Rifts Sourcebook One -- done at last!!
Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 2:39 pm
It's done! It's finally done!
Rifts® Sourcebook One, Revised and Expanded is done and at the printer.
There is a lot more background and detail about Archie and Hagan, the Shemarrians, and about the use of robots and technology on Rifts Earth. In addition to updates and expanded material, there are the Robot Creation Rules, a few new vehicles, updated monsters, the old Archie/James T adventure (tweaked and updated, of course), and . . . the Republicans.
My take on the Republicans and the new Archie material even surprised many of the people here, at Palladium. Apparently the Republicans are not the sweet little heroes many thought they would be. Like Archie, they have a frightening potential for good or evil, and matters are complicated by their twisted agenda. Yep, good stuff that I think you’ll enjoy very much.
The whole idea behind Rifts® Ultimate Edition and the updated Rifts® Sourcebook One is to present new life and new ideas for playing in the Rifts Earth setting, and showing people just how exciting and fun Rifts® can be. After all, the possibilities are endless . . . limited only by your imagination. And I want to get those imaginations burning with new possibilities. Spread the word!
That’s it for now. I got a lot to catch up with before I dive into Rifts® D-Bees of North America this weekend. I plan to give D-Bees the same kind of new look and fresh take as I did with Sourcebook One, along with 35 or so new races (another sourcebook that both players and G.M.s will want to own). Then is time in Hell (Hades and Dyval to be exact) along with work on a few surprises. Like I said, once books start to come, they should come out on a pretty regular basis.
Oh, the printer tells me Rifts® Sourcebook One, Revised & Expanded should ship sometime around February 23, give or take a business day or two.
Thanks for listening to my thoughts and murmurings.
Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer, Artist and Archie ‘Bot
© February 7, 2007
Rifts® Sourcebook One, Revised and Expanded is done and at the printer.
There is a lot more background and detail about Archie and Hagan, the Shemarrians, and about the use of robots and technology on Rifts Earth. In addition to updates and expanded material, there are the Robot Creation Rules, a few new vehicles, updated monsters, the old Archie/James T adventure (tweaked and updated, of course), and . . . the Republicans.
My take on the Republicans and the new Archie material even surprised many of the people here, at Palladium. Apparently the Republicans are not the sweet little heroes many thought they would be. Like Archie, they have a frightening potential for good or evil, and matters are complicated by their twisted agenda. Yep, good stuff that I think you’ll enjoy very much.
The whole idea behind Rifts® Ultimate Edition and the updated Rifts® Sourcebook One is to present new life and new ideas for playing in the Rifts Earth setting, and showing people just how exciting and fun Rifts® can be. After all, the possibilities are endless . . . limited only by your imagination. And I want to get those imaginations burning with new possibilities. Spread the word!
That’s it for now. I got a lot to catch up with before I dive into Rifts® D-Bees of North America this weekend. I plan to give D-Bees the same kind of new look and fresh take as I did with Sourcebook One, along with 35 or so new races (another sourcebook that both players and G.M.s will want to own). Then is time in Hell (Hades and Dyval to be exact) along with work on a few surprises. Like I said, once books start to come, they should come out on a pretty regular basis.
Oh, the printer tells me Rifts® Sourcebook One, Revised & Expanded should ship sometime around February 23, give or take a business day or two.
Thanks for listening to my thoughts and murmurings.
Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer, Artist and Archie ‘Bot
© February 7, 2007