The Alchemist OCC
The Alchemists are men and women that on other world would be hailed as natural genius, with an high IQ and incredible talents toward all field of science and technology. But in the world of Splicer they end up as outsiders. Most of them think themselves underestimated by society, frustrated in their research by various factor, the fear of people, the Engineers and Librarians that make them look obsolete and useless, the nanoplague the forbid them the use of metals…To their vision the entire universe is conspiring against them.
But they are smart, really smart, so smart to think many way to get around a problem. Enough smart to learn how accomplish massive success in surgery, bio-mechanics, chemistry and even old fashioned genetic engineering. Of course none of this success is accomplished without a little sacrifice…of others.
Kids used as testing subject for latest variant of Elixir Vitae, Gorehound organs transplanted into unwilling volunteer, Biotics and War Mounts used as source materials for building flesh machines and worst. Of course one had not to think that all that come from artist is bad, they did also good things, like vaccines, creating new tools for cultivations, developing new materials productions systems, searching for a cure for the nano-plague(sort of obsession of all of them). Is just that they really don’t coped well with the way the Human Resistance had turned and so they choose the way of self exile, often hiding in the middle of wastelands or in some nature preserve, running their experiments.
The Alchemist holy grail is the theorized “Bio-metal” or Organic Metal, the philosopher stone of these insane misanthropes. According to them is a form of organic crystallization that would be as hard as the alloys used by the machines and immune to the nano-plague. A way the regain the technology they were deprived . Of course they are far from a certain success.
In all and for all the Alchemist are pure researchers and amazingly thinkers that had stepped way out the line and that simply don’t want to limits themselves like the Engineers wish.
They often open trading routes with Bandits, Nomads and Waste Crawler, supporting them with their bio-mechanism, or simply healing their wounds, in change for protection. And you can be sure they are in any criminal organization that could offer some help, in change of their knowledge.
Alignment: Anarchist (40%), Miscreant(25%), Diabolic(25%) and Aberrant (10%). This of course always taking in count any eventual insanity they develop
Attribute Requirements: High IQ 14 or better , ME 12, while high endurance is helpful for all those nights awake working on their projects is not mandatory
Attributes Bonuses: +1d6+4 to IQ, +2 to ME, + 1d4 to MA
O.C.C. Bonus: +1 to initative,+2 to save vs. mind control, +4 save vs. Horror Factor
Base SDC: 3d6+10
Alchemist Special skills and powers:
Super Chemistry: The ability that earn the Alchemist their name. Through experience and study and bit of genial madness they reached an almost superhuman chemical talent. They know almost everything there is to know about the various state of matter, and know how to change it in their favor. With few Bunsen still and test tubes they can obtain and alter in few melees whatever material they want , organic or inorganic. After the sixth level this change could even reach atomic level(albeit the result is not always what the Alchemist wanted…(oopss instead to make you immune to nano-plague I turned you in a salt statue. Eh well I have to start from scratch)
Skill Level: 85%+3% per level ( 15%+5% per level for atomic chemical change) can go beyond 98%
Time for preparation: vary but roughly simple things like molecular acids and drugs take only 2d6 minutes
See equipment for some special chemicals that the Alchemist can make.
Inhumane Surgery: While their main field is chemistry, they are extremely skilled in surgery and with some of their special “recipes” can go even further from the simple human organ transplant. As they love to say “I can sew a cat alive in your chest and you wouldn’t notice”
Surgeries include:
Biotics transplant: Generally operating from a recently fallen biotic this allow the transplant of limbs and organs to a normal human. Of course the biotic donor could be alive and unwilling, this does not make any difference for the Alchemist. A Biotic limb general does have 2d6x10 MDC and could hold a certain number of features. Organs could grant some more exotic ability.
Host Armor Transplant: In this case the alchemist , through minimal surgery and a some chemical therapy attune a stolen host armor to a different user. Of course part of therapy include some organ removal from the Host Armor rightful owner and implanted into the Host Armor itself, in this way cheating it making it believe the owner is inside.
