A number of folks have pointed out that I mentioned that we sold a record number of Madhaven online as initial orders, but failed to mention what that number is. So here are some numbers and updates.
118 Madhaven online orders is a record for “sourcebook/World Book” sales in the first week of release. The previous record was 109 and numerous titles have sold in the 70-98 copy range. 40-50 is average.
Madhaven mail order went out on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, thanks to the efforts of Julius with a little help from Alex and Jeff Hansen.
1711 A Megaverse United prints have sold to date; 2-5 new orders come in every day.
The Rifter #35 is being prepped for printing. I approved the cover and “proof copy” of the book today (along with our new Summer Catalog) and everything is on track for delivery to Palladium next week Friday (July 28). I know we keep saying it, but we this issue is fun, historic and, um, fun. Check it out.
Powers Unlimited 3 is coming along nicely -- I'm about half way through the editing (if we work through to weekend, we should be able to take it to the printer on Tuesday or Wednesday).
The Western Empire, a popular sourcebook for The Palladium Fantasy RPG® will also be back in print by the end of next week and so will The Vanguard, the second most popular Rifts® Adventure Sourcebook, thus far. The most popular being the first in the series.
Rifts® World Book 15: Spirit West is also at the printer and should be back in print around August 4, 2006. People have been beggin’ for it because it can be used with the two Dinosaur Swamp books and Arzno, as well as the various Merc titles and any book set in the New West or southwest.
Other cool sourcebooks for many of Palladium’s lines are in development or nearing completion, including the first three of 5 or 6 in the Minion War crossover series (Hades, Dyval, and Phase World: Dimensional Outbreak) all by Carl Gleba. Todd Yoho is working on a Rifts® two book secret project, Jason Richards is working on three books and I have manuscript outlines for (believe it or not) Rifts® Lemuria and a Nightbane® book or two, along with some Fantasy and Heroes Unlimited things. Don’t get too excited, Palladium is still short on time and money to get these books out as fast as we (or YOU) would like, but we're pressing forward as best we can.
We've sold 118 Christmas in July Grab Bags. Processing the orders was stalled as we waited for the final couple o’ batches of donated artwork, including Ramon Perez. They arrived today (July 20) so we are kicking out Grab Bags fast and furious now, starting Friday, July 21! Our thanks to Ramon Perez, Kent Burles, Mike Wilson, and Scott Johnson who all donated 30-50 peices of artwork, and to Nick Brashaw, Mark Dudley, Comfort Love, Adam Withers, Johnny Z and everyone who donated artwork for this cause. Come on and think about it, that’s a lot of potential money these kind gents and ladies are giving away to help Palladium Books keep running. They’re the greatest.
Join us at Gen Con! Gen Con happens in two and half weeks, and we hope to see a bunch ‘o you there with fists full of dollars! (Hey, we can dream can’t we?) We’ll be there with all the backstock, the latest releases, some original art, laser etched glasses, T-shirts, A Megaverse United prints, other prints and the whole nine yards.
Plus, there’s gonna be something like 12-20 gaming events and demos being run, free of charge in the Open Gaming area by Palladium's wonderful Megaversal Ambassadors!
Hope you’ll stop by to visit and take advantage of all the fun, gaming and action.
That' my murmurs for now. Gotta make a special call to Mr. Crane in Washington and get back to editing Powers Unlimited 3. Hey, its only 9:25 P.M., the night is young. (groan)
Kevin Siembieda -- Publisher, Santa and Convention Madman
More info, numbers and stuff
The latest thoughts and ramblings from the Palladium Books staff.
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