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Call Lightning should have a horror factor....

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 8:45 pm
by Prince Artemis

and if that stuff didn't convince you:

Imagine actually being hit by that....

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:24 pm
by Prince Artemis
It's level 8 IIRC which means it's not actually that common. Remember, there aren't really that many people on rifts earth let alone mages and most in the books tend to be levels 1-4 unless their a villian.

The thing that would make it scary even if you knew you were fighting a mage is that they just demonstrated that they could, with few words and a hand gesture, call down the very elements on you.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 10:41 am
by Thinyser
Also agreed in part. I had a lighning bolt hit a power pole about 60 feet from me under a clear blue sky. I litterlly went flat to my belly before the peal of thunder had ended. Scared me half to death for about 3 seconds so I can really see a HF induced instant of inability to act. That said this would be a pretty common spell to witness in rifts (if you ever witness magical combat that is) and as far as I can tell from the spell's description there is no booming thunder as there is with real lightning. It seems they purposly seperated the thunder and its startle/stun effects and lightning and its damaging effects.

I would simply combine them back together making them one spell. For 20 PPE you get the stun effects of the Thunderclap spell and the damage of Call Lightning, but it only counts as one 7th lvl spell.

Want a real attention getter? Make a spell that chain lighnings from one target to the next and each time it bounces you get a thunderclap going off. Now THAT would be evil. :demon:

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 10:42 am
by Thinyser
Prince Artemis wrote:It's level 8 IIRC which means it's not actually that common. Remember, there aren't really that many people on rifts earth let alone mages and most in the books tend to be levels 1-4 unless their a villian.

The thing that would make it scary even if you knew you were fighting a mage is that they just demonstrated that they could, with few words and a hand gesture, call down the very elements on you.

Its 6th lvl but remember you can get spells above your lvl anytime you run into them and have the $ to pay for it to be taught to you.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 2:38 pm
by Prince Artemis
Thinyser wrote:
Prince Artemis wrote:It's level 8 IIRC which means it's not actually that common. Remember, there aren't really that many people on rifts earth let alone mages and most in the books tend to be levels 1-4 unless their a villian.

The thing that would make it scary even if you knew you were fighting a mage is that they just demonstrated that they could, with few words and a hand gesture, call down the very elements on you.

Its 6th lvl but remember you can get spells above your lvl anytime you run into them and have the $ to pay for it to be taught to you.

Most magic users jealously guard their spells and less then half the magic shops in north america can actually teach them.

Oh, as to the chain lightning, I suggest you check out the fulmination spells in library of bletherad(sp?). Nothing but lightning spells.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 2:39 pm
by Prince Artemis
Thinyser wrote:
Prince Artemis wrote:It's level 8 IIRC which means it's not actually that common. Remember, there aren't really that many people on rifts earth let alone mages and most in the books tend to be levels 1-4 unless their a villian.

The thing that would make it scary even if you knew you were fighting a mage is that they just demonstrated that they could, with few words and a hand gesture, call down the very elements on you.

Its 6th lvl but remember you can get spells above your lvl anytime you run into them and have the $ to pay for it to be taught to you.

Most magic users jealously guard there spells and less then half the magic shops in north america can actually teach them.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 10:54 pm
by Thinyser
Prince Artemis wrote:
Thinyser wrote:
Prince Artemis wrote:It's level 8 IIRC which means it's not actually that common. Remember, there aren't really that many people on rifts earth let alone mages and most in the books tend to be levels 1-4 unless their a villian.

The thing that would make it scary even if you knew you were fighting a mage is that they just demonstrated that they could, with few words and a hand gesture, call down the very elements on you.

Its 6th lvl but remember you can get spells above your lvl anytime you run into them and have the $ to pay for it to be taught to you.

Most magic users jealously guard their spells and less then half the magic shops in north america can actually teach them.

Oh, as to the chain lightning, I suggest you check out the fulmination spells in library of bletherad(sp?). Nothing but lightning spells.

By my statement I meant that you don't have to be of the spell's lvl or higher to learn it you can learn any spell whenever the opportunity presents itself (which may or may not be often depending on the GM).

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 6:03 pm
by taalismn
Serious 'Yowzah!' Factor, especially if you fire off a Lightning Bolt in a dark, confined, indoor area... :D

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:12 am

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:45 pm
by Scrud
If that where true alot of spells would have a horror factor imagian the worst possible pain. now imagine a mage who can cast it on you over and over any time he wants. You would be just like this poor smilie constantly trying to regain your composuer :thwak: