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Bionic or Biotic...??

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:39 pm
by TechnoGothic
Ok, Which would you get done. Full Brain Transplant Bionic Borg body, or Re-engineered into a Splicer Biotic.

#1 This Biotic coversion does Not reduce your mental abilities. OK. Lets say if you volenteer, they will not reduce your IQ, etc...and you have no chance for Insanities per level.

#2 Full Brain Transplant Conversion Borg. Your a brain, no other flesh besides the brain. Think Big War machine.

#3 BOTH are designed for WAR.

#4 Borgs will live in a High-Tech complex.

#5 Biotics will live in a Bio-complex. A Living Building.

#6 NO Nano-plague, ok. Does not exist.

#7 NO War against the Machine.

#8 The End has coming to Earth. Yepp its OCT. 2098, YOU are still alive and Well. Yea for modern meds and gene-tech. In 2 months time it will happen.

#9 Bionic or Biotic...Both will be inhuman looking, for now at least....

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:42 pm
by Ectoplasmic Bidet
How much Bio-E is available?

Edit: Regardless...Biotic all the way!

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 3:54 pm
by Mudang
I would definitely choose to be a biotic.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 3:57 pm
by TechnoGothic
Ectoplasmic Bidet wrote:How much Bio-E is available?

Edit: Regardless...Biotic all the way!

max biotic bio-e of course.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 5:19 pm
by demos606
Biotic for the win. Having the chance to be a living weapon is just too good to pass up, though given the choice, I'd freely take the Splicers Scarecrow option.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 5:26 pm
by Ectoplasmic Bidet
One of the major selling points for me is that a Biotic isn't going to need spare parts. A cyborg is going to be hurting for repairs, replacements, and eventually even a power plant if they survive long enough.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 5:51 pm
by Blight
I don't know much about splicers But i can design a borg body that could take on just about anything. Put an extra power source in the chest compartment, robot repair system in the thigh compartments. Max stats (+10% for a psi-tech doing the work)and legs o leaping. With the new Armour designs the CS uses i can lighten my weight while still having max Armour. Design a modular weapon system, linked to the extra power source. Multi-optic eyes, combat comp full sensor package. Now I'm faster than a speeding juicer. stronger than steel, able to leap moderately tall building in a single bound. I would see all, and have the Armour to withstand almost any assault (that i didn't auto-dodge out of the way of) and the weapons to deal with any opponent i face. Oh, and i can heal my own damage. Yep that will do.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 6:23 pm
by Mudang
Can a borg start at level 1 with a +20 autododge? A biotic can. :)

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 6:54 pm
by TechnoGothic
Mindcrime wrote:Can a borg start at level 1 with a +20 autododge? A biotic can. :)


Biotics win for me cause :
Regeneration. Can be upgraded to Super-regeneration to regrow limbs.
Borgs with the nano-repair units can only heal so much damage then still need to get fixed and recharge or replace their repair bots.

Can a Borg be outfitted with 16 Lasers ??
A Biotic can fire all these in a single volly. 1d10 per Super Light Cell. 16d10 !!!!!!!

Plus side, as a Biotic i can look like like one of these ;) ... _22_19.jpg ... mir-02.jpg ... cn0244.jpg ... 8D5YAL.jpg ... ords01.jpg

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 6:57 pm
by Mudang
TechnoGothic wrote:
Mindcrime wrote:Can a borg start at level 1 with a +20 autododge? A biotic can. :)


Biotics win for me cause :
Regeneration. Can be upgraded to Super-regeneration to regrow limbs.
Borgs with the nano-repair units can only heal so much damage then still need to get fixed and recharge or replace their repair bots.

Can a Borg be outfitted with 16 Lasers ??
A Biotic can fire all these in a single volly. 1d10 per Super Light Cell. 16d10 !!!!!!!

Plus side, as a Biotic i can look like like Guyot ;)

Biotics can be made into melee beasts too! Get two fully upgraded forearm blades, the fencing skill, and wp paired weapons and you can do 22d6 damage per attack. :D

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 7:22 pm
by TechnoGothic
Mindcrime wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:
Mindcrime wrote:Can a borg start at level 1 with a +20 autododge? A biotic can. :)


Biotics win for me cause :
Regeneration. Can be upgraded to Super-regeneration to regrow limbs.
Borgs with the nano-repair units can only heal so much damage then still need to get fixed and recharge or replace their repair bots.

