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Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 7:33 pm
by heinzy57
I've come back to TMNT after about 15 years. I'm thinking about running a campaign for my gaming group. We usually play AD&D 3.5 or something like that. We're currently playing Shadowrun. I'm a little concerned that my group will find leveling underwhelming. I know that you level skill and HP, but is there anything else that levels. Am I missing anything?

If not, I'm thinking about trying to implement some kind of system that allows a minor superpower from Heroes Unlimited at Level X or extra BIO-E points at Level Y or something like that.

What do you all think? Am I underestimating what is gained in leveling? Has anyone tried anything like this in their campaigns? Any other hints on running a TMNT game for people that know are d20 fanatics?

Any help would be awesome. Thanks!

- Kevin

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 9:18 pm
by Rali
Yup, each level gains the character the 'per level' skill bonus, and 1D6 Hit Points.

Now, while giving BIO-E sounds like an interesting reward system, it's a bit outside the scope of the basic setting. However, as I am so fond of telling people, there is no reason that a GM can't add and/or remove whatever they want to a setting to flavor it to their or their players taste.

Other reward systems you could use is notoriety/renown/prestige, and/or influence. Heck, you could even toss in a karma type reward (does Shadow Run still use Karma?)

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 8:10 am
by gordyzx9r
And I allow the original teaching skill so as to offer an opportunity for players to acquire new skills (within reason).

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 7:41 am
by CyCo
Back when we were playing TMNT, we had a basic system where at certain levels, you automatically got to pick a new skill. Most of the time it was a Secondary Skill, a rare few were 'OCC' skills.

I like the idea of using Karma/Force or whatever. Maybe every odd level players get 1d6 Karma points. These can be used to alter dice results. Spent before a dire roll, one to one cost. After, two to one. They could and should also be awarded for good roleplaying.

Then at every even level, they get a new 'secondary skill', while at levels 5, 10 & 15 they get a full 'OCC" skill. New skills can be learned during play as well to supplement the characters 'growth'.

With Reputation/Renown, you could have a base, based on the characters MA & PB, averaged. Then a bonus of +1 every 3rd level. When people meet with your character (and your character meets with npc's), a roll under this number means there is some level of recognition. Otherwise, they are unknown. More could be awarded by the GM for good roleplaying, along with XP, and Karma.

I'd be carefull giving out more Bio-E. But what you could do is assign everyone an extra amount of Bio-E during character generation. Get them to make up their first level characters, then make a tree/flow chart of their future evolution. So, say, 70 Bio-E for evolution. They then plan out their future powers. Divide them as eavenly as possible so as to cover the 15 levels. Say a characters evolution path had 5 powers. They get one every three levels.

Of Cause, all this is off the top of my head, I have no idea how you play your games. Take my ideas and run with them.

Just remember to have fun as well!!


Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 11:24 am
by Rali
It's all about the F-U-N!!! :D