Bio-technology for the common man

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Bio-technology for the common man

Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

I found unfair and unnerving that most bio-tech presented in the book is miliary one, but I understand that is due the book being chopped off due space limit.
Now, in this moment of re-awakening of interst by me, I try to post some of my ideas...for theme.
Architecture despite what could think, the generally outlook of great houses is not like the colon of Splynncryth :shock: , sure there are some places that are FULL biological, and there is a definitive biological outlook on pretty muche verything, but is far from being total. Remeber that even without metal, most of the basic materials for building still area vaiable, rock, stone, wood, ceramics, glass(and optical fiber) and the marvel of leverage. But Bio-tech could help an architect as well.
Nails - generally hard MDC quills grown by special mutated short cactus. Generally each cactus can produce 2d6x10 quills per day. Each quill does have 1 MDC while the cactus have 50 MDC - Splicer carpenter can be equpped with lesser lving body armor equipped with quills
Glue - The Splicer glue is amazingly usefull tool. Enough strong to hold 700lb stone cube stuck to the roof. Is generatted by some special bacteria in anaerobic enviroment. The glue soldify very fast when exposed to air(half melee round), due the bacteria dying. Is shot by a bio gun with a special canister attached. The gun does have a normal trigger dislike normal bio-weapons and does contain enough glue for 50 shot, regenerate 2 shot of glue per minute. Glue can be stored in vacuum plastic jars for future use. This glue is often used in place of nails, and has foudn its wya in battle field too, being able to stop anything with a splcier/robotic strenght of 40 for a long time.
Resin - covered way too well in main book, resin is used in extensive way in Architecture, generally everywhere metal should be you'll fidn various colored resin, often gold, but favored colors include blue , earth like red, and purple.
Warm/Cool regulation system - A weird cyclindral worm like bio-tech device, with three big red eyes and toothless maw. The womr does not like being touched, but most amazingly react oddly to temperature change. If it feel cold it become very hot like a coal stove, while if exposed to hot environment it start to emit a freezing aura. A single worm coudl regulate the temperature of a room 14ftx14ft. As was said, the worms do not like being touched or handled , so they are placed in ceramic container, vaguely resembling snail's shell with handle bars. The worm is SDC being while the ceramic shell is MDC, so acting as defence too. Ceramic stoves are still used too.
Light - As i said optical fiber are still avaiable to humakind, albeit harder to produce, and don't forget old good neon gas(nanomachine plague said nothing about gasses... :D :P ). Add to this giant light cells placed here and there and you get a less dark Great House.
Hydraulic - Well this is one field that suffered a lot from the loss of alloys and metals. To make water run from one place to another, is only matte rof creating the right pressure, but metal tubes were the ebst medium for this. Anything else was or too frail or too "spongy". Bio-tech helped, trought some MDC Ivory tubes. Apart form this is pretty much identical to 21th century hydraulics, except for some details, like the filtering sponge a 30ft radius sponge, that absorb , filter and redirect gallons and gallons of water at water nodes, or the water tap that sniffing you know exactly how warm your water had to be. - A side note Splicer common life is not a diryt one, infact there are some zone of a Great house that are frigthenly clean! Dirt and Bacteria coudl be deadly to immature host armors ya know!
Next chapter Cooking in Splicer world...
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Woaa now this is the warmest reply I got , ever! I really expected nothing less for Splcier board.
Now the turn is
Now the main problem wiht cooking in Splcier world is that nanomachines prevent use of metallic pots and frying pans, making quite complicated. But some old fashioned from of cooking are still possible, without bio-tech. Smoked food can be done withoug metal, and you can cook meat on embers, or cooked in holes in terraine where the foond get a sort of vapor cooking. Wood and ceramic can still be used as pottery and food container and believe it or not even in splicer world tupperware do exist(believe me that stuff could survive man's extintion). In all and for all the main problem is the lack of usefull thermal conductive medium as metal. For boiling and frying is the best. All other cookicn tecniques are quite unchanged.
Biotech offer some help here too , by the way. One easy way to boil and cook stuff is a lesser version of the heat cannon. Way much less powerfull is still better than a microwave oven . Generally the look si similar to that average Heat Prjector. A huge worm with large dark eye. The worm is generally mounted into ceramic ovens, and dislike is bigger brother does not do MDC damage, only SDC
Cooking Heat Projector:
Range: only 12ft, not thought as weapon
Damage: 2d4, 3d6, 5d6SDC damage, 2d6 MDC (the last for cooking MDC flesh)
It can matain a constant beam for 1 hour
Note Normal Heat projectinc cannon can be modified to cook too, in case you want to warm up some food between battles
Bio-E cost: 15 points, but is often found mount in ceramic ovens
Price: 100 credits bigger ones, the like you find in Warlord house, 450 credit and can cook a an entire large warmounts
Another tool usefull for cooking in Splicer setting is the
SauceSprayer. In principle is similar to the Chemical sprayer, except is syntesize any form of additive, sauce , colourant or juice you could think of. A very useful biologica mixer. On appearence resemble a large fleshy bag with large trunk. The trunk emit the substance he was programmed to synthesize. The oly limit is that the bag has a mouth right undert the trunk and need to be feed of regular spices and vegetables . And what it eat can influence the final result. Her some of the stuff it can spray.
Alchool: Beer, wine whatever, just feed the right elements and the SauceSprayer can give your favored ale in matter of minutes Time of preparation: 1d4 minutes
Sauce: Tomato Sauce, Mustard, Ketchup, Mayonaise, Chili etc... Time of preparation: 2d4 melees
Ice Cream: any flavour Time of Preparation: 1d4 minutes, but between does and another need a one melee break , chewing ice does cause it the equivalent of an headache
Cream of any type: whipped cream, fruit Jam(shot right on glass jar), chocolate cream and so on Time of Preparation: 1d6 melees when doign this the Sauce Sprayer tend to become warm and hot
Fruit Juice: Various type Time of Preparation: 1d4 melees
Dough: the usal mixing for pasta, pizzas, but also cakes and so on. Is not exactly sprayed , but rather slowly expelled from the trunk time of preparation: 1d4 minutes
Water: The Sauce Sprayer can salo purify water, from dirt and bacteria Time of preparation: 1 melee action
Payload: generally the Sauce Sprayer can hold enough for 10 shot of food, roughly equal to 8-10 lbs
Lifespan: 2d6 years. Old Sauce Sprayer tend to become slower and they add a peculiar flavor to their "sprays" .
SDC: 1d6x100 technically a minor MDC bio-weapon
Price: 1000 credits
Last edited by The Baron of chaos on Thu May 11, 2006 1:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Cooking two - Food and Spices
Now we've seen how cooking is in Splcier, now let's see of waht NEW food you can find in great house taverns.
Giant Chikens - A classic idea, do you really think they would not make giant chiken for eating? These animals , while big enough to be ride is too stupid to be used like that and being an SDC Being is not too useful ,except as burden animal. But its main purpouse, sad but true, is to be juicy meant to be cooked on wild fire.
Hit Points & S.D.C.: HP: 1d6x10+40 SDC: 5d6+10
Speed: Running: 20mph
Leaping: 10ft hig and 15ft across
Swimming: not possible, quite afraid of water
Flying: you are joking aren't you?
-Statistica Data
Height: 6-8 ft
Cargo: can carry 300 lb on its back and can pull 600lbs
Physical Strenght: 2d6+5
Lifespan: 10-12 years but most are...ahem...cooked around 5-6 years
Trade Value: current price vary but for the most part is sold at 30 credit per lb
Feeding: Eats 10-30 pound of grain per day
IQ: 3

Living Soil - Farm Pigs
The name is quite stupid and sincerely don't do a great job in detailing this short pig like bio creature abilities. In short is allow the growth of mushrooms and vegetables in its large flabby wrinkled skin. Yes you've read right, INSIDE the skin. Young Living Soil, also called FarmPig, look like large odd wrinkled pigs wiht mushroms growing on their back, but older ones, well looik like a pice of garden walking around, with many mistaking them for sentient vegetals. Despite this msitka they are a valuable resource, expecially because you got everythign you need in one single place. The vegetables taste good , and plus they all add very nice flavour to the pig meat that is DEEEEEELICIOOUS, it melt in your mouth creating and explosion of taste! Of course while the vegetable cost little, the meat cost high, 100 credit for 1/2 lb, due to the hig value fo the pigs
Hit Points & S.D.C.: HP: 4d6+10 SDC: 6d6
Speed: Running: 6mph
Leaping: not possible
Swimming: Surprisingly swimm quite well, for a pig I mean, 3mph
Flying: not possible
-Statistica Data
Height: adult are on 1 heigth at the shoulder
Lenght: 4ft and 5 inches
Weight: 400 to 2000lb goes for obsceoulsy fat pigs.
Physical Strenght: 3d6+12 , 3% of them does hav esplicer strenght doe recessive piggypiggypiggy
Lifespan: 25-31 years
Vegetable production rate: same as very fertile soil, you've to look at normal vegetable life, generally one culd expet at least 200-300 tomatoes per year and 70 mushrooms from an healthy Famr Pig
Trade Value: Very high price, sold at 100 credits for 1/2 lbs
Feeding: Eats oats grain and anything in great amounts, and also a lot of water
IQ: 1d6 - some are very smart and like to play dirty tricks to splcier farmers.

