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Tombs of Gersidi ???

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:25 am
by ADW_Ace
Hey there, can anyone out there tell me where I can get a copy of this ?? Has it been archived for downloading from Palladium Books at all?

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 10:45 am
by Shawn Merrow
It has not been put online you will have to have to find a 1st Editon of the main book to get it.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 9:51 pm
MrGiggles wrote:From what I've gathered over the years, Palladium has pretty much stopped making adventure modules. It's too bad really, since I've generally enjoyed the ones they've done. There have been more than a few in the Rifter though, especially for PFRPG.

..Actually they started doing them again a couple of years ago, just for RIFTS; Enough good writers with a yen and I'm sure there'd be some for the other games too.

..As to the Tombs, I set about trying to revise that adventure a few years ago while running it online, but it got to be a bit heavy with 12-17 players...

-Mike >8]

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 10:31 pm
by Marrowlight
MrGiggles wrote:From what I've gathered over the years, Palladium has pretty much stopped making adventure modules. It's too bad really, since I've generally enjoyed the ones they've done. There have been more than a few in the Rifter though, especially for PFRPG.

..Actually they started doing them again a couple of years ago, just for RIFTS; Enough good writers with a yen and I'm sure there'd be some for the other games too.

..As to the Tombs, I set about trying to revise that adventure a few years ago while running it online, but it got to be a bit heavy with 12-17 players...

-Mike >8]

Though the Rifts Adventure books really aren't adventure modules. They're more micro-sourcebooks.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 9:30 pm
by Goliath Strongarm
Benzoate wrote:Isn't the whole point to use your imagination? Some of the adventures hav been great, but in the days of old, my GM's imagination was much better.

Now, start your workday at 530 in the morning. Finish it around 530 at night. Some nights you work a LOT later (for example, i didnt get off until after 8pm tonight). 5 days a week. Sometimes more. Every now and then toss in a 24 hour shift. And, every few months, go on a work trip for up to about 30 (or as many as 45) days, where when you aren't working, you're eating or sleeping. OOO.. now I just have SOOO many hours leftover to write adventures and campaigns (and make sure they fit my group), AND attempt to have a social life. Not to mention the college courses Im trying to squeeze in.

After looking at that, do you doubt why we ask for prewritten stuff?

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 9:34 pm
by Library Ogre
You know, they were talking about a small PFRPG sourcebook this fall... a fully fleshed out Tombs of Gersidi, along with the local town and fort, would kick some serious butt...

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 11:34 pm
by Goliath Strongarm
MrNexx wrote:You know, they were talking about a small PFRPG sourcebook this fall... a fully fleshed out Tombs of Gersidi, along with the local town and fort, would kick some serious butt...

So would any of the other PF books that we should have... *grumbles*

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 11:41 pm
by Library Ogre
Goliath Strongarm wrote:
MrNexx wrote:You know, they were talking about a small PFRPG sourcebook this fall... a fully fleshed out Tombs of Gersidi, along with the local town and fort, would kick some serious butt...

So would any of the other PF books that we should have... *grumbles*

Yes, GS, but we're trying to think of what they're likely to publish, not what we'd like them to publish.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 11:45 pm
by Ridley
i rather have the old kingdom books, thanks. Tombs of Gursidi sound kick ass, but i want stuff that they have already promised.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 11:49 pm
by Goliath Strongarm
MrNexx wrote:
Goliath Strongarm wrote:
MrNexx wrote:You know, they were talking about a small PFRPG sourcebook this fall... a fully fleshed out Tombs of Gersidi, along with the local town and fort, would kick some serious butt...

So would any of the other PF books that we should have... *grumbles*

Yes, GS, but we're trying to think of what they're likely to publish, not what we'd like them to publish.

OK.... umm.. since its whats LIKELY to be published... why bother talking about this at all? RIFTs, RIFTs, RIFTs.... ermm... /rant

Seriously though, ANY book for PF is unlikely. I hate saying that, I REALLY do, since PF is my fave rpg. But, facts are facts.

PS: Nexx.. you're in the same timezone as me.. shouldnt you be in bed, old man??? the speed you replied to that last one.. SHEESH

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:01 am
by Library Ogre
Goliath Strongarm wrote:Seriously though, ANY book for PF is unlikely. I hate saying that, I REALLY do, since PF is my fave rpg. But, facts are facts.

PS: Nexx.. you're in the same timezone as me.. shouldnt you be in bed, old man??? the speed you replied to that last one.. SHEESH

Probably shoudl be in bed... just listening to a story on oil shale.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 9:26 am
by lather
I've never actually finished Gersidi - once as a player and once as a GM.

Maybe the teams just were not right for the job, like the thief's.

May try running it again. What sort of team composition--occ and level--has had the most success in your games?

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 6:58 pm
by Goliath Strongarm
lather wrote:I've never actually finished Gersidi - once as a player and once as a GM.

Maybe the teams just were not right for the job, like the thief's.

May try running it again. What sort of team composition--occ and level--has had the most success in your games?

Any combination, as long as you have at least ONE of the following:

wizard, diabolist, summoner (who has a few levels, so he can control things that can fling spells), fire warlock, priest (light or dark) or a psi with pyroK. Hrmm.. add to that a witch, that has the psi or magic abilities.

As long as you have any one of those, you should be able to pull it off. Well.. one of those, and a good meatshield. Preferably a meatshield in plate, or at least scale.

The key thing Ive found about gersidi is that the players combine their starting money to get goods that will help the party, even if only directly benefiting one char. IE, combining everyone's money to buy a suit or two of platemail for the tanks. Maybe some scrolls, to augment the wiz/warlock's spellslinging. If anyone has a problem, make sure that someone (another PC, or even an NPC) points out that the likely monetary rewards (INSANELY high amount) will more than make up for the little bit of money that the character is chipping in.

But, I've gone through, as a player, and completed the whole thing, with the following party:

Minotaur Diabolist (the original Goliath Strongarm)
Elf Wizard (who was worthless, btw)
Dwarven Noble (who seemed to think he was a tank)

We were all level 1 when we started gersidi. I also had a group that didn't finish it, which was only two characters- a ratling wizard, and a changeling wizard. We were doing fine. the only reason we didn't finish was that we didn't have a way of getting the loot we already collected out. (Not to mention, as players, we had gone through it at least a dozen times by that point, with various groups, and had gotten all the goodies we wanted).

The HARDEST part of the adventure is dealing with the guys up top. Best way to handle that is to make a deal "we'll do all the work, then split it with you 50/50. Even if we go in and die, you can still do your plan, and then you get our stuff, too." And make sure you have a way of magically leaving, without going back through them. IE, Mystic Portal. Teleport. Etc.

You MUST make sure to befriend Quentos Gersidi. At least until after you've finished everything else. Then you can send him to his eternal slumber. Or help set him free on the rest of the world, as you see fit.

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 9:40 am
by lather
Goliath Strongarm - thanks!

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 11:59 pm
by Yisterwald
Ravenspoe wrote:This adventure sound way cool
kinda old skool, but still sounds like the adventures of old.

Heh -- well, it is twenty years old, after all. I know that the Tombs has a lot of supporters here on the boards, and I'm a fan too, but if you're looking for older content don't focus on it exclusively. The Arms of Nargash Tor, which is available for download, offers solid adventuring. It's a winner, and well worth checking out -- especially if you're trying out 1st Edition rules.

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 2:05 am
by Entiago
Hell I like the Tombs of Gersidi sooo much that I updated the whole thing for 2nd edition. I even 'fixed' a little of the mistakes they missing rooms and some little info not given. I sent it into the RIFTER awhile ago in hopes to be reprinted for all who missed out on it.

But to no avail. Then I thought with this being the 25 anniversary for PB, what a perfect way to celebrate in a specail RIFTER....but still nothing. Oh well. It was not all for lost, since my group ran thru it I had all I needed for it.

I even made sure to let everyone know that I just did an update but the original was written by Eric Wujick, and all the forward for it and everything. Damn I would love to see it reprinted.