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Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:36 am
by Grandil
Here's a practical way-not to defeat, but put a serious dent in the Coalition
reliance on Energy weapons-Invulnerability/Impervious to energy. Now
about the infiltration-Many Mad Methods, so little Time. Chiang-Ku/Psi-
Nullifier....You can Train ANYONE to be a PN-just how willing a GM you
have is the question. In another post-Tonight, I ask the question; does a
P-N automatically negate his own Magic? If not, then what about his own
Pychic Powers? Answer-He CAN concentrate to not do it. Another
way is to send in the Infiltrators-the magic Automaton that the Controller
Battle-Mage gets at 1st level. It has already been done in/to Chi-Town!!
There are a few, like Nekira Sudacne-use 4-D Transformation. I don't
like that spell as a GM-it should be 15th/spell of legend. I love it as a Player...Then theres the method of Scrying that gets everyone-in Land of
Chaos, one of the worlds is the inside of a Crystal Ball. But you could use
a crystal ball. The prob I have with Remote View of any kind is the
material component- something off the person you're trying to Remote
View. Other than that-Pigeons away team is funny, cute, & dirty all at the same time, oh & sick. :lol: :eek:

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 4:26 am
by Kesslan
The thing is though, no such overwhealming force will attack any earth power. Or if they do the defending party will get considerable assitance, even if they dont want it.

It's been stated time and time again that Earth has a strictly 'hands off' policy when it comes to any one power controling it. A policy that is very strictly enforced by oodles of gods, alien intelligences and other massive powers.

It's why the Naruni doesnt flat out wipe out the CS, it's why the Splurgoth havent allready simply taken over the whole plannet etc.

Well that and the fact that the CS, Triax and likely FQ all have Nukes and god knows how many other powers have similar devices. That of course doesnt stop them all from waging war on one another but it severely limits the scale at which the war shall be waged.