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What do you think of weapons for heroes?

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:15 pm
by gaby
Well I see them only beeing used for the Non-Powered PC like the Hardwares and the Special trainingers.

Like Astro City,s Jack in the Box,he use Gimmicks the follow his themed that he makes him self,so he is a Hardware.

What ideas of Themed Weapons you come up with for your Heroes.

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:55 pm
by Prince Cherico
NO Converson rule man no converson rule

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 9:22 pm
by Iczer
I had this NPC called gunshark a few years back.

He carried 12 guns on him at all times, but none used actual live ammunition

* a four barrelled mini flare gun
* a hand held grapple launcher
* A gun that fired flash bang style rounds
* A gun that fired solid rubber slugs
* a gun that fired magnetised chaff
* a solid metal gun shaped object used to gum up moving gears and to belt people with (and to look intimidating)
* a gun that fired bullets filled with either low friction gel or fast drying resin
* the splat gun, that fired a soft gel that expands rapidly with heat, but hardens in air
* a gun that fired high velocity, low calibre bullets made from smart gel (the theory being that they would be soft on soft targets, but hard on hard targets)
* A gun that fired tracking bullets
* a gun that fired paint rounds (and later included pheremone lacing for the resident AA: canine character to track down
* a gun that fired small glass beads laced with knockout or nausea drugs

Obviously he was a hardware/weapons type and had a passionate distaste of guns and gun weilders.

Thoriel was another character with a weapon theme. he was a humanoid extraterrestriel, who had a neural mace (hammer) that could fire ion bolts. He routinely attributed his powers to his hammer, and would often feign powerlessness when he was without it.

Red robin used to taske the wepons off foes and stow them in her extradimensional space (pre-PU1). as a result would randomly select weapons (the player would roll dice) to see which weapon she retrived for use with her NCA

The villain Skewer would carry 7 swords on him (superior TK) and just hold them around the PC's. he was harder to gang up on when the swords could come from many angles

Le Disque would carry hundreds of CD's wiht him for throwing at 'le hero types' which would explode with sonic energy (charge objects, KE control, sonic absorbption and some other booster i don't recall)


Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:39 am
by Pepsi Jedi
My hero's will use weapons if it fits their character.

A super hero with APS plasma isn't going to run around with a pistol, but ... A superspy will.

An anchent weapons master will use his bow.. but NOT a gun...

Ect ect

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 3:21 pm
by Regularguy
The Baron vonClogg wrote:I think it depends on what you mean by "theme." Can you imagine any depiction of Thor that doesn't carry a mystic hammer?

And I don't think it involves a conversion to mention that Wonder Woman carries a magic lariat around, and that Daredevil cracks people across the jaw with a billy club, and that Hawkman favors a mace, and that the Black Condor used a raygun, and that Tom Strong always keeps a broad-bladed hunting knife at hand, and that El Aguila is a top swordsman, and that Yellowjacket had a blaster pistol -- and that the granddaddy of 'em all, the Shadow, famously went in for twin automatics when he'd invisibly mow someone down in a hail of bullets.

And that's not counting Spider-Man's web-shooters. ;-)

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 9:22 pm
by Uncle Servo
Well, when you get right down to it there are a LOT of characters that have utilized weapons (even if gimmick ones). In addition to the others listed above, there are also:

- Catwoman (whip)
- Batman (Batarangs)
- Zorro (sword AND whip -- even though he's not a Super Hero)
- Green Arrow (bow & arrows)
- Speedy/Arsenal (same)
- Night Thrasher (skateboard w/blade, sticks, Uzi pistol)
- Nick Fury (needle pistol)
- Black Knight (Ebony Blade)
- Captain America (shield)
- Hercules (golden mace)
- Mockingbird (battle staves)
- Shaman (spirit staff)

That's not even counting the numerous super-villians who have powers yet carry weapons.

It all depends on whether or not it fits in with the character's flavor.

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:48 am
by Uncle Servo
No prob. IIRC, I once even had a character several years ago who carried a dart gun in addition to his powers (Invulnerability and CEF: Air). It came in handy when he wanted to take someone down quickly without bashing in their skull or frying them with a lightning bolt. :D

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 1:36 pm
by Prince Cherico
I wonder how easy it is to weild a chainsaw in combat

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:41 pm
by Uncle Servo
gadrin wrote:
Uncle Servo wrote:No prob. IIRC, I once even had a character several years ago who carried a dart gun in addition to his powers (Invulnerability and CEF: Air). It came in handy when he wanted to take someone down quickly without bashing in their skull or frying them with a lightning bolt. :D

you think someone with CEF: Air could tone down the bolt to deliver stun voltage, at least by 3rd + level.

Possibly... but at the same time you're trading off fine control of a power's effect for variety. After all, you can do more with CEF: Air than you can with EE: Electricity.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:25 am
by RockJock
Most character classes can make use of guns, or other weapons. I've had several groups work for government or corporate organizations where almost most every character made use of special weapons of some type. Most complimented their powers, or covered holes in their abilities. For example, someone with Extraordinary PP, Lightning Reflexes, and Targeting would have throwing weapons, while a classic brick might carry a heavy energy pistol to give him some ranged punch when he needs it.

Classes like the various Hardware Geniuses, and Ancient Weapons Experts obviously make great weapon centered theme characters, but so can an Alien, Super Invention, Immortal, Ancient Master, or select members of any other class. I've played a Super Sleuth who carried a suped up hand gun as his signature weapon which he received as payment for some shady work early in his career. Basically it was an over sized energy pistol along the lines of a Desert Eagle. It was a sound based stun gun with a small single shot micro grenade launcher used mainly for specialty loads. The other, and much more used feature was a electronic multioptics sighting system them fed back to his computer setup at home. Because of the info collected by the sight many times the character could figure out an enemies weakness and take advantage of it along with the element of surprise. Because of this word spread in the underworld community of all the crazy things the gun could do, most of which were huge exaggerations. Nonetheless, it became both his calling card, and theme.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:33 am
by Uncle Servo
RockJock wrote:Most character classes can make use of guns, or other weapons. I've had several groups work for government or corporate organizations where almost most every character made use of special weapons of some type. Most complimented their powers, or covered holes in their abilities. For example, someone with Extraordinary PP, Lightning Reflexes, and Targeting would have throwing weapons, while a classic brick might carry a heavy energy pistol to give him some ranged punch when he needs it.

Agreed. The last HU character I played was a Supersoldier (PU2 version) that was essentially a leaping brick. He carried twin energy pistols to give him that very same ranged punch.

As you said, the key is to either compliment or compensate. Plus, I personally believe it should add flavor to the character, such as the case with your Super Sleuth. That gun was your character's Batarang.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:07 pm
by RockJock
Exactly Uncle Servo. It seems we have been on the same wavelength recently. I'm not sure which of us that should worry the most.

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 2:10 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Lord Cherico wrote:I wonder how easy it is to weild a chainsaw in combat

Personally I've always preferred a Bubble Gum Gun. Sure it's messy, but they generally don't get away, Admiral.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 7:11 am
by Warwolf
I guess I run a grittier style of HU2 than most, as my players use whatever they think will help them to take down the bad-guys and survive. Most of them tend to carry a 9mm handgun or two just in case they run into something their energy expulsions don't hurt, or in the case of our self-styled ninja, when engaging in a long-range firefight (he typically goes melee with enemies otherwise, and carries several melee weapons). Of course our techie carries some heavy firepower as well as it is his only option for ranged damage at the moment.

There are only a few of the characters that don't carry weapons on them, and that's because their powers prohibit it for now (such as APS Fire, APS Plasma, and EE: Electrical field... though the latter plans on picking up a melee weapon).

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 1:43 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Kinda defeats the purpose and point of the game if you are just going to give them guns. Seems very Munchkin.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 3:07 pm
by Warwolf
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Kinda defeats the purpose and point of the game if you are just going to give them guns. Seems very Munchkin.

I'm sorry, what? :?

Not only does the typical 9mm deal less than a low-level energy expulsion (which several have), but there are classes that SPECIFICALLY use guns in Heroes Unlimited (i.e. the weapons specialist, those on a super-vehicle for the genius characters and secret agents, the hunter/vigilante, most super-soldiers, etc.).

So HOW exactly is giving the characters guns munchkin, especially when the average citizen can get ahold of at least a shotgun or hunting rifle)? Not to mention having to go up against mega-villains (well, not yet :D )!

We're talking about a campaign where one of our heroes (with such powers as healing factor and EE: energy) got her backside handed to her by three thugs with civilian-legal weapons! :-?

