What's in your wallet?

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What's in your wallet?

Unread post by Rali »

Since there is no Universal Credit system or Internet banking in the world of AtB, I was wondering how the PCs/NPCs in your setting go about handling/transporting money (Bucks & Bits) when they leave the safety of their home (if they even have one).

Presumably a Cardanian Scout or pack of slavers wouldn't be running around the wilderness with a wallet full of Cardanian Bucks and a pocket full of jingly Bit coins.
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Unread post by Mechanurgist »

Merchants and elites such as diplomats and aristocrats would carry promissory notes and letters of credit. Middle-class travellers might carry their wealth in the form of jewelry or expensive equipment (such as a pair of night-vision goggles or a working portable computer). They might also scatter their wealth among relatives and multiple travelling parties. The lower classes would carry their wealth on their back.

I suspect that even a post-apocalyptic environment would have bullion, banks and a rudimentary banking-postal system, much like the Wild West. However, there might be a proliferation of different currencies backed by different city-states. Exchange rates would be unstable, usury common and exchange rates practically criminal, so most people would avoid formal systems and probably resort to black market barter or clan contacts.
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