Can a Borg be outfitted with 16 Lasers ??
A Biotic can fire all these in a single volly. 1d10 per Super Light Cell. 16d10 !!!!!!!

Plus side, as a Biotic i can look like like Guyot ;)

Biotics can be made into melee beasts too! Get two fully upgraded forearm blades, the fencing skill, and wp paired weapons and you can do 22d6 damage per attack. :D

Ohh i know i worked up a Guyver3 Gigantic as a biotic. I left off the energy weapons for later. Those blades were awesome in combat.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 7:31 pm
by grandmaster z0b
I don't have Splicers but from the sounds of it I would go Biotic, I'd always rather be organic than inorganic.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 8:17 pm
by Daniel Stoker
I'd definatly go for Biotic, especially if I got to choose how I looked inhuman.

Daniel Stoker

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 8:56 pm
by Tinker Dragoon
Biotic, mostly because I'm rather attached to some of my organs (and might have a few extra).

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 2:18 am
by TechnoGothic
Lord_Coake wrote:Bionic for me, secifically the Cyber-Humanoid route, with cranked PS, PP, and Spd.

Let Ghost in the Shell begin.

Inhuman remember ;)
Shocktrooper style. Big Nasty War Machine.

Cyber-humanoid may come many many years later after the bad stuff is taken care of. Of course you'd been a War Machine for close to 200 years by then...

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 6:01 am
by LunarYoma
From a personal prespective, i would generally perfer genetic engineering anyday of the week to cybernetic & bionic enhancements/replacements.

So full biotic rengeering.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 2:10 pm
by Dead Boy
If I were going to go with one or the other, I'd prefer to go with hard cold steel. It just seems more practical. Get an arm blown off, get a new one before the end of business that day. Something better comes on the maket and it can be yours withe simple upgrade. Get completely shot full of holes and your brain casing will still keep you alive for 96 hours, allowing for the possability of rescue and a new body in which you can exact your revenge in. And in 200+ years, (should you live that long), you can retire in a nice Cyber-Humanoid or Bio-Syntehtic body of your chosing. Bionics just seems to work better.

Blight wrote:...and have the Armour to withstand almost any assault (that i didn't auto-dodge out of the way of) and the weapons to deal with any opponent i face.

Did I miss something in the books? How would you give a 'Borg an Auto-Dodge? I can think of only one way to pull off that trick, that being starting the character off with an OCC that permits HtH Commando and then have him converted to a Borg sometime after 5th level. But barring that...

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 2:25 pm
by TechnoGothic
Dead Boy wrote:If I were going to go with one or the other, I'd prefer to go with hard cold steel. It just seems more practical. Get an arm blown off, get a new one before the end of business that day. Something better comes on the maket and it can be yours withe simple upgrade. Get completely shot full of holes and your brain casing will still keep you alive for 96 hours, allowing for the possability of rescue and a new body in which you can exact your revenge in. Bionics just seems to work better.

A Biotic can with the right feature, regrow their brain if destroyed. Regrow the head too if need be. With the Lazarous Glands, they can regrow their entire body after "death" using its own dead flesh as fuel.

Only one big benifit to Borgs. Very Long Lifespan 200+years as a Cyborg.
Biotics who knows. With their innate (standard biotic regeneration) and the replacement organs features, who knows how they age. They might have extended lifespans as a custom feature. Or methods to expend human lifespans might still work on them, who knows.

Out in the field, the Super-regeneration feature would allow a biotic to regrow entire limbs in 6d6+40 hours. While a Borg might have to wait until he gets back to base or wait for a replacement limb to be shiped to the field. The less field support needed the better.

Myself i LOVE BORGS. I only have 3 or 4 characters who was not a FC-Borg. After playing a Biotic though, Its like playing a more kick arse organic Borg to me.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 2:50 pm
by TechnoGothic
Dead Boy wrote:
Blight wrote:...and have the Armour to withstand almost any assault (that i didn't auto-dodge out of the way of) and the weapons to deal with any opponent i face.

Did I miss something in the books? How would you give a 'Borg an Auto-Dodge? I can think of only one way to pull off that trick, that being starting the character off with an OCC that permits HtH Commando and then have him converted to a Borg sometime after 5th level. But barring that...

Biotics can buy features which gives them Auto-dodge. A few give insane bonuses to auto-dodge.
Borgs...nope just HtH Commando for them. Since Bionic Hearing no longer gives auto-dodge anymore.