Cerebral Transplant: Brain tissues could be transplanted pretty much everywhere, in a Warmounts, in an Host Armor, or simply added to one’s own brain. Doing this increase IQ by 1d6 point per ounce of brain tissue transplanted. Full Brain transplant include also the consciousness of the brain owner
Bio-Mechanics: A machine is any mechanica or organic device that transmits or modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of tasks. It normally requires some energy source and accomplishes some sort of work..This is the general definition of machine and the key of this Alchemist ability. A machine has nothing to do with being made of metal or flesh, but only turning a form of energy into another. The Alchemist with proper biological material can build gears, levers, wedge, spring, wheels and belts and any mechanism they could think of. Needless to say, the donors of this materials are not usually happy of having their own flesh twisted for making a steam train or a pendulum clock.
Skill Level: 78%+ 5% per level
See equipment for some example of the bio-machines these psycho can build.
Common Skill: Standard (+15%)
OCC Skill Programs: Science (+20%), Bio-Technology(+15%),Technical (+10%) and one skill program of choice
Elective Skills: Select five Elective skills from the following list at first level, plus two additional Elective skills at levels 3,6,9,12,15. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communication Any
Domestic Any
Espionage Any
Medical Any +10%
Military none
Physical Any
Rogue Any
Science Any +15%
Technical Any +10%
Transportation Any
Wilderness None
W.P.s Any
Secondary Skills: The character get to select four Secondary skills at level one and one additional at level 2, 4, 8, 10 and 13. These are additional areas of knowledge starting without any special O.C.C. bonus
Special Insulating M.D.C. Semi-living Body Armor: As a proof of their independence from the Engineers and Gene-pools the special armor the Alchemist wear, their trademark, is their own creation. Made from special polymers, ceramics and synthetic biological material other than occasional transplanted organ and a series of plastic tubes connecting the various section. The average look of the Armor resemble a long black tunic, or vest with ceramic shoulder plates and gauntlets, thin long plastic tube crawling in the armor that could have some other frightening features, the head is encased in a white bone or ceramic skull ending in a old style gas-mask.
M.D.C.: 2d6x10+40
Automatically filter any gas and air impurity and does have an oxygen reserve for 2 minutes
Special bonus of 1d4x20+IQ bio-e to spend in eugenic , or better transplant improvement
Standard Equipment: Two surgical gowns, set of surgical gloves, organic surgical kit( scalpel, clamps, suture thread, needles, stethoscope, hypodermic bio-injector etc.). A complete bio-chemical laboratory with all need to run experiment(Laboratory Glassware, Microscopes(combination organic and ceramic, old style microscope also possible) Bunsen burners, Spectrophotometer, Calorimeter, etc) , Tintel google, tent, knapsack, saddlebags and 2d6 almost unbrakable ceramic o glass test-tube, jar or othe rform of container for some weird chemical they are synthesizing.
Money: Has 1d4x100 credits in precious metal , relics or trade value. Plus 2d8x100 credits stored. Most of their money is spent on reasarch and components for their experiments
Special Equipment:
This is the list of some special equipment the Alchemist can create and use.
Surgical Glove: something akin to a bad horro movie idea, is a MDC plastic glow tipped with a series of organic scalpels of various type and with a pair of tendrils coming out from the wrist. These tendril are actually Antennae and transmit data directly to user mind. The bony finger scalpel are sharp and hard as steel but does have small pores that allow them to be used as syringe for injecting chemicals during operations.
M.D.C of the glove: 10
Mega-damage: 2d6, 1d4 S.D.C. Damage: 3d6
Chemicals: Vary with the type the glove can load to 10 dose of single chemical, two for finger
Bonuses: +10% to Medical surgery skill
See Antennae description for further bonus
Semi Organic surgical saw: is one of example of their bio-mechanics skill, is a monomolecular sharp ceramic circular saw mounted on an organic engine powered by alcohol. Useful for when one need more penetrating power than a simple scalpel. Irony this tool was the basis for a bio-weapon that become a great success amongst Biotics and most savage Dreadguards.
M.D.C: 24 , the saw itself does have 30 M.D.C.
Mega-Damage: 1d4x10 per melee round
Payload: one liter of Alcohol is good for 6 hours of constant sawing.