So, I re-iterate... huh? :?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:44 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
We're talking about a campaign where one of our heroes (with such powers as healing factor and EE: energy) got her backside handed to her by three thugs with civilian-legal weapons!

Sometimes that happens, but when have you ever seen Spider-Man resort to guns? Or Green Lantern? This is a powers based game, and that is my point. I have never been a fan of getting guns to make up for weak power selection.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:58 pm
by RockJock
Yes, but Banshee, Bishop, Wolverine, Cable, and Deadpool just to stay with the X types have all used guns, much like Nightcrawler uses his sword. I don't think every powered character should have them, but there isn't much of a reason to say no. One problem for supers is being tried for crimes via balistics. A character with EE whatever who has an arch enemy with immume to energy I would definitely carry a hand gun and blackjack.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 10:10 pm
by Marrowlight
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
We're talking about a campaign where one of our heroes (with such powers as healing factor and EE: energy) got her backside handed to her by three thugs with civilian-legal weapons!

Sometimes that happens, but when have you ever seen Spider-Man resort to guns? Or Green Lantern? This is a powers based game, and that is my point. I have never been a fan of getting guns to make up for weak power selection.

What do you think web shooters are?

And I've seen plenty of GL's use their power rings as guns as well.



Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:28 am
by Uncle Servo
Marrowlight wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
We're talking about a campaign where one of our heroes (with such powers as healing factor and EE: energy) got her backside handed to her by three thugs with civilian-legal weapons!

Sometimes that happens, but when have you ever seen Spider-Man resort to guns? Or Green Lantern? This is a powers based game, and that is my point. I have never been a fan of getting guns to make up for weak power selection.

What do you think web shooters are?

And I've seen plenty of GL's use their power rings as guns as well.



Well in all fairness, web shooters aren't guns per se. They're more 'trick gadgets' than anything else... although they do have some offensive capabilities. The impression of 'heroes with guns' concept I got when I first saw this thread was something more along the lines of Ghost or The Shadow (movie version anyway).

As for GLs with guns, the one that comes to my mind is Jack T. Chance.

I can certainly understand Stone's take on the issue however. There are a lot of supers (particularly heroes) who tend to rely solely on their powers. It makes for more dramatic/heroic storylines when the hero has to save the day without the use of his powers... but at times even dramatic writing gives way to pragmatic realism. If you find yourself often going up against opponents who are immune/resistant to your powers (such as Jack and 'yellow stuff' or unwilling power source), then it only makes sense to start packing a weapon or two that can overcome this potentially lethal weak spot.

I'm not saying that every super should also be packing heat... but since not every super is going to have ranged/offensive powers, it does make sense in some situations.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:39 am
by Warwolf
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
We're talking about a campaign where one of our heroes (with such powers as healing factor and EE: energy) got her backside handed to her by three thugs with civilian-legal weapons!

Sometimes that happens, but when have you ever seen Spider-Man resort to guns? Or Green Lantern? This is a powers based game, and that is my point. I have never been a fan of getting guns to make up for weak power selection.

Weak? Only in the beginning, and only in comparison to larger weapons. Marrowlight and Rockjock covered several examples that support my (our) position on this. I've got another... common sense.

If you were out there on the streets, fighting villains, and you run into a powerhouse that endangers not only your life, but those of innocents. Would common sense not dictate that you do whatever is in your power (including using a firearm if it's more effective)? It's a no brainer for me.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:42 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I am not saying guns should never be used. Far from it. But when you start encouraging players to think with ballistics instead of brains then it can become a problem. I have been in campaigns where the DM or GM made an NPC set the group up on a set mission and said "and make sure you pack extra ammo because you will need it." Nothing like playing Vampire the Masquerade and only using vampiric powers for healing and sneaking up, or only using offensive magic in D&D.
Everey game is not the same game and should not always wind up with characters going in guns a'blazing.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:53 pm
by Warwolf
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I am not saying guns should never be used. Far from it. But when you start encouraging players to think with ballistics instead of brains then it can become a problem. I have been in campaigns where the DM or GM made an NPC set the group up on a set mission and said "and make sure you pack extra ammo because you will need it." Nothing like playing Vampire the Masquerade and only using vampiric powers for healing and sneaking up, or only using offensive magic in D&D.
Every game is not the same game and should not always wind up with characters going in guns a'blazing.