Blight might be using the Third Eye feature, Wide Angle Vision, motion sensors, etc...Last i checked they didnt give auto-dodge, but you cannot be surprised from behind/sides...

Biotics can buy near perfect invisibility and still attack while invisible without becoming visiable.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 4:14 pm
by TechnoGothic
Tinker Dragoon wrote:Biotic, mostly because I'm rather attached to some of my organs (and might have a few extra).

eww Biotic porn nightmares :D

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 4:31 pm
by Mudang
TechnoGothic wrote:
Tinker Dragoon wrote:Biotic, mostly because I'm rather attached to some of my organs (and might have a few extra).

eww Biotic porn nightmares :D

Hmm, this reminds me of some hentai that I have... er... heard about.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:20 pm
by Blight
Your right there is no cybernetics that give auto-dodge sorry I was using my CS commando that went borg after being awarded the cybernetic heart for the 3rd time as an example. :oops: And there is another advantage the ease of getting cybernetics. After getting my leg blown off (and a year later my hand and 6 month after that my other arm... :x ) sorry i digress. I had my new leg in under 48 hr i was back in the Field in under 2 weeks.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:53 am
by TechnoGothic
Lord_Coake wrote:Still borg.

You can keep you little standard-chassis FCB's though. I want a skyscraper-sized tank-tredded engine of death and mayhem. No need for autododge when I have armor that can laugh off nuclear strikes.

And a loudspeaker...a big one. That way I can make godzilla noises as I blow **** up and knock down buildings.

Mechagodzilla !!!! :D

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:58 am
by TechnoGothic
Blight wrote:Your right there is no cybernetics that give auto-dodge sorry I was using my CS commando that went borg after being awarded the cybernetic heart for the 3rd time as an example. :oops: And there is another advantage the ease of getting cybernetics. After getting my leg blown off (and a year later my hand and 6 month after that my other arm... :x ) sorry i digress. I had my new leg in under 48 hr i was back in the Field in under 2 weeks.

Thought the readjust time for cybernetic/bionic limbs was like 2 months or so. Kinda like how a Juicer has to adjust to his new abilities for a month or two until fully empowered.

2 Weeks is a sort time to adjust though. The pain would be bad sor at least 4 weeks. ;) Pain Pills ;) Vicadine(sp?) land time ;)

In game gaining of bionics is rough.

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 12:12 am
by Blight
My GM thought that was silly, the 2 month adjusting time that is. He gave me a week of manual training, sort of like physical therapy, and one week of practical use training. Then it was back to the Field (there was a war on). Now he did say my recovery time went so well because i was in a CS facility. That things didn't go so smoothly in a chop shop.

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:13 am
by TechnoGothic
Blight wrote:My GM thought that was silly, the 2 month adjusting time that is. He gave me a week of manual training, sort of like physical therapy, and one week of practical use training. Then it was back to the Field (there was a war on). Now he did say my recovery time went so well because i was in a CS facility. That things didn't go so smoothly in a chop shop.

Ahh that explains it. State of the Art Hospitals/clinics does shorten the time of recovery. But i think 3 weeks is for full adjustment then. No pain, full motor control, etc...

But your GM, sped it up for the game's purpose too, so thats cool ;)
Story comes first of course.

I'm thinking about introducing Splicer Tech to the CS in my game :shock: :demon: :quiet:
Just the Host Armors for now though.
Ohh, how i'm introducing them is the secret...

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:41 am
by TechnoGothic
Lord_Coake wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:
Blight wrote:My GM thought that was silly, the 2 month adjusting time that is. He gave me a week of manual training, sort of like physical therapy, and one week of practical use training. Then it was back to the Field (there was a war on). Now he did say my recovery time went so well because i was in a CS facility. That things didn't go so smoothly in a chop shop.

Ahh that explains it. State of the Art Hospitals/clinics does shorten the time of recovery. But i think 3 weeks is for full adjustment then. No pain, full motor control, etc...

But your GM, sped it up for the game's purpose too, so thats cool ;)
Story comes first of course.

I'm thinking about introducing Splicer Tech to the CS in my game :shock: :demon: :quiet:
Just the Host Armors for now though.
Ohh, how i'm introducing them is the secret...

Gods sake, WHY the CS? They've already GOT everything else oustide of magic...oh wai, Vanguard. Nevermind.

