Chaos Earth & Hero's Unlimited

Chaos Earth is here & now. Let the Chaos ensue.

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Ectoplasmic Bidet
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Unread post by Ectoplasmic Bidet »

I've always liked to think that HU was the past of CE and eventually Rifts Earth, but until the Coming of the Rifts, mystic energy was at such a low that magic, psionics, and super powers were all still at SDC levels as technology advanced. Eventually there would be horrendously powerful SDC[very low MD] weapons available and extremely durable SDC armor[very low MDC], making the previously listed individuals not nearly so powerful as they had once been. Then true MDC tech would eventually have come into play, meaning that in many circumstances, the EE: Energy guy would be relying on his 1d6 MD laser pistol because it's several dozen times stronger than his own powers and the supernaturally strong tank-like brute would stick to a suit of power armor over his own natural abilities for the sake of not getting smeared.

Then the CotR hits and boom, suddenly EE: Energy guy is firing bolts of MD death and his chunky little laser pistol is so much trash.
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HU and CE combined

Unread post by kevinslkt »

It'll probably be an interesting game, but I think HU and CE should be seperate, seeing as HU is considered a Parallel dimension. Also psionics laid dormant until the coming of the "Rifts", that's not to say it didn't exist before then. Plus the cool thing about Chaos Earth is that people just witnessed the "End of the World" and it is only those who accept the iniatial shock factor of psionics, magic, demons and other strange beings that strive to survive. I like the terrorist part, but make it a few days before the "Chaos" ensues
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Alpha 11
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Unread post by Alpha 11 »

Sounds cool. Has promish.
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Shawn Merrow
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Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

Sounds like a fun game.

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