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Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:15 am
by Prince Artemis
My character art is the full blown archemage. He carries an extendable magical staff, with both ends looking like dragon claws holding softball sized pearls.

He wears a long, silvery-metalic looking robe that ties in the front with two frogs at the chest, that has a leather and rings shoulder guard on one side and a large spiky bone shoulder guard on the other.

He occaisonally wears an enchanted greek style wreath on his head by not always.

He carries a sword at his hip and has a multi-pouched belt under the robe. He wears an ordinary t-shirt under the robe and a pair of cargo pants.

He doesn't wear shoes, has feline ears, silver eyes and a tail and hair that goes down to the back of his knees in a pony tail.

He's rather thin, and his muscles are very tight, so while he's strong he doesn't look it.

I think that's everything :)

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 3:30 pm
by Prince Artemis
Wildling is the race, though I can't really divulge any more about that since it's part of my book.

Frogs are the name of the button and loop joiners, where the button is stationary and a loop goes over it, usually seperated from the a cloth itself. Mounties and the British Royal Guard uniforms use them heavily. Here's an example in leather: ... g_main.jpg

The robe and each pauldrons are heavily enchanted, so it completes the look. The t-shirt isn't really visible though, it's mostly there for comfort.

Here's a picture that Paulo did for me. Art doesn't really look like that, but he did a great job on the robe itself. The leather pauldron isn't that big (it would only go to the studs in the picture) but everything else for the robe was bang on.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 5:49 pm
by Prince Artemis
World book hopefully, already talked to KS about it. It might actually be two books :)

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:05 pm
by Spark
An OPC in one of our campaigns that is a Fire-Earth Warlock (1st school) and a Stone Mage. She dresses in a CS scout armor, the skull is removed, the camouflage is changed from green to red (color of fire warlocks). Other then those she wears a regular red dress when not in armor, or in other words around town.

There's an NPC Lizard Mage that wears an MDC material robe, when not naked.

There is another Stone Mage (NPC) that just wears pants and a tank top. Coarse this guy's from HU so he doesn't follow all the traditional BS.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:53 pm
by NovenTheHero
My TW =)

TW Incursion armor from Arzno =)