I said i'm introducing it to the CS, not for the CS.
Splicers as a Rival Human Society.
Anti-tech, Anti-magic, Pro-genetics...
The CS are Splicer food ;)

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 3:02 am
by TechnoGothic
Lord_Coake wrote:The Dead Boys are going to run away screaming. Especially when they see the GBK get nuked by a Roughnek HA with a pair of built-in Bio-Energy vents.

Thats kinda the point.

Just imagine the faces on the Samas pilots too :D

Hellraiser or a GBKs vs Dracos later on sometime ;)

I did a few sims myself already. Doesnt look good for the CS. Heck i even did a sim of Splicers vs Warlords of Russia. Warlords lost pretty hard, but did much better than the CS sims did.
Interesting, Free Quebec held their own very well to a stalemate in the first 6 encounters we ran. When i used HAs with invisibility features, FQ lost...

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:43 am
by sHaka
I go for Biotic everytime over 'Borg but would actually prefer to be a Skinjob, if they could make the process pain-free!

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:11 pm
by TechnoGothic
sHaka wrote:I go for Biotic everytime over 'Borg but would actually prefer to be a Skinjob, if they could make the process pain-free!

No it wouldn't be painfree, but sure. I just see skin jobs as a lesser biotic anyways, or a Partial Conversion Biotic ;)

Lord_Coake wrote:Boomguns tend to skew fights like that.

Super-light Cells worked great against them though. Its the range on the boomguns which helped the most for FQ in my sims.

Omega Blasters i thought was "cool" before, after that sim, they are awesome. The Few i gave Omega-blasters were a force to be reckoned with. Which the FQ-GBs quickly saw as a huge threat. When 5+ GBs fires on a single target at once, uggg nasty.
The Splicer tunneling ability was useful too.

Archangels vs Sidekicks was fun to see :demon:

The FQ-Silverwolf GB impressed us all. Sure not much firepower as it should have, but its quick and can keep moving. Roughnecks ate them up in the end :demon:

Our CS vs Splicer sims lasted in Game time about 3 minutes. All CS was lost every time. Even the few who tried to fly away.
The FQ vs Splicers sims lasted in Game time about An Hour or more. Usually with it ending up a stalemate. FQ help their ground, the splicers retreating when too many had fallen in battle due to those boomguns.

Gotta repect the Glitterboys.

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:01 pm
by Blight
TechnoGothic wrote: Our CS vs Splicer sims lasted in Game time about 3 minutes. All CS was lost every time. Even the few who tried to fly away.
I'm assuming you didn't have the CS call in heavy long range saturation missile strikes from Mark IX or bombing runs from fast CS Air crafts like the Nightwing and Talon. Also as of world book 11 they control Iron Heart Armaments. That means they have The iron Bolt, the Air Castle Bomber, and Grey Falcons. Massive destruction in moments from far away.

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 11:31 pm
by TechnoGothic
Blight wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote: Our CS vs Splicer sims lasted in Game time about 3 minutes. All CS was lost every time. Even the few who tried to fly away.
I'm assuming you didn't have the CS call in heavy long range saturation missile strikes from Mark IX or bombing runs from fast CS Air crafts like the Nightwing and Talon. Also as of world book 11 they control Iron Heart Armaments. That means they have The iron Bolt, the Air Castle Bomber, and Grey Falcons. Massive destruction in moments from far away.

We used Field Units. Patrol Teams. CS had 25 or 30 pluse 4 or 5 Robot Vehicles. The Splicers had a small team of 10 plus 5 War Mounts.

Just too many of the Splicer Armors had 800-ish mdc and a few good weapons.
When the players used anti-robot weapons on the CS it was over. Punch hole, tentacles chew up the pilots...nasty.

The FQ battle still had FQ with more members on the battle field. But the gbs are tough. V-samas is nasty against Archangels too.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:17 am
by Blight
In my games any battle that big the CS would send in massive air strike. See thats the CS's true power. The ability to send support in minutes anywhere in CS territories. But back to the biotic VS borg the splicers books are on a higher power lvl all together.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 4:14 am
by TechnoGothic
Blight wrote:In my games any battle that big the CS would send in massive air strike. See thats the CS's true power. The ability to send support in minutes anywhere in CS territories. But back to the biotic VS borg the splicers books are on a higher power lvl all together.

nah, if the cs did operate like that, they would have won SoT within a month hands down.