Electrical Battery: Advanced Electrochemical battery, resembling a large glass jar filled with a purplish liquid and 5 bio-electric cells. Around the jar there is a filament of organic material , vaguely resembling a giant nervous termination, that contain a super-conductive gas.
M.D.C: 1
Payload: Produce enough energy to power a 21st century notebook for 10 hours
Price: Vary
Chemical Electric Storm: A glass sphere holding an unstable cocktails of substances, when this cocktail is exposed to air, like when you broke the sphere, is cause an explosion of blue-greenish lighting hitting anything in the area.
S.D.C. of the glass sphere: 5
Mega-Damage: 6d6+10 plus living beings are stunned, while machines could suffer from electromagnetic malfunctions
Range: 30ft radius from the start of the chemical reaction
Price: only upon request, cost 300+ credits.
Sub-Molecular Acid: Very Hazardous Material! This super acid melt everything , metal , ceramic, flesh, bones EVERYTHING. Except special treated plastic(and even that the container wear off after sometimes), there is nothing this evil juice can’t melt.
Mega-damage: 2d6x10 for melee round
Duration: before becoming neutered last for 2d4 melees
Price: 50 credit
Anti-acid salt: this synthetic salt crystals are the only thing can stop the above acid before expiration time
Price: 1000 credits(compare the price with the acid and you see why the Alchemist are smart people)
Plastic Acid Gun - the ideal medium for the Sub-molecular acid above. It wont last too long sadly.
M.D.C.:30 but lose 1d6 M.D.C per day if filled with Sub-molecular Acid
Range: 60ft range
Liquid Memories: One of the best source of money for an Alchemist, This is a cocktail of drugs, synthetic chemicals and some synaptic receptors, that make one experience someone else memories. The Liquid Memory is a very addictive drugs and Alchemist do know it. Plus is useful to gain some knowledge you won’t be able to get. The LM come in Hypodermic one use only syringe.
Price: 600 credits for average memories, 1000+ for some hot cool memories like an homicide, a sex scene or death by the hand of machines, Dreadguards memories cost 1500 credits, Librarians, Saints and Engineer’s memories are priceless, and usually kept for Alchemist personal use
Rusty Gas: Is a extremely corrosive gas that cause any metallic substance to rust at amazingly speed. Robots and Android suffer the following penalty after being exposed: -2 APS, no initiative, reduce Speed and PP by 50%, -3 to strike, parry and dodge. And they make screeching sound while moving
Price: 2000 credit for dose. And the price could even be raised. Only the Alchemists do know the exact recipe of this gas, and they like to show it right in face of Librarians.
Retro viruses: After liquid memories the other great income source of the Alchemist, this is retro viruses tailored from Host Armors and Gorehounds DNA sample. The virus can be tailored to cause minimal temporary mutation in the subject. Much like a Biotic Drug. For higher price the Alchemist can tailor a virus that could be permanent.
Temporary Retro Virus: Cosmetic Mutation (skin and hair color, growth or fall of hair, weird skin texture, increased PB to 25% more, minimal animalistic features like cat ears, snake eyes, pointed nails , muzzled nose, fur, vestigial tail – 30 to 70 credit legal in most great house
Permanent Retro Virus: Cosmetic Mutation – 100+2d6x10 credits ethically questionable but legal
Temporary Retro Virus: Biological Enhancements – 1d4x10 Bio-E points + 5 Bio-E points per Alchemist level of experience(the more skilled the better result) – no extra limbs, flying enhancement or ranged weapons – 1000+3d4x100 credits Illegal
Permanent Retro Virus: Biological Enhancements – 2d4x10 Bio-E points + 5 Bio-E points per Alchemist level of experience – no limits – 2d6x1000 credits Highly Illegal!
