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Progress Report #1

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 9:32 pm
by Kevin
Progress report #1

I will try to present some kind of update every 2-3 days.

We are off to an amazing start! In just the first 48 hours (from Wednesday 6:30 PM to Friday 6:30 PM) you have already purchased approximately 850 prints! Awesome! Amazing. We’re definitely off with a bang! Just please don't spend more than you can afford.

Meanwhile . . .

Telephone calls and emails have been pouring in to the point where I spent most of 12 hours on the telephone yesterday returning calls, and most of today too. I haven’t even had a chance to look at my multitude of emails today!

Some folks are calling to wish us well, others to place orders, others to offer suggestions or help in some other way.

Distributors and industry people have been calling to offer advice, ask if their’s anything they can do to help, or calling to say a payment is on the way or here’s a small restock order. Everyone has been wonderful.

Due to popular request we have set up a way for people to make Pay Pal donations. Thank you one and all. Pleae note that everyone who makes a donation -- large or small -- will be counted among the "Heroes of the Megaverse" and see their name in print in some future Palladium publication.

The print

I have yet to draw the United Megaverse print. Part of the problem is all of us have been swamped (which is GREAT) and I’ve only been getting about five hours sleep (too busy and too wound up). The other reason is that I want to make this print special and I was struggling with ideas. I had one idea sketched out and ready to go on illustration board when I decided to trash it. It was just missing that special something. Then Carmen Bellaire popped by last night and he made a few suggestions that got my creative juices flowing and I think I have the perfect idea for the piece. It will be a lot of work, but worth it. I hope to do the drawing over the weekend (starting tonight) and take it to the printer on Monday or Tuesday. It should take about one week to get the prints made and then it’s a matter of signing and mailing them. (In between getting ready for the Palladium Open House and finishing Madhaven!) So please be patient, the print will be coming soon. I think you’re gonna like it.

More than money . . .

The sad reality is that money matters, and you guys and gals are making a difference in that area. If things continue like they have the last two days . . . wow. But you’re making a difference in another even more vital way. Every hour we are feeling more an more confident that with your help, Palladium will survive. You are turning disaster into real hope.

More than money, your kindness and words have touched my very soul and gives me strength.

Your touching testimonials, praise and encouragement has inspired us all. They are an affirmation that what we do has meaning, brings joy and inspires thousands and thousand of people. We were feeling so beaten and down just a couple days ago, and now, we are laughing and crying with joy. I feel like I’m living though a miracle. A miracle that you, my friends, have created. Thank you for that more than anything.

Kevin Siembieda
President, Publisher, Artist and Hopeful