Our sims were more like Vietnam encounters in the bush. your way out range for easy help or back up. No missiles from Long Ranges coming to save the day. Without gps tech, it would be hard to find em in the bush, when the troops dont even know exactly where they are.

I believe our encounter with the CS took place in Dino-swamp Georga. yeah not within airsupport ranges.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:08 am
by demos606
If you'll remember, Tolkien was magically protected from long range bombing. The CS tried their tac-nukes early on and they simply vanished without effect.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 12:28 am
by TechnoGothic
demos606 wrote:If you'll remember, Tolkien was magically protected from long range bombing. The CS tried their tac-nukes early on and they simply vanished without effect.

True, but kev needed that to happen.
Tolkeen at an entire army outside their gates just about.

My sims has both groups away from reinforcements. Sure the CS could fly out to back them up, take them an hour or two to get there to help. Battle was done in a few minutes. Only the FQ sim lasted any good length of time. but back to the subject...

I do notice, ppl voteing for Bionics are not saying why ? or why they think it better than going biotic...

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 5:11 pm
by TechnoGothic
Mindcrime wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:
Tinker Dragoon wrote:Biotic, mostly because I'm rather attached to some of my organs (and might have a few extra).

eww Biotic porn nightmares :D

Hmm, this reminds me of some hentai that I have... er... heard about.

yeah sure ;) :P

btw i ordered an Aptom IV toy, it arrived broken :x
The guyot toy was in perfect condition at least.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 4:47 am
by TechnoGothic
Thanks :D

Yeah healing yourself is much better than waiting on repairs.

"The cyber-doc has an opening next month, first monday of the month. No our armorer died last winter of a d-bee virus. Sorry."

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 2:59 pm
by Danger
Biotic instead of Bionic.

Cause biotics can still enjoy sex. :D

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 3:33 pm
by Thinyser
Danger wrote:Biotic instead of Bionic.

Cause biotics can still enjoy sex. :D

Have sex = yes
Enjoy sex with a mutated monstrosity = NOT IMHO :ugh:

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 12:37 am
by TechnoGothic
Thinyser wrote:
Danger wrote:Biotic instead of Bionic.

Cause biotics can still enjoy sex. :D

Have sex = yes
Enjoy sex with a mutated monstrosity = NOT IMHO :ugh:

Well the Dragons wont turn yah down, or some d-bee chicks :D


Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 4:29 am
by TechnoGothic
Thinyser wrote:
Danger wrote:Biotic instead of Bionic.

Cause biotics can still enjoy sex. :D

Have sex = yes
Enjoy sex with a mutated monstrosity = NOT IMHO :ugh:


Only the Blind Women might be willing to give it up to a Biotic


Re: Bionic or Biotic...??

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 4:38 am
by csbioborg
the fact is you still can get some trust me a few shots of Jameson and enough preserverance at least its possible.

Although if I got eternal brain I'd go borg since I could in theory live for ever

Re: Bionic or Biotic...??

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:00 am
by Blight
i don't know why people keep forgetting with a brain tube you can have multiple bodies as a borg. Your big monstrous combat body, and your very human good looking fully interactive humanoid body. And if you use the rules from triax you can convert a full blown on giant robot as your body.

Re: Bionic or Biotic...??

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:30 am
by The Galactus Kid
Triax Borgs do it in VR

Re: Bionic or Biotic...??

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 4:31 pm
by Wōdwulf Seaxaning
Don't own & never played Splicer but would like to.That said I'd go Biotic =) Guyver lookin coolness LOL

Re: Bionic or Biotic...??

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 4:25 pm
by TechnoGothic
Sgt_Leo_MacKenzie_CSA wrote:Don't own & never played Splicer but would like to.That said I'd go Biotic =) Guyver lookin coolness LOL

Yepp, I would not mind looking like Mirukomi (the Proto-Zoalord) or his later Full Zoalord XIII form. Yepp would not be bad.

Re: Bionic or Biotic...??

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 4:32 am
by TechnoGothic
The Galactus Kid wrote:Triax Borgs do it in VR

Yeah but Biotics can do it for real though.
Might want to warn her you upgraded it to a Gore Cannon first however... :lol: :eek: :lol:

Re: Bionic or Biotic...??

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:09 am
by Subjugator

They heal.
They regrow limbs.
They are not dependent on others for their needs.


Re: Bionic or Biotic...??

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:37 pm
by Shadow Wyrm
I'd go with the Biotic also, much more powerfull and better weapons and gear.