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Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 3:38 pm
by Prince Artemis
gadrin wrote:some are funny most are useless unless you count the ones already as Invocations or your campaign is a ludicrous/absurd one.

I think Create Mini-Me is pretty decent, since it creates a duplicate mage with 1/3rd the powers but all of the knowledge, unless your GM has found a way to suck the life out of that ability too.

I think some of the Card Magic would be useful in a modern day campaign, particularly to a thief in an environment with credit cards. But that might get old fast. Nightbane or HU Earth might be candidates for some of those spells or the Card Mage OCC.

Ludicris magic is deceptively powerful actually. Some of the spells are downright nasty. Facing a munchie character or heck, even a jucier? Cast laughter of weakness. It cuts speed, strength and prowess. You have to redue the bonuses from such, then you have to cut the remaining bonuses in half as well. Mr. Juicer just became Mr. Normal Guy with HtH basic :D

My character Artemis(the one described in your look of magic topic) knows a rediculous amount of spells (and has made 5 new schools of magic besides, don't ask unless you're ready for a LOOOOONG story). He know's all the ludicris spells and while they're fun for the pranks he plays, they've saved everyone's bacon on occaison as well. Misfit and Nekira can atest to that.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 3:50 pm
by Prince Artemis
gadrin wrote:some are funny most are useless unless you count the ones already as Invocations or your campaign is a ludicrous/absurd one.

I think Create Mini-Me is pretty decent, since it creates a duplicate mage with 1/3rd the powers but all of the knowledge, unless your GM has found a way to suck the life out of that ability too.

I think some of the Card Magic would be useful in a modern day campaign, particularly to a thief in an environment with credit cards. But that might get old fast. Nightbane or HU Earth might be candidates for some of those spells or the Card Mage OCC.

Ludicris magic is deceptively powerful actually. Some of the spells are downright nasty. Facing a munchie character or heck, even a jucier? Cast laughter of weakness. It cuts speed, strength and prowess. You have to redue the bonuses from such, then you have to cut the remaining bonuses in half as well. Mr. Juicer just became Mr. Normal Guy with HtH basic :D

My character Artemis(the one described in your look of magic topic) knows a rediculous amount of spells (and has made 5 new schools of magic besides, don't ask unless you're ready for a LOOOOONG story). He know's all the ludicris spells and while they're fun for the pranks he plays, they've saved everyone's bacon on occaison as well. Misfit and Nekira can atest to that.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 5:48 pm
by Prince Artemis
Bloodspray wrote:BTW, I'm in the same situation. I actually have a dual OCC from something the GM orchestrated, and as a result, have a quite high combined level and a mess load of spells (enhanced by having 2 other mages in the party, and traveling around trying to collect as much as possible). That's another reason I was looking at the LM spells. Just gives more options to expand. Plus they are wonderfully suited to the character. lol

To clarify actually, Art has all learnable spells (meaning no biomancy or elemental magic) and has created feline tamer magic, empowering magic, mid-wife magic, artisan magic, and a collection of various spells for various schools of magic. He has over 500 spells. Mind you, he's the second longest running character in the longest running rifts game, so it's not that far from expectation. Oh, and so you know, he's actually one class :)

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:02 pm
by shiiv-a
don't think he's run afoul of Mal ... has he? ... ohwell .. *shrugs*

Re: Rifter 9.5 Spells

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:34 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Bloodspray wrote:How many people use them? ...snip

Metamorphosis: Opposite Sex (has used, and has used varients of))
Alter Physical Color and Alter Physical Features (has a color change spell that I made up, no relation to this spell)

I have a Water sprite that uses these....

Alter Physical Color-
Gient protective bubble
Slip and Slide
Make bigger to human sized
Metamorphosis : Opposet Sex
Metamorphosis : Toad/frog
Metamorphosis : Water sprite
Metamorphosis : human

In addition to the normal water sprite magic. But for prcticcal purposses the char is static. not changing, because there are no advancment levels for feaires. ... .maybe I'll come up with something for that char so it can gaine more human style spells but I would have to think on it.