next time, cows, milks and talking broccoli!
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Here another cattle for your Splicer Farm
Steel sheep - These are a cattling animal very rpized in Splicer world. Look like nomral sheep , wiht one subtle difference, The wooly is hard as a super metallic alloy(m.D.C.). shaving these critter grant a source for cheap M.D.C. material for various purpouse. From chainmail, clothes, ropes and mind nuimbling possibilities. They lack great intelligence but like normal sheep offer quite good levle of obedience. Old retired packmasters often engage in cattling of this particular bio-cattle. Meat does taste pretty much like normal sheep
M.D.C. wooly (adults only): 20+2d6 M.D.C.
S.D.C. wooly (juvenile lamb): 90+2d8 A.R.(yes the lamb wooly got an AR): 19
Hit Points: 1d4x10+15 Adults, 4d8 Young Lambs
Speed: running: 12mph
Leaping: 8ft high, 12ft across
Swimming: well they can but are damn slow less than 2 ft per melee
Flying : not possible
Weapons: Horns : Males only Adults: 2d4 Mega-damage Young Lambs: 2d6 SDC damage
Height :
Weight: 132lbs adults + 80 lbs just for the wooly
PE: 25, Immune to disease
Lifespan: 11-15 years
Trade Value: 500 for an Adult, 315 for a young lamb
Feeding : Feeds on grass, bushes, shrubs and trees, 5-6 pounds per day
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Unread post by Spinachcat »

Good stuff!

I recommend you google Test Tube Meat and check out a news article from last year where researchers are talking about mass producing meat in a laboratory without using a live animal, just meat. You could have giant vats of beef, chicken, lamb, deer or chinchilla meat and never have to worry about the animal's roaming or health issues.

It will be odd because technically you could be a vegetarian and still chow down on steak and ribs. The same vats you grow HA would be fine to create this non-living food source.
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Well my hydraulic knowledge is somehow limited, so I made an assumption based on wrong facts, I'm sorry. Thank you for having cleared it up.
Great ideas you posted Andor, something i thought before Keep it up guys! Make Dreadguards everyday life more acceptable!
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Unread post by abtex »

Andor wrote:...the only thing you really need a metal surface for is frying.

You can cook without any metal being used at all, your surface can be glass or a rock or any other number of elements. You can fry in a ceramic, glass or even a high temp plastic pan. Take a bone or plant covered chemical protection that is shaped like a frying pan. "How do you want your eggs?"

Andor wrote:Parrot slugs: 2' long feathered slugs with the head of a Macaw. <snip>

Split the Parrot slug into two parts. The I-Parrot that may be a small portable 'player' upto group of them that can fly around the room singing. The I-Parrot eats song or message slugs and remembers 1000s of hours of whatever and play them back. The flock learns froms the one who eats the slug. Sensative information can be on multi slugs and all must be eatten to hear the whole message.

Andor wrote:Sofa Plants: A vine that produces seed pods the size and texture of a large cushion. They will stick to each other and can be stacked to build furniture.

Inflatable furniture?.

Bed Log just unroll with a bark shell for cover at night or day depending on HA body type.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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here some other stuff, that have to find place in your Dreadguards house :D

Classical ovens: This is the classical brick, concrete and refractory ceramic oven. Useful to cook, well, pretty much everything need to be cooked, include bricks! Real oven
Cost: Vary but surprisingly low around 200-250 credits

Thermals Blaster Ovens: The organic empowered version. This ones mount inside three low power Thermal cannon, the oven is herbivore/vegetarian and is impervious to heat. Can reach higher temperature than normal oven. There is one side effect, if not feed regularly it could chomp the food it is supposed to cook.
MDC: 1d8x20+30
Cost: 400-500 credits. A must for any restaurant in great houses

Super Vegetal Plastic: Special modified plants whose wide leaf are equal to bio-plastic. The leaves can easily be worked into any shape, not only but it does have some Memory feature that allow it to remember past shapes, and could reassume them upon electrical impulse. Dislike normal MDC resin is not as resistant to fire, is a bio-tech easily shared with retro-villages, due the fact is easy to disguise as normal plant’s leaves.
MDC: 1d4x10 leaves, 1d8+2 vines take double damage from MDC fire and normal MDC damage from SDC fire.
Cost: 20 credit for large leaf, 15 for the vines, 140 for a seed that would grow a 2d6+2 leaves and 4d8 vines in a year

