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Re: Psi-slingers damage

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 11:47 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Shadow wrote:Their pyschic weapon's damage reads that they do 1d6MD with the expenditure of 10 ISP. Doe sthat mean that they will only ever be able to do 1d6 damage or does hat mean if they spend 30 ISP they get 3d6 damage?

only ever do 1d6 per shot.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:48 am
by Blue Eyes
hey :)

since the psi-slinger has a very limited ISP base when compared to other psychics (ME times two + 10 pr level of experience) i believe that the damage is 1d6MD pr 10 isp spend, so spending 20 isp would modify the rounds to do 2d6MD damage pr shot. the gun charged like this can have a maximum payload of 15 rounds. to avoid munchkinism i have hourseruled that the max damage a psi-slinger can achieve when charging his weapons is 1d6MD pr level of expeirence, but i leave that up to you.

c ya

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:31 am
by Thinyser
Bloodspray wrote:
This turns conventional ammunition into mega-damage rounds that inflict 1D6 M.D. each with the expenditure of 10 I.S.P.; the projectiles are
surrounded by an aura of energy. Limitations: Affects all rounds in the weapon, up to 15 total; there are typically six rounds in a revolver, 8-15 in an automatic pistol, and 30 to 60 in the clip of a sub-machinegun or automatic rifle. Likewise, as many as three arrows can be charged and fired to do M.D.

This is excerpted from the book.

It says that 10 ISP will charge all the rounds in a gun, and cause them to do 1D6. Yet, it also says "with each expenditure of 10 ISP".

No it doesn't. Reread your quote. It says "This turns conventional ammunition into mega-damage rounds that inflict 1D6 M.D. each with the expenditure of 10 I.S.P." You moved the each and it totally changed the meaning.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:36 pm
by Blue Eyes

i just reread the psi-slinger class just to make sure.

first of all, the description says that psi-slingers are fundamentally gunslingers, only they are generally considered BETTER. if they were limited to doing 1d6MD damage pr round only, then their "superior" abilities with their linked guns could never be considered better than any common energy pistol.

second, it is true that the canon text says that the rounds inflict 1d6 MD each with the expenditure of 10ISP, but it says nothing about that you cannot spend 20 to do 2d6 MD or 30 to inflict 3d6 MD, and frankly i believe that is implied when you look at the ridiculous low isp base they start with. psi-slingers have been limited to less isp because they can use their isp to charge their weapons, i believe this is intentional and a way to insure that they cannot do serious damage until they increase in levels. so the class has a build-in "anti-munchkin feature".

i agree with Shadows deduction on this one

c ya

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:54 pm
by kamikazzijoe
Don't forget you can fire burst with pistols-it just takes one more action than the equivalent machine gun. So 1d6 MD at a half clip burst puts well up there with every gunfighter in the new west.
My big question is what happens when you go to an SDC world. How does the psychic enhancement work then?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:07 am
by Greyaxe
On SDC worlds i would increase teh damage by d6 if enhanced. Therefore a .44 magnum revolver will be doing 6d6 sdc.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 9:49 am
by Library Ogre
hippie_mama wrote:My compromised house rule: 10 ISP and 1D6MD Per Level of Experience

Does that mean that at second level I can spend 20 ISP and do 2D6 MD, or that at 2nd level I'll spend 10 ISP and get 2D6?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 12:40 pm
by Scrud
Now I don't have my books with me, but the 10 I.S.P. charges every bullet in the clip right, all you got to do is get the NG machine gun the does 2d6x10S.D.C. per burst shot, which I belive will convert to a 2D6x10M.D. weapon for 10 I.S.P. :D

-Easy to maintain
-And one serious whoopass weapon

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 3:55 pm
by kamikazzijoe
Don't have the book with me but i'm pretty sure there is a 15 bullet cap.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 4:11 pm
by Library Ogre
How about a simple 1D6, with an additional +1 per level, for the same 10 ISP? Keeps the cost reasonable, while allowing scaling.

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 2:18 am
by verdilak
It charges up to 15 bullets. If I was going with hippie_mama's tuling, I would not adjust the bullet max per level. So no matter what level you are, 15 bullets would be the max. And I agree with her that the damage should be 1d6 MD for every 10 ISP per level, since many psionic abilities are like this.