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Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:17 pm
by Scrud
Wait :nh: you rolled to be a mind melter???

I'm going to assume you meant major psychic. if so you could have any range of powers so please if you need help, post you characters psionic powers and possible his OCC

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:42 pm
by Blue Eyes
hey, gadrin did a good job above, if you want to suprise people you could go for all the telemechanics powers, that way you can become an expert pilot without ever having to learn the skills required.

c ya

Re: Hello i am pretty new to the game and i need a little he

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 7:52 am
by Ice Dragon
Pitman wrote:Just a few questions sorry need a little bit of help hehehe. The way our gm set up the game is we had to roll % on if we get psyonics or not and i wa slucky enough to pass and also was lucky enought to pass the roll to get a mindmelter. I am having difficulty playing it in combat i just need to get some pointers on skills and powers i should be getting to make a good addition to our team.

Basically speaking, every human and most D-Bees can have psionic powers (Minor or Major Psionic). That was the % role your GM required.

The Mindmelter is an P.C.C./O.C.C. and can be selected (normally) without any role. It's your GM's world and rules, so I will not voice any critisism.

So you want a combat orientated Mind Melter.

Recommented Super PSI powers:
PSI Sword (at level 3)
Hypnotic Suggestion
Telekinetic Force Field
PSI Shield
Pyrokinesis (sp?)

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:40 am
by Dustin Fireblade
Pitman wrote:Yes i am looking towards a combat oriented mind melter is it wise to get psi sword? or not really

You can't go wrong with a Psi-Sword, but it's not available at 1st level. IIRC you have to be at least 3rd level before you can select it.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 1:37 pm
by Dustin Fireblade
Weapons and armor really depends on where the game is based at, is it in North America for example?

Just to suggest a alternative, you may want to take a look at the Native American Mystic Warrior in World Book 15, Spirit West. Much more offensive firepower to start off with. Plus it has much more character overall IMHO.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:02 pm
by Warwolf
I am really surprised no one has mentioned sixth sense, TK Punch, TK Push, or Intuitive Combat yet. Sixth sense is great for detecting close-quarters ambushes, TK Punch is good for unexpected damage, TK Push can keep your enemies off balance (literally), and Intuitive combat is just excellent if you are expecting combat (takes two mintues to engage IIRC).

You've done well with Psychic Body Field, and I'd suggest Psi-Sword and Psi-Shield as well. TK Leap can be used to your advantage on occasion, but it can lead to Mind-Melter hand-ball on others (look in the Ambassadors forum under Cog-Con if you want the details on that one).

As far as armor and weapons, it depends on your concept and your W.P.'s. I would suggest some medium armor and most likely a pistol of some kind to start with (leaving your other hand free for other powers). Check out the Bushman or something similar (so you still have decent mobility) for your armor, and either a Wilk's las-pistol, NG-45LP, or NE-4 (if you can afford the ammo and your GM allows it) for the weapon.

Re: Hello i am pretty new to the game and i need a little he

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 12:16 pm
by Mouser13
gadrin wrote:
Pitman wrote:
Telekinesis -- move things over a distance. Doesn't take a lot of PS to switch a gun's safety ON or eject an e-clip. I had some players that used it to shut-off Naruni Force Fields. Tons of other uses.

Electrokinesis -- "too bad your C-12 decided to freeze", great for turning off surveillance cameras.

One I would never allow anything like the uses of telekinesis because it opens a can of worms. I will just kill him with brain damage by appling pressure to the brain.

And I'm petty sure Electrokinesis is non-mil gear.Though I did allow this one for a long time and I still do.

Re: Hello i am pretty new to the game and i need a little he

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 1:18 pm
by Library Ogre
Mouser13 wrote:One I would never allow anything like the uses of telekinesis because it opens a can of worms. I will just kill him with brain damage by appling pressure to the brain.

I recently submitted an article on telekinesis and ectoplasm that goes a fair bit towards specifying what you can and cannot do with them, and why.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 3:45 am
by Kesslan
Unless I'm Mistaken doesnt Sixth Sense apply regardless? If I recall correctly (It's been a while so I'd have to double check) at least in the RMB it used to be the range wasnt for how far out it could trigger, but how foar out it could trigger to apply to som eone -other- than you.

IE If you are the target, range does not matter. However to sense if say.. Tbone your companion dogboy was in danger, he would have to be within the sensory radius, at which point you woul dhave a chance to at the very least warn them of the danger if not flat out knock them otu of the way or what ever.

In any case it's definately one abitily I take with just about every Psi Char I've ever had.

Other handy ones are things like telepathy, Speed Reading (especially when combined with eh.. instant recall).

Psi-Sword is definately worth taking in my opinion. It gets pretty powerful and it makes it so your never without a weapon unless for some reason you cant use your psi-powers. Which generally means (If your at least carefula bout ISP expendature) that your allready either unconcious, dead or in so much trouble a psi-sword wont save you anyway.

Also another I like is the Auto Mindblock/Group Mind Block. The former instantly kicks in any time your under psi-attack etc. The latter provides a mindblock bonus to your entire party. Less call for that but it can be handy.

Honestly, you cant really go wrong with your Psi-Power choices.