to Sol-System through a 15 year journey by impulse drive, in order to minimize their already depleted protoculture supplies.

The race towards Earth has begun.
Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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As Malcontent Uprisings draw to a conclusion on Earth in 2018AD, amidst the massive colonization efforts both in & out of Sol-System (that begins in 2015 AD onwards), the Expeditionary Force of the United Earth Forces has begun to explore the deep space. Construction of EF vessels continued aboard Robotech Repair Satellite, & as SDF-2 is badly damaged during the previous 2014 conflict, the new SDF-class vessel is constructed during this period. The Pioneer Mission objective is finally unveiled to the public, to locate the homeworld of Robotech Masters as to pursue peaceful negotiations, or if that fails, then to bring the next war on Masters doorstep.

However, the Tokugawa class carriers begin to be deploying for preliminary navigational survey of deep space alongside re-converted Zentraedi Tou Redir scout ships to pave the way for humanity off-world colonization. Already several of Angel-class colony ships with escort flotillas that are part of Expeditionary Force traversing the deep space begun to establish colonies on habitable alien worlds that EF discovers during their journey to deep space.

UEG rationalize the large drain of public funds to finance the Expeditionary Force, to deter any possible alien incursions the likes of Zentraedi that have no qualm in leveling entire Earth once again. The large scope of EF Pioneer Mission also means the culling large number of experienced officers from UEF, who also includes veterans of 1st Robotech War & Malcontent Uprisings. Even many decommissioned 1st generation Destroids formerly put in reserve are seconded to EF, much to the objection of the UEF Field Marshall, Supreme Commander Anatole Eli Leonard - a much decorated hero of Malcontent Uprisings. As many capable officers, especially those attached to UEF space force & significant personnels from Southern Cross Armies (UEF Field Army) are transferred over to EF mission, leads to brain drain to the UEF military on Earth. The manpower setbacks however are resolved through accelerated syllabus offered by Robotech Academy through fast track officer programmes & also through joint operations with EBSIS forces in Congo ZCZ against Malcontents.

With more than 2/3rd of its armada already in deep space, the newly christened SDF-3 Pioneer with its 6 Valivarre-class escort vessels are launch to rejoin the rest of EF fleet in December 2022, marking the official start of the Pioneer Mission. However, the Robotech Factory Satellite, carrying with it the last batch of colonists & other EF dependents will be the last of EF assets to join the EF fleet in 2025 AD, with UEG on Earth keeping tracks of EF mission through commo links with Space Station Liberty.

As EF fleet spread out to search out the vast space for Masters homeworld, the said antagonist already inching closer toward their ultimate objective, Earth.
Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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The elite UEF terrestrial unit - Southern Cross Task Force gain its fame through extensive ground & aerial operations against Zentraedi malcontents in the mid & late 2010s, most notably the successful operations in the Southlands. Lead by Southern Cross Task Force – South American Theatre - Commdr Anatole Eli Leonard, Malcontent threats in South America is crushed without mercy & the final assault by this elite unit eliminated every single Zentraedi Malcontent leaders including the famed Amazon ZCZ Stingers key operation leader, Seloy Deparra. These successes alone lead the UEG in renaming United Earth Field Army in 2020 as Armies of Southern Cross - marks the courage & tenacity of Southern Cross Task Force combatants. Naturally, Cmmdr Leonard is appointed as the Supreme Commander for UEF as Prime Minister Wyatt Patterson Moran taken an office oath with the new UEG cabinet following the popular election in 2020AD.

However, the culling of several experienced officers from ASC & the re-mobilization of 1st generation Destroids to the EF mission severely impedes the ASC in the early 2020s, couples with large budget cuts following the massive funding for EF mission. This leads to perception that UEG views EF mission takes the topmost priority over the defence of Terra itself. However, in 2023, under pressure from ASC & determined UEG public, allocation of sizable funds by UEG bureaucrats finally allows for United Earth Defence Force to build its space force, & of course, the development of 2nd generation Robotech mechas for the UEDF.

Specialized Veritechs, such as VF-8 Logan, VF-7 Sylphide & VHT-2 Sparta Hovertanks give UEDF the Robotechnological edge as the aged VF-1 Valkyrie is retired from active operational service in 2025AD. UEDF space force acquires large numbers of Banshees class escorts, Battle-class destroyers & Tristar-class flagships with more vessels constructed on Earth-based aerospace naval yards. However, most striking will be the issuance of personalized body armors to ASC personnels that strikes a chord amongst UEG citizens that the ASC, or UEDF in general is the new breed of armored knights protecting the ‘Neo-Camelot’ – signifying UEG & the current feudalistic political era of the 2020s.

Even though UEG administrative capital is within Scandinavia Quadrant, its military nerve center is effectively within North America Quadrant with the seat of ASC lay firmly at Monument City, located not far from abandoned New Macross City ruins. ASC itself expand aggressively to all four corners of the world, to keep law & security in balance against the newly risen Terran rival, the EBSIS. The mid 2010s to late 2020s often being described as 2nd Cold War era, similarly mimicked the past as UEG keep on eye on EBSIS militaristic venture. But by far, UEG & its terrestrial military arm, ASC is ultimately viewed by many as the guardian of Earth post SDF-3 departure. However, as many political analysts at that time speculated, if 2nd Robotech war never materialize, the 3rd World War on Earth would begin between both superpower, EBSIS & UEG.