Super Micro Fibre tissues: this is a improvement of your average microfibre , making it thousand of times harder. The cloths are great of cleaning clothes, but not only, is ideal in making jackets, shirts and any clothes with good thermal insulation and easy to clean clothes.
Features: 1 square foot of tissue does have 1d4x50 SDC

OLED Lighting - How OLED work
The ancestor of super light cells. Widely used in Great Houses, make up for most illumination in it.
Cost: 150-200 credits for large OLED coverage, 15 for a single lamp.

Glass Radiator - Heat is created by the electrically conductive neutral coating on one of the glass surfaces facing the laminated inter-layer. Electricity is sent across this coating and this generates heat because of the resistance the electricity has to work against. The organic conductive material create an intricate net of colourful markings inside the glass when electricity is sent. Resemble some weird post moder paints.
Cost: 200+3d10 credits

Bean Armchair
: Don’t think about huge bag filled of sand. No is more like giant truly fat, ultra soft, beans. They are soft and adapt top the shape of the person sitting. They are also surprisingly resistant to weight, able to sustain a full equipped dreadguard with a gorehound I his arm. The only drawback is that you’ve to change them after sometimes. But this is balanced formt he fact they are used to feed herbivore warmounts and host armors.
Cost: 60-240 credits. Come in variety of colors. Base color is pasty white, common is red and purple. For additional 100 credits there is the vibrating option, aka Mexican Bean Armchair
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Interesting stuff for the common man! Keep it coming!
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"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Here more common bio-tech

Vision bugs: This is an advanced form of non military bio-tech. At first glance look like a weird four legged large bug, with a large fleshy maw instead of usual insect fangs, four eyes, plus one large bug eye on its top. The Bug is able to communicate with other vision bugs at great distance, and transmit what it hear and see, the top eye actually a sophisticated holographic projector. The bugs does not reproduce easily, limiting the number spread around. It allow also some improvements.
Range: one mile, plus one mile for 5 Bio-E this increase Bug’s size by 1.5 times, for 15 Bio-E the Bugs can act as sort of server, transmitting and receiving images and sounds from 2d6 Vision Bugs at the same time. This typology of bugs are enormous but are unable to transmit images and sound by themselves. Only redirecting other bugs data and allowing multiple communications. For additional 5 Bio-E the communication is scrambled, only a vision bug with the same feature can decrypt the message. For 8 bio-e the bug can memorize a message rather than transmitting, max length 20 minutes
Weight: 5 lbs
Size: 6 inches diameter
MDC: 3d8 + 2 per size increment
Cost: 2000-3600 credit for pair, each enhancement increase the price, depending on the seller

Bio-tech reproduction kit
: Despite the name is nothing illegal. Is simple a base kit to help breeding of simple, non military, bio-tech. Is not generally sold , but kept inside merchant guilds. It contain drugs, pills, a small pamphlet with guideline about how to keep the small critters breeding, and some info about the healthcare (no one really want a food processor diarrheic). Each kit work for one typology of bio-tech only, oven, pans, goggles and so on, and does not allow bio-modifications.
Cost: not sold, on black market the price would go from 3600 credits up

Clock Birds: timers were at the same time the hardest and easiest thing to replace after the Nanoplague for the bio-tech. In Retro villages people rely on sand clocks or meridian. In great house, being many underground, they had to find another way to keep track of time. The solution was indeed easy. Of all animals Birds are the ones with one of the best sense of time and so they were the perfect choice for a living clock. The clock birds are colourful birds with a large beak , resembling some tropical bird. Their feathers change colours according to the hour, so just looking at them one could know the time. In addition the bird can be taught to sing at precise times, with various tonality for different set alarms. The birds are not exactly small, but they are present in most houses. Exist different models with small difference, mostly of look and singing voice.
Size: 1ft and 3 inch tall
Weight: 17 lb
SDC: 1d6x100 AR: 16
Cost: 50-130 credit
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Unread post by Spinachcat »

This is a great thread topic! Here are my ideas...

It gets cold and calmy underground. A hotbug is a small biotech animal, about the size of a microwave or space heater, that runs a very high metabolism and body temperature. The hotbug is usually lumpy sphere with a mouth at the top of the creature and numerous gills and vents along the surface. You feed biological waste into the top orifice and wait about 15 minutes for digestion to begin. The hotbug will then begin breathing in the cold air and breathing out very warm air that makes an area very comfortable for the next 4-12 hours (depending on how chill the area was before).

Alarm Fungus
Alarm Fungi are a red cluster sponges that squeal and brighten in color to alert residents to a Machine attack so they run for the emergency shelters. Alarm Fungi are triggered much like fire alarms. If a human grabs a fungi, the sweat from their hand sets off a chemical reaction that causes the fungi to begin to strobe and squeal in both a subsonic and audible level. Other fungi are set off by the subsonic sounds and a fast chain reaction of panicked fungi go off across a Great House. Also, those closest to the original alarm become brightest so troops will be able to quickly chase down the origin of the panic. Penalties for setting off false alarms are usually pretty stiff.

Biotic Sleeping Gel
The rebirth process that remakes humans into Biotics is incredibly traumatic and most suffer from a host of psychological illnesses. The Biotic Sleeping Gel is made from the "leftovers" of the human parts which are discarded during the rebirth process which are turned into a "human essence" gel. Biotics rub this gel in their nostrils to breathe in the gel which helps settle their mind, mostly allowing those most traumatized to be able to sleep, rest and stay calm.

Vermin survive almost anywhere and thrive wherever there is a protein source, regardless how foul. The Ratgurgitator is the Splicer mousetrap. It is about the same size as a Hotbug and residents put them wherever they fear rats may thread. The Ratgurgiator gives off a very delicious odor that draws in rats, then traps and eats the rats BUT that's only the beginning. The Ratgurgitator lives off the bones, marrow, fat of the rat, but the protein rich meat is expelled in little hairy clumps after about 24 hours. Residents collect these clumps which are fed to Gorehounds as treats.
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Nice job guys, now before new usefull bio-tech only some side notes for every further developer of bio-technology, military and not. In nature does not exist ONLY bugs and worms! I mean Ok insect are the most numerous life form of earth, but there are others too! So do not have to do worm or bug shaped biotech. Nothing forbit to make an Opossum shaped bbio-gun or turtle based bio-computer.
now to the good stuff

Shaving Gel: tired of hairy women? Wanting some smooth skin? Or do you just want to wear your host armor without that ticklish sensation ? The Super SHaving Gel of Uncle Librarian do the work! Result of bio-modified plant resin, this gel cause the instant falling of all the hardest hair, needing no painful razor cutting at all. It does also slow the regrow so , women, don't be afraid to have to repeat the process soon
Cost: 30-50 credit for enough gel to cover one adult person

Nail shooter: While here we don't cover weapon, the nail shooter is a carpenteer tool, that proved to be usefull for self defence too. It does look like an opossum covere with hard bone quills. these are harder than the average bio-nails(see my frist posting in this thread) and used to fix MDC Wood and materials. The Shooter use its long tail and prehensile feet to grab owner arm and then you've jsut to point and give the mental command to shot.
Lenght: 2ft and 3 inches , tail included
Weight: 9 lb
Attributes: IQ: 3 quite smart animal, MA: 6 quiet but don't like be touched by strangers, ME: 10, PS: 1d6(normal), PP: 17, Speed: 20 but prefer to pick up trip attache to the owner
MDC: 2d6+40 , anyone grabbing the shooter would suffer 2d6 damage(non MDC, the quills does Megadamage only if shot or if grabbed with Megadamage strenght)
Singular Quill MDC: 2 MDC each
Damage: 1d6 Megadamage for quill
Range: 30ft only.
Rate of fire: Quills can be shot in short burst of 4, one after another, or in a volley of 2
Payload: the shooter has 40 mature hardened bone nails/quills, plus 2d6x10 softer ones, not yet hardened to be MDC. It regenerate 4 hard quills per hour
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Here more to keep the thread going.

Here some other nice stuff, keep this thread alive !