And those are things that I DON'T do. Heck, most of the supers that pack heat (and not all do) haven't fired more than a couple clip of ammunition (and those were in the handful of situations that warranted it) in the 5+ years that the campaign has been running! :lol:

Even then, with my ranged combat system, it is much better for the players to fight smart and do what they can to avoid combat (or at least tip the scales in their favor) rather than slug it our with every villain in a firefight (though those situations do happen, if somewhat infrequently).

I think you were reading a little too much into my previous posts and jumping to conclusions on the way I run my games. Now, though, with all of this clarification, do you see what I was talking about? :)

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:55 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Warwolf wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I am not saying guns should never be used. Far from it. But when you start encouraging players to think with ballistics instead of brains then it can become a problem. I have been in campaigns where the DM or GM made an NPC set the group up on a set mission and said "and make sure you pack extra ammo because you will need it." Nothing like playing Vampire the Masquerade and only using vampiric powers for healing and sneaking up, or only using offensive magic in D&D.
Every game is not the same game and should not always wind up with characters going in guns a'blazing.

And those are things that I DON'T do. Heck, most of the supers that pack heat (and not all do) haven't fired more than a couple clip of ammunition (and those were in the handful of situations that warranted it) in the 5+ years that the campaign has been running! :lol:

Even then, with my ranged combat system, it is much better for the players to fight smart and do what they can to avoid combat (or at least tip the scales in their favor) rather than slug it our with every villain in a firefight (though those situations do happen, if somewhat infrequently).

I think you were reading a little too much into my previous posts and jumping to conclusions on the way I run my games. Now, though, with all of this clarification, do you see what I was talking about? :)

Yes, but this is a discussion board and were we not discussing the issue?

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:27 pm
by Warwolf
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Warwolf wrote:I think you were reading a little too much into my previous posts and jumping to conclusions on the way I run my games. Now, though, with all of this clarification, do you see what I was talking about? :)

Yes, but this is a discussion board and were we not discussing the issue?

Sort of... but you must understand that I get a bit defensive when someone decries my methods as "munchkin", especially when they aren't operating with all the facts. I take great pains to keep my games on the straight-and-narrow.

That being said, I think we've reached common ground again (as I can understand where you were coming from), and thus am a happy person. :)

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 8:19 pm
by Prince Cherico
one of my charaters uses a chainsaw

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:57 pm
by Stattick
I'd feel better about approving a character with a 9mm, then a character with a katana and a trenchcoat.

Sure, each has its place, but the katana thing got annoying about 10 years ago.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:38 am
by Stattick
macksting wrote:(In his best Alan Rickman voice) "Dear god, I'm being stopped by a fashion trainwreck."


That same villian at some point should get the opportunity to kill the male PC in the party that has the highest PB... but then says, "Bah, you're too cute to kill," procede to kiss the PC on the cheek, and then leave.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:23 am
by Stattick
to actually respond to the question:

I don't have a problem with armed heroes, even if they have superpowers such as EE. There's alot of reasons to carry a backup weapon.

On the other hand, it does tend to tarnish their public image, and the government may take issue the masked vigilantes running around with guns. It's darn near impossible these days to get a concealed weapon permit in many areas, and not much easier to get an open carry permit (In the US: Yes, there are some areas where you actually have to have an open carry permit to carry a gun in plain sight - yes the second amendment has been eroded that far).

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:21 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Warwolf wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Warwolf wrote:I think you were reading a little too much into my previous posts and jumping to conclusions on the way I run my games. Now, though, with all of this clarification, do you see what I was talking about? :)

Yes, but this is a discussion board and were we not discussing the issue?

Sort of... but you must understand that I get a bit defensive when someone decries my methods as "munchkin", especially when they aren't operating with all the facts. I take great pains to keep my games on the straight-and-narrow.

That being said, I think we've reached common ground again (as I can understand where you were coming from), and thus am a happy person. :)

Peachy. As always, I am going to speak my mind and who is going to argue with a huge stone gargoyle? :-P I try not to offend but will illustrate my points in whatever manner I see fit. Just so you know.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:23 pm
by Iczer
Stattick wrote:(In the US: Yes, there are some areas where you actually have to have an open carry permit to carry a gun in plain sight - yes the second amendment has been eroded that far).

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

I fail to see how costumed yahoo's, gangbangers and survivalist gun nuts constitute a 'well regulated militia'.

at any rate, isn't the national guard the well regulated militia?

just asking


Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:47 am
by Stattick
Iczer wrote:
Stattick wrote:(In the US: Yes, there are some areas where you actually have to have an open carry permit to carry a gun in plain sight - yes the second amendment has been eroded that far).