But then again, as speculation abounds, a new menace has just play its hand to ascertain the situation on Earth for possible invasion, under the very noses of United Earth Defence Force.
Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Silently but surely, Robotech Masters Imperial Armada inched closer to Sol-System in 2027AD. However, before actual invasion can begin, the Masters secretly send an advance scout flotilla to review the Sol-System, assess Terran fleet movement & ascertain off-world military bases. Most importantly, to identify the exact location of Zor’s downed battlefortress & access the fortress’s main computer system for the missing protoculture matrix hidden aboard the fallen fortress.

The small stealthy flotilla, disguised as space pirates, slip undetected into Sol-System & near Earth orbit. In September 2027, a raid occur in North Province of Far East Sector, which initiated by Masters covert unit (under the guise of space pirate) whose mission is to abduct a top level UEDF officer known as Col. BD Andrews. After extracting necessary intel from the dying officer, the Masters research team aboard one of the ‘pirate’ ships immediately substituting him with a clone, & reinsert the clone back to Earth. The clone immediately emerged as hero of the said raid, & receives promotion as head of operations at Robotech Research Centre, Tokyo that housed the original SDF-1 main computer, EVE (or Ih’Va).

The Far East Sector Research Centre at that time is conducting top-secret advanced Cyclone MODAT-5 programme, codenamed as MEGAZONE 23. Unfortunately, through a series of circumstantial events, the experimental mobile database terminal cyclone MODAT 5 fallen to the hand of local street racer, & through all the ensuing confusion, EVE, the AI of SDF-1 main computer, disguised as a popular media idol in Tokyo is trying to leak the Masters plans to the UEG representative through the MODAT 5 database. Col. BD Andrews (or his clone) effectively begins frantic search of the prototype Cyclone, turning Neo Tokyo streets upside down in his attempts to plug the leak from ever getting out. Meanwhile, at the same time, Brigadier Rolf Emerson & a small Tactical Space Corp flotilla are ordered in top secret mission to engage the ‘space pirate’ that is responsible for the earlier raid.

However, the clone has begun transmitting the contents of the EVE computer core to an abandoned Earth satellite, to be intercepted by the Robotech Masters. The information also includes the coordinate of the fallen battlefortress, & entailing strategies needed to defeat UEDF in Sol System in possible invasion. However, in a desperate attempt to plug the sensitive information from ever getting out & trying to manipulate the political situation in Far East Sector, Col. BD Andrews & contracted forces loyal to him stages a coup de tat in Tokyo & nearly succeeded in assassinating Japan UEG Protectorate Governor, Minister Embrey who has been informed of the possible linkage between the space pirate & BD Andrews. In the attempt, the clone is killed by a civilian biker-leader, & through information passed by EVE, Emerson’s task force manages to locate the ‘space pirates’ & immediately destroy the ‘pirate’ small flotilla in heavy ship-to-ship engagements that also taken a heavy casualty to the TSC Taskforce.

The true nature of the Incident is keep top secret by Minister Embrey, who fears UEG will not simply believe the Masters connection to the recent Far East Quadrant event due to lack of evidence, but GMP secretly files the report back to Brigadier General Rolf Emerson, who is later that year promoted as Chief of Staff in charge of UEDF surface & aerospace operations. However, speculation abounds regarding the recent event occurs in Far East Sector, but nothing ever remains concrete. As for Masters, despite the minor setback, has begun to formulate plans for the invasion to truly begins!
Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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After 1-year hiatus, the wheel has been set into motion. In 17 January 2029, the Masters Imperial Armada completed its 15-year voyage to the Sol System & positioning the fleet near Saturn. Without haste, Masters begin to send raiding parties for a probing assault against Moon Base Luna & Space Station Liberty. An escort flotilla known as Liberty Observer Group, returning from its tour of duty from Space Station Liberty receives a mayday from the stricken communiqué issued by the station, & then loses its signal, and moves to investigate. They are attacked en route, while the Masters bomb Moon Base Luna, seizing up survivors for possible use as Bioroid pilots. Liberty Observer Group is relieved by a task force under Tactical Armored Space Corp’s Black Lion Squadron - who at that time undergoing final tests of AGACS Veritech prototype – lead by Lt. Cmmdr Marie Crystal, and the Robotech Masters' ships retreat without revealing their identity.

Following the incident, UEDF High Command issues red alert to all its off-world military installations & UEG off-world colonies. To assess the situation, UEDF dispatches sizable force to determine the situation at Luna, finding the base largely destroyed. The civilian chemical engineering station on the far side of the moon, ALuCE-1, is evacuated following the attack, and the evacuees, along with the injured from the fleet engagement and Liberty, are returned to Earth. A skeleton crew is sent to Luna to maintain its communication facilities. Insufficient data is available to determine the identity of the attackers, who has being determined as the same hostile force that initiated the raid in Far East Quadrant’s Northern Province 2 years earlier in 2027 & simply code named as ‘space pirates’.

Yet, it taken nearly 3 months Earth standard that Masters begin initiating their next move. In 9th April 2029, the Imperial Armada enters Earth orbit, immediately destroying Earth’s military & commercial satellites that are capable of sending visual information to Earth based commo stations thus effectively severing Earth’s link to Space Station Liberty. In the initial invasion, Lunar Space Station 25 – Moonbase counterpart to SSL – which serves as fleet staging base & logistic depot near Moon, is destroyed alongside all its personnels, marking the aggressive intents of Masters forces. The Imperial Armada effectively blockading Earth from that point onwards as UEG begins to lose contact with the rest of the universe.

Meanwhile in space, SSL in desperation having losing contact with Earth, folds to the asteroid belt to escape detection as the rest of UEG off-world colonies in Mars, Jupiter’s & Saturn’s moons fortifying their defences. SSL attempts to report to the Expeditionary Force that new aliens have arrived in system and isolated Earth. Meanwhile on Earth, UEG through its terrestrial armed force, ASC begins general red alert & cementing military alliance with EBSIS armed forces to combat the new menace. 2nd Robotech War has begun!!!
Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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It is during this early attempt of hostility, Masters send in a Bioroid strike force to test Terran defenders near Quebec sector, & nearly succeeded in annihilating Civil Defence Corp units stationed there, before finally being driven away by arriving ASC reinforcement – the 15th Alpha Tactical Armored Corp. The Imperial Armada silently encircles Earth orbit, achieving space supremacy beyond Earth orbitals & the Moon.

As Robotech Masters contemplate the next course of action, the UEG back on Earth is still scratching its head regarding the identity of the hostile aliens hovering above the skies. Global Military Police, UEDF intel agency offers speculative guesses to the describe the new threats, such as ‘space pirates’ & even rogue micronised Zentraedi. However in early May 2029, GMP intel manages to intercept communications between the alien ships, and confirms that the new enemy are the Robotech Masters, "descendants of Zor, the first Robotech Master”. Through cracking the Zentraedi archive files, UEDF manages to ascertain an educated guess of the new assault mechas that Masters utilized, the Bioroids.

In 4 May 2029, the threat is formally announced to the UEG citizenry, who are nonetheless reassured of their safety, later follows by general declaration to the entire world. EBSIS at this point begins cooperating fully with UEDF in ensuring terrestrial defences are keep highly on red alert & efficient operational status. Supreme Commander Leonard, determines to has a crack at the new alien invaders, with the UEDF Joint Chiefs of Staffs sit down & begins to formulate the first offensive against the new threat. It is decided that elements of Tactical Air Force & Tactical Space Corp will lead the 1st offensive against the Masters.

From Fokker Aerospace Base near Monument City in 21 May 2029, TAF & TASC Veritech squadrons launch an attack against the Robotech Masters' flagship, with heavy losses. The Robotech Masters retaliate, sending Roil Tiluvo Assault corvettes & its complement of Bioroids steadily descend & attacking the aerospace base, catch the Robotech Defenders on the ground by surprise & begin cutting down the Fokker Base in flames. These attacks are repelled by intervention by the 15th Alpha Tactical Armored Corp – lead by 2nd Lt. Dana Sterling, which had already abandoned its Civil Defense duties to assist the aerospace base before new orders arrived to that effect. It is at this point the weaknesses of the United Earth Forces against Masters become apparent. Similarly, the first weakness of the Robotech Masters' forces is noted in that a direct hit to the cockpit area of the assault corvette appears to impact their command and control infrastructure and caused an immediate withdrawal of Bioroid troops.

Retreated back to the Armada, lead by the Imperial Armada greatest Battle Lord of the Fleet, Zor Prime, Robotech Masters simply assess the aftermath with cold disdain, knowing full well the futility of Earth Defenders against the invincibility of the mighty Imperial Armada.
Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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In 11 June 2009, a mission is launched by UEDF to attempt to reestablish the link between Earth & Space Station Liberty, and its Moon Base counterpart, because the loss of contact with the hyperspace communications through Liberty is preventing UEDF from relaying their mayday to the Expeditionary Force. Despite heavy harassment by the Robotech Masters' forces and the loss of one shuttle due to an engine malfunction, a second shuttle breaks through the Masters' jamming net, & transmits a pre-recorded signal to Liberty, which responds, and notifies Moon Base that contact has been regained. Contact between Earth and Liberty is temporarily reestablished & Liberty begins to broadcast recall order to EF spread out in deep space, but expects to take some time before Liberty distress signal can reach them.

However, at this juncture, Sol-System Terran colonies notably Mars has begun militarized in expectation of Masters probing assault. Many personnels from military & civilian outposts in both Jovian & Saturn moons relocate to Mars to beef up her security. Mars UEG colonial governor has begun active conscriptions amongst her colonists, even relieving up many 1st generation mechas in reserve to be put as its 2nd line of defence. Despite Masters harassment to Earth based forces, the Imperial Armada never broaden its scope of operations against other UEG’s off-world colonies in Sol-System.

Meanwhile, Masters begin worldwide raids by small Bioroid assault parties, carrying raids to protoculture supply depots in order to replenish & adding to their limited stock. Their raids taken them to encroach into many UEG territories, even deep within EBSIS territories in order to pillage Earth’s protoculture supplies. The clandestine & stealthy nature of such missions is bad news to Earth’s Robotech Defenders, knowing Earth based forces are below the Robotechnological scale against the Robotech Masters. Not only that, EBSIS ground forces are also tested very badly against the small Bioroids raiding parties in a few conflicts that arise when EBSIS forces intercept the raiding enemy units.

