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On advanced materials, technologies, robotics & you.

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 2:05 pm
by DhAkael
Kos-Mos from 'Xenosaga'.
T-X from 'T-3'.
The 'Excalibur suit' from Fred Saberhagen's 'Bezerker Man'
The Orbital Frames from 'Z.O.E.'
The Machine People from Phase-World.

These are all examples of technologies where power-to-size is quantum leaps ahead of anything in their respective settings. Limbs that can alter to form complex weaponry. Power systems & weapons that magicaly "vanish" into quantum folds in space time or 'compressed space-time'. A.I.'s that emulate or even surpass biological mentality and "humantinty" (rare though it is).

My question; why aren't these more common in the Rifts alternate dimensions? Surely the Mechanoids have dabbled in mimetic-nanofluidic endo & exoskelletons. Are the Machine people the only "human" machines out in the Tri-Galactic cluster? What about quantum-folding for storage of over-scaled power-plants & weapons on much smaller vehicle / robot frames?

I'm curious to see if anyone out there has dabbled with these technologies in their game universes.

Show me you can go beyond 'canon' ( :P ) , and have the moxie to integrate revolutionary sci-fi tech into a game.

No conversions (big brother watches and lurks), original use of concepts only! :ok:

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 3:54 pm
by DhAkael
darkmax wrote: the authors are only humans, they can't know everything.

Why not? :D
They try to pride themselves on being uber-geeks.
May as well make that geek-ness pay off :fool: :ok:

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 3:55 pm
by DhAkael
Phalanx wrote:Mmmmmm... orbital frames...

Just think...
Anubis :D

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 4:47 pm
by DhAkael
gadrin wrote:pickup GURPS Ultra Tech I & II

it's pretty much a compilation of popular sci-fi gadgets and theoretic devices.

The "Neuralyzer" (Flashy thingy) from MIB. The "Reactor" from Fifth Element, tricorders from Trek and many, many others. Stuff from near future to far, far future type of gear, already pre-done and all categorized (whole section on drugs, cybernetics, armor, sensors, etc).

for instance certain Naruni Operatives carry the Neuralyzer from MIB in my campaign and several other speculative technologies, including extra-dimensional vehicles thanks to Phase Technology.

:ok: That's what I ilke to see!
Problem is... GURPS books are uber expensive here. $50+Cn. for crappy grade paper-stock books. The written material is cool, but the physical material sux! :-(

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 10:02 pm
by Shorty Lickens
darkmax wrote:If we have so many advanced stuffs, we would need to revamp the rules just to use these techs.
But anyway, the authors are only humans, they can't know everything.
Every once in a while we have to remind ourselves: Kevin is a writer, not a physicist. When he makes stuff up its not for realism or even practical matters, its to help create a more immersive world.

All the cool tech in the books was designed for role-playing. Nothing more.

Though you could use the questions you have about technology as the catalyst for some adventures.
Though that probably requires a more advanced imagination than mine.
My adventures are usually spawned from the HLS's we already have in books.

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 6:58 pm
by DhAkael
Shorty Lickens wrote:Every once in a while we have to remind ourselves: Kevin is a writer, not a physicist. When he makes stuff up its not for realism or even practical matters, its to help create a more immersive world.

All the cool tech in the books was designed for role-playing. Nothing more.

Though you could use the questions you have about technology as the catalyst for some adventures.
Though that probably requires a more advanced imagination than mine.

Already have...already do :D
One thing I was always taught in school (English class anyways), was never limit ones-self; especialy the imagination :ok:

Only reason why I know of most of these sci-fi technologies, is I have FARRRRR too much time on my hands :lol:
Reading a lot (of contemporary sci-fi) helps too.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 4:01 pm
by DhAkael
Just a thought... what is the info-capacity of a neural-net A.I. anyways?
In Rifts terms that is...
And what is the CPU matrix composed of? Silicon semi-conductors? Bio-Gel?
Soild-state quantumm crystal? :?: