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Group Effort: Setting Creation

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 6:16 am
by LJ
Okay, seeing as I'm done with school for the semester, and while I may do some film projects, I'll still have a lot of time to type up random stuff. However, I usually just do general overviews and never really get into detail.

But anyways, I think a good way to breathe some more life into the board is if we do a collab and make some kind of community and the area surrounding it to be used for campaigns. Normally I'm partial to BugTown USA, but anywhere could do.


Okay,more information on what I want to undertake. The goal is to create a complete community that can be used for opening adventures, complete with NPCs and buildings for those in and outside of the community.

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 10:12 am
by Jefffar
Well I can think of a few questions that need answers:

1) Location?

2) Why did the place survive the invasion and battles so far?

3) Does the community possess Organitechnology

4) Do they have a strong relationship wth NORAD?

5) Will this be a community struggling to survive or a secure base from which to luanch anti-bug offensives?

6) Who are the leaders? What are their motivations? What are their objectives? Is there a hidden agenda?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 3:43 am
by LJ
Jefffar wrote:Well I can think of a few questions that need answers:

1) Location?

2) Why did the place survive the invasion and battles so far?

3) Does the community possess Organitechnology

4) Do they have a strong relationship wth NORAD?

5) Will this be a community struggling to survive or a secure base from which to luanch anti-bug offensives?

6) Who are the leaders? What are their motivations? What are their objectives? Is there a hidden agenda?

I'll throw out a few answers to get the ball rolling for this one.

2. Remote wilderness.

3. None. And if they saw some, they'd think it was a bug trick.

4. "Nor-ad whazzat? Some kind o' math?"

5. Besides the occassional run-in with bugged humans and killer bee fly-bys outside of the community, the townsfolk aren't too worried. However, there are a handful of people(5-10) who want to arm up and fight the bugs, mostly youngins with no combat experience.

Possible location to build the community around would be a Hunting reserve with a central lodge and a bunch of small cabins, huts, etc scattered around the property.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 12:35 pm
by Mike Taylor
What immediate resources are at the community's disposal that have enabled them to survive for so long?

How have they overcome shortages of things like medicines (especially those related to things like heart conditions, mental illness, and so on)?

I know I've mentioned this in the past, but any Systems Failure fan out there should pick up One of the Living by Eden Studios. It's written for another game system, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, but a LOT of the material is useful for a game like Systems Failure. A good portion of the book covers post-Apocalyptic survival.