Push comes to shove as in 13 July 2029, the Robotech Masters launch a clandestine expedition to excavate the ruins of the SDF-1. The excavation team later is discovered by two ATAC soldiers on patrol. One soldier, Private Bowie Grant of the 15th Squad, is captured, and is held in the Masters' command vessel. Following the next day, the captured soldier's commanding officer, 1st Lt. Dana Sterling, launches an unauthorized rescue mission, succeeding in freeing the captured soldier. Reinforcements arrive on both sides, & the fight quickly devolves into a stalemate until a Masters Flagship arrives, and Bioroids and command vessel withdraw with heavy fire support from the Flagship. However, UEDF High Command know that Earth’s security is deeply compromised & begins steps to ensure no further encroachment ever happen again, although the efforts may be in vain.
Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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In 12 August 2029, Robotech Masters maintain an orbit at 36,000 km altitude, & maintain a unilateral cease-fire. At this time, because of relative peace, Earth's alert status begins to slacken. The self-imposed ease-fire is broken when a suburban base station in sector 3 is attacked and destroyed with all inhabitants. Twenty survivors are taken prisoner by the small Bioroid assault forces, lead by Battle Lord of the Fleet, Zor Prime. The survivors taken by Masters forces are not held as hostages, but simply undergone neural probes (& later are disposed to their unreliability to be reprocessed into Bioroid pilots) as to ascertain the knowledge of protoculture matrix & most possibly, strategic & sensitive military information regarding Earth’s forces.

The hostile action by Robotech Masters outraged the UEG public the next day. Riots begin, & UEG Prime Minister Wyatt Patty Moran demands an explanation from the General Staff of UEF. Supreme Commander Leonard suggests a retaliatory strike, though Chief of Staff Emerson demurs, suggesting that it might be more prudent to discover what the aliens want. Emerson's concerns are immediately vetoed, & a massive air attack is planned against the Masters. The aerial assault is launched against the lead Masters Flagship, now in the upper atmosphere, which is another act of futility as the Masters ship protected itself with encompassing energy shield, similar in disposition as fielded by the now long-gone SDF-1. The failed assault again yielding very heavy casualties, demoralizing ASC with the higher number of losses suffers by its aerial arm, the TAF.

Meanwhile, research proceeds on the Robotech Masters' technology. Dr Miles Cochrane & Dr Samson Beckett of Southern Cross Robotech Research Institute report their findings to UEDF High Command, whereby Bioroid pilots are concluded to be human by the Southern Cross' scientists, & not originally assumed as micronized Zentraedi, though this is never accepted among the High Command for political reasons. However, another breakthrough is achieved when a weakness in the reactionless propulsion system is found by Cpl. Nichols of the 15th ATAC with the help by Drs. Cochrane & Beckett. As the findings forwarded & agreed by Chief of Staffs Rolf Emerson, another 2nd aerial assault is planned.

In 16 August 2029, the 15th ATAC is airdropped onto the hull of the Masters' flagship to exploit this weakness, with the aerial support by the now veterans TAF Veritech squadrons that itching for a revenge. The mission is an outstanding success as the Robotech Masters' flagship is downed, and crashes to Earth within sight of Monument City. UEDF finally finds the chink in Masters techno armor.
Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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As the Masters flagship crash-landed near Monument City, large ASC surface divisions immediately converge & launch heavy assault against the downed alien Robotech fortress. Supported by heavy aerial bombardments & artillery & fire supports from ASC battloid mechanized infantries, ASC encounters heavy resistance from the Bioroid Imperial Forces that defends the fortress successfully. As ASC organize yet another ground offensive, UEDF High Command ponders the next course of action in search of the fortress vulnerabilities.

In 22 August 2029, after considering their options, UEDF High Command orders the 15th ATAC to infiltrate the flagship on a reconnaissance mission. Under heavy fire from defending Bioroid sentries, the 15th ATAC – already a celebrated ASC outfit in the entire UEDF – punches through & successfully infiltrating the mysterious confines of the alien fortress. This is a perfect opportunity on both sides as the 15th & the Robotech Masters take the opportunity to study one another. The 15th squad has to be separated into 3 small teams during their not too discreet exploration within the fortress.

The 1st team under Sgt Angelo Dante is ambushed by Masters Terminator sentries, while the 2nd team lead by Pvt. Sean Phillips discovers an alien farmhouse (which is actually in-house Opteran plants farm – aka mature Flower of Life trees organic cultivation center) without any untoward incident. However, another team lead by Lt. Dana Sterling discovers that the civilian population of the flagship consists of triplet clones (triumvirate) after stumbling through the fortress residential area. Earlier on, her team discovers an android assembling center, contributing to the factor that at least some clones are constructed (androids), rather than grown & that biomechanical components are incorporated into the construction.

After undergoing several harrowing dangerous situations put forth by the Masters, the 15th squad reunites again, even though they suffer a few losses. As they attempting to exit the Masters' ship, Lt. Dana Sterling captures a Bioroid sentry alongside its pilot. The highly successful mission emboldens & lifts the spirits of the embattled ASC, put high hopes amongst UEDF High Command. This leads to temporary lulls in the ground offensive against the fortress, as both sides lick their wounds & prepare for the next round of armed conflict.
Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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In early September 2029, constant recon patrols begin around the downed flagship. UEDF HQ concludes that the Robotech Masters have come to Earth to plunder its reserves of protoculture, unaware that their real goal is the last fertile Matrix within the ruins of the SDF-1. In the meantime, research is ongoing to study the captured Bioroid & its pilot by SC Robotech Research Institute’s scientists. Analysis of the captured Bioroid & its pilot leads to the conclusion that the Bioroid reacts to the nervous system of the pilot through a series of biological diodes biogenetically engineered into the pilot's body. The captured pilot soon dies of his wounds in captivity. The prevailing prejudice among UEDF high command is that the Bioroid pilots are biologically human androids, living beings that are assembled rather than born or grown. Supreme Commander Leonard further insists that the Masters must be micronized Zentraedi, over the objections of Lt. Dana Sterling.