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

I fail to see how costumed yahoo's, gangbangers and survivalist gun nuts constitute a 'well regulated militia'.

at any rate, isn't the national guard the well regulated militia?

just asking


The intent was quite clear at the time that civilians should have the right to keep and bear arms, in part, so that a militia could be assembled quickly. No where does it state that WHO shall control said militias, or that service in them can be compulsory.

At that time in world history, most nations did not have standing armys. However, most nations would have stockpiles of weapons to arm a militia or army with. When an army was needed, they'd go start collecting people up.

Reading between the lines, it basicaly states that civilians shall have the right to bear arms, not only for self defense, but also to have the ability to overthrow the government if it were to become nessisary.

“People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.” - V

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:13 pm
by Regularguy
Iczer wrote:at any rate, isn't the national guard the well regulated militia?

That'd be an interesting debate, if the Bill of Rights said that "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of that militia to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

Instead, though, it says "...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." You know, like "the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances" or "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures", or whatever. You know. Those people.

(Oh, sometimes the Bill of Rights phrases it a little differently -- like how the protections against double jeopardy apply to "any person". And sometimes nobody is specified, like when "cruel and unusual punishments" are simply banned. But when there's mention of the right to keep and bear arms, it's plainly ascribed to "the people" rather than "the militia".)

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:09 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Iczer wrote:
Stattick wrote:(In the US: Yes, there are some areas where you actually have to have an open carry permit to carry a gun in plain sight - yes the second amendment has been eroded that far).

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

I fail to see how costumed yahoo's, gangbangers and survivalist gun nuts constitute a 'well regulated militia'.

at any rate, isn't the national guard the well regulated militia?

just asking


People think that it means any nut should have a gun, which is why small children now and then get daddy's gun and blow their brains out or shoot a classmate. Then laws are made to prevent that and they get up in arms because guns are being regulated. Many people think it is all or nothing rather than trying to control the way guns are being distributed and to whom.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:15 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
macksting wrote:Could we just agree to disagree about interpretation and work together to ammend the constitution? As it's written, it could be argued that nuclear weapons are arms. I don't like that. So we could begin a conversation about how to ammend the constitution.

Last time I checked, I am not a lawmaker. But I speak my mind when they put it to a vote.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:34 pm
by Regularguy
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Last time I checked, I am not a lawmaker. But I speak my mind when they put it to a vote.

Likewise, though my guns will stay put no matter how the vote goes.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:55 pm
by Yukon
maybe the democrats and republicans want to make a new thread to talk about this somewhere else?

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:49 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Yukon wrote:maybe the democrats and republicans want to make a new thread to talk about this somewhere else?

Or maybe we just move along. Nothing to see here, move along... :D

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:30 am
by Roscoe Del'Tane
i don't have any problem with hero characters using weapons, as long as they accept the consequences of using them. Unless the character steals the guns from the crooks they stop, the cops will be able pinpoint exactly who this hero shot. At the very least, there could be a lawsuit in there, attempted murder or assault with a deadly weapon at least.

But, drawing from my own experience, i see nothing wrong with using a revolver or pistol as a back up, especially if you take steps to make it less lethal. One of my characters had a 9 millimeter with hollow-point rounds. The rounds were then modified by our hardware character to hold tranquilizer and/or knock out drugs. I could then shoot the villains, in a nonvital area like the arm or leg, with much less worry about killing or severely wounding them for long.

I suppose it all depends on the group, the alignment and powers of the character, and the players stance on whether or not to use weapons.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 5:53 am
by Roscoe Del'Tane
Well Macksting, this was when I was what? 10, 11 years old? At that time tranq-filled hollow point bullets made sense, especially considering all i knew about guns was "Point it at the thing you want dead, pull the trigger." :lol:

That and the fact that my character had no ranged attacks at all, and i wanted something to give him a bit of an edge against all the energy expellers we were going up against.

