Movies and a bit of fun . . .

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Movies and a bit of fun . . .

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A bit of fun about movies

Over the holidays, Kathy and I enjoyed watching a number of movies on DVD. One in particular bears mentioning.

Frailty – starring Bill Paxton (directed by Paxton) and Matthew McConnaughey (I hope I didn’t butcher the spelling of his name) – is ideal for giving you the perfect feel (and ideas) for Beyond the Supernatural Second Edition, and I highly recommend it.

The movie is dark, in the vein of the Hannibal Lector films. It deals with the “Hand of God” serial killer and is an intense and compelling psycho-drama. When the film is about three quarters of the way through (and I’m afraid this gives away some of the story), it zings you right between the eyes by taking an unexpected turn into the realm of Beyond the Supernatural. I loved it for that, and recommend it to all of you BTS-2 fans. Give it a look if you get the chance. I caught the first half hour on cable one day this Autumn, and that was enough to compel me to buy it when I found it in the Wal*Mart $5.50 DVD bin. I think you’ll find it worth renting or buying if you see it cheap somewhere. I thought it really captured the flavor I’m trying to create with BTS-2 and wanted to share it with you. Hope you don’t mind.

While on the subject of movies, I also found V for Vendetta to be an outstanding adaptation of the comic book series and a fun flick.

Another dark, twisted flick with nothing to do with the future, the supernatural, sci-fi or superheroes, was the psycho-drama, The Machinist, starring Christian Bale, however this film is not for everyone.

Meanwhile, fans of the classic movie, The Graduate, may find the romantic comedy, As Rumor Has It . . . to be a surprisingly fun flick that plays off the original movie nicely. Kathy and I had no preconceived notions or expectations for it, so we were pleasantly suprised and enjoyed it (but then I’ve been a huge fan of The Graduate since the original film hit the movie theaters waaay back when).

I’ve also been turned on to Veronica Mars and have become an instant fan. Now if only I had the time to start watching the new Battlestar Galactica series (I have the mini series and seasons 1 & 2 on DVD) . . . oh, but I need to be WRITING RPG books and sourcebooks so it will have to wait for now. I'm working on the Robot Creation section of Rifts Sourcebook One right now.

And hey, don’t forget there are only THREE DAYS left to get your 2006 X-Mas Grab Bags . . . then they are gone till Christmas 2007.

That’s it for this little Murmur. Thanks for listening to my thoughts and DVD movie reviews. Game on! :)

Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer, Artist, Movie Buff and Overworked Guy
© January 5, 2007
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