However, in 10 September 2029, the Robotech Masters launch a surprise attacks against the civilian populace of Monument City, & 200 prisoners are taken for intelligence purposes. UEG issues reports of 200 human prisoners as casualties of the surprise raid, in order not to cause more panic amongst Monument City’s residents. On Masters side, the 200 prisoners undergone extensive neural probes in order to learn more about the primitive micronian culture. The effects of Masters unorthodox intel-gathering procedure renders the prisoners into comatose & brain-dead state, thus they are disposed as micronians proven to be useless to be re-used as Bioroid pilots.

The Masters decide their next course of intel gathering by planning to insert their Battle Lord of the Fleet, Zor Prime into human society as a spy in early October 2029. Meanwhile, UEDF High Command destroys newly captured Bioroid pilots, because they become non-responsive when taken from their cockpits, reinforcing the Leonard's misconception of the pilots as non-living bio-androids. The capture of civilians has angered the populace, who are demanding immediate action from the government and the military. Leonard is contacted by UEG Prime Minister, ordering him to end his inaction & escalate the attacks on the Robotech Masters.

An EF vessel finally receives Liberty's first mayday signal from January while serving as the picket ship on communication-relay duty. The REF is notified by SSL, but due to being spread out and otherwise occupied because of its mission, Maj. Carpenter's UES Hannibal (a Tokugawa class-carrier) is the only ship available. The ship is contacted by General Gunther Reinhardt of EF High Command & directed to Earth, to assess the situation there & warn Earth that the EF doesn't expect to be able to send more help for several more months due to current deployments and ongoing operations.
Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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In 15 October 2029, the Robotech Masters' flagship docks with a second mothership & lifts off from Earth's surface, despite a desperate attempt by the 15th ATAC to prevent the link-up. Zor Prime is allowed to be captured by the Southern Cross; he falls into the hands of the GMP, who covertly enlists General Emerson to help them debrief the prisoner, whom they suspect will be simply put to death if Leonard's men capture him. Col. Alan Fredricks, the head of GMP with the help from Dr. Miles Cochrane are sworn to secrecy by Chief of Staff Emerson, who is anxious to garner any available information from the clone.

A surprise return of EF reinforcement given a brief hope to human defenders in 29 October 2029 as UES Hannibal folds near Earth orbit. However, the hopes are dashed as Major Carpenter's vessel & its escort fighters complement are destroyed while ramming and destroying one of the Masters' motherships. To Leonard's dismay, Carpenter informs him of the EF's inability to send more help at the moment.

Masters plan to integrate Zor Prime continues successfully. His interviews & debriefing sessions intensify, despite his almost complete amnesia. He is moved from a GMP - Military Intelligence facility to a more "human" setting, namely the Monument City military hospital. During his internment at the medical center, Lt Dana Sterling of the 15th ATAC illicitly sneaks into the hospital room of Zor Prime to confront him for killing men under her command. During the brief intrusion, the clone remembers a figment of his memory, based on a 15th trooper whistle that Zor Prime identifies as one of Masters music. GMP immediately foils Lt. Sterling’s next attempt as she escapes with the rest of her intrepid squadmates.

In December 2029, after careful analysis & colors by prejudice (no thanks to Masters own heartless actions), Supreme Commander Leonard begins to believe that the alien goal is the extermination of the human race. Even the Masters return the same sentiments as their statements among themselves increasingly advocate this course of action, a change from their original position that they are interested only in recovery of the Protoculture Matrix.

Under discretion of Chief of Staff Emerson & the recommendation from GMP, Zor Prime is introduced into the 15th ATAC in February 2030, in the hope that a military environment will awaken his memories as a Bioroid pilot. Lt. Sterling's squadron is chosen because of her Zentraedi heritage, & because of her previous encounters with him in the field. Experience with a picture of the mounded ruins of the SDF-1 causes Zor to suffer a seizure, while the Masters' programming reasserts control over him. Zor's flashbacks reveal for certain that the protoculture is the Masters' goal, though the General Staff still believes that they are after Earth's stockpiles, and are unaware of the relevance of the ruins of the SDF-1. Despite General Emerson's entreaties, Leonard concludes that the only solution is a direct assault on the Masters' fleet.

Unbeknownst to the General Staff, Zor Prime overhears General Emerson's comments that an attack by the Earth fleet is in preparation, and this information is intercepted by the Masters. The Masters spy unconsciously become a perfect eyes & ears for the Masters, who immediately react to counter ASC military advances!
Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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In March 2030, the full-production Veritech AGAC enters service with TASC. Earth also launches its first major offensive against the Masters in space, consisting of some twenty battlecruisers & an equal number of destroyers under TSC Captain Nordoff. With the Masters already tipped off to the attack & the relative strength of Earth’s strike forces by the implant in Zor Prime’s brain, the advancing TSC strikeforce is quickly & soundly defeated, & the few surviving capital ships are directed by Nordoff to fall back to AluCE-1. Following the failure of the 1st space assault, UEDF High Command orders that a second assault wave to be deployed, link up with the remnants of the first, & to launch a combined attack on the Masters.

