is there a dis-spell magic?

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Unread post by Entiago »

There is a negate magic spell, which I believe is closest to dis-spell.

In a system where anything is possible...Yes I would say to mages creating their own new spell. I have allowed a player to do so before, but It takes time...a long time to do so. And practice among other things.
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Re: is there a dis-spell magic?

Unread post by Prince Artemis »

seven wrote:I have been playing Elder Scrolls latley and one spell in the game I have been needing more offent ehn not is a Dis-spell magic, ridding all magic (weither my own or the opponates) from my character.

I don't play magic users (too confusing to me) and dabbled in Psionics, so I don't know much about Rifts Magic, but is there a dis-spell magic? could there be a dis-spell magic? how would you work it?

and another random question: can Magic users (assuming a high enough level) create new spells?

Might want to take another look at morrowind's dispell magic. It's actually called dispell Magick which is very handy. Basically, it only cancel's harmful spells on you, NOT the good ones and protects you from harmful spells for it's duration. If you've found the boots of blinding speed (which increase your speed attribute by 200 but also give you 100% blindness) just create a spell that for one second has 100% to 100% dispell on it. While your character is waving their arms, go into the inventory screen, stick the shoes on quick, and presto! 200+ speed and no blindness.

On to the rifts questions, there are three cancel spells. Negate magic, anti-magic cloud, and dispell curse. There will be one or two new ones included with Rifter 0 as well.

As for making new spells, any mage can do it. The rules are in Through the Glass Darkly, a nightbane book that is handy for any palladium game that uses magic. It does help to be high level though.
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Unread post by shiiv-a »

LOL ... as bad as that spell is .. it is sadly funny.

reminds me of the - text YO to *5 numbers* ... its a canadian thing .. but hey ... i still think its cool.

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Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

EPIC wrote:the diss spell ...
with each casting of this particular spell, a phantom voice spits out a variety of 'yo moma' jokes that only the victim of the spell can hear. this phantom dissing is delivered with enough venom to unerve and inffuriate anyone. if the save is succesful the victim is distracted and loses initiative, one action per melee and has a penalty of -15% to all skill requireing concentration. should the victim of this spell fail, they firmly believe that one of their companions (or the next closest person) is the source of the dissing and will attack them immediately unless they succeed on a mental endurance roll (all of the above penalties still apply).

ppe 4
duration one melee per level
range 100ft, line of sight
save standard.

Gota save this one...
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Unread post by Spark »

Couldn't Anti-Magic Cloud be considered an dis-spell/negate magic spell? Unlike the other two though it affects an area rather then a specific target.
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Re: is there a dis-spell magic?

Unread post by Prince Artemis »

seven wrote:
Prince Artemis wrote:Might want to take another look at morrowind's dispell magic. It's actually called dispell Magick which is very handy. Basically, it only cancel's harmful spells on you, NOT the good ones and protects you from harmful spells for it's duration. If you've found the boots of blinding speed (which increase your speed attribute by 200 but also give you 100% blindness) just create a spell that for one second has 100% to 100% dispell on it. While your character is waving their arms, go into the inventory screen, stick the shoes on quick, and presto! 200+ speed and no blindness.

On to the rifts questions, there are three cancel spells. Negate magic, anti-magic cloud, and dispell curse. There will be one or two new ones included with Rifter 0 as well.

As for making new spells, any mage can do it. The rules are in Through the Glass Darkly, a nightbane book that is handy for any palladium game that uses magic. It does help to be high level though.

Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. so far it gets rid of everythign I have in effect as ling as it covers the points or duration. if it dosn't it cuts the time of duration down.
we had an episode in rifts last week or two ago where we, the whole group, was stuck in a super carpet of adhesion (stupid high level magic users and ley lines :x ) but that got me thinking and was just curipus about it.

and EPIC, that was funny! :lol:

Ah, Oblivion has different rules than Morrowind so my bad.
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Unread post by demos606 »

Oblivion goes for more of a "consume" approach than actually dispelling the effects. Morrowind had the same mechanic available iirc though I never saw a use for it.
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Unread post by shiiv-a »

there is a 7th level spell .. 'dispel magic barriers'

according to the, well ONE of the NB books, a bit of spell research and stuff could work and make it a 'dis-spell magic' .. combine it with some elements of 'reflect' and a few others and you MIGHT have a powerful spell that's capable of what you want ... ?

just an idea
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Unread post by shiiv-a »

hmm .. i should have done my research a little better .. there IS a 'negate magic' spell. its 8th level ..

but i was wondering. if you get attacked by something like ... *picks a random spell* fire bolt [level 4] .. is it POSSIBLE ... i it possible at all to come up with a 'counter spell', that would basically make the spell sorta met the offending one in the middle and scrap it out like 2 beams of light or power like in the anime cartoons ? ...

*blinks* .. man did that ever come out lame ... sorry .. people are NOT going to know the same 'command words' if its in another language ... my bad .. so sorry, thus unless they make their 'lore - magic at say a -25% .. they will have NO flipping clue WHAT spell is coming at them. unless they be meta-gaming .. and as a reuslt should be taken out behind the barn in the back 40 and shot
Creator of the Chi grenade. Used in game by Kevarin [GM] and self as Mai - Civilian Martial artist that got amped via experiment. Ghost weapons and shirts rule.

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Unread post by shiiv-a »

i have a thought here that confuses me a little

now for the thought. mage A posts in the game room 'casts Fire Bolt .. Mage B suddenly *activates 'protection from fire charm* to get reduced or NO damage.
HOW does mage B know what Mge A is about to cast? .. its basically metagaming to have the appropriate defense up before the attack happens. isn't it?
so unless actions are told to the GM via IM's .... its kinda pointles to be 'sneaky' and cast spells ... isn't it?
WHAT is the point of having mage fighting in a game. mage A does AoI .. on himself .. a CoA on the enemy and then promptly starts raining Call Lightning on mage B.
thats the solution one person gave to me about how best to defeat anything. mind you the person was a dragon hatching of some sort.
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Unread post by Prince Artemis »

If the mages are from the same area and both know the spell, then there is the chance that the mage will recognize what's being cast by the invocaton.

If mage b doesn't know the spell but is from the same area, i'd say a lore magic would be required(may have heard it cast before).

If mage b knows the spell but isn't from the same area then a lore magic check is required. If mage b doesn't know the spell and isn't from the area, I don't even think lore magic would apply.

The reason area is so important is because different cultures, societies and locations cast magic differently depending on their custom. The spells may be the same but how they are cast is not. Spells might be the same statistically but be different in cosmetic appearance. A culture that worships cats might cast a fireball that looks like a flaming cat or cats head, ect. This is all covered in the nightbane book: Through the Glass Darkly.
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Unread post by NMI »

Negate Magic
Anti-Magic Cloud
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Unread post by Prince Artemis »

Tyciol wrote:When you say 'rid all magic from you' do you mean so that a wizard could lose his magic if he wanted? There is one like that (might be in nightbane though) where you can store all your PPE (and thus your magic auraness and scent) inside another person. Good for getting by dog boys.

The spell you're referring to is transferal and I think that one is in all the games. There is also a spell in Rifter 17 i do beleive which curses someone so they can never tap ppe again, their own or outside sources.

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