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The Mega version of the Host Armor

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:57 pm
by RockJock
Here is what I would call the mega version of host armor. I didn't use any mega bonuses, just maxed everything for a 15th level Dreadguard. I see this as more of an NPC, maybe an intersteller policeman sent to back up Alpha Prime. I left out various skill bonuses because I got tired of typing.

AR: 18
SDC: 654 + 300 from Bio-Force Field, regens 1 point her minute.
Running: 180mph, can double speed for a 3d4 melee burst, but then sufers -3 ini, and -3 strike, parry, dodge for 3d6 minutes.
Leaping: 60ft high, 100ft across + 30% with a running start.
PS:39 considered Super Human
Bio-Regeneration: 2d6+3 per melee.
Horror Factor: 7
Features: Immune to stun damage, radiation, high intensity sound, heat and fire upto 200F, temperatures down to 0F. 1/2 damage from cold including magic), heat (including magic), fire (including magic), electricity, lasers, physical hth attacks, blunt attacks, falls, explosives, kinetic blade, bullet, railgun, shrapnel etc. Suction Cups and Gripping Hairs give +30% to climb at 1/3 running speed. 2 extra arms, all arms elongated to give 4ft extra reach. Righting Reflex: falls saftly from 48ft, half damage upto 1,000ft, must roll to take half damage over 1,000ft, Ambidextrous in all arms, paired weapons. Stealth Field: 90% indetectable standing still, 80% walking slow, 60% at half running speed, 33% if at full speed, +5% in laying down all against naked eye, infrared, thermal imaging, heat sensors, and nightvision, -20% to radar, sonar, motion detectors.
Optics: Advanced Sight: Read a small sign, or recognize a face at 1 mile, Passive Night Vision 2,000ft, Polarized Lenses. Enhanced Sight: Infrared, Ultraviolet, Thermal Vision 2,000ft.
Other Senses: Antennae: track/locate by sound 98%, identify common odors 98% specific scent 68%, identify wind direction 98%, identify temperature of object 98% air temperature 88% change in air temperature over 2 degrees 98%, sense vibrations from vehicles, robots, herd of animal etc 6miles, humans walking 3,000ft, flying animals/stealth vehicles 2,000ft, flying vehicles 1 mile. Enhanced Hearing: can hear subsonic and ultrasonic ranges, isolate one voice/sound in a crowd and identify at 98%, can hear light whisper and hear a conversation at 600ft. Advanced Sense of Smell: track by Smell 98%, recognize person, and detect extremes of emotion 88%. Enhanced Sense of Taste: recognize components in anything it tastes 98%. Enhanced Sense of Touch. Heat Sense: range 30ft, track by heat 98%. Motion Detection: 30-60ft range, cannot be taken by surprise. Radar: No darkness penalties, 6 mile range, 3 miles with ground clutter 8ft minumum height, 98% interpret shapes, estimate distance, estimate direction, estimate speed, estimate exact location.
Bonuses: +3 attack, +2 entangle, +2 disarm, +4 strike, +10 parry, +8 dodge, +8 initiative, +6 roll with punch, +13 roll with fall/knockdown, +6 auto dodge, +2d6 kick damage, +2d6+6 leap kick damage, 3d8 bite damage.
1.) Combat Tail: 6d6+punch damage, +1 attack, +2 strike, +2 parry, +2 dodge for the tail only.
2.) Combat Spurs (2) Outher Arms: 4d6+punch damage, +1 strike, +2 pary.
3.) Tentackle Harpoons (2) Inner Arms: 4d8 damage on thrust, 3d8 damage on whip, 60ft range, +1 strike, +3 entangle. Critical hit impales doing 1d10 to pull out with 40SHPS or greater. 2d10 to yank once impaled making the vicim -4 on his next strike.
4.) Electrical Discharge: 2d12 electrical damage, 30ft or touch, +2 strike on aimed shot.
5.) Large Retractable Claws (2) Outer Arms: 2d6+6+punch damage.
6.) Bio-Energy Expulsion Vent: 4d8+60 damage each, 3,600ft, +3 to strike at range, payload unlimited, but more then 40 blasts a minute causes the armor to lose 2 attacks, and
reduces all combat bonuses by 1/2.
7.) Casting Cannon: 6d8+3 SDC per shot, or 2d8x10+10 per burst of four, +2 strike on single aimed shot, 120 shots.
8.) Organic Rockets (15): 5d10 SDC each, blast radius 10ft, range 1 mile, +5 strike, +5 dodge, and can fire in volleys.
9.) Chemical Sprayer: 6ft radius around the Host Armor as mist for 1d4 melee rounds, or spray at 25ft, 4 shots of each chemical per 24 hours. Sleep chemical: knocks out traget in 1d4 rounds, and keeps them out for 3d6 minutes. Scent chemcial can be tracked by the armor at +20% upto 2 miles away.
10.) Needle Death Blossom: 1 SDC for single needle, 1d8 for small volley, 2d8 for medium, 4d8 for large, or most at once for 2d6x10 to everything within 30ft of the armor, and can only be dodged by taking cover, 8 full radius attacks per 24 hours, +3 strike, but only bonus to attack. Lesser volleys have an effectively unlimited payload.
11.) Resin Ducts (2): No damage, but impairs movement, 50ft range, each attack counts as two actions, 8 shots per duct, per hour. Hardens in 15 seconds into a rock hard form with 3d4x10 SDC. A leg shot cuts speed to 0 and -70% to combat bonuses. Torso shots freeze the body in place. Can be removed using 1d6 melee actions when still soft. Two shots totally immobilize the victim. Can also be used to patch walls etc.

Not bad

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:08 am
by Sir_Nytehawk357
Not bad, how did you figure out the A.R. for the suit

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 8:01 pm
by RockJock
Basically I just made it up to be honest. I used the standard host armor being AR: 13 +1 on lvl 3, 6, 9, 12, 15. I know that it is high, but the armor is meant to be the tweaked out Mega version. If you search a page or two back in the HU forum I posted a much less powerful version of Host Armor as a Splicers version of the Robot Exoskeleton class.