Who use retro virus? Cosmetic Retro Virus are widely used and are tailored also from official sources. While permanent use of cosmetic retro virus is often questioned, many Splicers use it to personalize their own Host armor or warmounts, with flashy tattoos or odd colors. Illegal retro virus are hot amongst criminals, thugs and as power drugs. In some blood feud between Great Houses they were used to pump up Warmounts in the middle of the battle
Side Effect: Abuse of retro virus could take a toll on cellular coherence. Generally between a dose of temporary retro virus and another is safe let some days pass to let the body recover. Permanent version have as safety limit of 3 modifications before that there is a serious risk (60%) of cellular breakdown(death) same as overdose of temporary retro virus albeit to a lesser degree (30%+ 10 for additional dose)
Duration: Temporary modification last 3d8 hours before wearing off
Molecular Alteration Bacteria: Used mostly in lab this genetically enhanced bacteria do only one thing. Reassemble the molecular structure of the solid matter. Generally exist different strain of these little guys. One turn sand into MDC glass, another decompose toxic waste in hard plastic, another recycle all the rubber from old tires and so on. While extremely useful they are also extremely hazardous. An unexpected mutation and they’ll start reassembling all matter, spreading like a pestilence that would make the nanomachines plague look like a simple cold! The Alchemist pay extreme attention to these bacteria and in their making ensure to keep some safety trigger, some substance they are extremely vulnerable to, tied in their D.N.A.
Bio-mechanical Steam Truck: The steam-punk monster truck of Frankenstein. The engine is steam based, but with ceramic, plastic and MDC flesh recovered form fallen Wamrounts and Host Armors corpses(and sometimes not even waiting they are dead) instead of metal. The outlook sport a series of different coloured skin patch sewn together, riveted with bone spikes and with massive Ceramic and Bone Mandible-Ram Prow. The huge 7ft tall tires are made of super hard M.D.C. rubber, very resistant to fire and impacts(half damage from fires, heat and kinetic attacks).
Crew: one pilot plus enough space for other two persons
M.D.C.: Main Body : 500
Tires (x4): 70 each
Ram Prow: 120
Ground Speed: 300 Mph
Water Speed: Believe it or not those huge Tires allow floating on water albeit at reduced speed 40 mph
Flying: not possible
Statistical Data:
Height: 12 ft tall
Width: 10 ft
Length: 8ft
Weight: 6 tons
Cargo: can carry an additional 30 lb of stuff
Power System: Steam powered, need a good resource of coal and water to work on, generally one liter of water and one kg of coal is enough for 3 miles – exist a version electrical powered and use two large electrical battery for 100 miles - see Electrical Battery above
HF: 10, is ghoulish and scary, yelling unnatural from each of its skin patch
Trade Value: vary
Animating Juice: Experimental, only Alchemist of third or greater level could hope to synthesize this. The chemical had one peculiar propriety. Keep organic cells from decay and essentially cheat them making them ignore the fact of being dead. Note that this is far from Zombie virus. But prevent corpse from fast decaying and allow the Alchemist to work on corpses with calm and taking their time. Note that while not re-animating deads the Juice could be used as super Adrenaline injection, right in the heart to revive living beings, people or animals, who have not been dead for more than 10 minutes. Is also used to keep biological sample fresh and alive in containers.
The Upside: You are a genius, no one can deny this. You can do things with your own hand that others can do only by bonding with some alien freak. You’re creations are the proof that the machine is far form having won. It just triggered the human mind that had for too long had been sleeping . Your human mind. Not certainly that of a dumb cerebral challenged jock that need to enter in symbiosis with a jelly ball to be at your level!
The Downside: No one like you and your fellow, you’re pariah, considered dangerous and psychopathic lunatics. Your discoveries are neglected and your theories ridiculed. By the same abomination your ancestor helped to birth. Sometimes you feel that the only thing left to you is your research and that humankind , or what pass for it these days, does not deserve to see its results
Hope you like and before you ask, the Alchemist are the underground scientis of an underground society, they are not officially tollerated, but they hide well and learned how to use their knowledge to make powerful friends.
The Alchemist OCC
Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones
- The Baron of chaos
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The Alchemist OCC
Last edited by The Baron of chaos on Mon May 15, 2006 7:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
"The baron is made of raw win. Search your feelings, you know it to be true."
- Aramanthus
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Nice. Different.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.
taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...
taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink...
![Very Happy :-D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.
taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...
taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink...
![Shocked :shock:](./images/smilies/icon_eek.gif)
![Very Happy :-D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)