Meanwhile, finally Earth’s distress call, sent when communications with SS Liberty was reestablished, reaches the EF, but EF are now deeply entangled in a new conflict & General Reinhardt decides that it cannot break off. Thus, UEDF is expected (alongside EBSIS) to ward off the Robotech Masters. This further resolves the Earth’s defenders to strike back at the aliens in show of arms never before seen post 1st Robotech War. UEDF Fokker Aerospace Base & its other aerospace bases in other parts of the world have being refurbished, while EBSIS sole aerospace base in Kazakhstan region working full time for the planned future offensive.

By April 2030, UEDF High Command decides to refurbish the science facility ALuCE as a military outpost, paving the way for possible advance military base in which to launch space-based offensive against the alien armada. At this time around, even EBSIS chips in by prepping its own space force headed by its Fleet Admiral Zaria Kiyora, after suffering setbacks during EBSIS forces skirmishes with Bioroid raiders in its territories. Both EBSIS & UEG military leaders begin to formulate & plan for joint space operations in the definitive future.

At this juncture, Zor Prime begins to remember the Triumvirate nature of the Robotech Masters. This observation is confirmed by observations made during the battle in space. Apart from that, Lt. Sterling, her aide, and Zor Prime also discover the presence of alien flowers within the ruins of the SDF-1 when they go on an unauthorized visit to the ruins site. Not only that, even the triumvirate clones aboard the alien fleet slowly begin to rebel against their social system, beginning with the muse Musica’s refusal to pair-bond with the mate chosen for her. Reports of minimize cultural contamination only confirms Masters suspicions regarding the fate that has befallen to their Zentraedi, & the only way to minimize such damaging will be to eliminate the micronian factor successfully.

However, preparations for next wave of Earth’s offensive begin in earnest as the next step towards realization of 2nd space offensive begins with the formation of Cavalry-1 fleet mission to refurbish ALuCE base into military launch pad. However, sensitive information regarding the top secret mission is intercepted by Zor Prime who coax it from a drunk GMP's operative, however the information leaks is incomplete when it is transmitted to Masters. In 28 April 2030, the Cavalry-1 fleet mission to relieve ALuCE-1, a task-force of five battlecruisers, is ambushed by the Masters forces, & barely escapes with the aid of the 1st space offensive survivors - two destroyer-class ships, shuttles & several AGACs squadrons returning from the Moon, & enabling them to return the wounded of the first assault wave to Earth.
Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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As refurbishment of ALuCE & several Earth-based aerospace facilities commences, General Rolf Emerson is appointed by UEDF High Command to lead the second offensive, a move widely interpreted as an attempt - interpreted by military & political analysts at that time- by Supreme Commander Leonard to remove Emerson the General Staff so that Leonard's "frontal attack" tactics can be pursued without Emerson's objections. There is no love lost between the two visible factions that emerged in UEDF, each camp follows staunchly on differing views between Supreme Commander Leonard & Chief of Staff Emerson. However, a conclusion that Emerson will perform miracle for the beleaguered UEDF space force’s next offensive is a sound judgment given his tactical abilities.

On the Imperial Armada front, advanced triumvirate Bioroids known as "Invid Fighters" are ordered into full production by the Robotech Masters due to the success of Triumviroid drone pods prototype testing. However, as raw materials practically diminishing within the armada, many tactical Bioroids have to be scavenged & cannibalized to provide materials for the next line of ‘Invid Fighters’. This couples with diminishing protoculture supplies beginning to be felt within the command of each alien flagship, but orders are carried out nonetheless.

Meanwhile, GMP investigates the source of the intelligence leak. Lt. Nova Satori of the GMP realizes that she may have been the leak in question herself, because of her contact with Zor Prime, discreetly plugs that leak. This leads to dearth of intel information to the Masters, who swiftly realize Zor Prime ineffectiveness as a spy due to his prolong contacts among the humans. Due to stressful Lt. Satori attempts to minimize her contact with Zor Prime, she inadvertently leaves out TASC ace Lt. Dennis Brown, who - due to a mistake in his personnel file, is recused from the 2nd attack wave mission as a security risk. Lt Satori accepts her responsibility for the mistake & removed from the internal investigation.

In late May 2030, Leonard's scheme to remove his political nemesis to the Moon is reinforced by the assignment to the mission of almost all the officers (who’re mostly from Emerson’s camp) who have consistently objected to the so-called Supreme Command's squandering of its best troops. Evidently, the split within the UEDF High Command begins to show, & leads to bad publicity to the UEG itself. However, for the sake of Earth’s defence is foremost in the eyes of UEG political leaders, & the next 2nd attack wave against the aliens is top priority as compared to nonsensical schism between 2 military leaders.

By 30 May 2030, just before landing at Luna, an attack force of Bioroids and several of the Masters’ smaller capital ships attack General Emerson’s warship & its escorts. General Emerson retreats to "LaGrange Point 6", code for a location 20,000 km from Mars. Using an unconventional fold-technique known as an "Orbital Warp Blast" to destroy the enemy vessels from the tidal forces of an artificial singularity, & ramming the remaining capital vessels with his fold bubble upon defolding, he manages to defeat the alien battlegroup & deliver new troops & fresh supplies to the moon base. Despite these efforts, repair & refurbishment of Luna is not completed before the end of the war, and the base takes no part in future engagements.
Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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In June 2030, with assistance from Cpl. Louie Nichols of the 15th ATAC, SC Robotech Research Institute develops the VTFS "Pupil Pistol" targeting system for simulation training. The invention is a resounding success as the Pupil Pistol system is immediately integrated into all Veritech Spartas hovertanks. The ATAC Hovertank squads, proven effective in all theater of operations including surface & aerial campaigns against the Masters throughout the war, are now being mobilized for the space assault.

General Emerson's ship, the UES Tristar leaves Luna & returns to Earth to reload fresh supplies & additional troops & mechas, while the remainder of his fleet reinforces the ships at ALuCE, while repairs at Luna proceed. Meanwhile, in deep space, due to additional forces returned to service & gains in battle, a second wave of the ERF (Earth Reclamation Forces) is organised to Earth shortly by EF as the 1st wave of ERF arrives in Sol System. In 3 June 2030, Transport 85 squadron - the first returning wave of ERF - along the infamous Wolfe’s Pack (EF’s top special operation force) arrives at Earth's moon. These ships rendezvous with the TSC forces on ALuCE to prepare for the next offensive.

By 5 June 2030, the returning EF reinforcement link up with Emerson & the fleet launching from Earth for the first of three final battles against the Masters. In the heated battle, the 15th ATAC, its hovertanks modified for space flight, is dropped onto the Masters' flagship, while the AGACS pilots also assigned to infiltrate are beaten off by Masters Bioroid entries. It is during this time that the Invid Fighter is deployed for the first time by the Masters, in the defense of their vessels. Unable to break inside the flagship, the 15th ATAC is assisted by the UES Tristar, which widens a hull breach by ramming the flagship. The 15th squad infiltrates the enemy vessel & once in the Masters' flagship, the Masters reassert control over Zor Prime, who then turns on his comrades. The 15th squad attempts to make their way through the civilian compartments to the ship's command center in an attempt to seize the ship, but they are eventually captured by Masters forces.

With the flanking of the Earth fleet by a second mothership, Emerson orders a general UEF fleet withdrawal to the ALuCE-1. Emerson's flagship relocates to ALuCE-1, to assist the ultimately futile efforts to bring it online by the end of the war. Meanwhile, the marooned 15th Squad is rescued from execution by the intervention of Musica, chief muse of the Robotech Masters, who has become infatuated with one of the members of the squadron. The ATAC troops also manage to rescue Zor Prime, who is being deprogrammed by the Masters before his termination.

At this time, Emerson orders a 2nd round of assault against the Masters to retrieve the 15th ATAC. With the Masters distracted by a new surprise attack by Emerson's fleet, the 15th Squad, with the assistance of the defected Musica & Zor Prime disable the Masters' defensive force fields & escape the Masters' forterss, which is destroyed in an act of sabotage by Zor Prime. The Masters immediately evacuate their doomed ship, & begins transfer their flag to another ship. Both sides disengage, & prepare for the final battle. The 15th Squad heads back to Earth with Musica, while Emerson's fleet returns to the ALuCE-1.
Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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In July 2030, dangerously erratic behavior begins to appear among the clones in the Robotech Masters' fleet, due to their low level of protoculture & contact with humans. Rebellious clones together with their triumvirate partners, are incarcerated to isolate them from the general clone population. At this time too, fully two-thirds of the Masters' protoculture pods have become infested with the Invid Flower of Life, thus resolving Masters intent to immediately move upon the protoculture matrix hidden in the ruins of the SDF-1.

In August 2030, Zor Prime's mental health slowly degenerates as he eventually betrays Musica to the GMP. Pvt. Bowie Grant & the alien muse flee into the woods, stealing a hovercycle from a Tactical Corps-Forest Division base. The 15th Squad is later ordered under the threat of court martial by GMP to track the fugitives. As Pvt. Grant & Musica make their way to the ruins of the SDF-1, where the remainder of the 15th and Lt. Satori of the GMP join them. Upon seeing the active spores of the Flower of Life that has infested the protoculture matrix, Zor Prime recovers his memory as Zor - the 1st Robotech Masters who is responsible for the discovery of protoculture & its subsequent application that transform his entire civilization.

Supreme Commander Leonard finally orders a full & final assault on the Robotech Masters Imperial Armada. Before UEDF troops can engage the Masters fleet, the aliens launch a full surface assault on Earth. General Emerson & the rest of the UEF space forces is ordered to harass the aliens on their flank while Earth's forces prepare for a counter-attack. Emerson's forces are nearly annihilated in combat with the Masters while awaiting support from Earth. The Imperial Armada penetrates Earth's inner defenses, while Emerson's fleet is committed to hold the line at all costs. The fleet is destroyed Msters armada, while Emerson & two TASC pilots are captured, as the UES Tristar rams & cripples one of the Masters' flaghips.

The Robotech Masters abandon the majority of their civilian population to transport vessels, as the clones become more lethargic & uncontrollable, but in 8 August 2030, these clones are forced to undergone anti-pain serum & served as Robotech Masters land drugged infantry in major North American cities. In the final act of desperation, Masters assault carriers destroy minor American cities of Manville & Newton with fusion beams. The Robotech Masters demand unconditional surrender from the SCA & UEG. Supreme Commander Leonard agrees to evacuate in 48 hours, but secretly orders preparations for the counterattack be accelerated. Citizens of Denver & other North American cities evacuate, and all civil defense forces are called up to protect against further landings.

During the heated battles, Zor Prime agrees to a prisoner exchange with Robotech Masters; but both sides secretly intend to attack the other. Fighting later breaks out on the Masters' flagship between rebellious clones & those loyal to Masters cause, & General Emerson is killed in the fighting. The 15th Squad escapes the Masters fortress & assists the abandoned civilians of the Robotech Masters to safely land on Earth. EBSIS armed forces immediately reinforces beleaguered SCA as all over the world UEG begins rearming & reactivating reserve forces & available armed militias. The 2nd wave of ships from the EF arrives at Earth just in time for the final battle against the exhausted & protoculture-depleted Imperial Armada.

With all civil defense & ground forces battling the Imperial Bioroid Forces incursions by the Masters, the combined United Earth Forces fleet, alongside EBSIS space force launches against the Robotech Masters Imperial Armada. Earth's forces are victorious, with heavy losses, though the Masters' flagship slips past the battle & approaches the ruins of the SDF-1. Squadrons of Bioroids & troop carrier corvettes launch an all-out and desperate offensive against the Southern Cross' ground forces, destroying Monument City, & UEDF High Command along with Supreme Commander Leonard. During this time, the Robotech Masters are assassinated by Zor Prime - who sacrifices his life by causing one of the Robotech Masters' motherships to self-destruct above the ruins of SDF-1 in order to destroy the protoculture matrix. The intended destruction of the protoculture matrix is not achieved, instead resulting in the dispersal of the Flower of Life all over North America.
Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Despite heavy losses on both sides, surface engagements continue until the next year. The self-appointed new Battle Lord of the Fleet, Dalmeric Khane with surviving Masters loyal forces raided North American settlements, & launch bloody heavy guerilla warfare. Armed with Bioroids & sufficient protoculture supplies, Khane’s ultimate objective is to penetrate the ruins of SDF-1 & recovers the protoculture matrix itself. At this time, with UEDF practically exhausted itself & practically have no top hierarchy, substituting only with returning EF reinforcements from the last space offensive.

From August 2030 to February 2031, Khane’s guerilla assaults turn far bloodier, as his actions can be categorized as racial cleansing. Many settlements are destroyed with no survivors at all, as Khane glorifies his blood lust for vengeance. Even though the Imperium is no more, Khane maniacally dreaming of possessing the protoculture matrix & creates a new Robotech Imperium. Surviving UEF units, such as 15th ATAC & leads by the infamous Wolfe’s Pack, Khane’s base of operation is ambushed & after heavy fighting is destroyed in 27 February 2031. 2nd Robotech War officially ends with the destruction of Robotech Master Dalmeric Khane & hostile Masters units lay their arms proper to UEF early March 2031.

UEG, weakens & exhausted from its campaign against Masters, finds a new nemesis. EBSIS, now the only surviving global superpower with large standing armed forces has begins openly challenge UEG authority over Earth. Political & military tension boils as EBSIS forces & its International Liberation Army allies have begun small armed conflicts with UEG Protectorates & affliated nations, mainly in Southland Quadrant, Far East Quadrant & Scandinavian sector. The global politics turn toxic as EBSIS gears up for war, & its rhetoric againsts UEG grow out of proportion.

EF & SCA elements bands together in all four corners of the world to defend the UEG sovereignty from possible EBSIS aggression as UEG begins forced conscription of street militias & reservist territorial armies to stem the Neo-Marxist tide. In April 2031, a small military detachment from Mars colony arrives on Earth to beef up UEF elements, as Major Carpenter & Colonel Jonathan Wolfe (of the Wolfe’s Pack) taken over command of UEF units in North America & South America respectively. Despite UEDF mecha & military production centers destroyed in the final hours with the Robotech Masters, EF military hardwares from returning EF reinforcements in 2nd Robotech War lessens the UEF dire needs against the combined EBSIS well equipped Robotech & conventional armed forces. As the clock ticks the hours of opening salvo for the possible 3rd World War in Earth’s history, little do UEG & EBSIS realize, a new threat from the skies is waiting to complete what Zentraedi & Robotech Masters fail to do, the complete subjugation of Earth!


The bittersweet victory & tenacious UEDF & its field army – SCA, marks humanity tenacity to resist Robotech Masters invasion of Earth. Masters, devoid of emotions, perish on their Robotech altars as the entire Imperium crumbles with their exodus, & their military might totally wiped out by the micronians they detested. The Robotech Imperium & its glorious civilization, comes to a halt on the Earth’s doorstep. Unfortunately, humanity once again regresses to age-old self-destruction as nationalism struck a chord over possessing Earth’s top position. As UEG & EBSIS greedily tussles to claim terrestrial assets on Earth, the new mysterious alien foe waits patiently in the darkness of space to wrest the top crown both UEG & EBSIS desires. The new Robotech War dawns over the horizon, with Earth’s as the top trophy & Sol-System will be invaded yet again, as 3rd Robotech War commences!
Last edited by Protoculture on Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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