Exceptional Mutants

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Exceptional Mutants

Unread post by Rali »

While going through some of my old AtB sourcebooks to create a new NPC, I came across something I had forgotten about that some of you may be interested in since there has been some discussion lately on creating more powerful characters for AtB.

Located in Mutants in Orbit in the "Creating a Character: Orbit Style", there is a section called Exceptional Mutants. In this section, mutant animal characters are able to gain super powers and human psionics.

The book says that these characters are allowed these additional mutations due to the fact that, in space, they are "exposed to cosmic rays, solar radiation, leakage from nuclear power plants, and other strange space radiation."

Players need to save at least 5 BIO-E to roll for the chance of gaining these exceptional mutations. Basicly, roll on a table to see if/how many/what type of mutations the character gains (from nothing, to a couple random mutations, or choice of powers from HU Mutant/Psionic powers). Those characters lucky(?) enough to be from the Outcast Station automaticly get one power or choose to be a Mutant Genius (see Heroes Unlimited), Genius or Psi-Mechanic (see Beyond the Supernatural), or Gizmoteer/Gizoid (see Ninjas & Superspies).
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Unread post by Steve Dubya »

Which would make for a very good excuse to do something similar if the mutant was owing to high-intensity magical influence <cough LEY LINES> in certain other systems...
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Unread post by Kalinda »

You know wrote:Which would make for a very good excuse to do something similar if the mutant was owing to high-intensity magical influence <cough LEY LINES> in certain other systems...

Indeed, particulary given that CB1 gives Ley lines and magic as one possible reason for human superbeings in Rifts.

What works on humans, should work on mutant animals as well.

MiO is a fun book BTW, I wish I had gotten the chance to play in that setting.
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Unread post by Steve Dubya »

MiO is a fun book BTW, I wish I had gotten the chance to play in that setting.

We did a very, VERY loosely based TMNT campaign that utilized the majority of the more spacefaring stuff in MiO.

It was more an amalgam of Dune (what with the fold systems and such for interstellar travel - sub-light drives for everything else, which meant that only the flag-size ships had the fold drive; waaaaaay in the future setting - like 10000 AD; and "deflector" units vice force fields), Star Wars (with a Mammilian Republic and Reptilian Empire - sort of like Bucky O'Hare in that respect as well, come to think of it...) and some other weird stuff.

Mostly it was for comedy more than anything, since the two main characters were not what one might describe as particularly anthropically driven.
"Things aren't what they used to be" is the rallying cry of small minds. When men say things used to be better, they invariably mean they were better for them, because they were young, and had all their hopes intact. The world is bound to look a darker place as you slide into the grave.
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Unread post by Steve Dubya »

As I remembered in a different thread (http://forums.palladium-megaverse.com/viewtopic.php?t=55587) there was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures, which included a machine that was built by Doc Feral that essentially added Bio-E for use in making super, SUPER mutants.

That could get crazy out of control really quick tho'.
"Things aren't what they used to be" is the rallying cry of small minds. When men say things used to be better, they invariably mean they were better for them, because they were young, and had all their hopes intact. The world is bound to look a darker place as you slide into the grave.
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Unread post by Rali »

You know wrote:As I remembered in a different thread (http://forums.palladium-megaverse.com/viewtopic.php?t=55587) there was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures, which included a machine that was built by Doc Feral that essentially added Bio-E for use in making super, SUPER mutants.

That could get crazy out of control really quick tho'.

Right, which is why it should be up to the GM decide if he/she wants to run a high powered mutant game ala AtB Extreme! where everyone might be allowed to create mutant animals crossed with powers from the Heroes Unlimited book.

Personally, I think it would be fun for a game or two. But it could soon spiral into chaos with the GM having to throw larger and larger enemies at the players until you may as well be playing Rifts, and I don't think that's what Kevin or Erick had in mind when they put out the second edition AtB book.

In Mutants in Orbit, under Exceptional Mutation, is a note that reads: "Players looking for more serious science fiction may want to skip this section entirely."

You just have to ask yourself, what kind of game/story do you want to write/participate in?
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Unread post by Steve Dubya »

What I did like about some of the stuff presented in MiO was that it wasn't necessarily beneficial - just some extra mutant-y stuff (like the flexible bones one). It wouldn't necessarily "hulk-out" your character, but would give them an added dash of flavor, like cumin in chili.
"Things aren't what they used to be" is the rallying cry of small minds. When men say things used to be better, they invariably mean they were better for them, because they were young, and had all their hopes intact. The world is bound to look a darker place as you slide into the grave.
Best Served Cold, Joe Abercrombie

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