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Re: If I were to buy one sourcebook ...

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:15 pm
by Goliath Strongarm
Nerdbane wrote:Hi all,

I run a Nightbane campaign and I'm always looking for new elements to spice it up. I already have all the sourcebooks for Nightbane, as well as Mystic China from N&SS and Dark Conversions and the Book of Magic from RIFTS. So now I cast my eyes towards PFRPG. If I were to buy one PFRPG sourcebook, with an eye towards incorporating stuff into the supernatural world of Nightbane, which one do you think I would get the most mileage out of?

Appreciate any recommendations!

da Nerdbane

Monsters and animals. *shrug* simple, but extremely effective. Other than that, library of bletherad simply for the number of things it contains.

Ironically enough, i originally bought nightbane to add more supernatural spice to my PF world... Nothing like describing some of the NB's Ive created to players, and hearing
PC1: "it's a demon! I'm not sure what kind, but get out the demon slaying weapons!"
PC2: "The demonslayers arent working. maybe it's a deevil!"
PC3: *quickly changes weapons* "Crud these aren't working either!! What the heck IS this thing??????"
PC4: "Don't worry about what it IS... worry about how we make it a WAS!!"
PC1: "Umm.. I think we just made it mad... "

*followed by the sounds of several PCs getting sliced, diced and slaughtered*

NB: Sheesh, servants of the Night Princes everywhere... now where am I?

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:40 pm
by GA
dragons and gods

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:40 pm
by Guest
Library of Blethlerad. It's got the most useful stuff usable outside of PF.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:59 pm
by acreRake
Yeah, i'd say LoB (especially for the new spells [shadow magic]), then M&A (most especially for the regular animals, and a select group of magical ones)...

I don't think D&G is a very good choice, very few of the Palladium gods would fit into the story very well, the Dragons don't really fit either (at least i don't think they would. Not to the point where it would make buying the book worth it.) So basically, that leaves Elementals (which could be cool), Spirits of Light (which might or might not be useful) and alien intelligences (again, depends on what you think the game needs). Also, i don't have Nightlands, so i don't know how big a role Demons/Deevils play in NB, but of course the Lords are in the book.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 10:09 pm
by pblackcrow
Monsters and Animals, Dragons and Gods, and possably High Seas. There has to be a navy there.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:28 pm
by Goliath Strongarm
pblackcrow wrote:Monsters and Animals, Dragons and Gods, and possably High Seas. There has to be a navy there.

The D&G has already been replied to- not overly useful enough, unless you plan on having gods around. And I just don't see that in a Nightbane campaign. Can use it for angels, but bleh..

as for high seas.. again, not useful for nightbane. I don't exactly see many caravels in the modern world, do you?

On an offtopic note.. now that I got this reply out.. i think Im going to the hospital, since the spider that just bit me has a suspicious resemblence to a brown recluse...

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:48 pm
by Sentinel
now that I got this reply out.. i think Im going to the hospital, since the spider that just bit me has a suspicious resemblence to a brown recluse...

And he is so frightenly calm about the matter...actually bothered to finish his post. :shock:

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 7:38 am
by Denaes
PFRPG: Not terribly useful, but it does have Circle/Summoning magic and Diabolism which are both done in great detail. I'm not sure about buying a $30 for that 20 pages though.

Library of Bletherad: Some magic items, some adventure hooks, some new schools of magic. It's a nice book.

Old Ones: Meh, mostly useless. The only thing of value in here for a non Fantasy game is the Illusionist. Uses psionics for illusion, pretty much the way a Nightprince does. But it has limitations by level at how effective those can be. I mean c'mon Nightprinces are powerful and this lower powered RPG lets you use their abilities? My favorite psychic class, but not worth $20 for the 3 pages.

High Seas: Umm Necromancy is in there. Other than that it's just world fluff and old fantasy boats. Hardly worth it's money unless you're doing a nautical game for fantasy, let alone for Nightbane. I'd say to find out which book the Necromancer is in for Rifts and buy that. I think Africa, which is also the suck, but you'll find more material in there.

Balghor Wastelands: It's really an interesting read and good concepts, but I don't think there is really anything other than a few races to pillage. But a lot of good history for the region in fantasy.

Mt Nimero: Giants and Gigantes make good villains. A book of them and their classes and weapons. Also has the Conjurer and Priest of the Blade. The former is a cool magic class that creating temporary items. The later is a class that warships a specific war god, but you could apply that to another wargod as well.

Land of the Damned: Undead and Demons. I think maybe some magic, but the good stuff was supposed to be in LoD#3 which we're expected to believe that Coffin randomly did awfully on and it needs a rewrite.

There are other books that I really don't think do a whole lot, the Dieties book included. Unless you're going to need stats for a fantasy world god/religion, it's really not useful. And the other books are just a lot of fluff or really just apply to fantasy.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 8:31 am
by Vidynn
besides Monsters&Animals, I couldnt really recommend a PF-book for Nightbane (and I own them all). Too much Fantasy for a game like Nightbane, in my opinion. There are bits and pieces in some of the books, from the stuff on Demons / Deevils in the rulesbook, D&G and LoD, there is the Monk Scholar and the Illusionist in Old Ones, some Entertainer OCCs and Necromancy in High Seas, the various Hunters (> Undead Hunter!) in Yin-Sloth, but all in all, not enough material to justify buying any of those just for Nightbane (of course, I highly recommend playing PF as such).

From PB, BtS would be the more obvious choice. And of course there are other games by other companies which can provide excellent material for NB, but those-shall-not-be-named-here. :-D

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 3:53 pm
by Sentinel
I've been told Library is a very good sourcebook, so I'll likely give it a look over soon.

I like Old Ones and Dragons And Gods a lot, myself.

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 6:52 am
by Vidynn
Sentinel wrote:I've been told Library is a very good sourcebook, so I'll likely give it a look over soon.

I like Old Ones and Dragons And Gods a lot, myself.

me too, all three are great books - but probably not very useful for Nightbane.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:25 pm
by runebeo
Land of the damned

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 9:19 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Library of Bethrald will have hte most relevance.

Agreed as above. Old Ones is good for the illusionist PCC, but really, it ain't worth it for the whole book

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:50 pm
by Yisterwald
Nekira Sudacne wrote:Library of Bethrald will have hte most relevance.

Agreed as above. Old Ones is good for the illusionist PCC, but really, it ain't worth it for the whole book

Not for his purposes, but you can play PFRPG for a long time with just Old Ones and the rulebook.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:56 pm
by Marrowlight
You all suck for saying LoB before I could.

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:31 pm
by lather
Yisterwald wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:Library of Bethrald will have hte most relevance.

Agreed as above. Old Ones is good for the illusionist PCC, but really, it ain't worth it for the whole book

Not for his purposes, but you can play PFRPG for a long time with just Old Ones and the rulebook.

A really, really long time.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:58 am
by Arioch
I guess I'm too late to influence your purchasing decisions, but I would have also suggested Library or Bletherad. I was mostly a Rifts player back in the day, but I loved the content in LoB, and was able to use a fair chunk of it in some Rifts games.

Gotta go back and re-read LoB soon. Seems that's about all the RPG'ing I do anymore.