Question about Nightbane Mystic/Sorcerror

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Question about Nightbane Mystic/Sorcerror

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Why do they need so much more XP to advance?

It makes no sense. not only are nightbane facade's more or less exsactly human, they have the SAME intelligence, and by all indications should be an identical learning rate.

and don't say "game balance", it's a bunk argument, I looking for a logical answer given their intelligence.
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Re: Question about Nightbane Mystic/Sorcerror

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Nekira Sudacne wrote:Why do they need so much more XP to advance?

It makes no sense. not only are nightbane facade's more or less exsactly human, they have the SAME intelligence, and by all indications should be an identical learning rate.

and don't say "game balance", it's a bunk argument, I looking for a logical answer given their intelligence.

What are the powers of a NB Mystic? I can't remember, but my brain keeps wanting to plug normal Mystic psionics in with them, but that's impossible.
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Re: Question about Nightbane Mystic/Sorcerror

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Ectoplasmic Bidet wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:Why do they need so much more XP to advance?

It makes no sense. not only are nightbane facade's more or less exsactly human, they have the SAME intelligence, and by all indications should be an identical learning rate.

and don't say "game balance", it's a bunk argument, I looking for a logical answer given their intelligence.

What are the powers of a NB Mystic? I can't remember, but my brain keeps wanting to plug normal Mystic psionics in with them, but that's impossible.

They get the same magic as a mystic -1 spell every level, and learn new talents slightly faster than a regular nightbane (though they get their 5th free talent at level 15 rather than 13, so it's slower in the end).

and...other than that, they are nightbane with all standard powers and abilities and a full morphus form (though mystics tend twords animal morphus). They also have better PPE than most nightbane (gaining 2d6+6 per level), and much more PPE than a human mystic

however, they get no psionics.

Nightbane Sorcerror is identical to a human sorrcerr, only again, higher PPE, but 1 less starting spell from each level 1-4, and slightly lower bonuses from the OCC. However, they only get 1 free talent at level 1 and must pay for all others.
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Oh come on. SOMEONE has to have an opinion.

pretty please... :)

I'll even let you pet Jeffe :crane: ;)
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Unread post by Ectoplasmic Bidet »

As to why...that's anyone's guess. A few spells can go a long way, and a NB can do a lot of stuff with that PPE. I'm at work without my books, so I'm probably wrong.

Nightbane Sorcerers/Mystics use the dragon hatchling xp progression, right? Isn't that the same one as the Godling? If so, why not just use the Demigod xp chart for the Mystic?
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Ectoplasmic Bidet wrote:As to why...that's anyone's guess. A few spells can go a long way, and a NB can do a lot of stuff with that PPE. I'm at work without my books, so I'm probably wrong.

Nightbane Sorcerers/Mystics use the dragon hatchling xp progression, right? Isn't that the same one as the Godling? If so, why not just use the Demigod xp chart for the Mystic?

no, they have their own XP chart
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They have all the powers of a nightbane and a spellcaster, it's only right that they should require more XP than a nightbane or spellcaster alone.
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Tinker Dragoon wrote:They have all the powers of a nightbane and a spellcaster, it's only right that they should require more XP than a nightbane or spellcaster alone.

why? I don't get how nightbane powers will interfear with a normal learning process. they're instictive, meaning they don't have to think about them, meaning they require no effort to learn, which should mean it dosn't interfear with other presuits.
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Unread post by Prysus »

Greetings and Salutations. Let me see if I can take a stab at this. I'll try to answer this from an experience stand point. Experience points in a sense do represent learning, and the more talent one has the less he is likely to learn from the same experience as someone with less talent. For simplicity sakes, I'll take a combat situation (yes, I know experience points can come from a lot more than combat, but this is an example). A Nightbane spellcaster and a human spellcaster are in a fight with an opponent. Which do you think will have the harder time? In addition to the spellcasting, the Nightbane has a nice backup of other talents to fall back on (Talents as well as their physical capabilities) while the human only has one area to focus on. The human spellcaster is relying more on a single talent and therefore is probably learning it faster. Yes, the 'Bane might not need to learn his/her talents, but that doesn't mean relying on them won't slow the learning of the spells. Also, the GM will hand out the same experience points for everyone in the battle considering it a minor threat (or major, or whatever) for everyone in the group (or at least that is my personal experience). Now though both were in the same fight, and both faced danger, the human was in all likelihood in more danger of death than the Nightbane character (just due to power levels alone). So this might also be a method of trying to balance out this factor. Granted, a view this more as an issue with handing out experience points than advancing of levels, but it might be a type of safe guard as well. And of course, there is always the balance issue (sorry, couldn't resist). Hmm ... I think that should cover the ideas off the top of my head. Hope maybe that gave some type of answer for you. Farewell and safe journeys.
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Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Tinker Dragoon wrote:They have all the powers of a nightbane and a spellcaster, it's only right that they should require more XP than a nightbane or spellcaster alone.

why? I don't get how nightbane powers will interfear with a normal learning process. they're instictive, meaning they don't have to think about them, meaning they require no effort to learn, which should mean it dosn't interfear with other presuits.