Turtoise Back Computer : The look of this advaced Bio-tech os that of a a large turtle with stubbu prehensile fingers, three circular opal on the back of the shell and four eyes. The T.C as it is commonly called is an experimental modle , an attempt to create somethign close to a bio-comp for the masses, it does have higly intelligence, greater than most warmounts, albeit still more limited than average human, similar to Forrest Gump. It compensate with incredible talent for analysis, impressive memory, language translation and enhanced mathematical abilities. The T.C. it generally grab to the back of the user and use bio-comms to communicaty with him telepathically. It does have also the baility to scrable radio signal , but in a limited way.
Attributes: IQ:14 very high for a bio-tech, but emotionally limited and childish
ME: 1d4, MA, 1d6+2, PS: 8 does NOT have Splcier strenght
Skills: Math Basic 98%, Math Advanced 80%, Research 80%(only amongst the data it has accumulated, 4 Language at 98%, cannot talk but could tramsmit translation right into owner mind
Special: Eidetic Memory: can recall anything he had seen or experienced at 78%
Limited Radio Jamming: Three times per day can stop all radio, satellite, Bio comms and microwave transmission in a 20 ft radius for five minutes
Sensor Enhancement: has 4d6+12 Bio-E of Optical and Sensor enhacement
Awe Factor of 12 for Librarians and Engineers only. The like to have these turtle computer around
Shell 200 MDC
Head: 6 MDC
Legs (4): 10 MDC each
Lenght: 3 ft diameter
Weight: 65lb
Running speed: 3 is a turtle what do you expect?
Swimming speed: 3d6+6 quite fast, is amphibious and could stay underwater for 4 hours
Reproduction cycle: Fully herm, reproduce once per year, laying 1d4 eggs in sand.
cost: 12000 credits experimental and rare, most are owned by Librarians that rent them , but expect them to be brought back(for the chronicle the Turtoise Back Computer automatically share with librarrians all the date thay collected, and this could explain their appreciation of this bio-utility.

Flesh Hammer: Not a weapon is a simple hammer, only the tip is made of a fleshy organism covered by a semi transparend rigid membrane. It could work as normal hammer, but the flesh inside the head allow to work upon MDC structure.
MDC: 4
Damage: 3d6 as weapon, or 1 Megadamage
Cost: 80 credits
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Ultra coffee: Modified strain of coffee, ten times as strong than usual. Just a cup of this in mornign and you won't sleep for all day long. It is not healthy to combine this with circadian rythms or increased metabolic rate. Unless you want to stay awake for 4 weeks! Is a must for all roughneck having to stya on guard duty on Great Houses entrance. Gorehounds
Cost: 2 credits for a steaming cup of coffe

Bio-Polycarbonate Thermos: Is a portable thermos for hot or cold liquids. The thermos does actually have a living organism mounted in the base that mantain the temperature for whatever liquid is put inside costant. The Thermos does have 100 S.D.C/1 M.D.C. and come in various color, wiht camouflage colors being the most common. come in size from 16 to 34 ounces. An additional features include a filtering system, that allow to clena any fluid put inside.
Cost: 28 credits + 15 for the filtering ability
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Re: Bio-technology for the common man

Unread post by LostOne »

*performs resurrection, choir of voices sings*

Nice...sign me up for a 150 lb drumstick from that chicken. ;) And you though the smoked turkey drumsticks at the fair were big...
"But you can't make an omelet without ruthlessly crushing dozens of eggs beneath your steel boot and then publicly disemboweling the chickens that laid them as a warning to others." -Order of the Stick #760
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Re: Bio-technology for the common man

Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

Thank for resurrecting, albeit now i'm confused where to post stuff for the common man, considering now there are TWO threads.. Oh well
Look like normal cows, except for weird coloration, generally identifying the typology. These cows had been genetically manipulated to be little chemical factories and produce a variety of different "milks". Cattling them is also quite easy, same as normal cows.
Hit Points & S.D.C.: HP: 1d8x10+50, S.D.C. 100+4d6
Speed: 35 mph at max speed, half that much normally
Leaping: not possible
Swimming: flot and swim at slow 2 mph
Statistica Data
Height: 6ft to 12 ft long and 20+1d4 inches tall at the shoulders
Weight: 2000 lb(slightly heavier than usual cows)
Lifespan: 10-18 years
Trade Value: never less thant 200 credits, milk prices vary a lot
PS: 2d8+3
Feeding: Graze herb and grain
I.Q.: 1d4+2
Special - Modified Milks
Green Cows: Medical Milk, Effect is similar to antibiotic, with the benefit of protein and vitamins. ADD +10% to save vs. Poison Toxin
Purple Cow: Choco-milk. Eh is not what you think the chocolate milk is actually a strong relaxing drug, like morphin,used by doctors but widespread as recreational drug, with milk bar here and there, nickname derive from its brownish color.
Golden Cows: Healing milk, stimulate cellular regeneration , drinking it regulary (at least twice per day) make you heal twice as fast as usual for the duration of the assumption, +2d6% to save vs coma/death - NOTE regulard baths (once per day) in such milk actually SLOW physical aging by 50%
Red Cow: Extreme Milk, super excitant , negate fatigue for one hour after drinking one liter of milk. Can be addictive. abuse cause insomnia
Blue cow: Strenghtenig Milk. Rich of vitamins, proteins, minerals and special mutated enzymes, that do only one thing. Make you stronger. The milk strenghten bones, helping negatinc any bone sickness and tripling the healing speed of broken and damaged bones. Muscle and tendons also get better and healthier, becoming more toned. Regular consumption of this milk, make elderly and/or sickly as healthy as they were in their prime, but on normal people make them better
Bonuses from regular consumption: +1d4+2 to PS and PE +20 to SDC, bones heal three times faster than normal
note these bonuses disapper if you drink less than four glasses of milk per day
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Re: Bio-technology for the common man

