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Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:19 pm
by Library Ogre
Mysteries of Magic. Which is, unfortunately, unreleased.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 3:47 pm
by Prince Artemis
There was one spell caster that I made up a while ago. I called them Celestial Warlocks. They weren't warlocks, but they followed a good deal of their traditions. Anyway, the celestial magic was based on drawing on the sun and the moon, quite literally. If the mage was not in an area of direct sunlight and moonlight he would be magicless(well, there was a spell that allowed storing moon or sunlight, but that was fairly high level). The spells also had different effects depending on what time of day it was (day time or night time, and some had special allowances for certain events.)

Sadly, I never finished writing up the spells for the character, there were only about 15 finished before i moved on to other things, and then lost the whole thing when my laptop crashed, but I plan to go back and do it with enough demand for it.