I never said there was any interference, which has nothing at all to do with the XP requirements anyway.

It is just the nature of the game system that classes with superhuman powers require more XP than classes without them. This prevents powered characters from completely outperforming unpowered characters, as the unpowered characters can achieve superior skill.

Since a Nightbane spellcaster possesses not one but TWO classes with powers beyond mortal men (Nightbane RCC + Magic OCC), it stands to reason that they require more XP to balance them against their less powerful peers.
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Tinker Dragoon wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Tinker Dragoon wrote:They have all the powers of a nightbane and a spellcaster, it's only right that they should require more XP than a nightbane or spellcaster alone.

why? I don't get how nightbane powers will interfear with a normal learning process. they're instictive, meaning they don't have to think about them, meaning they require no effort to learn, which should mean it dosn't interfear with other presuits.

I never said there was any interference, which has nothing at all to do with the XP requirements anyway.

It is just the nature of the game system that classes with superhuman powers require more XP than classes without them. This prevents powered characters from completely outperforming unpowered characters, as the unpowered characters can achieve superior skill.

Since a Nightbane spellcaster possesses not one but TWO classes with powers beyond mortal men (Nightbane RCC + Magic OCC), it stands to reason that they require more XP to balance them against their less powerful peers.

and didn't I say I was looking for a reason other than game balance? :P
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Unread post by Glistam »

Some Nightbane talents do grow with experience. There is learning involved with Nightbane powers, even if it's just picking up a new talent at a new level (they had to intuitively learn it). So it makes sense outside of a game balance issue that if a Nightbane is trying to learn how better to use his natural abilities and master spell magic that it would take him longer than someone just doing one or the other.
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Unread post by rc_brooks »

I think I would like to have seen the NB Mystics with more skills though. They take a tough hit in the skill area.

You know for Rifts Conversions it might be interesting to use that XP chart and allow NB to select an OCC with a few less skills and no psionics. So you could have a NB operator.
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Unread post by shiiv-a »

k .. lets see ... a reasonable answer that MIGHT spark some kind of intelligent conversation? ...

don't know if thats possible, as my opinions dont really hold a lot of weight or water or other types of smarts that can be measured other than a tiny bit of common sense ... but here's MY explanation

you have the equiv of 3 yes 3 beings ... the facade .. the morpheus .. and then finally the magic part.

not sure IF its fair .. but there you go. tada .. *does a curtsey .. and then wanders off*
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Unread post by DhAkael »

Real simple;
Two forms of manipulation of the AEther / PPE.
One is purely 'instinctual' using the body as focal point and manifesting powers through the physical medium of the body.
The other (true magic / spell casting) is use of the mind as focus. One does NOT nessasairily need the body to do anything, and most of the effects manifest quite a distance from the casters' body.
Using both is like trying to pat your head, rub your torso in a circular pattern, and dance an Irish jigg simultaeneouslly.
THAT is why Nightbane mystics & magi have such high Xp tables.
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Unread post by MASTERMIND »

The answer to your question IS there is no valid answer to your question. The one right answer is negated by part of the question. Any other answer we give is the wrong reason. Because they are the wrong reasons you will easily find fault with them.

As far as I know the difference in XP levels between any O.C.C.s has always been game balance and that is what was intended by the game designer. Any "other" reasons you get from the rest of us are purely speculation and have nothing to do with the original intentions of the game designers.

So in all honesty, we can't anywer your question. :)

EDIT: Sounded harsh in first paragraph when I really didn't mean to at all. Changed my language so I didn't accidentally imply something I didn't mean to say.
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Unread post by Rallan »

Tinker Dragoon wrote:They have all the powers of a nightbane and a spellcaster, it's only right that they should require more XP than a nightbane or spellcaster alone.

Well except that they don't :)

Nightbane who become mages of any kind don't get as many free Talents at the start, and never get free Talents when they level up (they're busy learning to be Harry Potter, so if they want to develop new Talents on the side they've gotta do it the hard way and buy 'em with a permanent PPE expenditure). And Nightbane are also completely incapable of developing psionics, which sort of puts a dampener on things if you're a Nightbane Mystic. On an OOC level it makes good sound sense for Nightbane Sorcerors/Mystics to ned more XP because they're a more powerful and versatile class. But there just isn't any plausible in-game rationale for it.
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Re: Question about Nightbane Mystic/Sorcerror

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

Why do any OCC's have different xp levels if its all about IQ?

I agree that whether you deem the decision to be a correct one it was probably made (an assumption) with game balance in mind.
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