Unread post by taalismn »

LOving it....
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Re: Bio-technology for the common man

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Looks awesome! Thank you for sharing these with us! I have a question... Do they have megacattle? And if so can they produce curries for the people to eat in vast quanities?
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Bio-technology for the common man

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Of course they do, Carnivorous Host Armors and Warmounts assorted do consume LOT of food(one of the side effect of bio-tech, quite energy consuming :P)

Fat cows: they are pretty much normal cows, but modified so that their meat are SUPER charged with proteins and nutrients. This give them a quite obese look
Stats: same as mega cows but have 1d6x100 SDC and weight 1400lb ALL FAT AND JUICY MEAT!!

megaburghers for everyone!! 8-)
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Re: Bio-technology for the common man

Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

Now for something slightly more serious.

Microscopes - Since the begin, it resulted painful obvious that , despite all good intentions, that Engineers and Librarians cannot do everything by themselves. They needed some help. This help come in from of chemist and biologist, who support them in their developing of new biotech. Of course the big of the job is upon Engineers and the calculations of the Librarians are a need, still some additional help in bio-chemical process come handy. And these biologist and chemist need equipment, that for obvious reason can't be made of metal. Microsciopes are one of the pivotal tools of their jobs.
Optical Microscopes - Not really changed, simply made of ceramic or resin, is a classical instrument of analysis and work
Bio-microscope goggles - Well is not truly goggles, as much as a mask with dozen of tiny little eyes . In principle work as simple Eye pod, but with a more focused toward science analysis. The bio-mask grant Macro-vision but reaching x 20, can see Ultraviolet, Infrared and Electromagnetic(electron) spectrum of light
MDC: 20
Cost: 80-100 credits
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Re: Bio-technology for the common man

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very cool. Now that you have that device we need some organic electron microscope, scanning electron microscope and tunnelling scanning version too.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Bio-technology for the common man

Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

Well I've first to see how those things works anmd if is possible to reply them with biotech or non metallic tech(I'll yell till my last breath on this board, EXIST OTHER NON METALLIC MATERIALS WHO CAN WORK AS METAL!!!)
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Re: Bio-technology for the common man

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I suppose we could always explore the full possibilities that a carbon carbon structure has.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Bio-technology for the common man

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how about bio-toilets?(they must have some way to prevent disease from fecal mater & urine!)
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Re: Bio-technology for the common man

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I could see them using their tech to have organisms to breakdown those problems. And if they can remove the toxins from the human feces, they could use it for for nutrients for their hydroponics.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Bio-technology for the common man

Unread post by LostOne »

abe wrote:how about bio-toilets?(they must have some way to prevent disease from fecal mater & urine!)

If parasitic armor can consume body waste without issue, it's not much of a stretch to assume they have some kind of bio-toilet using the same type of metabolism.
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Re: Bio-technology for the common man

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The Baron of chaos wrote:Well I've first to see how those things works anmd if is possible to reply them with biotech or non metallic tech(I'll yell till my last breath on this board, EXIST OTHER NON METALLIC MATERIALS WHO CAN WORK AS METAL!!!)

Yes, there are other materials with nearly the same strengths and functionalities as metals. The problem with trying to use them in Splicers is that they universally need metal machinery for their initial creation and forming. Could a factory be constructed of resin and use resin to simulate plastics and the like? Probably but what are you going to make the initial mold for the resin pieces from to build the factory machinery? Who among the human resistance ever had the knowledge to attempt such a thing? The political leaders and scientists and engineers would have been the very first targets of NEXUS when it went completely insane and decided humanity was a plague upon its planet.
What a cruel thing is war: to separate and destroy families and friends, and mar the purest joys and happiness God has granted us in this world; to fill our hearts with hatred instead of love for our neighbors, and to devastate the fair face of this beautiful world. - R E Lee
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Re: Bio-technology for the common man

Unread post by LostOne »

demos606 wrote:Could a factory be constructed of resin and use resin to simulate plastics and the like? Probably but what are you going to make the initial mold for the resin pieces from to build the factory machinery?

You can carve molds out of wood, stone, plaster blocks, etc. Then when the resin hardens you break/carve away the mold if it won't slide out nicely. Slower, but workable.

demos606 wrote:Who among the human resistance ever had the knowledge to attempt such a thing? The political leaders and scientists and engineers would have been the very first targets of NEXUS when it went completely insane and decided humanity was a plague upon its planet.

I never got the impression the initial purge was that organized. I always got the impression it was "release the robots, shoot anything that has a pulse".
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Re: Bio-technology for the common man

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Even if the initial guided attacks were that simplistic, the nanoplague would still have claimed the scientists and engineers among it's first victims. There is still the insurmountable fact that effectively ALL knowledge of industrial development and processes was lost in the (comparatively) early stages of the NEXUS insanity and the Resistance never had the benefit of such knowledge.
What a cruel thing is war: to separate and destroy families and friends, and mar the purest joys and happiness God has granted us in this world; to fill our hearts with hatred instead of love for our neighbors, and to devastate the fair face of this beautiful world. - R E Lee
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Re: Bio-technology for the common man

Unread post by zor_prime1 »

Child-guardian pets

Children in the Splicers setting are often environmental casualties before they even see or know of the battlefield. Not as much from sickness or other health problems as much as from the nanite plague. In an effort to increase the population, a "pet" has been devised to accompany young children from the time that they are mobile. It's been genetically created to be tame and playful to keep a child's interest and affection.

The pet is as large as an 18-month toddler and resembles a spider monkey with six arms. For of its hands have opposable thumbs to use in playing and protecting. The other two of its six arms are made of furry ivory with ligaments and muscles set inside. These two arms are also equipped with ivory pincers. The body is soft tissue. The Ivory acts as a barrier to give it time to escape the metal reactions.

A minor psionic bond is created between the pet and it's protected child simply so that they can detect what the child is focused on, when they feel pain and where. This psionic link wanes starting at the age of eight at a rate of 20% per year.

The duty of these pets is to protect the child from the nanite plague effects. Ideally, the intent is to keep the wandering child away from metal at all times. However, in the case that child actually pick up any metal, the pet’s priority is to use the ivory arms and hands to remove the metal from the child. It will also attempt to remove the child from the metal in any way it can. It will even sacrifice it's own life if necessary.

In order to do protect the child, the pet will use means such as distraction, physical effort, high pitch sounds, disgusting smells, or even a peppery cloud to prevent the child from going near the metal.
The pet can detect metal fairly effectively using a combination of smell, sight, and bio-magnetic sensors that will alert the pet of any metal that attaches to magnets within a 15-foot (3 meter) radius. If there are any suspicious items, the pet will investigate first to see if the item or area has metal.

If the child does end up with metal in his or her possession, the pet will physically grab the object and pull it away. It will emit a disgusting smell or even a mild pepper spray type cloud in order to send the child away from the vicinity. It will also let out a loud squeal to alert people around it. Once the metal is in the possession of the pet, the ivory should take the brunt of the nanite plague's wrath for a short time. Thus increasing the survivability of the pet. If a pet is killed, then it's body emits a strong, skunk-like odor. This will alert the people around that something has killed a pet, which is serious enough to warrant attention.

I.Q.: 11 (enough to learn and play, but also be effective in emergency situations)
P.S.: 12 (enough to overpower a child’s grip or physically move them if necessary)
S.D.C.: 4D6

I can stat this out further if anyone else is interested.
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Re: Bio-technology for the common man

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice! I like it and yes, I would love to see this more fully statted out.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Bio-technology for the common man

Unread post by LostOne »

zor_prime1 wrote:Child-guardian pets

While I see this as an interesting concept, I don't think it's really needed.

No psionics in the splicers world, so no way to make that psychic bond.

Splicer's in great houses would live in areas that have by now had all metal removed. Children that young would either be in their family's care 100% of the time, or maybe, depending on the house or the mother's situation (if she's a soldier) there might also be a daycare setting as well. In any case, the child would never be exposed to metal until they were old enough to leave the great house, probably as an adult.

Humans in retro-villages wouldn't be able to have a bio-tech pet, that would call down the wrath of the machines.

But there's no reason this couldn't be changed into just a bio-tech pet.
"But you can't make an omelet without ruthlessly crushing dozens of eggs beneath your steel boot and then publicly disemboweling the chickens that laid them as a warning to others." -Order of the Stick #760
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