He had healing factor, nightvision, and ether winged/less flight, (can't remember which) and abysmal stats, so he needed a bit of an edge; especially considering that all my teammates had things like APS: Electricity and CEF: Fire. Alas, poor Crunchy died about as often as Kenny from South Park, but since our group was being financed by the military, our GM simply said that they kept cloning me and bringing me back from the dead. I ended up with just about every insanity and neurosis in the game, which made it kinda fun to roleplay.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 6:32 am
by Stattick
No, the hollowpoint thing wouldn't work as described. In the real world, it probably couldn't work in a 9mm at all (have you seen the special rifles they have to use with tranquilizer darts?).

However, this is a superhero game, with all kinds of physics breaking abilities anyway. So, a 9mm shooting some sort of tranq rounds, and is only available as expensive special ammo made by a hardware character - no problem. Sure the rounds are made of that extra special material known as handwavium, but who cares?

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:18 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
macksting wrote:Taking a cue from natural progression of conversation, I just thought I'd voice how much I hate political parties. ****ing bull****, full of corrupt, money-grubbing folks what're owned by the highest bidder. Doesn't help that, in addition to being corrupt, they often seem to believe the crud they say. If you're going to be evil, isn't it more sensible to be Machiavellian about it?

Sadly, as far as the topic originally proposed, I think I've said all I can on the matter. Heroes using lethal weapons are less common than villains; villains have really poor aim; and heroes, when using lethal weapons, frequently find ways to make them merely incapacitating, such as shooting down barricades to trample pursuit, using gas attacks fired from otherwise deadly shotguns (also applies to grenades), striking with the flat of the blade, or blunted arrows from otherwise deadly bows. This ties in well with the gimicky nature of superheroes; Batman has a tool for most any situation, for instance, but very few actual weapons on his person. (Few, not none.) Many's the HU hero who would keep about his/her person some form of sleep- or paralysis-inducing gas grenade or small bomb, a bit of thermite for sabotage, or even breaking and entering tools.

I dislike players who try to make things an all-out slaughter. That is all I have to say on the subject.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:21 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:i don't have any problem with hero characters using weapons, as long as they accept the consequences of using them. Unless the character steals the guns from the crooks they stop, the cops will be able pinpoint exactly who this hero shot. At the very least, there could be a lawsuit in there, attempted murder or assault with a deadly weapon at least.

But, drawing from my own experience, i see nothing wrong with using a revolver or pistol as a back up, especially if you take steps to make it less lethal. One of my characters had a 9 millimeter with hollow-point rounds. The rounds were then modified by our hardware character to hold tranquilizer and/or knock out drugs. I could then shoot the villains, in a nonvital area like the arm or leg, with much less worry about killing or severely wounding them for long.

I suppose it all depends on the group, the alignment and powers of the character, and the players stance on whether or not to use weapons.

Yes, consequences are good. The hero becoming paranoid and killing the villain because he is intimidated and does not think he can take him down otherwise should have consequences.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:22 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Stattick wrote:No, the hollowpoint thing wouldn't work as described. In the real world, it probably couldn't work in a 9mm at all (have you seen the special rifles they have to use with tranquilizer darts?).

However, this is a superhero game, with all kinds of physics breaking abilities anyway. So, a 9mm shooting some sort of tranq rounds, and is only available as expensive special ammo made by a hardware character - no problem. Sure the rounds are made of that extra special material known as handwavium, but who cares?

handwavium, hmmm? :eek:

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 4:26 pm
by Marrowlight
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Stattick wrote:No, the hollowpoint thing wouldn't work as described. In the real world, it probably couldn't work in a 9mm at all (have you seen the special rifles they have to use with tranquilizer darts?).

However, this is a superhero game, with all kinds of physics breaking abilities anyway. So, a 9mm shooting some sort of tranq rounds, and is only available as expensive special ammo made by a hardware character - no problem. Sure the rounds are made of that extra special material known as handwavium, but who cares?

handwavium, hmmm? :eek:

A magic element well employed by virtually all fiction writers of any shape or size. :)

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 4:54 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Marrowlight wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Stattick wrote:No, the hollowpoint thing wouldn't work as described. In the real world, it probably couldn't work in a 9mm at all (have you seen the special rifles they have to use with tranquilizer darts?).

However, this is a superhero game, with all kinds of physics breaking abilities anyway. So, a 9mm shooting some sort of tranq rounds, and is only available as expensive special ammo made by a hardware character - no problem. Sure the rounds are made of that extra special material known as handwavium, but who cares?

handwavium, hmmm? :eek:

A magic element well employed by virtually all fiction writers of any shape or size. :)

Invented by mimes, no doubt...